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Last active June 18, 2024 07:07
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Seeding data to database using SQLAlchemy and FastAPI
# The simplest solution I found is to set up an event for each table that executes a method after the table is created.
# Database initial data
'users': [
'username': 'superuser',
'email': '',
'hashed_password': hash_password('123')
'username': 'admin',
'email': '',
'hashed_password': hash_password('123')
'sometable': [
{'column1': 'value', 'column2': 'value'}
# This method receives a table, a connection and inserts data to that table.
def initialize_table(target, connection, **kw):
tablename = str(target)
if tablename in INITIAL_DATA and len(INITIAL_DATA[tablename]) > 0:
connection.execute(target.insert(), INITIAL_DATA[tablename])
# In
from sqlalchemy import event
from models.users import User
from models.sometable import SomeTable
# I set up this event before table creation
event.listen(User.__table__, 'after_create', initialize_table)
event.listen(SomeTable.__table__, 'after_create', initialize_table)
app = FastAPI()
# ....
# This will create the DB schema and trigger the "after_create" event
def configure():
if __name__ == "__main__":, host="", port=8000)
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