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Last active September 17, 2023 14:51
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static func Basis(from: Vector3, to: Vector3) -> Basis:
if from.is_equal_approx(to): # then let it be
var axis = to.cross(from).normalized() # right-handed
var angle = -to.angle_to(from) # negates to force right-handed orientation
return Basis(axis, angle)
# elsewhere
var t: Tranform3D = ...
var next_up: Vector3 = ...
t.basis = Maff.Basis(t.basis.y, next_up) * t.basis
# works the same as
t.quaternion = Quaternion(t.basis.y, next_up) * t.quaternion


i ended up here trying to do rotations w/ Godot quaternions like this:

var target: Transform3D = ...
target.quaternion *= Quaternion(from: Vector3, to: Vector3)

the result i was getting was pretty wacky and seemed inexplicably to carry some extra rotation along the to axis

so i started digging...


handle rotations from one Vector3 to another Vector3 this way in the snippet works more as expected versus applying it w/ Godot quaternions eg. via Quaternion(from: Vector3, to: Vector3)

to be sure, simply changing the way at the end the rotation is derived and applied (w/ axis and angle) to instead go through their quaternions (ie. target.quaternion *= Quaternion(axis, angle)) gets us back to the wrong result again.

w/o quaternions

so what's going on - what makes the non-quaternion implementation work correctly?

[πŸ”Ž Node3D.global_rotate(axis: Vector3, angle: float)...]

ok so its just using Basis to handle the rotation

[πŸ”Ž Basis.rotate(axis: Vector3, angle: float)...]

[πŸ”Ž Basis(axis: Vector3, angle: float)...]

so it uses trigonometry to derive...

[πŸ”Ž Basis multiplication...]

then it uses matrix multiplcation to apply...

w/ quaternions

for comparison, what's going on w/ the corresponding quaternion functions that seem bugged?

[πŸ”Ž Quaternion(axis: Vector3, angle: float)...]

[πŸ”Ž Quaternion multiplication...]

now full circle back to initial problematic quaternion function that kicked off this whole discovery... [πŸ”Ž Quaternion(from: Vector3, to: Vector3)...]


these two are not equivalent:

target.basis *= Basis(axis, angle)
target.quaternion *= Quaternion(axis, angle)

the former produces the correct result, while the latter does not.


turns out their quaternions are fine and it was a mistake w/ applying them, so disregard conclusions made above!

what went wrong

instead of this:

quaternion *= Quaternion(axis, angle)

it should've been:

quaternion = Quaternion(axis, angle) * quaternion

quaternion multiplication is not commutative and i would've have realize this until digging into the source files above πŸ₯² gg friends.

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