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Last active December 3, 2020 14:39
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Lisp apply in idris
module Apply2
||| Heterogenious lists.
|||```idris example
||| hl : Hlist [Nat, (Double, Char), 1 = 1]
||| hl = [1, (3.0, 'a'), Refl]
data Hlist : List Type -> Type where
||| The empty Hlist
Nil : Hlist []
||| Add an element to an Hlist, keeping track of the type at its
||| position.
||| @ l the list of previous types
||| @ t the element
||| ```idris example
||| hl : Hlist [Int, String]
||| hl = 4 :: "example" :: []
||| ```
(::) : t -> Hlist l -> Hlist (t :: l)
||| Calculate a function type.
||| @ params in order
||| @ return fully evaluated type
|||```idris example
||| exf : Int -> String -> Bool -> String
||| exf i s b = if b then s else show i
||| exg : [Int, String, Bool] `To` String
||| exg i s b = if b then s else show i
||| to1 : (i : Int) -> (s : String) -> (b : Bool) -> Apply2.exf i s b = Apply2.exg i s b
||| to1 i s b = Refl
||| ```
To : (params : List Type) -> (return : Type) -> Type
To [] r = r
To (a :: as) r = a -> (as `To` r)
||| Apply a variadic function to some parameters.
||| @ return the type returned
||| @ params a list of types the function acceps
||| @ f the function
||| ```idris example
||| ex1 : apply' [2] = 2
||| ex1 = Refl
||| ex2 : apply' (+) [1000, -1] = 999
||| ex2 = Refl
||| ex3 : apply' Foldable.foldr
||| [Nat.mult, 1, the (List Nat) [3, 2, 10]]
||| = 60
||| ex3 = Refl
||| ```
apply' : (f : To params return) -> Hlist params -> return
apply' x [] = x
apply' f (x :: xs) = apply' (f x) xs
---- Examples ----
||| Simple function accepting multiple values.
exf : Int -> String -> Bool -> String
exf i s b = if b then s else show i
||| Simple function accepting multiple values; whose type is
||| calculated using **To**
exg : [Int, String, Bool] `To` String
exg i s b = if b then s else show i
||| Example equality between a normal function and one calculated with
||| **To**.
to1 : (i : Int) -> (s : String) -> (b : Bool)
-> Apply2.exf i s b = Apply2.exg i s b
to1 i s b = Refl
||| Example heterogeneous list
hl1 : Hlist [Int, String, Bool]
hl1 = [4, "hi", False]
||| Example of apply'.
ex1 : apply' (+) [1000, -1] = 999
ex1 = Refl
||| Example of apply'.
||| Note module prefixes (Apply2.). Required since lowercase names
||| denote type variables.
ex2 : apply' Apply2.exf Apply2.hl1 = "4"
ex2 = Refl
||| Example of apply'.
||| Note module prefixes (Basics.). Required since lowercase names
||| denote type variables.
ex3 : apply' [2] = 2
ex3 = Refl
||| More complicated example of apply'.
||| Note module prefixes (Foldable.). Required since lowercase names
||| denote type variables.
ex4 : apply' Foldable.foldr
[Nat.mult, 1, the (List Nat) [3, 2, 10]]
= 60
ex4 = Refl
||| More complicated example of apply'.
||| Note module prefixes (Foldable.). Required since lowercase names
||| denote type variables.
ex5 : apply' (Foldable.foldr Nat.mult 1)
[the (List Nat) [2, 4, 5, 5, 6]]
= 1200
ex5 = Refl
||| Example of apply' creating a new function
ex6 : List Nat -> Nat
ex6 = apply' (foldr Nat.mult) [1]
||| Example of apply' creating a new function
ex7 : Hlist [Nat -> Nat -> Nat, Nat, List Nat] -> Nat
ex7 = apply' foldr
||| Example of apply' creating a new function
ex8 : Hlist [a -> b -> c, List a, List b] -> List c
ex8 = apply' zipWith
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