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Created July 17, 2020 07:32
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CREATE or replace function siiia.select_spool_data (in_user char(10), in_file char(10), in_startdatum char(8), in_enddatum char(8))
Returns Table (spooldata Varchar(32656))
Language Sql
Specific siiia/SISFSSD
Not Deterministic
modifies sql data
Returns Null On Null Input
Set Option Dbgview = *Source
Declare Continue Handler For Sqlexception
set clstmt = 'WRKSPLF SELECT(' concat trim(in_user) concat ' *ALL *ALL *ALL *ALL ' concat trim(in_file) concat ') ' +
'PERIOD((*AVAIL ' concat trim(in_startdatum) concat ') (*AVAIL ' concat trim(in_enddatum) concat ')) ' +
set clstmtlen = length(clstmt);
CALL qsys2.qcmdexc (clstmt , clstmtlen );
create or replace table qtemp/splfdata (line char(170));
set clstmtlen = length(clstmt);
CALL qsys2.qcmdexc (clstmt , clstmtlen );
for a as x cursor for
select substr(line, 2, 10) as splf_file,
substr(line, 13, 10) as splf_user,
substr(line, 24, 10) as splf_queue,
substr(line, 35, 10) as splf_userdata,
substr(line, 46, 3) as splf_status,
substr(line, 51, 5) as splf_ges,
substr(line, 57, 10) as splf_head,
substr(line, 68, 10) as splf_formularart,
substr(line, 79, 3) as splf_priority,
substr(line, 83, 8) as splf_datum,
substr(line, 92, 8) as splf_zeit,
substr(line, 101, 6) as splf_splfnr,
substr(line, 108, 10) as splf_jobname,
substr(line, 119, 6) as splf_jobnr,
substr(line, 126, 10) as splf_queuename,
substr(line, 137, 10) as splf_queuelib,
substr(line, 149, 3) as splf_asp,
substr(line, 153, 8) as splf_date,
substr(line, 162, 10) as splf_size
from qtemp.splfdata a
where length(trim(line)) = (select max(length(trim(line)))
from qtemp.splfdata) do
set clstmt = 'CPYSPLF FILE(' concat trim(in_file) concat ') JOB(' concat trim(splf_jobnr) concat '/' concat trim(splf_user) concat '/' concat trim(splf_jobname) concat ') TOFILE(QTEMP/SPLFDATA) SPLNBR(' concat trim(splf_splfnr) concat ') MBROPT(*ADD)';
set clstmtlen = length(clstmt);
CALL qsys2.qcmdexc (clstmt , clstmtlen );
insert into srajukalk.allqry select ODLBNM, ODOBNM, b.* from qtemp.b b ;
end for;
return select *
from qtemp.select_spool_data;
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