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Last active July 31, 2017 12:16
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React/Promise coroutine
namespace React\Promise;
function coroutine(\Generator $generator)
return new Promise\Promise(function ($resolve, $reject, $notify) use ($generator) {
$continue = function ($previousResult = null) use (&$continue, $generator, $resolve, $reject, $notify) {
try {
$current = $generator->current();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
if (!$generator->valid()) {
function ($result) use ($continue, $generator, $notify) {
function ($error) use ($continue, $generator) {
->done(null, $reject)
namespace React\Promise;
class CoroutineTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
public function testResolvedValueEqualsFinalYield()
$gen = function () {
$a = (yield 21);
$b = (yield new FulfilledPromise(2));
yield ($a * $b);
$expected = 42;
$promise = coroutine($gen());
$mock = $this->getMock('React\\Stub\CallableStub');
public function testPromiseRejectionsAreThrownIntoGenerator()
$deferred = new Deferred();
$deferred2 = new Deferred();
$gen = function () use ($deferred, $deferred2) {
yield $deferred->promise();
$a = (yield 21);
$b = 1;
try {
yield $deferred2->promise();
$this->fail('Code path should not be reached');
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->assertSame('test', $e->getMessage());
$b = 2;
yield ($a * $b);
$expected = 42;
$promise = coroutine($gen());
$mock = $this->getMock('React\\Stub\CallableStub');
$deferred2->reject(new \Exception('test'));
* @expectedException \Exception
* @expectedExceptionMessage When in the chronicle of wasted time
public function testUncaughtGeneratorExceptionRejectsPromise()
$gen = function () {
throw new \Exception('When in the chronicle of wasted time');
$promise = coroutine($gen());
use React\Promise;
$timeStart = microtime(true);
$gen = function () {
$a = (yield 21);
$b = (yield new Promise\FulfilledPromise(2));
yield ($a * $b);
for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) {
$timeEnd = microtime(true);
printf("%-25s %d iterations in %f seconds\n", 'coroutine()', 1000, $timeEnd - $timeStart);
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