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Created May 24, 2019 22:37
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Market Bot for Black Desert Online
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <map>
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <experimental/filesystem>
namespace fs = std::experimental::filesystem;
#include "third_party/minhook/source/minhook.h"
#define ATA_LUA_GETTOP 0x14165EDC0 // 795 0x00000001414FE620
#define ATA_REQUEST_ITEM_MARKET_SELL_INFO 0x140447100 // 795 0x0000000140434640
#define ATA_GET_ITEM_MARKET_SELL_INFO_IN_CLIENT_COUNT 0x140446F70 // 795 0x00000001404344B0
#define ATA_GET_ITEM_MARKET_SELL_INFO_IN_CLIENT_BY_INDEX 0x140446FA0 // 795 0x00000001404344E0
#define ATA_REQUEST_BUY_ITEM_FOR_ITEM_MARKET 0x1404474D0 // 795 0x0000000140434A10
#define ATA_IS_BIDDING_ITEM 0x1403A4E70 // 795 0x0000000140392420
#define ATA_IS_BIDDING_JOIN_TIME 0x1403A4EB0 // 795 0x0000000140392460
#define ATA_GET_ITEM_MARKET_NO 0x1401D4040 // 795 0x00000001401BB5A0
#define ATA_IS_BIDDING_JOIN_ITEM 0x1404481B0 // 795 0x00000001404356F0
#define ATA_GET_ONE_PRICE 0x1402E1BB0 // 795 0x00000001402C78E0
#define ATA_WAREHOUSE_MONEY_FROM_NPC_SHOP 0x14064ED10 // 795 0x000000014063F9C0
#define ADA_LOCAL_PLAYER 0x1432764D0 // 795 0x0000000142108158
#define DEFAULT_WALLET_TYPE 2 // Warehouse
typedef uint64_t(__fastcall* ft_lua_gettop)(void* lua_state);
typedef void(__fastcall* ft_request_item_market_sell_info)(uint32_t territory_key, uint32_t item_key, bool unk_1);
typedef int32_t(__fastcall* ft_get_item_market_sell_info_in_client_count)(uint32_t territory_key, uint32_t item_key);
typedef uint64_t(__fastcall* ft_get_item_market_sell_info_in_client_by_index)(uint32_t territory_key, uint32_t item_key, uint32_t slot_index);
typedef void(__fastcall* ft_request_buy_item_for_item_market)(uint32_t wallet_type, uint32_t item_key, uint32_t slot_index, uint32_t amount, uint64_t unk_1);
typedef bool(__fastcall* ft_is_bidding_item)(uint64_t sell_info_address);
typedef bool(__fastcall* ft_is_bidding_join_time)(uint64_t sell_info_address);
typedef uint64_t(__fastcall* ft_get_item_market_no)(uint64_t sell_info_address);
typedef bool(__fastcall* ft_is_bidding_join_item)(uint64_t item_market_no);
typedef uint64_t(__fastcall* ft_get_one_price)(uint64_t sell_info_address);
typedef uint64_t(__fastcall* ft_warehouse_money_from_npc_shop)();
static ft_lua_gettop g_fp_lua_gettop = nullptr;
static ft_request_item_market_sell_info g_fp_request_item_market_sell_info = reinterpret_cast<ft_request_item_market_sell_info>(ATA_REQUEST_ITEM_MARKET_SELL_INFO);
static ft_get_item_market_sell_info_in_client_count g_fp_get_item_market_sell_info_in_client_count = reinterpret_cast<ft_get_item_market_sell_info_in_client_count>(ATA_GET_ITEM_MARKET_SELL_INFO_IN_CLIENT_COUNT);
static ft_get_item_market_sell_info_in_client_by_index g_fp_get_item_market_sell_info_in_client_by_index = reinterpret_cast<ft_get_item_market_sell_info_in_client_by_index>(ATA_GET_ITEM_MARKET_SELL_INFO_IN_CLIENT_BY_INDEX);
static ft_request_buy_item_for_item_market g_fp_request_buy_item_for_item_market = reinterpret_cast<ft_request_buy_item_for_item_market>(ATA_REQUEST_BUY_ITEM_FOR_ITEM_MARKET);
static ft_is_bidding_item g_fp_is_bidding_item = reinterpret_cast<ft_is_bidding_item>(ATA_IS_BIDDING_ITEM);
static ft_is_bidding_join_time g_fp_is_bidding_join_time = reinterpret_cast<ft_is_bidding_join_time>(ATA_IS_BIDDING_JOIN_TIME);
static ft_get_item_market_no g_fp_get_item_market_no = reinterpret_cast<ft_get_item_market_no>(ATA_GET_ITEM_MARKET_NO);
static ft_is_bidding_join_item g_fp_is_bidding_join_item = reinterpret_cast<ft_is_bidding_join_item>(ATA_IS_BIDDING_JOIN_ITEM);
static ft_get_one_price g_fp_get_one_price = reinterpret_cast<ft_get_one_price>(ATA_GET_ONE_PRICE);
static ft_warehouse_money_from_npc_shop g_fp_warehouse_money_from_npc_shop = reinterpret_cast<ft_warehouse_money_from_npc_shop>(ATA_WAREHOUSE_MONEY_FROM_NPC_SHOP);
static bool g_market_activated = false;
static bool g_hacks_activated = false;
static std::map<std::string, uint32_t> g_targets = {
{ "Blessing of Kamasylve (15 Days)", 17081 },
{ "Sealed Book of Combat (15 Days)", 17646 },
{ "Equipment Tailoring Coupon", 17611 },
{ "Value Pack (30 Days)", 17354 },
{ "Young Griffon", 18429 },
{ "Shaggy Dog", 17939 },
{ "Calpheon Chubby Dog", 17966 },
{ "Desert Fox", 17976 },
{ "Red Panda", 18098 },
{ "Snowball Rosefinch", 18426 },
{ "Crow", 18439 },
{ "Snowflake Reindeer Box", 290006 },
{ "Winter Snowflake Box", 18946 },
{ "Horse Flute Box (Permanent)", 17973 },
{ "Trina Knight Horse Gear Set", 21012 },
static uint64_t g_last_execution = 0;
static float g_animation_speed = 1.0f;
static char g_c_dlldir[300];
class BuyMarketItemFile
std::string first;
uint32_t second;
BuyMarketItemFile(std::string item_name, int item_id)
: first(item_name), second(item_id)
std::vector<BuyMarketItemFile> g_v_market_items;
std::string get_formatted_datetime()
std::time_t raw_time;
std::tm* time;
char time_buffer[20] = { 0 };
time = std::localtime(&raw_time);
std::strftime(time_buffer, sizeof(time_buffer), "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S", time);
return std::string(::_strdup(time_buffer));
char *GetDirectoryFile(char *filename)
static char path[300];
strcpy_s(path, g_c_dlldir);
strcat_s(path, filename);
return path;
uint64_t __fastcall hf_lua_gettop(void* lua_state)
if (::GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD1) & 0x01)
std::string itemName;
int itemId;
const char *marketfile = "market.txt";
char *file = const_cast<char*>(marketfile);
std::string endReading = "<end>";
std::ifstream marketfin;, std::ifstream::in);
while (marketfin.good())
std::getline(marketfin, itemName, ',');
if (itemName.find(endReading) != std::string::npos)
marketfin >> itemId;
g_v_market_items.emplace_back(itemName, itemId);
std::cout << "Buy From Market Items File Loaded" << std::endl;
if (::GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD2) & 0x01)
std::cout << "Territory: " << DEFAULT_TERRITORY_KEY << std::endl;
std::cout << "Territory: " << DEFAULT_TERRITORY_KEY << std::endl;
if (::GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD6) & 0x01)
g_market_activated = !g_market_activated;
if (g_market_activated)
std::ostringstream warehouse_money_string_stream;
warehouse_money_string_stream << g_fp_warehouse_money_from_npc_shop();
std::cout << "Warehouse Money: " << warehouse_money_string_stream.str() << std::endl;
std::cout << APPLICATION_NAME " Market state is now `" << g_market_activated << "`." << std::endl;
if (::GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD7) & 0x01)
std::cout << "<< Animation Speed Modifier decreased to `" << g_animation_speed << "`." << std::endl;
if (::GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD8) & 0x01)
std::cout << ">> Animation Speed Modifier increased to `" << g_animation_speed << "`." << std::endl;
if (::GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD9) & 0x01)
g_hacks_activated = !g_hacks_activated;
if (!g_hacks_activated)
uint64_t local_player_address = *((uint64_t*) ADA_LOCAL_PLAYER);
uint64_t character_control_address = *((uint64_t*) (local_player_address + 0x0380));
uint64_t character_scene_address = *((uint64_t*) (character_control_address + 0x10));
*((float*) (character_scene_address + 0x04C8)) = 1.0f;
std::cout << APPLICATION_NAME " Hack state is now `" << g_hacks_activated << "`." << std::endl;
if (g_hacks_activated)
uint64_t local_player_address = *((uint64_t*) ADA_LOCAL_PLAYER);
uint64_t character_control_address = *((uint64_t*) (local_player_address + 0x0380));
uint64_t character_scene_address = *((uint64_t*) (character_control_address + 0x10));
*((float*) (character_scene_address + 0x04C8)) = g_animation_speed;
if (g_market_activated && ((g_last_execution + EXECUTION_INTERVAL) <= ::GetTickCount64()))
g_last_execution = ::GetTickCount64();
for (auto const& target : g_v_market_items)
g_fp_request_item_market_sell_info(DEFAULT_TERRITORY_KEY, target.second, false);
int32_t target_slot_count = g_fp_get_item_market_sell_info_in_client_count(DEFAULT_TERRITORY_KEY, target.second);
if (target_slot_count == 0)
for (int32_t slot_index = 0; slot_index < target_slot_count; slot_index++)
uint64_t sell_info = g_fp_get_item_market_sell_info_in_client_by_index(DEFAULT_TERRITORY_KEY, target.second, slot_index);
if (sell_info == 0x00)
uint64_t sell_info_count = *((uint64_t*) (sell_info + 0x18));
if (sell_info_count > 0)
bool is_bidding_item = g_fp_is_bidding_item(sell_info);
bool is_bidding_join_time = g_fp_is_bidding_join_time(sell_info);
uint64_t item_market_no = g_fp_get_item_market_no(sell_info);
bool is_bidding_join_item = g_fp_is_bidding_join_item(item_market_no);
uint64_t one_price = g_fp_get_one_price(sell_info);
uint64_t total_price = (one_price * sell_info_count);
if (g_fp_warehouse_money_from_npc_shop() < total_price)
std::ostringstream one_price_string_stream;
std::ostringstream total_price_string_stream;
one_price_string_stream << one_price;
total_price_string_stream << total_price;
if (is_bidding_item)
if (is_bidding_join_time)
if (!is_bidding_join_item)
std::cout << "[" << get_formatted_datetime() << "] Bidding on " << target.first << " (" << slot_index << "." << sell_info_count << "-" << item_market_no << ") [T " << total_price_string_stream.str() << " | U " << one_price_string_stream.str() << "]" << std::endl;
g_fp_request_buy_item_for_item_market(DEFAULT_WALLET_TYPE, target.second, slot_index, sell_info_count, 0);
else if (is_bidding_join_item)
std::cout << "[" << get_formatted_datetime() << "] Confirming bid on " << target.first << " (" << slot_index << "." << sell_info_count << "-" << item_market_no << ") [T " << total_price_string_stream.str() << " | U " << one_price_string_stream.str() << "]" << std::endl;
g_fp_request_buy_item_for_item_market(DEFAULT_WALLET_TYPE, target.second, slot_index, sell_info_count, 0);
std::cout << "[" << get_formatted_datetime() << "] Buying " << target.first << " (" << slot_index << "." << sell_info_count << "-" << item_market_no << ") [T " << total_price_string_stream.str() << " | U " << one_price_string_stream.str() << "]" << std::endl;
g_fp_request_buy_item_for_item_market(DEFAULT_WALLET_TYPE, target.second, slot_index, sell_info_count, 0);
return g_fp_lua_gettop(lua_state);
BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HMODULE module, DWORD reason, void* reserved)
if (reason != DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH)
return FALSE;
GetModuleFileName(module, g_c_dlldir, 512);
for (size_t i = strlen(g_c_dlldir); i > 0; i--) { if (g_c_dlldir[i] == '\\') { g_c_dlldir[i + 1] = 0; break; } }
FILE* console_stream = nullptr;
::freopen_s(&console_stream, "conout$", "w", stdout);
std::cout << "Hello, world!" << std::endl;
if (::MH_Initialize() != MH_OK)
std::cout << "Failed to initialize hook library." << std::endl;
return 0;
if (::MH_CreateHook(((void*) ATA_LUA_GETTOP), &hf_lua_gettop, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&g_fp_lua_gettop)) != MH_OK)
std::cout << "Failed to create `lua_gettop` hook." << std::endl;
return 0;
if (::MH_EnableHook(MH_ALL_HOOKS) != MH_OK)
std::cout << "Failed to enable hooks." << std::endl;
return 0;
return TRUE;
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jsoctocat commented May 24, 2019

This allows for the manipulation of the in-game marketplace system for black desert online

This was originally written by Ustonovic from EC, some modifications were made so that the end-users can dynamically update the item list at runtime for autonomous purchase while accessing the marketplace system

optimization is needed(old unused function from new implementations were not deleted)! and a hook is required for this to work, the original hook used was the minHook.

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