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Last active December 22, 2015 10:08
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Save jsownz/6456432 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
modified version of ( to install npm & node on Ubuntu 13.04 without sudo and then script to update

#Installing NPM and Node on Ubuntu 13.04 without sudo

###Make Directories $ mkdir ~/Downloads $ mkdir -p ~/local/node

###Change to Downloads directory $ cd ~/Downloads

###Download latest node package and unpack it $ wget $ tar xzf node-latest.tar.gz -C ~/local/node --strip-components=1

###Add to path $ echo '# Node Enviroment Setup' >> ~/.bashrc $ echo 'export PATH=$HOME/local/node/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc $ echo 'export NODE_PATH=$HOME/local/node/lib/node_modules' >> ~/.bashrc

###Reload .bashrc -- Don't forget the first . $ . ~/.bashrc

###Check Node & NPM versions $ node -v $ npm -v

#Creating update script

###Create server script directory

This is where I generally keep scripts to do everyday tasks

$ mkdir ~/server-scripts

###Change to server-scripts directory $ cd ~/server-scripts

###Create bash script $ nano contents

This is the contents of -- you can just paste it in


#change directories
echo 'Changing Dirs'
cd ~/Downloads

#download latest node and unpack
echo 'Downloading latest Node...'
echo 'Unpacking and installing...'
tar xzf node-latest.tar.gz -C ~/local/node --strip-components=1

#remove the downloaded package
echo 'removing package...'
rm node-latest.tar.gz

#remind me to reload .bashrc
echo 'Done!'
echo '-- Please run `. ~/.bashrc`'

###Make it executable $ chmod +x

###Make a symbolic link $ cd /usr/bin $ sudo ln -s ~/server-scripts/ update-node $ [enter sudo password]

###Check to see if everything works out!

First, I'm going to my home directory, because I like to be there

$ cd
$ update-node

##Hopefully you should see the bash script run and then you can check your node version to see if it went alright

$ node -v
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