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Created July 31, 2017 19:38
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Chat Transcript for :
Date : July 31 2017
Anup (8:21) -
Jed (8:27) -
Jed (8:29) - - for communities instead of individuals (patreon, etc.)
Jed (8:31) - crowdfunding open source
Jed (8:31) - (with Evan You)
Jed (8:34) - by Dustan Kasten 2017-01-16
Jed (8:35) - q: AST -> Flow / Typescript
Jed (8:36) - a1 (code generation): string concatenation
Jed (8:37) - a2 (which one): flow
Jed (8:37) - - works w/ babel reliably
Jed (8:38) - - typescript not spec-compliant
Jed (8:39) - - eslint not supported by typescript
Jed (8:40) - by James Kyle 2017-06-07
Jed (8:42) - also, flow starts with errors "in the wrong place" rather than no errors (typesscript 'any' type default) before type annotations are added
Jed (8:43) - - flow well-integrated (flow+babel+eslint vs. typescript)
Jed (8:44) - Sorry I can't unmute :(
Brian Schroer (8:47) -
Jed (8:47) -
Jed (8:48) - JSON Web Tokens and Angular App Performance
Jed (8:48) -
Jed (8:52) -
Justin Dorfman (8:52) - Hey Nadia!
Nadia (8:52) - naooo it's full
Nadia (8:53) - yayyy!
Justin Dorfman (8:54) - 🎉
Jed (8:55) - egghead / course-creation tip: maximize value of existing content (talks / workshops) available as public recordings (any possible quality)
Jed (8:56) - 'ain't nobody got time for that': record 1-1 teaching conversations
Jed (8:56) - kent dodds tech chat playlists
Jed (8:57) - q: old tech
Jed (8:57) - a: new job ;)
Jed (8:59) -
Jed (9:01) - q: FB React patent?
Jed (9:02) - a: patent attorney not concerned
Jed (9:02) - plan b: preact
Jed (9:03) - :(
Jed (9:03) - lost sound for a sec
Justin Dorfman (9:03) - what is the protocol for asking a question?
Anup (9:04) - Just ask when no one is asking a question
Nadia (9:04) - (also wondering!)
Anup (9:04) - no protocol or anything
Nadia (9:04) - ok :)
Jed (9:04) - a:avoid full-page re-write. create react components
Jed (9:05) - React, Facebook, and the Revocable Patent License. Why It’s a Paper 🐯. by Dennis Walsh 2017-07-18
Jed (9:06) - a:shipping quick? built it in the old way
Jed (9:07) - building an interop component short-cut meant nothing ever was completely changed over
Jed (9:07) - once something is react, everything else (new ?)on the page should be react
Jed (9:08) - given time, rebuild existing components
Jed (9:08) - a:first-time experiments in a separate project
Jed (9:08) - - smaller application or side-project
Jed (9:10) - a:de-couple front from back end, whether REST or GraphQL
Jed (9:10) - +improved perceived performance (initial load)
Jed (9:10) - -SEO (server-side rendering)
Jed (9:12) - Yonatan re: .NET server-side
Henry Zhu (9:12) - daniel yea
Yonatan Mevorach (9:12) -
Henry Zhu (9:12) - ^
Jed (9:13) - any .net graphql tips?
Jed (9:13) -
Jed (9:14) - November 3, 2016 by Deniz Gültekin
Jed (9:14) - q: FB offer turned down?
Jed (9:14) - a: no remote, move to CA
Jed (9:14) - thanks for the pointers Yonatan!
Jed (9:15) - a:cost of living in CA, convenience + connection to UT
Eric Berry (9:17) - I have no clue why I am showing up as that guy
Jed (9:17) - q:religion + open source
Jed (9:19) - a:introspection! LDS member
Jed (9:19) - a:"find happing by doing the things that Jesus Christ did, by following his example"
Jed (9:20) - a:"really positive impact on my life"
Jed (9:21) - a:"diffuse sitations before they escalate to anything really bad"
Jed (9:21) - (sorry not a transcriptionist)
Jed (9:22) - a:"bad rap for [...] self-righteous; feel like they're better than others"
Jed (9:22) - a:"not the way that Jesus Christ felt about people that did not believe in Him"
Jed (9:23) - a:"look beyond the differences [...] instead at that person [...] that they matter"
Jed (9:23) - a:"informed privilege awareness"
Jed (9:27) - a:"🎶 Because I Have Been Given Much ... I too must give"
Jed (9:28) - Our Community is Like a Fire by Kent 2016-03-09
Jed (9:29) - [Discussion of open source community emphasis]
Brian Schroer (9:29) - Figured out why Kent sometimes gets muted. There's a limit to how many people can be unmuted at once. When someone new joins, they're unmuted to start with, and that sometimes exceeds the limit.
Jed (9:31) - a:"*not* 'can't find happiness without religon - that's not true"
Jed (9:34) -
Jed (9:35) - [similarities between religious ministry and open source]
Jed (9:36) - a"all church members need: (1) friends (2) responsibility (3) nourishment from the Word of God"
Jed (9:37) - in open source:
Jed (9:37) - (1) ...
Jed (9:37) - (2) "having a job [...] ask the person filing the issue to fix the bug"
Alejandro Oviedo García (9:38) - I have to drop, but really interesting talk folks
Nadia (9:38) - bye!
Alejandro Oviedo García (9:38) - we should do this more often
Jed (9:39) - a:"open source is about people rather than code"
Jed (9:40) - find potential and point to places to strengthen the community
Jed (9:43) - specific example re:privilege
Jed (9:43) - glamorous website multilingual
Jed (9:44) - i18n
Jed (9:47) - #burnout
Jed (9:49) - [identity from work/accomplishments (motivation) - whose approval?]
Jed (9:50) - "identify not by what I do but who I am as a person"
Jed (9:51) - #gas
Jed (9:51) - burnout - "caring too much"
Jed (9:52) - rate of change not fast enough
Jed (9:52) - i'mma spam:
Jed (9:53) - burnout vs. pushing boundaries to new possibilities
Jed (9:53) - burnout vs. bus factor - "only one who can do that" (maintainer)
Jed (9:54) - OSS burnout (already volunteer) vs. job
Jed (9:57) - ~2015 in review by Sebastian McKenzie 2016-01-04
Jed (9:57) - #new-contributor
Jed (9:58) - "A weird thing happened though as I pulled myself further away from the project. Contributors came in and filled the gaps." - post above
Jed (9:58) - #getting-started / onboarding
Jed (9:59) - /afk
Jed (10:04) - #maintainers
Jed (10:05) - answering the same question again and again - frustration
Jed (10:06) - tone - positive + friendly
Jed (10:06) - start with "Hello, ___[name]___"
Jed (10:06) - invite improvement to documentation
Jed (10:07) - people who experienced an issue motivated to help others avoid their issue
Jed (10:07) - [documentation / help] fixes more approachable to new contributors
Jed (10:08) - increased contributor pool = less future time for maintainer
Jed (10:08) - q:managing open source projects
Jed (10:09) - trends / differences -> success (size)
Jed (10:10) - a:scope - many [metrics]
Henry Zhu (10:10) - gonna take off after this
Jed (10:11) - a:maintainers no longer gatekeepers
Jed (10:12) - spam: by Felix Geisendörfer 2013-03-11
Jed (10:12) - "Whenever somebody sends you a pull request, give them commit access to your project."
Jed (10:12) - a:breaking point when maintainer can't do everything anymore
Eric Berry (10:13) - spam: In meeting so I can't join voice, but our company is working to help the open source sustainability problem:
Jed (10:14) - #cli watch mode
Jed (10:15) - no clue how to search what he's talking about
Jed (10:15) - turkey door ?? :(
Henry Zhu (10:15) -
Jed (10:17) - not setup as easy to contribute to - documentation, issue managements / pull requests
Jed (10:19) - not bringing happiness? move on
Jed (10:19) - problem: only one who can publish new build, or willing to merge new requests
Jed (10:20) - transfer ownership for small patch?
Jed (10:20) - organization to adopt abandoned projects?
Yonatan Mevorach (10:21) - i think i saw a blog post a few months ago where someone pulled up the stats for the 100 most depended-on NPM packages that have the fewest github stars. so these are the projects that need the most help. can't find the post though :-(
Nadia (10:22) - Yonatan, was this one?
Anup (10:23) - Great news:
Jed (10:23) - [build release processes into CI infrastructure - "hit buttons"]
Anup (10:23) - webpack got awarded from Mozilla in MOSS program.
Yonatan Mevorach (10:24) - @Nadia not sure it was this one but this is very interesting. Thanks!
Henry Zhu (10:24) -
Henry Zhu (10:26) - gonna take off, thanks all!
Jed (10:26) -
Nadia (10:26) - bye Henry!
Anup (10:27) - It was great having you Henry :)
Jed (10:27) - by Mikeal on 2016-02-22
Jed (10:28) - [significant contribution -> commit access]
Jed (10:28) - [gated pull requests]
Jed (10:28) - [CI should pass all tests + exit]
Jed (10:29) - ain't nobody got time for tests! :P
Jed (10:31) - I think there is a difference between nightlies vs. recommended release
Jed (10:31) - "a passing test is the best documentation" - Molluzzo
Nadia (10:32) - hopping off, safe drive Kent!
Nadia (10:32) - (p.s. major kudos to Jed for notetaking, my goodness!)
Jed (10:32) - #burnout
Eric Berry (10:33) - +1 thanks Jed!
Paul (10:33) -
Jed (10:33) - [top of project link to "need maintainer" issue]
Jed (10:34) - [previous goal: fastest to fix the issue, instead of enabling user to become contributor]
Jed (10:34) - "our codebase, not my codebase"
Jed (10:36) - [no one willing to maintain? nobody cares - may not matter that there is no maintainer]
Jed (10:37) - [advantage of open source and maintenance]
Jed (10:38) - biggest challenge: avoid feeling guilty when unable to solve everybody's problems
Jed (10:38) - answer: don't owe anything
Jed (10:39) - q:evaluate health of open source projects that will become critical dependencies (at work)
Jed (10:39) - aka the "left-pad" problem
Jed (10:40) - discussion:recompose
Jed (10:41) - recommend: RFC's for changing practices
Jed (10:41) - (2) README justification / blog post
Yonatan Mevorach (10:42) - rfc?
Jed (10:42) - request for comment
Yonatan Mevorach (10:42) - thanks
Jed (10:42) - q clarification: evaluate alternatives?
Jed (10:43) - a:RFC details
Jed (10:44) - overview emphasizing recommendation, linking alternatives briefly
Jed (10:45) - sometimes breakdown alternatives in detail
Jed (10:45) - [earlier mention of long-term value of archive of completed process]
Jed (10:46) - build enough to benchmark, discuss pros + cons including dev experience
Jed (10:47) - kent: discounting benchmarks when everything within the same ballpark
Jed (10:48) - but definitely build something
Jed (10:48) - evaluate dev experience
Jed (10:49) - using a generator for specific project format: explain the problem, explain the solution
Jed (10:51) - record a _brief_ screencast
Jed (10:51) - start with the why? the pain + the benefits
Jed (10:52) - don't start with the price, start with the car (salesmanship)
Jed (10:53) - be clear on the problem, the solution, and also the cost
Jed (10:54) - 1-on-1 with each team member for concerns
Jed (10:55) - any unrecognized objections within a group suddenly become everyone's problem
Jed (10:58) - spam (the phone too):
Jed (10:59) - "Since management hasn't yet realized that there is a problem, they just hear that you are not doing your job and put pressure on you to fix all the bugs,"
Jed (10:59) - [back to evaluating health of open source projects]
Jed (10:59) - stars, issues, google trends or list of google search auto-complete
Jed (11:00) - #licensing
Jed (11:01) - q:css + js libraries - multiple implementations
Jed (11:03) - [can't find repo demonstrating all the options]
Yonatan Mevorach (11:04) -
Yonatan Mevorach (11:04) - check out the number of different options!
Jed (11:05) - thanks
Jed (11:05) - a:new concept, trade-offs etc.
Jed (11:05) - comparison
Paul (11:07) -,aphrodite,radium,glamorous,styled-components
Jed (11:07) - there's 50+ different options
Jed (11:11) - [more of a "tree" forking from alternatives rather than all different re-implementations]
Jed (11:12) - 1.5 hours remain
Jed (11:13) - spam:this is the part where you rent a trailer - once my parents did hertz truck + uhaul trailer (not really authorized)
Jed (11:15) - #server-side-rendering
Jed (11:16) - q:babel vs. webpack rendering
Jed (11:19) - /afk
Jed (11:20) - [swapping react components based on platform]
Jed (11:20) - a:separate bundle for desktop vs. mobil
Jed (11:21) - caveat: dynamic imports
Jed (11:21) - might be easiest solution?
Jed (11:22) -
Jed (11:22) - (at runtime)
Jed (11:22) - babel - environment variable (desktop vs. mobile build)
Jed (11:23) - run the build twice
Jed (11:23) - example: glamor i18n
Jed (11:23) - server-side rendering can not use loaders (without bundling) ...
Jed (11:24) - no markdown rendering
Jed (11:24) - custom locale plugin
Jed (11:26) - - run code at compile time
Yonatan Mevorach (11:26) - options to do dynamic imports: at runtime with code splitting mechanisms, or at build time with either babel or webpack.
Jed (11:26) - inspired by webpack's val-loader
Jed (11:27) - todo: babel plug-in "code gen"
Jed (11:27) - module exports a string of code -> replace code-gen expression with that string of code
Jed (11:27) - spam: feels like templating, eg. T4
Jed (11:28) - work with string literal instead of AST
Jed (11:29) - mention: context-replacement-plugin
Jed (11:29) - worry: tied to webpack
Jed (11:29) - q:jest testing vs. dynamic imports
Jed (11:30) - jest magic 1: module dependency graph
Jed (11:30) - (test only recent commit)
Paul (11:30) - Hey All, have to bail, sorry. Have fun!
Jed (11:31) - webpack possible but unkown
Jed (11:32) - ?
Jed (11:33) - +totally static
Jed (11:34) - github netlify static site pull request - see deployed version
Jed (11:36) - ?
Jed (11:39) - kent disconnected in case anyone can't see, we are awaiting his return
Jed (11:39) - trying to find the spot in that video where he flips
Jed (11:39) - it's pretty loud
Eric Berry (11:39) - It's a pretty epic flip
Eric Berry (11:39) - he spins as well
Eric Berry (11:39) - towards the end
Jed (11:40) -
Yonatan Mevorach (11:40) - gotta go. thanks a lot Jed!
Jed (11:40) - take care man, that was a good question
Jed (11:40) - hope i'm not cutting anybody off but Kent needs our help now more than any other time in the call re: fighting sleep
Jed (11:44) - sorry my bad
Jed (11:44) - suggestion: talk on the phone pre/post conference
Jed (11:45) - time for a mumble server or something built for this
Jed (11:50) - #interviewing
Jed (11:52) - spam:
Jed (11:52) - i'm spamming there for a bit
[2:56 PM] :discussion of Paypal interview proces
[2:56 PM] : s
[2:58 PM] : tips
[2:58 PM] : #1 don't make up stuff :smiley:
[2:58 PM] : it's ok to say you don't know
[2:58 PM] : purpose: find out the edge of your knowledge (what you don't know)
[2:59 PM] : #2 nobody wants you to fail - want to hire you
[2:59 PM] : preparation: study up on the basics (CSS, semantic HTML, JavaScript)
[3:00 PM] : example q: implement an API in code
[3:00 PM] : personal example: interviewer did the typing, (b) remote co-coding
[3:01 PM] : example q: re-implement jquery - specifically chaining
[3:01 PM] : #3 no shortcut to experience - build things!
[3:01 PM] : (again, this is live - if I can find the recording afterward i will link it up here)
[3:02 PM] : don't worry about: bring your own ___ (expo marker, etc.) "just in case" - not an issue at paypal
[3:02 PM] : #4 questions are good - clarify + iterate
[3:03 PM] : taking a break to talk to someone calling in
[3:05 PM] : if you have any career-questions for a paypal front-end dev, use the conference call link in the next 30 minutes
Brian Schroer (11:54) - Atom plugin for converting CSS to JS styles and vice versa:
Brian Schroer (11:56) - VS Code extension:
Jed (12:02) - thanks brian
Jed (12:03) - sry atticus
Jed (12:04) - [caller from UT]
Jed (12:04) - open source sustainability
Jed (12:06) - advertising via README embed
Jed (12:07) - run by developers - "text only"
Jed (12:08) - codeplex had this built-in
Jed (12:08) -
Jed (12:08) - "very-very annoying and time-consuming"
Jed (12:09) - (that was my spam)
Jed (12:09) - kent:added donation button, got $0
Jed (12:09) -
Jed (12:12) - [oss money]
Jed (12:13) - caller:Bitcoin
Jed (12:13) - spam:whisper systems bitcoin
Jed (12:14) - caller:mentioned open collective, coordinating payments
Jed (12:15) - by moxie0 on 16 Dec 2013
Jed (12:15) - "the owner of every merged pull request is paid 2% of our total balance at the time of the merge"
Jed (12:17) -
Jed (12:17) -
Jed (12:17) - challenge: finding the right advertisers
Jed (12:18) - kent:ads exist on lodash, eslint
Jed (12:18) - q:on website?
Jed (12:19) - a:README is the MVP
Jed (12:20) - kent:ad needs to clearly appear as an ad / sponsored link, not "sneaky" trying to blend in
Jed (12:20) - intention:"not detract" (distract)
Jed (12:20) - from the readme
Jed (12:20) - kent:where do you put it?
Jed (12:21) - a:in the header
Jed (12:21) - kent:badge?
Jed (12:21) - prev. a: recommend header, but up to dev
Jed (12:22) - (spam: from what i gather, kent is semi-suggesting they make the process a pull request into the project README themselves)
Jed (12:22) - /afk
Jed (12:24) - does anyone have a technical question for Kent ??
Jed (12:25) - sry i missed that link
Jed (12:25) - kent:"not caring about the big long line" - "I don't owe you anything"
Jed (12:26) - missed a link - life of an open source developer or something
Jed (12:28) - apparently direct calling is now in Discord -
Jed (12:30) - recommended: awesome subtitles
Jed (12:32) - -sometimes no idea what's happening
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