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Created August 1, 2018 22:46
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Simple change detector example
<ul href="#!" repeat.for="user of users">
<input value.bind='user.firstName' /> <input value.bind='user.lastName' />
export class App {
users = [
{ id: 1, firstName: 'Rob', lastName: 'Eisenberg' },
{ id: 2, firstName: 'Jeremy', lastName: 'Danyow' },
{ id: 3, firstName: 'Matt', lastName: 'Broadst' }];
selectUser(userId) {
let user = this.users.find(u => == userId);
user.state = 'active';
activate() {
var cd = new ChangeDetector();
cd.observe(this, 'users', (to,from,property)=>console.log({ to,from,property }));
export class ChangeDetector {
constructor() {
observe(target, property, callback, checkspersecond) {
var subscription = { timer:{}, target, property, previous:{} };
subscription.timer = setInterval(() =>, callback) , 1000/(checkspersecond || 7));
return () => { clearInterval(subscription.timer); }
compare(subscription:any, callback) {
let path = 'this';
var diffs = this.finddiff(s, subscription.previous,0,path);
if (diffs[0]) { callback(diffs[2], diffs[1], diffs[0] ); }
subscription.previous = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(s)) ;
finddiff = function(previous,current, depth, path){
let isarray = (current instanceof Array);
for (var p in current) {
if(typeof(current[p]) !== typeof(previous[p])) return [path+'.'+p,current[p] , previous[p]];
if((current[p]===null) !== (previous[p]===null)) return [path+'.'+p,current[p],previous[p]];
switch (typeof(current[p])) {
case 'undefined':
if (typeof(previous[p]) != 'undefined') return [path+'.'+p,undefined,previous[p]];
case 'object':
if(current[p]!==null && previous[p]!==null
&& (current[p].constructor.toString() !== previous[p].constructor.toString()))
return [path+'.'+p, current[p], previous[p]];
let nested = this.finddiff(previous[p],current[p], depth+1, path + (isarray ? '[' : '.') + p + (isarray ? ']' : ''));
if(!!nested.length) return nested;
case 'function':
if (p != 'equals' && current[p].toString() != previous[p].toString()) return [path+'.'+p, current[p],previous[p]];
if (current[p] !== previous[p]) return [path+'.'+p, current[p], previous[p]];
return [];
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a {
display: block;
a:link {
color: black;
text-decoration: none;
background: lightgray;
/* since you set background property on .collection-item, this style must come after .collection-item otherwise it's not applied */
.active {
background: blue;
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