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Created August 8, 2014 07:14
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import os
import psycopg2
import psycopg2.extras
from psycopg2 import ProgrammingError
from psycopg2 import OperationalError
from controllers.settings import test_connection as TEST_CONN
from controllers.settings import connection as CONN
from controllers.settings import cursor_composites
from controllers.settings import schema_file_path as SCHEMA_PATH
from controllers.settings import schema_values_path as VALUES_PATH
from controllers.settings import global_debug as GLOBAL_DEBUG
Method: convert
Converts psycopg2 RealDictRow & list types to native python dictionaries and lists rescursively.
results - The results from the query
def convert(results):
if type(results) == list:
results = list(results)
for i in range(len(results)):
results[i] = convert(results[i])
elif type(results) == psycopg2.extras.RealDictRow:
results = dict(results)
return results
Class: DictComposite
Dictionary composite factory for psycopg2. Use to transform returned psycopg2 composites into dictionaries.
>>> class DictComposite(psycopg2.extras.CompositeCaster):
... def make(self, values):
... return dict(zip(self.attnames, values))
>>> psycopg2.extras.register_composite('card', cur,
... factory=DictComposite)
>>> cur.execute("select (8, 'hearts')::card")
>>> cur.fetchone()[0]
{'suit': 'hearts', 'value': 8}
class DictComposite(psycopg2.extras.CompositeCaster):
def make(self, values):
return dict(zip(self.attnames, values))
Method: make_composite
Returns a cursor made for retrieving dictionary composites from the database by instantiating with the DictComposite Dictionary.
cur - A cursor instance instantiated from the psycopg2 connection.
def make_composite(cur):
for ccomposite in cursor_composites:
psycopg2.extras.register_composite(ccomposite, cur, factory=DictComposite)
return cur
Class: Schema
Base class for working aggressively with the database.
name - The name of the database
user - The user of the database
port - The port of the database
path - The path to the database schema
values_path - The path to default database values
class Schema():
def __init__(self, testing=True, schema_path=SCHEMA_PATH):
self.conn = CONN
if testing is True:
self.conn = TEST_CONN = self.conn.get('database')
self.user = self.conn.get('user')
self.port = self.conn.get('port')
self.path = SCHEMA_PATH
self.values_path = VALUES_PATH
# drop and build
drop_db = raw_input('\n[DANGER] Drop and rebuild the database schema? (y)es or (n)o: ')
if drop_db in ['Y','y']:
os.system('dropdb -p %s %s' % (self.port,
self.conn = psycopg2.connect(**self.conn)
Method: empty
Needed to empty the database after it has already been created & setup.
def empty(self):
cur = self.conn.cursor()
cur.execute('SELECT * FROM truncate(%s);', (self.user,))
os.system("psql -U %s -E -p %s -d %s --command '\i %s'" % (self.user, self.port,, self.values_path))
return True
Method: build
Creates the database via system commands.
Adds the plpythonu trusted language. (capability)
Adds the intarray extension. (capability)
Optionally loads in the schema line-by-line.
def build(self):
# create database
os.system('createdb -p %s --owner %s %s' % (self.port, self.user,
# add python to database
os.system("psql -U %s -p %s -d %s --command 'create or replace trusted language plpythonu'" % (self.user, self.port,
# trust python
os.system("psql -U %s -p %s -d %s --command \"UPDATE pg_language SET lanpltrusted = true WHERE lanname = 'plpythonu';\"" % (self.user, self.port,
# grant all to python
os.system("psql -U %s -p %s -d %s --command 'grant all on language plpythonu to %s'" % (self.user, self.port,, self.user))
# add extensions to database
os.system("psql -U %s -p %s -d %s --command 'CREATE EXTENSION intarray'" % (self.user, self.port,
# open up the connection
self.conn = psycopg2.connect(**self.conn)
# test schema if desired
slow_test_db = raw_input('Test database schema (line-by-line, this is slow)? (y)es or (n)o: ')
if slow_test_db in ['y', 'Y']: # load the tables
cur = self.conn.cursor()
schema = open(self.path).read()
else: # build the database using psql \i meta-command
os.system("psql -U %s -E -p %s -d %s --command '\i %s'" % (self.user, self.port,, self.path))
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