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Created April 8, 2013 20:09
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Pagerank library code
from org.apache.pig.scripting import Pig
class Pagerank:
def __init__(self, edges_input, \
damping_factor=0.85, convergence_threshold=0.0001, max_num_iterations=20, \
temporary_output_prefix="hdfs://pig-pagerank", \
output_path=None, \
preprocessing_script="../pigscripts/pagerank_preprocess.pig", \
iteration_script="../pigscripts/pagerank_iterate.pig", \
self.edges_input = edges_input
self.damping_factor = damping_factor
self.convergence_threshold = convergence_threshold
self.max_num_iterations = max_num_iterations
self.temporary_output_prefix = temporary_output_prefix
self.output_path = output_path
self.preprocessing_script = preprocessing_script
self.iteration_script = iteration_script
self.postprocessing_script = postprocessing_script
self.preprocess_pageranks = temporary_output_prefix + "/preprocess/pageranks"
self.preprocess_num_nodes = temporary_output_prefix + "/preprocess/num_nodes"
self.iteration_pageranks_prefix = temporary_output_prefix + "/iteration/pageranks_"
self.iteration_rank_changes_prefix = temporary_output_prefix + "/iteration/aggregate_rank_change_"
def run_pagerank(self):
Calculates pageranks for directed graph of nodes and edges.
Three main steps:
1. Preprocessing: Process input data to:
a) Count the total number of nodes.
b) Prepare initial pagerank values for all nodes.
2. Iteration: Calculate new pageranks for each node based on the previous pageranks of the
nodes with edges going into the given node.
3. Postprocessing: Find the top pagerank nodes and join to a separate dataset to find their names.
# Preprocessing step:
print "Starting preprocessing step."
preprocess = Pig.compileFromFile(self.preprocessing_script)
preprocess_params = {
"INPUT_PATH": self.edges_input,
"PAGERANKS_OUTPUT_PATH": self.preprocess_pageranks,
"NUM_NODES_OUTPUT_PATH": self.preprocess_num_nodes
preprocess_bound = preprocess.bind(preprocess_params)
preprocess_stats = preprocess_bound.runSingle()
# Update convergence threshold based on the size of the graph (number of nodes)
num_nodes = long(str(preprocess_stats.result("num_nodes").iterator().next().get(0)))
convergence_threshold = long(self.convergence_threshold * num_nodes * num_nodes)
print "Calculated convergence threshold for %d nodes: %d" % (num_nodes, convergence_threshold)
# Iteration step:
iteration = Pig.compileFromFile(self.iteration_script)
for i in range(self.max_num_iterations):
print "Starting iteration step: %s" % str(i + 1)
# Append the iteration number to the input/output stems
iteration_input = self.preprocess_pageranks if i == 0 else (self.iteration_pageranks_prefix + str(i-1))
iteration_pageranks_output = self.iteration_pageranks_prefix + str(i)
iteration_rank_changes_output = self.iteration_rank_changes_prefix + str(i)
iteration_bound = iteration.bind({
"INPUT_PATH": iteration_input,
"DAMPING_FACTOR": self.damping_factor,
"NUM_NODES": num_nodes,
"PAGERANKS_OUTPUT_PATH": iteration_pageranks_output,
"AGG_RANK_CHANGE_OUTPUT_PATH": iteration_rank_changes_output
iteration_stats = iteration_bound.runSingle()
# If we're below the convergence threshold break out of the loop.
aggregate_rank_change = long(str(iteration_stats.result("aggregate_rank_change").iterator().next().get(0)))
if aggregate_rank_change < convergence_threshold:
print "Sum of ordering-rank changes %d under convergence threshold %d. Stopping." \
% (aggregate_rank_change, convergence_threshold)
elif i == self.max_num_iterations-1:
print ("Sum of ordering-rank changes %d " % aggregate_rank_change) + \
("above convergence threshold %d but hit max number of iterations. " % convergence_threshold) + \
print "Sum of ordering-rank changes %d above convergence threshold %d. Continuing." \
% (aggregate_rank_change, convergence_threshold)
iteration_pagerank_result = self.iteration_pageranks_prefix + str(i)
# Postprocesing step:
print "Starting postprocessing step."
postprocess = Pig.compileFromFile(self.postprocessing_script)
postprocess_params = { "PAGERANKS_INPUT_PATH": iteration_pagerank_result }
if self.output_path is not None: # otherwise, the script outputs to the default location,
# which is a special directory in s3://mortar-example-output-data
# permissioned for your Mortar account.
postprocess_params["OUTPUT_PATH"] = self.output_path
postprocess_bound = postprocess.bind(postprocess_params)
postprocess_stats = postprocess_bound.runSingle()
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