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Last active February 22, 2017 20:42
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/* # to compile:
* $ gcc -march=native -O3 -Wall -o normalize normalize.c
* # to run tests and benchmark:
* $ time ./normalize chunky # tests/benchmarks chunky implementation
* $ time ./normalize naive # tests/benchmarks naive implementation
* $ time ./normalize strdup # benchmarks strdup for comparison
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAX_PATH 2048
#define MAX_CHUNKS (MAX_PATH / 2 + 1)
#define ASSERT(x) { if (!(x)) abort() ; }
char *normalize(const char *s) {
int chunks[MAX_CHUNKS] ;
unsigned nchunks = 1, nlen = 0 ;
const char *p = s ;
char *r ;
#define TOP chunks[nchunks - 1]
#define SKIP(n) { \
if (TOP > 0) { \
chunks[nchunks ++] = -n ; \
ASSERT(nchunks < MAX_CHUNKS) ; \
} else \
TOP -= n ; \
p += n ; \
#define POP() { \
if (nchunks > 1) { \
nlen -= chunks[nchunks - 2] ; \
chunks[nchunks - 2] = -chunks[nchunks - 2] ; \
do { \
nchunks -- ; \
TOP += chunks[nchunks] ; \
} while (nchunks > 1 && chunks[nchunks - 2] < 0) ; \
} \
TOP = 0 ;
for (;;) {
switch (*p) {
case '/': SKIP(1) ; continue ;
case '.':
switch (p[1]) {
case '/': SKIP(2) ; continue ;
case 0: SKIP(1) ; continue ;
case '.':
switch (p[2]) {
case '/': SKIP(3) ; POP() ; continue ;
case 0: SKIP(2) ; POP() ; continue ;
int n = 1 ;
while (*p && *p != '/') {
p ++ ;
n ++ ;
chunks[nchunks ++] = n ;
ASSERT(nchunks < MAX_CHUNKS) ;
nlen += n ;
if (!*p) break ;
p ++ ;
r = malloc(nlen + 1) ;
if (!r) return r ;
r[0] = '/' ;
unsigned curr = 1, acc = 0 ;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < nchunks; i ++) {
int c = chunks[i] ;
if (c > 0)
acc += c ;
else {
if (acc) {
memcpy(r + curr, s, acc) ;
curr += acc ;
s += acc ;
acc = 0 ;
s -= c ;
if (acc)
memcpy(r + curr, s, acc) ;
return r ;
#undef TOP
#undef SKIP
#undef POP
char *naive(const char *s) {
char *t = malloc(MAX_PATH), *p = t ;
if (!t) return t ;
*p = '/' ;
do {
switch (*s) {
case '/':
continue ;
case '.':
switch (s[1]) {
case '/':
case 0:
continue ;
case '.':
if (s[2] == '/' || s[2] == 0) {
s ++ ;
if (p - t > 0)
p -- ;
while (*p != '/') ;
continue ;
for (;;) {
*++p = *s ;
ASSERT(p < t + MAX_PATH - 1) ;
if (*s == 0 || *s == '/') break ;
s ++ ;
} while (*s ++) ;
return t ;
static const struct { const char *src, *dst ; } tests[] = {
{"", "/"},
{".", "/"},
{"..", "/"},
{"foo", "/foo"},
{"../bar", "/bar"},
{"/foo/bar", "/foo/bar"},
{"/foo/baraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa/../baz", "/foo/baz"},
{"/foo////bar/./baz/", "/foo/bar/baz/"},
{"/foozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz/../../baz", "/baz"},
{"./aaaa/bb/cc/../dd/ee/../../fff/./g/./h", "/aaaa/bb/fff/g/h"},
{"/aaa/bb/..", "/aaa/"},
{"..qqq/zzz", "/..qqq/zzz"},
{"/aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa/..", "/"}
} ;
#define N_TESTS (sizeof(tests) / sizeof(tests[0]))
#define BM_START 4
static void usage(const char *s) {
fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s <chunky|naive|strdup>\n", s) ;
exit(-1) ;
int main(int ac, const char *av[]) {
unsigned bm_size = 0 ;
char *(*f)(const char *) ;
if (ac != 2) usage(*av) ;
if (strcmp("chunky", av[1]) == 0)
f = normalize ;
else if (strcmp("strdup", av[1]) == 0)
f = strdup ;
else if (strcmp("naive", av[1]) == 0)
f = naive ;
usage(*av) ;
puts("## tests ##") ;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < N_TESTS; i ++) {
char *r = f(tests[i].src) ;
printf("'%s' -> '%s': ", tests[i].src, tests[i].dst) ;
if (i >= BM_START)
bm_size += strlen(tests[i].src) ;
if (strcmp(r, tests[i].dst))
printf("FAIL: '%s'\n", r) ;
printf("ok\n") ;
free(r) ;
int n = 1e7 ;
printf("\n## benchmark (n = %d, %.1fMB) ##\n",
n, (double)n / (1 << 20) * bm_size) ;
while (n --)
for (unsigned i = BM_START; i < N_TESTS; i ++)
free(f(tests[i].src)) ;
return 0 ;
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