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Last active July 10, 2017 03:05
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React Native vs Native

React Native

+++ Our team has lots of experience with JavaScript + React

+++ Build once for both platforms

++ Much better developer experience (faster turnaround times)

+ Can update without having to go through the app store most of the time

+ Has a lot of traction

+ Eventually, it might be possible to share components between web and mobile (react-native-web)

+ Great prototyping experience with Expo

+ Can use Atom/VSCode

-- Things that aren't important for facebook don't get built (navigation)

- May get abandoned (unlikely, used in production by fb, instagram, netflix, airbnb, bloomberg) or facebook may slow down development

- Can be slow on older Android devices

- Documentation is improving but still not great


++ Full and direct control of all the capabilities of the phone

++ More stable

+ Can do advanced stuff like beautiful transitions

+ Swift and Kotlin are better languages than JavaScript (TypeScript somewhat alleviates this problem)

--- Have to build everything twice

-- No experience on our team, would have to hire new people and fragment the dev team into JS and mobile

- The Android API is a nightmare to work with (inconsistencies between devices, debugging is hard, Fragment lifecycle is a mess, arcane build system)

- XCode and the Swift compiler aren't very stable, Android Studio is slow and downloading stuff from Google's servers is slow in China

- All updates have to pass the app store review process

- Fuchsia (Google's new mobile OS) is on the horizon, hard to say what will happen in the future, Google may abandon Android

Other options to look at

  • Flutter (very early stage but similar to react native)
  • Progressive web apps (probably not viable at this point but best deploment story)
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