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Created June 20, 2016 21:34
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Sample libfabric EP_MSG program showing fd-EQ-waiting problem
#define WANT_FDS 1
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <sys/epoll.h>
#include <mpi.h>
#include <rdma/fabric.h>
#include <rdma/fi_domain.h>
#include <rdma/fi_endpoint.h>
#include <rdma/fi_cm.h>
#include <rdma/fi_eq.h>
#include <rdma/fi_errno.h>
static int comm_rank;
static int comm_size;
static char *id = "UNKNOWN";
typedef enum {
} event_type;
typedef struct {
struct epoll_event event;
event_type et;
} epoll_context_t;
#define error(msg) do_error((msg), __LINE__)
static void do_error(const char *msg, int line)
fprintf(stderr, "%s:MCW %d:line %d: %s\n", id, comm_rank, line, msg);
static void wait_for_debugger(void)
printf("%s:MCW %d:PID %d: waiting for debugger attach...\n",
id, comm_rank, getpid());
int i = 0;
while (i == 0) sleep(5);
static const char *addrstr(struct sockaddr_in *sin)
static char namebuf[BUFSIZ];
static char servbuf[BUFSIZ];
memset(namebuf, 0, sizeof(namebuf));
memset(servbuf, 0, sizeof(servbuf));
socklen_t len = sizeof(*sin);
getnameinfo((struct sockaddr*) sin, len, namebuf, BUFSIZ,
servbuf, BUFSIZ,
static char foo[BUFSIZ];
memset(foo, 0, sizeof(foo));
snprintf(foo, sizeof(foo) - 1, "%s:::%s", namebuf, servbuf);
return foo;
return inet_ntoa(sin->sin_addr);
static void setup_mpi(void)
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &comm_rank);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &comm_size);
if (0 == comm_rank) {
id = "SERVER";
} else if (1 == comm_rank) {
id = "CLIENT";
static void teardown_mpi(void)
typedef struct fistuff {
struct fi_info *info;
struct fid_fabric *fabric;
struct fid_domain *domain;
struct fid_eq *eq;
int eq_fd;
struct fid_pep *pep;
struct fid_cq *cq;
int cq_fd;
struct fid_mr *send_mr;
struct fid_mr *recv_mr;
} fistuff_t;
typedef struct {
struct fid_ep *ep;
fi_addr_t addr;
} clientstuff_t;
typedef struct {
struct fid_ep *ep;
} serverstuff_t;
static fistuff_t fistuff;
static int epoll_fd = -1;
static struct sockaddr_in sin;
static int listen_port = 5050;
#define NUM_CONN_DATA 4
static uint32_t server_data[NUM_CONN_DATA] = { 19, 20, 21, 22 };
static uint32_t client_data[NUM_CONN_DATA] = { 29, 30, 31, 32 };
static char ofi_node[256] = {0};
static char ofi_service[256] = {0};
static char send_buffer[4096] = {0};
static char recv_buffer[4096] = {0};
static void setup_ofi(const char *node, const char *service)
struct fi_fabric_attr fabric_attr;
memset(&fabric_attr, 0, sizeof(fabric_attr));
fabric_attr.prov_name = (char*) "sockets";
//fabric_attr.prov_name = (char*) "usnic";
struct fi_ep_attr ep_attr;
memset(&ep_attr, 0, sizeof(ep_attr));
ep_attr.type = FI_EP_MSG;
struct fi_info hints;
memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
hints.caps = FI_MSG;
hints.mode = FI_LOCAL_MR;
hints.addr_format = FI_SOCKADDR_IN;
hints.ep_attr = &ep_attr;
hints.fabric_attr = &fabric_attr;
/* Get a minimum of libfabric v1.3.0. There were bugs in prior
versions; might as well start with the current libfabric
version. */
uint32_t libfabric_api;
libfabric_api = FI_VERSION(1, 3);
int ret;
ret = fi_getinfo(libfabric_api, node, service, 0,
&hints, &;
if (0 != ret) {
error("cannot fi_getinfo");
int num_devs = 0;
for (struct fi_info *info =;
NULL != info; info = info->next) {
if (0 == num_devs) {
error("no fi devices available");
//printf("INFO: %s\n", fi_tostr(, FI_TYPE_INFO));
// Just use the first info returned
ret = fi_fabric(>fabric_attr, &fistuff.fabric, NULL);
if (0 != ret) {
error("fi_fabric failed");
ret = fi_domain(fistuff.fabric,, &fistuff.domain, NULL);
if (0 != ret) {
error("fi_domain failed");
// Make an EQ
struct fi_eq_attr eq_attr;
memset(&eq_attr, 0, sizeof(eq_attr));
eq_attr.wait_obj = FI_WAIT_FD;
ret = fi_eq_open(fistuff.fabric, &eq_attr, &fistuff.eq, NULL);
if (0 != ret) {
error("fi_eq failed");
// Get the fd associated with this EQ
ret = fi_control(&(fistuff.eq->fid), FI_GETWAIT, &fistuff.eq_fd);
if (ret < 0) {
error("fi_control to get eq fq failed");
// Make a CQ
struct fi_cq_attr cq_attr;
memset(&cq_attr, 0, sizeof(cq_attr));
cq_attr.format = FI_CQ_FORMAT_CONTEXT; // JMS used to be MSG
cq_attr.wait_obj = FI_WAIT_FD;
cq_attr.size = 32; // JMS POC
ret = fi_cq_open(fistuff.domain, &cq_attr, &fistuff.cq, NULL);
if (ret != 0) {
error("fi_cq_open failed");
// Get the fd associated with this CQ
ret = fi_control(&(fistuff.cq->fid), FI_GETWAIT, &fistuff.cq_fd);
if (ret != 0) {
error("fi_control to get cq fq failed");
// Register the buffers (must use different keys for each)
ret = fi_mr_reg(fistuff.domain, send_buffer, sizeof(send_buffer),
FI_SEND, 0, (uintptr_t) send_buffer,
0, &fistuff.send_mr, NULL);
if (ret != 0) {
error("fi_mr_reg(send) failed\n");
ret = fi_mr_reg(fistuff.domain, recv_buffer, sizeof(recv_buffer),
FI_RECV, 0, (uintptr_t) recv_buffer,
0, &fistuff.recv_mr, NULL);
if (ret != 0) {
printf("ERROR: ret=%d, %s\n", ret, fi_strerror(-ret));
error("fi_mr_reg(recv) failed\n");
// Make an epoll fd to listen on
epoll_fd = epoll_create(4096);
if (epoll_fd < 0) {
error("epoll_create failed");
static void setup_ofi_active(struct fi_info *info,
struct fid_ep **ep)
int ret;
ret = fi_endpoint(fistuff.domain, info, ep, NULL);
if (0 != ret) {
error("fi_endpoint failed");
// Add the EQ FD to the epoll fd
epoll_context_t eq_fd_epoll_context;
memset(&eq_fd_epoll_context, 0, sizeof(eq_fd_epoll_context)); = EVENT_I_AM_EXPECTED;
ret = epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fistuff.eq_fd,
(void*) &eq_fd_epoll_context);
if (ret < 0) {
error("epoll_ctl failed");
// Bind the EQ to the endpoint
ret = fi_ep_bind(*ep, &fistuff.eq->fid, 0);
if (0 != ret) {
error("fi_ep_bind(eq) failed");
// Bind the TX and RX queues to the EQ
ret = fi_ep_bind(*ep, &fistuff.cq->fid, FI_TRANSMIT);
if (0 != ret) {
error("fi_ep_bind(cq tx) failed");
ret = fi_ep_bind(*ep, &fistuff.cq->fid, FI_RECV);
if (0 != ret) {
error("fi_ep_bind(cq rx) failed");
// Enable!
ret = fi_enable(*ep);
if (0 != ret) {
error("fi_enable failed");
static void teardown_ofi(void)
// JMS Fill me in
static void test_connect_with_accept_blocking_on_eq_fq_SERVER(void)
int ret;
static serverstuff_t server;
printf("SERVER running\n");
setup_ofi(NULL, NULL);
// Add the EQ FD to the epoll fd
epoll_context_t eq_fd_epoll_context;
memset(&eq_fd_epoll_context, 0, sizeof(eq_fd_epoll_context)); = EVENT_I_AM_EXPECTED;
ret = epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fistuff.eq_fd,
(void*) &eq_fd_epoll_context);
if (ret < 0) {
error("server epoll_ctl failed");
// Make a PEP
ret = fi_passive_ep(fistuff.fabric,, &fistuff.pep, NULL);
if (0 != ret) {
error("fi_passive_ep failed");
// Bind the EQ to the PEP
ret = fi_pep_bind(fistuff.pep, &fistuff.eq->fid, 0);
if (0 != ret) {
error("fi_pep_bind failed");
// Listen
ret = fi_listen(fistuff.pep);
if (0 != ret) {
error("fi_listen failed");
// Get the actual address of this PEP
struct sockaddr_in sinout;
size_t s = sizeof(sinout);
ret = fi_getname(&(fistuff.pep->fid), &sinout, &s);
if (0 != ret) {
error("fi_setname failed");
sin.sin_family = sinout.sin_family;
sin.sin_addr = sinout.sin_addr;
sin.sin_port = sinout.sin_port;
// Print server addr
printf("SERVER listening on %s\n", addrstr(&sin));
// Send our node (IP addr) and service (port) to the client
snprintf(ofi_node, sizeof(ofi_node) - 1, "%s",
snprintf(ofi_service, sizeof(ofi_service) - 1, "%d",
MPI_Send(ofi_node, sizeof(ofi_node) - 1, MPI_CHAR,
1, 101, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Send(ofi_service, sizeof(ofi_service) - 1, MPI_CHAR,
1, 102, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
printf("SERVER sent via MPI to client: %s / %s\n", ofi_node, ofi_service);
// Now wait for the listen to complete
int nevents;
#define NEVENTS 32
struct epoll_event events[NEVENTS];
int timeout = -1;
while (1) {
printf("SERVER blocking on epoll\n");
nevents = epoll_wait(epoll_fd, events, NEVENTS, timeout);
if (nevents < 0) {
if (errno != EINTR) {
error("server epoll wait failed");
} else {
} else {
printf("SERVER successfully woke up from epoll!\n");
for (int i = 0; i < nevents; ++i) {
epoll_context_t *ptr;
ptr = (epoll_context_t*) events[i].data.ptr;
if (ptr->et != EVENT_I_AM_EXPECTED) {
error("server unexpected epoll return type");
// Wait for the FI_CONNREQ event
uint32_t event;
uint8_t *entry_buffer;
size_t expected_len = sizeof(struct fi_eq_cm_entry) +
entry_buffer = (uint8_t*) calloc(1, expected_len);
if (NULL == entry_buffer) {
error("calloc failed");
struct fi_eq_cm_entry *entry = (struct fi_eq_cm_entry*) entry_buffer;
while (1) {
printf("SERVER waiting for FI_CONNREQ\n");
ret = fi_eq_read(fistuff.eq, &event, entry, expected_len, 0);
ret = fi_eq_sread(fistuff.eq, &event, entry, expected_len, -1, 0);
if (-FI_EAVAIL == ret) {
printf("server fi_eq_sread failed because there's something in the error queue\n");
char buffer[2048];
struct fi_eq_err_entry *err_entry = (struct fi_eq_err_entry*) buffer;
ret = fi_eq_readerr(fistuff.eq, err_entry, 0);
printf("error code: %d (%s), prov err code: %d (%s)\n", err_entry->err, fi_strerror(err_entry->err), err_entry->prov_errno, fi_strerror(err_entry->prov_errno));
error("sad panda");
} else if (-EAGAIN == ret) {
fprintf(stderr, "SERVER fi_eq_sread fail got -EAGAIN... trying again...\n");
} else if (ret < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "SERVER fi_eq_sread fail: %s (FI_EAVAIL = %d, -ret = %d)\n", fi_strerror(-ret), FI_EAVAIL, -ret);
error("SERVER fi_eq_sread failed for some random reason");
} else if (event != FI_CONNREQ) {
error("SERVER got some unexpected event");
} else if (ret != expected_len) {
error("SERVER got wrong length back from fi_eq_sread");
uint32_t *d = (uint32_t*) entry->data;
for (int i = 0; i < (sizeof(client_data) / sizeof(uint32_t)); ++i) {
if (d[i] != client_data[i]) {
printf("SERVER got wrong CM client data: d[%d]=%d, should be %d\n",
i, d[i], client_data[i]);
printf("SERVER got FI_CONNREQ, correct size, and correct data -- yay!\n");
// Make an active endpoint
setup_ofi_active(entry->info, &server.ep);
// Accept the incoming connection
ret = fi_accept(server.ep, (void*) server_data, sizeof(server_data));
if (ret != 0) {
printf("fi_accept: ret=%d, %s\n", ret, fi_strerror(-ret));
error("SERVER fi_accept failed\n");
printf("SERVER finished -- waiting for client before teardown\n");
printf("SERVER tearing down\n");
static void test_connect_with_accept_blocking_on_eq_fq_CLIENT(void)
int ret;
static clientstuff_t client;
printf("CLIENT running\n");
// Get the server's node (IP addr) and service (port)
MPI_Recv(ofi_node, sizeof(ofi_node) - 1, MPI_CHAR,
MPI_Recv(ofi_service, sizeof(ofi_service) - 1, MPI_CHAR,
printf("CLIENT received via MPI: %s / %s\n", ofi_node, ofi_service);
setup_ofi(ofi_node, ofi_service);
memset(&sin, 0, sizeof(sin));
sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
inet_aton(ofi_node, &sin.sin_addr);
sin.sin_port = htons(atoi(ofi_service));
printf("CLIENT translated: %s\n", addrstr(&sin));
setup_ofi_active(, &client.ep);
// Print server addr
printf("CLIENT connecting to %s\n", addrstr(&sin));
// Connect!
printf("Client connecting...\n");
ret = fi_connect(client.ep,>dest_addr,
(void*) client_data, sizeof(client_data));
if (ret < 0) {
error("fi_connect failed");
// Now wait for the listen to complete
int nevents;
#define NEVENTS 32
struct epoll_event events[NEVENTS];
int timeout = -1;
while (1) {
printf("CLIENT blocking on epoll\n");
nevents = epoll_wait(epoll_fd, events, NEVENTS, timeout);
if (nevents < 0) {
if (errno != EINTR) {
error("client epoll wait failed");
} else {
} else {
printf("CLIENT successfully woke up from epoll!\n");
for (int i = 0; i < nevents; ++i) {
epoll_context_t *ptr;
ptr = (epoll_context_t*) events[i].data.ptr;
if (ptr->et != EVENT_I_AM_EXPECTED) {
error("CLIENT unexpected epoll return type");
// Wait for FI_CONNECTED event
uint32_t event;
uint8_t *entry_buffer;
size_t expected_len = sizeof(struct fi_eq_cm_entry) +
entry_buffer = (uint8_t*) calloc(1, expected_len);
if (NULL == entry_buffer) {
error("calloc failed");
struct fi_eq_cm_entry *entry = (struct fi_eq_cm_entry*) entry_buffer;
while (1) {
printf("CLIENT waiting for FI_CONNECT\n");
ret = fi_eq_read(fistuff.eq, &event, entry, expected_len, 0);
ret = fi_eq_sread(fistuff.eq, &event, entry, expected_len, -1, 0);
if (-FI_EAVAIL == ret) {
fprintf(stderr, "client fi_eq_sread failed because there's something in the error queue\n");
char buffer[2048];
struct fi_eq_err_entry *err_entry = (struct fi_eq_err_entry*) buffer;
ret = fi_eq_readerr(fistuff.eq, err_entry, 0);
fprintf(stderr, "error code: %d (%s), prov err code: %d (%s)\n", err_entry->err, fi_strerror(err_entry->err), err_entry->prov_errno, fi_strerror(err_entry->prov_errno));
error("sad panda");
} else if (ret == -EAGAIN) {
fprintf(stderr, "CLIENT fi_eq_sread fail got -EAGAIN... trying again...\n");
} else if (ret < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "SERVER fi_eq_sread fail: %s, ret = %d)\n", fi_strerror(-ret), ret);
error("client fi_eq_sread failed for some random reason");
} else if (event != FI_CONNECTED) {
error("client got some unexpected event");
} else if (ret != expected_len) {
error("client got wrong length back from fi_eq_sread");
uint32_t *d = (uint32_t*) entry->data;
for (int i = 0; i < (sizeof(server_data) / sizeof(uint32_t)); ++i) {
if (d[i] != server_data[i]) {
printf("CLIENT got wrong CM client data: d[%d]=%d, should be %d\n",
i, d[i], server_data[i]);
printf("client got FI_CONNECTED, correct size, and correct data -- yay!\n");
printf("CLIENT finished -- waiting for server before teardown\n");
printf("CLIENT tearing down\n");
static void test_connect_with_accept_blocking_on_eq_fq(void)
if (comm_size < 0) error("need exactly 2 MPI procs");
if (0 == comm_rank) {
} else {
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
return 0;
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