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Created February 9, 2012 22:51
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Rectangular tunnel code for EIDORS
function [mdl2,idx2] = mdl2d_from3d(mdl3,idx3);
% set name
mdl2 = eidors_obj('fwd_model',sprintf('%s 2D',;
% set nodes
[bdy,idx] = find_boundary(mdl3.elems);
vtx = mdl3.nodes;
z_vtx = reshape(vtx(bdy,3), size(bdy) );
lay0 = find( all(z_vtx==0,2) );
bdy0 = bdy( lay0, :);
vtx0 = unique(bdy0(:));
mdl2.nodes = vtx(vtx0,1:2);
% set elems
nmap = zeros(size(vtx,1),1); nmap(vtx0) = 1:length(vtx0);
bdy0 = reshape(nmap(bdy0), size(bdy0) ); % renumber to new scheme
mdl2.elems = bdy0;
% set boundary
mdl2.boundary = find_boundary( mdl2.elems);
% set gnd_node
mdl2.gnd_node = nmap(mdl3.gnd_node);
% set material indices
% TODO: vectorize code
idx2 = {};
idx0 = idx( lay0, :);
for i=1:size(idx3,2)
idx2{i} = [];
ii = 1;
for j=1:size(idx3{i},1)
idx_tmp = find( idx0==idx3{i}(j) );
if not(isempty(idx_tmp))
idx2{i}(ii,1) = idx_tmp(1,1);
ii = ii + 1;
% set electrode
if isfield(mdl3,'electrode')
mdl2.electrode = mdl3.electrode;
for i=1:length(mdl2.electrode);
enodes = nmap( mdl2.electrode(i).nodes );
enodes(enodes==0) = []; % Remove 3D layers
mdl2.electrode(i).nodes = enodes(:)';
% copy other fields
if isfield(mdl3,'stimulation'); mdl2.stimulation= mdl3.stimulation; end
%if isfield(mdl3,'solve'); mdl2.solve = mdl3.solve; end
mdl2.solve = 'aa_fwd_solve'; % FIXME? can't use default np_fwd_solve
if isfield(mdl3,'jacobian'); mdl2.jacobian = mdl3.jacobian; end
%if isfield(mdl3,'system_mat'); mdl2.system_mat = mdl3.system_mat; end
mdl2.system_mat = 'aa_calc_system_mat'; % FIXME? can't use default np_calc_system_mat
% update cache
mdl2 = eidors_obj('fwd_model',mdl2);
x_distance = 2.5;
inner_rad = 1;
outer_rad = 5;
y_excursion = 2.5;
targposes = [];
estposes = [];
N_elec = 16;
shape_strf = ['solid incyl = cylinder (0,0,-1; 0,0,0; ' num2str(inner_rad) ') -maxh=0.2; \n' ...
'solid farblock = orthobrick (-' num2str(outer_rad) ',-' num2str(outer_rad) ',-1.25; ' num2str(outer_rad) ',' num2str(outer_rad) ',1.25 ) -maxh=0.5; \n' ...
'solid pl1 = plane(0,0,-1.25;0,0,-1);\n' ...
'solid pl2 = plane(0,0,1.25; 0,0,1);\n' ...
'solid mainobj= pl1 and pl2 and farblock and not incyl; \n'];
fmdl = eidors_obj('get-cache', shape_strf, 'forward_model',N_elec);
if isempty(fmdl)
th= linspace(0,2*pi,N_elec+1)'; th(end)=[];
cth= cos(th); sth=sin(th); zth= zeros(size(th));
elec_pos = [cth, sth, zth, cth, sth, zth];
elec_obj = 'incyl';
[fmdl, mat_idx] = ng_mk_gen_models(shape_strf, elec_pos, elec_shape, elec_obj);
eidors_obj('set-cache', shape_strf, 'forward_model', fmdl, N_elec);
% Create a 2D Slice by making a flattened version of the 3D model
shape_strc = ['solid incyl = cylinder (0,0,-1; 0,0,0; ' num2str(inner_rad) ') -maxh=0.1; \n' ...
'solid farblock = orthobrick (-' num2str(outer_rad) ',-' num2str(outer_rad) ',-0.1; ' num2str(outer_rad) ',' num2str(outer_rad) ',0 ) -maxh=0.25; \n' ...
'solid pl1 = plane(0,0,-0.1;0,0,-1);\n' ...
'solid pl2 = plane(0,0,0; 0,0,1);\n' ...
'solid mainobj= pl1 and pl2 and farblock and not incyl; \n'];
cmdl = eidors_obj('get-cache', shape_strc, 'reconst_model',N_elec);
if isempty(cmdl)
th= linspace(0,2*pi,N_elec+1)'; th(end)=[];
cth= cos(th); sth=sin(th); zth= zeros(size(th))-0.05;
elec_pos = [cth, sth, zth, cth, sth, zth];
elec_shape=[0.03 0.2 0.1];
elec_obj = 'incyl';
[f2mdl, mat_idx] = ng_mk_gen_models(shape_strc, elec_pos, elec_shape, elec_obj);
cmdl = mdl2d_from3d(f2mdl,mat_idx);
eidors_obj('set-cache', shape_strc, 'reconst_model', fmdl, N_elec);
% Simulation protocol. TODO: we need a geophysical stim protocol
stim = mk_stim_patterns(N_elec, 1, [0,5], [0,5], {'no_meas_current'},1);
fmdl.stimulation = stim;
cond_mdl = .02; % in S/m units
img = mk_image( fmdl, cond_mdl);
vs_h = fwd_solve( img);
i = 1;
for ypos = -y_excursion:0.2:y_excursion
img.elem_data = cond_mdl*(1 + 1000*mk_c2f_circ_mapping(fmdl, [x_distance;ypos;0;0.2]) );
vs_i = fwd_solve( img);
%vs_i= eidors_obj('data', 'noisy data', ...
% 'meas', vs_i.meas + 1e-3*randn(size(vs_i.meas,1),1));
figure(1); clf;
imdl = select_imdl( fmdl, {'Basic GN dif'});
imdl.rec_model = cmdl;
imdl.jacobian_bkgnd.value = cond_mdl;
% Do coarse2fine mapping. Rotate mdl to z dirn
f1mdl = fmdl;
f1mdl.mk_coarse_fine_mapping.z_depth = 1;
c2f= mk_coarse_fine_mapping( f1mdl, cmdl);
imdl.fwd_model.coarse2fine = c2f;
imdl.solve= @aa_inv_solve;
imdl.hyperparameter.value = 0.5e-2;
imgr = inv_solve( imdl, vs_h, vs_i );
imgr.calc_colours.npoints= 512;
[val idx] = max(imgr.elem_data);
xyest = mean(imgr.fwd_model.nodes(imgr.fwd_model.elems(idx,:),:));
estposes = [estposes; xyest];
figure(2); clf;
hold on;
targposes = [targposes;x_distance ypos];
i = i + 1;
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