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Created September 10, 2009 16:06
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import pyopencl as cl
import numpy as np
import sys, time
class Grid:
"""A simple grid class that stores the details and solution of the
computational grid."""
def __init__(self, nx=10, ny=10, xmin=0.0, xmax=1.0,
ymin=0.0, ymax=1.0):
self.xmin, self.xmax, self.ymin, self.ymax = xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
self.dx = float(xmax-xmin)/(nx-1)
self.dy = float(ymax-ymin)/(ny-1)
self.u = np.zeros((nx, ny)).astype(np.float32)
# used to compute the change in solution in some of the methods.
self.old_u = self.u.copy()
def setBCFunc(self, func):
"""Sets the BC given a function of two variables."""
xmin, ymin = self.xmin, self.ymin
xmax, ymax = self.xmax, self.ymax
x = np.arange(xmin, xmax + self.dx*0.5, self.dx)
y = np.arange(ymin, ymax + self.dy*0.5, self.dy)
self.u[0 ,:] = func(xmin,y)
self.u[-1,:] = func(xmax,y)
self.u[:, 0] = func(x,ymin)
self.u[:,-1] = func(x,ymax)
def computeError(self):
"""Computes absolute error using an L2 norm for the solution.
This requires that self.u and self.old_u must be appropriately
v = (self.u[1:-1, 1:-1] - self.old_u[1:-1, 1:-1]).flat
return np.sqrt(,v))
class LaplaceSolver:
"""A simple Laplacian solver that can use different schemes to
solve the problem."""
def __init__(self, grid, stepper='numeric'):
self.grid = grid
def slowTimeStep(self, dt=0.0):
"""Takes a time step using straight forward Python loops.
While not providing any performance enhancement, """
g = self.grid
nx, ny = g.u.shape
dx2, dy2 = g.dx**2, g.dy**2
dnr_inv = 0.5/(dx2 + dy2)
u = g.u
err = 0.0;
for offset in range(1,3):
for i in range(1, nx-1):
for j in range(1 + ( (i + offset) % 2), ny-1, 2):
tmp = u[j,i]
u[j,i] = ((u[j-1, i] + u[j+1, i])*dy2 +
(u[j, i-1] + u[j, i+1])*dx2)*dnr_inv
diff = u[j,i] - tmp
err += diff**2
return np.sqrt(err)
def numericCheckerTimeStep(self, dt=0.0):
"""Takes a time step using a NumPy expression."""
g = self.grid
dx2, dy2 = g.dx**2, g.dy**2
dnr_inv = 0.5/(dx2 + dy2)
u = g.u
g.old_u = u.copy() # needed to compute the error.
# The actual iteration
u[1:-1:2, 1:-1:2] = ((u[0:-2:2, 1:-1:2] + u[2::2, 1:-1:2])*dy2 +
(u[1:-1:2,0:-2:2] + u[1:-1:2, 2::2])*dx2)*dnr_inv
u[2:-1:2, 2:-1:2] = ((u[1:-2:2, 2:-1:2] + u[3::2, 2:-1:2])*dy2 +
(u[2:-1:2,1:-2:2] + u[2:-1:2, 3::2])*dx2)*dnr_inv
u[1:-1:2, 2:-1:2] = ((u[0:-2:2, 2:-1:2] + u[2::2, 2:-1:2])*dy2 +
(u[1:-1:2,1:-2:2] + u[1:-1:2, 3::2])*dx2)*dnr_inv
u[2:-1:2, 1:-1:2] = ((u[1:-2:2, 1:-1:2] + u[3::2, 1:-1:2])*dy2 +
(u[2:-1:2,0:-2:2] + u[2:-1:2, 2::2])*dx2)*dnr_inv
return g.computeError()
def openclCheckerTimeStep(self, dt=0.0):
Takes a time step using a PyOpenCL kernel based on inline C code from:
nx, ny = self.grid.u.shape
if self.count == 0:
g = self.grid
dx2, dy2 = g.dx**2, g.dy**2
dnr_inv = 0.5/(dx2 + dy2)
u = g.u
self.err = np.empty( (nx-2,), dtype=np.float32)
self.ctx = cl.create_some_context()
self.queue = cl.CommandQueue(self.ctx)
mf = cl.mem_flags
self.u_buf = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE, u.nbytes)
self.err_buf = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.WRITE_ONLY, self.err.nbytes)
cl.enqueue_write_buffer(self.queue, self.u_buf, u).wait()
self.prg = cl.Program(self.ctx, """
__kernel void lp2dstep( __global float u[][%d], __global float *err, const uint stidx )
float tmp, diff;
int i = get_global_id(0) + 1;
if ( stidx == 1 )
err[i-1] = 0.0;
for ( int j = 1 + ( ( i + stidx ) %% 2); j<%d-1; j+=2 ) {
tmp = u[j][i];
u[j][i] = ((u[j-1][i] + u[j+1][i])*%g +
(u[j][i-1] + u[j][i+1])*%g)*%g;
diff = u[j][i] - tmp;
err[i-1] += diff*diff;
}""" % (ny,ny,dy2,dx2,dnr_inv))
print "Error:"
print self.prg.get_build_info(self.ctx.get_info(cl.context_info.DEVICES)[0], cl.program_build_info.LOG)
lp1evt = self.prg.lp2dstep(self.queue, ((nx-2),), self.u_buf, self.err_buf, np.uint32(1))
cl.enqueue_wait_for_events(self.queue, [lp1evt])
self.prg.lp2dstep(self.queue, ((nx-2),), self.u_buf, self.err_buf, np.uint32(2))
# Get Updated Error Data & Updated Grid
#cl.enqueue_read_buffer(self.queue, self.u_buf, self.grid.u)
cl.enqueue_read_buffer(self.queue, self.err_buf, self.err).wait()
return np.sqrt(np.sum(self.err))
def setTimeStepper(self, stepper='numeric'):
"""Sets the time step scheme to be used while solving given a
if stepper == 'slow':
self.timeStep = self.slowTimeStep
elif stepper == 'numpychecker':
self.timeStep = self.numericCheckerTimeStep
elif stepper == 'openclchecker':
self.timeStep = self.openclCheckerTimeStep
self.timeStep = None
def solve(self, n_iter=0, eps=1.0e-16):
self.count = 0
err = self.timeStep()
self.count = 1
count = self.count
while err > eps:
if n_iter and count >= n_iter:
return err
err = self.timeStep()
count = count + 1
return count
def BC(x, y):
"""Used to set the boundary condition for the grid of points.
Change this as you feel fit."""
return (x**2 - y**2)
def test(nmin=5, nmax=30, dn=5, eps=1.0e-16, n_iter=0, stepper='numeric'):
iters = []
n_grd = numpy.arange(nmin, nmax, dn)
times = []
for i in n_grd:
g = Grid(nx=i, ny=i)
s = LaplaceSolver(g, stepper)
t1 = time.clock()
iters.append(s.solve(n_iter=n_iter, eps=eps))
dt = time.clock() - t1
print "Solution for nx = ny = %d, took %f seconds"%(i, dt)
return (n_grd**2, iters, times)
def time_test(nx=512, ny=512, eps=1.0e-16, n_iter=100, stepper='numeric'):
g = Grid(nx, ny)
s = LaplaceSolver(g, stepper)
t = time.clock()
s.solve(n_iter=n_iter, eps=eps)
return time.clock() - t
def main(n=512, n_iter=512):
print "Doing %d iterations on a %dx%d grid"%(n_iter, n, n)
for i in ['openclchecker', 'numpychecker']:
print i,
print "took", time_test(n, n, stepper=i, n_iter=n_iter), "seconds"
print "slow (1 iteration)",
s = time_test(n, n, stepper='slow', n_iter=1)
print "took", s, "seconds"
print "%d iterations should take about %f seconds"%(n_iter, s*n_iter)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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