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Last active November 27, 2018 17:46
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Some example code from the Orange Combinator Meetup
module Combinator2
%default total
data LTE : Ord a => a -> a -> Type where
XLTY : Ord a => (x : a) -> (y : a) -> { auto x_lt_y : LT = x `compare` y } -> x `LTE` y
XEQY : Ord a => (x : a) -> (y : a) -> { auto x_eq_y : EQ = x `compare` y } -> x `LTE` y
lteExample : Combinator2.LTE 0 1
lteExample = 0 `XLTY` 1
Uninhabited (Interfaces.GT = Interfaces.EQ) where
uninhabited Refl impossible
Uninhabited (Interfaces.GT = Interfaces.LT) where
uninhabited Refl impossible
lteIsNotGT : Ord a => {x, y : a} -> (x_lte_y : GT = x `compare` y) -> Not (x `LTE` y)
lteIsNotGT x_gt_y (XLTY x y {x_lt_y}) = uninhabited $ trans x_gt_y $ sym x_lt_y
lteIsNotGT x_gt_y (XEQY x y {x_eq_y}) = uninhabited $ trans x_gt_y $ sym x_eq_y
isLTE : Ord a => (x : a) -> (y : a) -> Dec (x `LTE` y)
isLTE x y with (x `compare` y) proof x_compare_y
isLTE x y | LT = Yes $ XLTY x y
isLTE x y | EQ = Yes $ XEQY x y
isLTE x y | GT = No $ lteIsNotGT x_compare_y
data In : List a -> (x : a) -> Type where
Here : In (x :: xs) x
There : In xs x -> In (y :: xs) x
inExample : In [1, 2, 3, 4] 4
inExample = There $ There $ There Here
namespace All
data All : ( prop : a -> Type ) -> List a -> Type where
Nil : All _ []
(::) :
{ prop : a -> Type } ->
{ x : a } ->
(prf : prop x) ->
All prop xs ->
All prop $ x :: xs
data Odd : Nat -> Type where
One : Odd 1
PlusTwo : Odd n -> Odd $ S $ S n
allExample : All Odd [1, 3, 5]
allExample = [One, PlusTwo One, PlusTwo $ PlusTwo One]
dependentPairExample : (n : Nat ** Odd n)
dependentPairExample = (7 ** PlusTwo $ PlusTwo $ PlusTwo One)
excludedMiddleNotWrong : Not (Not (Either a (Not a)))
excludedMiddleNotWrong = \p => p $ Right (\x => p $ Left x)
namespace Ascending
data LTEFirst : List a -> a -> Type where
NilLTE : LTEFirst [] x
HeadLTE : Ord a => {x, y : a} -> { x_lte_y : LTE x y } -> LTEFirst (y :: xs) x
data Ascending : List a -> Type where
Nil : Ascending []
(::) : ( lte_first : LTEFirst xs x ) -> Ascending xs -> Ascending (x :: xs)
ascendingExample5 : Ascending [4, 5]
ascendingExample5 = [HeadLTE {x_lte_y = XLTY 4 5}, NilLTE]
ascendingExample3 : Ascending []
ascendingExample3 = []
ascendingExample4 : Ascending [4]
ascendingExample4 = [NilLTE]
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