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Created December 23, 2016 18:00
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Developer Evaluation Assignment
Front End Developer Assessment
The evaluation has two parts. Part 1 you'll complete on your own with as much time as is needed. I anticipate it will take you a few days if you spend 1 hour each evening. Please do not rush this as you won't gain anything by finishing it sooner but kudos if you do... Part 2 you will be a pair programming session to be completed while screen sharing and you will be given ~30 minutes to complete.
Part 1:
Est 1 hour
I.A Scaffold an Angular 2 web app using angular-cli which uses Angular Material 2 or Bootstrap Alpha 4 and demonstrates the following:
a. Use of Parent and Child Routes
b. Use of Parent and Child Components (Set a variable in the parent, modify in the child components and pass changes back to the parent)
c. Form Validation using the Angular Forms module, example here:
Forms - ts - GUIDE - Angular
Template-Driven Forms. Many of us will build forms by writing templates in the Angular template syntax with the form-specific directives and techniques described in ...
d. Display a list of puppies that will be obtained from a REST api that you will create. (puppy can be the child component for (b) if you like..)
f. Implement filtering of the list of puppies based on any attribute. Use a custom angular 2 Pipe.
Est 0.25 hours
I.B Create a MEAN stack Web APP/API using the yeoman angular fullstack generator found here:
GitHub - angular-fullstack/generator-angular-fullstack ...
generator-angular-fullstack - Yeoman generator for AngularJS with an Express server
a. Scaffold the web app to use gulp, mongoose.
b. Scaffold a puppies endpoint "/api/puppies"
Est 1.25 hours
I.C Implement the ability to CRUD your list of puppies using your angular 2 web app. (Feel free to disable CORS on this.)
a. Use Observables... (Feel free to Ask me after you've scoured stack overflow if you have questions...)
Complete one of the options below:
Est 0.5 hours
I.D Option 1: Deploy 3 docker containers to Amazons ECS free tier or an equivalent service so we can view your work.
a. Container 1 should have your angular 2 web app
b. Container 2 should have your Fullstack API
c. Container 3 should have your Mongodb.
Est 0.5 hours
I.D Option 2: Write a test(s) with the testing framework of your choice that covers the angular 2 apps communication with the api so that if the tests pass you know that CRUD on the endpoint is working.
Lastly, provide relevant source code in the form of github repositories. Be sure to include your Dockerfile's
Feel free to complete as few or all of these items as you like. Your code will be reviewed and an assessment made based on your ability to problem solve and complete this assignment while following best practices.
Good Luck!
Jesse Spencer
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