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Created November 13, 2014 00:31
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nroff / man page generated by pandoc from --> fi_cm.3
.TH "fi_cm" "3" "\@DATE\@" "Libfabric Programmer\[aq]s Manual" "\@VERSION\@"
fi_cm \- Connection management operations
.B fi_connect / fi_listen / fi_accept / fi_reject / fi_shutdown
Manage endpoint connection state.
.B fi_getname / fi_getpeer
Return local or peer endpoint address
.B fi_join / fi_leave
Have an endpoint join or leave a multicast group.
#include\ <rdma/fi_cm.h>
int\ fi_connect(struct\ fid_ep\ *ep,\ const\ void\ *addr,
\ \ \ \ const\ void\ *param,\ size_t\ paramlen);
int\ fi_listen(struct\ fid_pep\ *pep);
int\ fi_accept(struct\ fid_ep\ *ep,\ fi_connreq_t\ connreq,
\ \ \ \ const\ void\ *param,\ size_t\ paramlen);
int\ fi_reject(struct\ fid_pep\ *pep,\ fi_connreq_t\ connreq,
\ \ \ \ const\ void\ *param,\ size_t\ paramlen);
int\ fi_shutdown(struct\ fid_ep\ *ep,\ uint64_t\ flags);
int\ fi_getname(fid_t\ fid,\ void\ *addr,\ size_t\ *addrlen);
int\ fi_getpeer(struct\ fid_ep\ *ep,\ void\ *addr,\ size_t\ *addrlen);
int\ fi_join(struct\ fid_ep\ *ep,\ void\ *addr,\ fi_addr_t\ *fi_addr,
\ \ \ \ uint64_t\ flags,\ void\ *context);
int\ fi_leave(struct\ fid_ep\ *ep,\ void\ *addr,\ fi_addr_t\ fi_addr,
\ \ \ \ uint64_t\ flags);
.B \f[I]ep / pep\f[]
Fabric endpoint on which to change connection state.
.B \f[I]addr\f[]
Buffer to store queried address (get), or address to connect/join/leave.
The address must be in the same format as that specified using fi_info:
addr_format when the endpoint was created.
.B \f[I]addrlen\f[]
On input, specifies size of addr buffer.
On output, stores number of bytes written to addr buffer.
.B \f[I]param\f[]
User\-specified data exchanged as part of the connection exchange.
.B \f[I]paramlen\f[]
Size of param buffer.
.B \f[I]info\f[]
Fabric information associated with a connection request.
.B \f[I]fi_addr\f[]
Fabric address associated with a multicast address.
.B \f[I]flags\f[]
Additional flags for controlling connection operation.
.B \f[I]context\f[]
User context associated with the request.
Connection management functions are used to connect an endpoint to a
remote address (in the case of a connectionless endpoint) or a peer
endpoint (for connection\-oriented endpoints).
.SS fi_listen
The fi_listen call indicates that the specified endpoint should be
transitioned into a passive connection state, allowing it to accept
incoming connection requests.
Connection requests against a listening endpoint are reported
asynchronously to the user through a bound CM event queue using the
FI_CONNREQ event type.
The number of outstanding connection requests that can be queued at an
endpoint is limited by the listening endpoint\[aq]s backlog parameter.
The backlog is initialized based on administrative configuration values,
but may be adjusted through the fi_control call.
.SS fi_connect
For a connection\-oriented endpoint, fi_connect initiates a connection
request to the destination address.
For a connectionless endpoint, fi_connect specifies the destination
address that future data transfer operations will target.
This avoids the need for the user to specify the address as part of the
data transfer.
.SS fi_accept / fi_reject
The fi_accept and fi_reject calls are used on the passive (listening)
side of a connection to accept or reject a connection request,
To accept a connection, the listening application first waits for a
connection request event.
After receiving such an event, it allocates a new endpoint to accept the
fi_accept is invoked with the newly allocated endpoint passed in as the
fid parameter.
If the listening application wishes to reject a connection request, it
calls fi_reject with the listening endpoint passed in as the fid.
fi_reject takes a reference to the connection request as an input
A successfully accepted connection request will result in the active
(connecting) endpoint seeing an FI_CONNECTED event on its associated
event queue.
A rejected or failed connection request will generate an error event.
The error entry will provide additional details describing the reason
for the failed attempt.
An FI_CONNECTED event will also be generated on the passive side for the
accepting endpoint once the connection has been properly established.
Outbound data transfers cannot be initiated on a connection\-oriented
endpoint until an FI_CONNECTED event has been generated.
However, receive buffers may be associated with an endpoint anytime.
For connection\-oriented endpoints, the param buffer will be sent as
part of the connection request or response, subject to the constraints
of the underlying connection protocol.
Applications may use fi_control to determine the size of application
data that may be exchanged as part of a connection request or response.
The fi_connect, fi_accept, and fi_reject calls will silently truncate
any application data which cannot fit into underlying protocol messages.
.SS fi_shutdown
The fi_shutdown call is used to gracefully disconnect an endpoint from
its peer.
If shutdown flags are 0, the endpoint is fully disconnected, and no
additional data transfers will be possible.
Flags may also be used to indicate that only outbound (FI_WRITE) or
inbound (FI_READ) data transfers should be disconnected.
Regardless of the shutdown option selected, any queued completions
associated with asynchronous operations may still be retrieved from the
corresponding event queues.
An FI_SHUTDOWN event will be generated for an endpoint when the remote
peer issues a disconnect using fi_shutdown or abruptly closes the
.SS fi_getname / fi_getpeer
The fi_getname and fi_getpeer calls may be used to retrieve the local or
peer endpoint address, respectively.
On input, the addrlen parameter should indicate the size of the addr
If the actual address is larger than what can fit into the buffer, it
will be truncated.
On output, addrlen is set to the size of the buffer needed to store the
address, which may be larger than the input value.
.SS fi_join / fi_leave
fi_join and fi_leave are use to associate or dissociate an endpoint with
a multicast group.
Join operations complete asynchronously, with the completion reported
through the event queue associated with the endpoint or domain, if an
event queue has not been bound to the endpoint.
A fabric address will be provided as part of the join request.
The address will be written to the memory location referenced by the
fi_addr parameter.
This address must be used when issuing data transfer operations to the
multicast group.
Because join operations are asynchronous, the memory location referenced
by the fi_addr parameter must remain valid until an event associated
with the join is reported, or a corresponding call to leave the
multicast group returns.
Fi_addr is not guaranteed to be set upon return from fi_join, and it is
strongly recommended that fi_addr not be declared on the stack, as data
corruption may result.
The fi_leave call will result in an endpoint leaving a multicast group.
The fi_leave call may be called even if the join operation has not
completed, in which case the join will be canceled if it has not yet
The fi_join call allows the user to specify flags requesting the type of
join operation being requested.
Flags for fi_leave must be 0.
.B \f[I]FI_SEND\f[]
Setting FI_SEND, but not FI_RECV, indicates that the endpoint should
join the multicast group as a send\-only member.
If FI_RECV is also set or neither FI_SEND or FI_RECV are set, then the
endpoint will join the group with send and receive capabilities.
.B \f[I]FI_RECV\f[]
Setting FI_RECV, but not FI_SEND, indicates that the endpoint should
join the multicast group as a receive\-only member.
If FI_SEND is also set or neither FI_SEND or FI_RECV are set, then the
endpoint will join the group with send and receive capabilities.
Returns 0 on success.
On error, a negative value corresponding to fabric errno is returned.
Fabric errno values are defined in \f[C]rdma/fi_errno.h\f[].
\f[C]fi_getinfo\f[](3), \f[C]fi_endpoint\f[](3), \f[C]fi_domain\f[](3),
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