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Last active May 18, 2020 08:31
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00:00:00.006 [sway/main.c:153] Linux thebest 5.6.13-arch1-1 #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu, 14 May 2020 06:52:53 +0000 x86_64 GNU/Linux
00:00:00.006 [sway/main.c:169] Contents of /etc/lsb-release:
00:00:00.007 [sway/main.c:153] LSB_VERSION=1.4
00:00:00.007 [sway/main.c:153] DISTRIB_ID=Arch
00:00:00.007 [sway/main.c:153] DISTRIB_RELEASE=rolling
00:00:00.007 [sway/main.c:153] DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Arch Linux"
00:00:00.007 [sway/main.c:169] Contents of /etc/os-release:
00:00:00.007 [sway/main.c:153] NAME="Arch Linux"
00:00:00.007 [sway/main.c:153] PRETTY_NAME="Arch Linux"
00:00:00.007 [sway/main.c:153] ID=arch
00:00:00.007 [sway/main.c:153] BUILD_ID=rolling
00:00:00.007 [sway/main.c:153] ANSI_COLOR="38;2;23;147;209"
00:00:00.007 [sway/main.c:153] HOME_URL=""
00:00:00.007 [sway/main.c:153] DOCUMENTATION_URL=""
00:00:00.007 [sway/main.c:153] SUPPORT_URL=""
00:00:00.007 [sway/main.c:153] BUG_REPORT_URL=""
00:00:00.007 [sway/main.c:153] LOGO=archlinux
00:00:00.007 [sway/main.c:141] LD_LIBRARY_PATH=(null)
00:00:00.007 [sway/main.c:141] LD_PRELOAD=(null)
00:00:00.007 [sway/main.c:141] PATH=/home/james/.pyenv/bin:/home/james/.cargo/bin:/home/james/.cabal/bin:/home/james/.local/bin:/home/james/go/bin:/home/james/godev/bin:/home/james/.emacs.d/bin:/opt/google-cloud-sdk/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/lib/jvm/default/bin:/usr/bin/site_perl:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl
00:00:00.007 [sway/main.c:141] SWAYSOCK=(null)
00:00:00.007 [sway/main.c:96] !!! Proprietary Nvidia drivers are in use !!!
00:00:00.007 [sway/server.c:42] Preparing Wayland server initialization
00:00:00.140 [INFO] [backend/session/logind.c:822] Successfully loaded logind session
00:00:00.141 [INFO] [backend/backend.c:157] Found 1 GPUs
00:00:00.141 [INFO] [backend/drm/backend.c:139] Initializing DRM backend for /dev/dri/card0 (i915)
00:00:00.141 [DEBUG] [backend/drm/drm.c:70] Using atomic DRM interface
00:00:00.141 [INFO] [backend/drm/drm.c:255] Found 3 DRM CRTCs
00:00:00.141 [INFO] [backend/drm/drm.c:176] Found 9 DRM planes
00:00:00.430 [ERROR] [EGL] command: eglGetPlatformDisplay, error: 0x300c, message: "EGL_BAD_PARAMETER error: In internal function: Additional INFO may be available
00:00:00.431 [INFO] [EGL] command: eglGetPlatformDisplay, error: 0x300c, message: "EGL_BAD_PARAMETER error: In function eglGetPlatformDisplay(), unsupported EGL Platform
00:00:00.431 [INFO] [render/egl.c:246] Using EGL 1.5
00:00:00.431 [INFO] [render/egl.c:247] Supported EGL extensions: EGL_ANDROID_blob_cache EGL_ANDROID_native_fence_sync EGL_EXT_buffer_age EGL_EXT_create_context_robustness EGL_EXT_image_dma_buf_import EGL_EXT_image_dma_buf_import_modifiers EGL_IMG_context_priority EGL_KHR_cl_event2 EGL_KHR_config_attribs EGL_KHR_create_context EGL_KHR_create_context_no_error EGL_KHR_fence_sync EGL_KHR_get_all_proc_addresses EGL_KHR_gl_colorspace EGL_KHR_gl_renderbuffer_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_2D_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_3D_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_cubemap_image EGL_KHR_image EGL_KHR_image_base EGL_KHR_image_pixmap EGL_KHR_no_config_context EGL_KHR_reusable_sync EGL_KHR_surfaceless_context EGL_EXT_pixel_format_float EGL_KHR_wait_sync EGL_MESA_configless_context EGL_MESA_drm_image EGL_MESA_image_dma_buf_export EGL_MESA_query_driver EGL_WL_bind_wayland_display
00:00:00.431 [INFO] [render/egl.c:248] EGL vendor: Mesa Project
00:00:00.432 [DEBUG] [render/egl.c:127] Supported dmabuf buffer formats: AB4H XB4H AR30 XR30 AB30 AR24 AB24 XR24 XB24 AR15 RG16 R8 R16 GR88 GR32 YUV9 YU11 YU12 YU16 YU24 YVU9 YV11 YV12 YV16 YV24 NV12 P010 P012 P016 NV16 AYUV XYUV YUYV UYVY
00:00:00.438 [DEBUG] [render/egl.c:288] Obtained high priority context
00:00:00.439 [INFO] [render/gles2/renderer.c:580] Using OpenGL ES 3.2 Mesa 20.0.7
00:00:00.439 [INFO] [render/gles2/renderer.c:581] GL vendor: Intel
00:00:00.439 [INFO] [render/gles2/renderer.c:582] GL renderer: Mesa Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 (SKL GT2)
00:00:00.439 [INFO] [render/gles2/renderer.c:583] Supported GLES2 extensions: GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_element_index_uint GL_OES_fbo_render_mipmap GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_standard_derivatives GL_OES_stencil8 GL_OES_texture_3D GL_OES_texture_float GL_OES_texture_float_linear GL_OES_texture_half_float GL_OES_texture_half_float_linear GL_OES_texture_npot GL_OES_vertex_half_float GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_depth_texture GL_AMD_performance_monitor GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV GL_NV_conditional_render GL_OES_get_program_binary GL_APPLE_texture_max_level GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer GL_EXT_read_format_bgra GL_EXT_frag_depth GL_NV_fbo_color_attachments GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_OES_EGL_sync GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_OES_viewport_array GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt3 GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt5 GL_EXT_occlusion_query_boolean GL_EXT_robustness GL_EXT_texture_rg GL_EXT_unpack_subimage GL_NV_draw_buffers GL_NV_read_buffer GL_NV_read_depth GL_NV_read_depth_stencil GL_NV_read_stencil GL_EXT_draw_buffers GL_EXT_map_buffer_range GL_KHR_debug GL_KHR_robustness GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr GL_OES_depth_texture_cube_map GL_OES_required_internalformat GL_OES_surfaceless_context GL_EXT_color_buffer_float GL_EXT_sRGB_write_control GL_EXT_separate_shader_objects GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch GL_EXT_shader_implicit_conversions GL_EXT_shader_integer_mix GL_EXT_tessellation_point_size GL_EXT_tessellation_shader GL_INTEL_conservative_rasterization GL_INTEL_performance_query GL_ANDROID_extension_pack_es31a GL_EXT_base_instance GL_EXT_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_sub_texture GL_EXT_copy_image GL_EXT_draw_buffers_indexed GL_EXT_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_EXT_gpu_shader5 GL_EXT_polygon_offset_clamp GL_EXT_primitive_bounding_box GL_EXT_render_snorm GL_EXT_shader_io_blocks GL_EXT_texture_border_clamp GL_EXT_texture_buffer GL_EXT_texture_cube_map_array GL_EXT_texture_norm16 GL_EXT_texture_view GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent GL_KHR_context_flush_control GL_KHR_robust_buffer_access_behavior GL_NV_image_formats GL_OES_copy_image GL_OES_draw_buffers_indexed GL_OES_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_OES_gpu_shader5 GL_OES_primitive_bounding_box GL_OES_sample_shading GL_OES_sample_variables GL_OES_shader_io_blocks GL_OES_shader_multisample_interpolation GL_OES_tessellation_point_size GL_OES_tessellation_shader GL_OES_texture_border_clamp GL_OES_texture_buffer GL_OES_texture_cube_map_array GL_OES_texture_stencil8 GL_OES_texture_storage_multisample_2d_array GL_OES_texture_view GL_EXT_blend_func_extended GL_EXT_buffer_storage GL_EXT_float_blend GL_EXT_geometry_point_size GL_EXT_geometry_shader GL_EXT_shader_samples_identical GL_KHR_no_error GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_sliced_3d GL_NV_fragment_shader_interlock GL_OES_EGL_image_external_essl3 GL_OES_geometry_point_size GL_OES_geometry_shader GL_OES_shader_image_atomic GL_EXT_clip_cull_distance GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc_srgb GL_MESA_shader_integer_functions GL_EXT_clip_control GL_EXT_texture_compression_bptc GL_KHR_parallel_shader_compile GL_EXT_EGL_image_storage GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch_non_coherent GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_R8 GL_EXT_texture_shadow_lod GL_MESA_framebuffer_flip_y GL_NV_compute_shader_derivatives GL_EXT_demote_to_helper_invocation GL_EXT_depth_clamp GL_EXT_texture_query_lod
00:00:00.456 [sway/main.c:372] Starting sway version 1.4-9b5895be (May 18 2020, branch 'master')
00:00:00.456 [sway/server.c:55] Initializing Wayland server
00:00:00.456 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_idle.c:247] idle manager created
00:00:00.456 [INFO] [backend/noop/backend.c:51] Creating noop backend
00:00:00.456 [INFO] [backend/headless/backend.c:171] Creating headless backend
00:00:00.473 [sway/config.c:387] Loading config from /home/james/.config/sway/config
00:00:00.473 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 1: # My sway config.
00:00:00.473 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 2: #
00:00:00.473 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 3: # Read `man 5 sway` for a complete reference.
00:00:00.473 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 4:
00:00:00.473 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 5: # Requirements:
00:00:00.473 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 6: # * mako
00:00:00.473 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 7: # * redshift-wlr-gamma-control-git
00:00:00.473 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 8: # * gnome-polkit
00:00:00.473 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 9: # * waybar
00:00:00.473 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 10: # * rofi
00:00:00.473 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 11: # * grim, slurp, wl-clipboard
00:00:00.473 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 12: # * gnome-keyring started via PAM (
00:00:00.473 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 13: #
00:00:00.473 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 14: # Start with ~/.local/bin/ which imports the login environment to systemd and starts the sway service.
00:00:00.473 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 15:
00:00:00.473 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 16: # variables
00:00:00.473 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 17: font pango: sans 8
00:00:00.473 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: font pango: sans 8
00:00:00.473 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: font pango: sans 8
00:00:00.473 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 18: set $left h
00:00:00.473 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: set $left h
00:00:00.473 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: set $left h
00:00:00.473 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 19: set $down j
00:00:00.473 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: set $down j
00:00:00.473 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: set $down j
00:00:00.473 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 20: set $up k
00:00:00.473 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: set $up k
00:00:00.473 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: set $up k
00:00:00.473 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 21: set $right l
00:00:00.473 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: set $right l
00:00:00.473 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: set $right l
00:00:00.473 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 22: set $mod Mod4
00:00:00.473 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: set $mod Mod4
00:00:00.473 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: set $mod Mod4
00:00:00.473 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 23: set $term kitty
00:00:00.473 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: set $term kitty
00:00:00.473 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: set $term kitty
00:00:00.473 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 24: set $menu "rofi -combi-modi drun,run -show combi -show-icons"
00:00:00.473 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: set $menu "rofi -combi-modi drun,run -show combi -show-icons"
00:00:00.473 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: set $menu "rofi -combi-modi drun,run -show combi -show-icons"
00:00:00.473 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 25: set $switcher "$HOME/.config/sway/"
00:00:00.473 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: set $switcher "$HOME/.config/sway/"
00:00:00.473 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: set $switcher "$HOME/.config/sway/"
00:00:00.473 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 26: set $ws1 "1:"
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: set $ws1 "1:"
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: set $ws1 "1:"
00:00:00.474 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 27: set $ws2 "2:"
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: set $ws2 "2:"
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: set $ws2 "2:"
00:00:00.474 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 28: set $ws3 "3:"
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: set $ws3 "3:"
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: set $ws3 "3:"
00:00:00.474 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 29: set $ws4 "4:"
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: set $ws4 "4:"
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: set $ws4 "4:"
00:00:00.474 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 30: set $ws5 "5:"
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: set $ws5 "5:"
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: set $ws5 "5:"
00:00:00.474 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 31: set $ws6 "6:"
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: set $ws6 "6:"
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: set $ws6 "6:"
00:00:00.474 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 32: set $ws7 "7:"
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: set $ws7 "7:"
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: set $ws7 "7:"
00:00:00.474 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 33: set $ws8 "8:"
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: set $ws8 "8:"
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: set $ws8 "8:"
00:00:00.474 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 34: set $ws9 "9:"
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: set $ws9 "9:"
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: set $ws9 "9:"
00:00:00.474 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 35: set $ws10 "10:"
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: set $ws10 "10:"
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: set $ws10 "10:"
00:00:00.474 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 36: set $lock "$HOME/.config/sway/"
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: set $lock "$HOME/.config/sway/"
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: set $lock "$HOME/.config/sway/"
00:00:00.474 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 37:
00:00:00.474 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 38: # dbus activation - needs DISPLAY for things like lastpass to work
00:00:00.474 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 39: #exec dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd DISPLAY WAYLAND_DISPLAY SWAYSOCK XCURSOR_SIZE XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP XDG_SESSION_TYPE
00:00:00.474 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 40: exec dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd --all
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: exec dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd --all
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: exec dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd --all
00:00:00.474 [sway/config.c:840] Deferring command `exec dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd --all'
00:00:00.474 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 41:
00:00:00.474 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 42: # xsettingsd for legacy GTK apps to read GTK config via XSETTINGS protocol
00:00:00.474 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 43: exec /usr/lib/gsd-xsettings
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: exec /usr/lib/gsd-xsettings
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: exec /usr/lib/gsd-xsettings
00:00:00.474 [sway/config.c:840] Deferring command `exec /usr/lib/gsd-xsettings'
00:00:00.474 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 44:
00:00:00.474 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 45: # polkit authentication agent
00:00:00.474 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 46: exec /usr/lib/polkit-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: exec /usr/lib/polkit-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: exec /usr/lib/polkit-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1
00:00:00.474 [sway/config.c:840] Deferring command `exec /usr/lib/polkit-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1'
00:00:00.474 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 47:
00:00:00.474 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 48: # window assignments
00:00:00.474 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 49: assign [class="Spotify"] $ws8
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: assign [class="Spotify"] $ws8
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: assign [class="Spotify"] "8:"
00:00:00.474 [sway/criteria.c:712] Found pair: class=Spotify
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands/assign.c:59] assign: '[class="Spotify"]' -> '8:' added
00:00:00.474 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 50: assign [class="Slack"] $ws6
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: assign [class="Slack"] $ws6
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: assign [class="Slack"] "6:"
00:00:00.474 [sway/criteria.c:712] Found pair: class=Slack
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands/assign.c:59] assign: '[class="Slack"]' -> '6:' added
00:00:00.474 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 51: assign [class="discord"] $ws6
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: assign [class="discord"] $ws6
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: assign [class="discord"] "6:"
00:00:00.474 [sway/criteria.c:712] Found pair: class=discord
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands/assign.c:59] assign: '[class="discord"]' -> '6:' added
00:00:00.474 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 52: assign [class="Keybase"] $ws6
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: assign [class="Keybase"] $ws6
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: assign [class="Keybase"] "6:"
00:00:00.474 [sway/criteria.c:712] Found pair: class=Keybase
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands/assign.c:59] assign: '[class="Keybase"]' -> '6:' added
00:00:00.474 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 53: assign [app_id="evolution"] $ws7
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: assign [app_id="evolution"] $ws7
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: assign [app_id="evolution"] "7:"
00:00:00.474 [sway/criteria.c:712] Found pair: app_id=evolution
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands/assign.c:59] assign: '[app_id="evolution"]' -> '7:' added
00:00:00.474 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 54: for_window [app_id="gnome-calculator"] floating enable
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: for_window [app_id="gnome-calculator"] floating enable
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: for_window [app_id="gnome-calculator"] floating enable
00:00:00.474 [sway/criteria.c:712] Found pair: app_id=gnome-calculator
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands/for_window.c:34] for_window: '[app_id="gnome-calculator"]' -> 'floating enable' added
00:00:00.474 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 55:
00:00:00.474 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 56: # background applications
00:00:00.474 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 57: exec mako
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: exec mako
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: exec mako
00:00:00.474 [sway/config.c:840] Deferring command `exec mako'
00:00:00.474 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 58: exec redshift -m wayland
00:00:00.474 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: exec redshift -m wayland
00:00:00.475 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: exec redshift -m wayland
00:00:00.475 [sway/config.c:840] Deferring command `exec redshift -m wayland'
00:00:00.475 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 59: exec dropbox
00:00:00.475 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: exec dropbox
00:00:00.475 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: exec dropbox
00:00:00.475 [sway/config.c:840] Deferring command `exec dropbox'
00:00:00.475 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 64: exec swaymsg "workspace $ws8; exec spotify; workspace $ws7; exec evolution; workspace $ws2; exec emacs; workspace $ws1; exec chromium;"
00:00:00.475 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: exec swaymsg "workspace $ws8; exec spotify; workspace $ws7; exec evolution; workspace $ws2; exec emacs; workspace $ws1; exec chromium;"
00:00:00.475 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: exec swaymsg "workspace "8:"; exec spotify; workspace "7:"; exec evolution; workspace "2:"; exec emacs; workspace "1:"; exec chromium;"
00:00:00.475 [sway/config.c:840] Deferring command `exec swaymsg "workspace $ws8; exec spotify; workspace $ws7; exec evolution; workspace $ws2; exec emacs; workspace $ws1; exec chromium;"'
00:00:00.475 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 65:
00:00:00.475 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 66: # monitors
00:00:00.475 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 67: output DP-1 mode 2560x1440@165Hz
00:00:00.475 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: output DP-1 mode 2560x1440@165Hz
00:00:00.475 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: output DP-1 mode 2560x1440@165Hz
00:00:00.475 [sway/commands.c:424] Subcommand: mode 2560x1440@165Hz
00:00:00.475 [sway/config/output.c:210] Adding non-wildcard output config
00:00:00.475 [sway/config/output.c:227] Config stored for output DP-1 (enabled: -1) (2560x1440@165.000000Hz position -1,-1 scale -1.000000 subpixel unknown transform -1) (bg (null) (null)) (dpms 0) (max render time: -1)
00:00:00.475 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 68:
00:00:00.475 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 69: # background
00:00:00.475 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 70: output * bg ~/Pictures/publicenemy1HDfree.jpg fill
00:00:00.475 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: output * bg ~/Pictures/publicenemy1HDfree.jpg fill
00:00:00.475 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: output * bg ~/Pictures/publicenemy1HDfree.jpg fill
00:00:00.475 [sway/commands.c:424] Subcommand: bg ~/Pictures/publicenemy1HDfree.jpg fill
00:00:00.475 [sway/config/output.c:132] Merging output * config on DP-1
00:00:00.475 [sway/config/output.c:223] Adding output * config
00:00:00.475 [sway/config/output.c:227] Config stored for output * (enabled: -1) (-1x-1@-1.000000Hz position -1,-1 scale -1.000000 subpixel unknown transform -1) (bg /home/james/Pictures/publicenemy1HDfree.jpg fill) (dpms 0) (max render time: -1)
00:00:00.475 [sway/config/output.c:798] spawn_swaybg cmd[0] = swaybg
00:00:00.475 [sway/config/output.c:798] spawn_swaybg cmd[1] = -o
00:00:00.475 [sway/config/output.c:798] spawn_swaybg cmd[2] = DP-1
00:00:00.475 [sway/config/output.c:798] spawn_swaybg cmd[3] = -i
00:00:00.475 [sway/config/output.c:798] spawn_swaybg cmd[4] = /home/james/Pictures/publicenemy1HDfree.jpg
00:00:00.475 [sway/config/output.c:798] spawn_swaybg cmd[5] = -m
00:00:00.475 [sway/config/output.c:798] spawn_swaybg cmd[6] = fill
00:00:00.475 [sway/config/output.c:798] spawn_swaybg cmd[7] = -o
00:00:00.475 [sway/config/output.c:798] spawn_swaybg cmd[8] = *
00:00:00.475 [sway/config/output.c:798] spawn_swaybg cmd[9] = -i
00:00:00.475 [sway/config/output.c:798] spawn_swaybg cmd[10] = /home/james/Pictures/publicenemy1HDfree.jpg
00:00:00.475 [sway/config/output.c:798] spawn_swaybg cmd[11] = -m
00:00:00.475 [sway/config/output.c:798] spawn_swaybg cmd[12] = fill
00:00:00.477 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 71:
00:00:00.477 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 72: # idle
00:00:00.477 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 79: exec swayidle -w timeout 600 'swaymsg "output * dpms off"' resume 'swaymsg "output * dpms on"' timeout 900 '$lock' before-sleep '$lock' timeout 30 'if pgrep swaylock; then swaymsg "output * dpms off"; fi' resume 'swaymsg "output * dpms on"'
00:00:00.477 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: exec swayidle -w timeout 600 'swaymsg "output * dpms off"' resume 'swaymsg "output * dpms on"' timeout 900 '$lock' before-sleep '$lock' timeout 30 'if pgrep swaylock; then swaymsg "output * dpms off"; fi' resume 'swaymsg "output * dpms on"'
00:00:00.477 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: exec swayidle -w timeout 600 'swaymsg "output * dpms off"' resume 'swaymsg "output * dpms on"' timeout 900 '"$HOME/.config/sway/"' before-sleep '"$HOME/.config/sway/"' timeout 30 'if pgrep swaylock; then swaymsg "output * dpms off"; fi' resume 'swaymsg "output * dpms on"'
00:00:00.477 [sway/config.c:840] Deferring command `exec swayidle -w timeout 600 'swaymsg "output * dpms off"' resume 'swaymsg "output * dpms on"' timeout 900 '$lock' before-sleep '$lock' timeout 30 'if pgrep swaylock; then swaymsg "output * dpms off"; fi' resume 'swaymsg "output * dpms on"''
00:00:00.477 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 80:
00:00:00.477 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 81: # don't idle when fullscreen, e.g. watching a video
00:00:00.477 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 82: for_window [shell=".*"] inhibit_idle fullscreen
00:00:00.477 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: for_window [shell=".*"] inhibit_idle fullscreen
00:00:00.477 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: for_window [shell=".*"] inhibit_idle fullscreen
00:00:00.477 [sway/criteria.c:712] Found pair: shell=.*
00:00:00.477 [sway/commands/for_window.c:34] for_window: '[shell=".*"]' -> 'inhibit_idle fullscreen' added
00:00:00.477 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 83:
00:00:00.477 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 84: # hide mouse
00:00:00.477 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 85: seat * hide_cursor 3000
00:00:00.477 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: seat * hide_cursor 3000
00:00:00.477 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: seat * hide_cursor 3000
00:00:00.477 [sway/commands.c:424] Subcommand: hide_cursor 3000
00:00:00.477 [sway/config/seat.c:78] Adding seat * config
00:00:00.477 [sway/config/seat.c:82] Config stored for seat *
00:00:00.477 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 86:
00:00:00.477 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 87: # keyboard rate
00:00:00.477 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 88: input type:keyboard {
00:00:00.477 [sway/config.c:850] Entering block 'input type:keyboard'
00:00:00.477 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 89: repeat_delay 270
00:00:00.477 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: input type:keyboard repeat_delay 270
00:00:00.477 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: input type:keyboard repeat_delay 270
00:00:00.477 [sway/commands/input.c:53] entering input block: type:keyboard
00:00:00.477 [sway/config/input.c:15] new_input_config(type:keyboard)
00:00:00.477 [sway/commands.c:424] Subcommand: repeat_delay 270
00:00:00.477 [sway/config/input.c:15] new_input_config(temp)
00:00:00.482 [sway/config/input.c:333] Config stored for input type:keyboard
00:00:00.482 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 90: repeat_rate 35
00:00:00.482 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: input type:keyboard repeat_rate 35
00:00:00.482 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: input type:keyboard repeat_rate 35
00:00:00.482 [sway/commands/input.c:53] entering input block: type:keyboard
00:00:00.482 [sway/config/input.c:15] new_input_config(type:keyboard)
00:00:00.482 [sway/commands.c:424] Subcommand: repeat_rate 35
00:00:00.482 [sway/config/input.c:15] new_input_config(temp)
00:00:00.486 [sway/config/input.c:333] Config stored for input type:keyboard
00:00:00.486 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 91: }
00:00:00.486 [sway/config.c:867] Exiting block 'input type:keyboard'
00:00:00.486 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 92:
00:00:00.486 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 93: # workspace layout
00:00:00.486 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 94: workspace_auto_back_and_forth yes
00:00:00.486 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: workspace_auto_back_and_forth yes
00:00:00.486 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: workspace_auto_back_and_forth yes
00:00:00.486 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 95:
00:00:00.486 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 96: # gaps and borders
00:00:00.486 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 97: #gaps inner 3
00:00:00.486 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 98: default_border pixel 3
00:00:00.486 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: default_border pixel 3
00:00:00.486 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: default_border pixel 3
00:00:00.486 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 99: #smart_borders on
00:00:00.486 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 100:
00:00:00.486 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 101: # use Mouse+$mod to drag floating windows to their wanted position
00:00:00.486 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 102: floating_modifier $mod
00:00:00.486 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: floating_modifier $mod
00:00:00.486 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: floating_modifier Mod4
00:00:00.486 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 103:
00:00:00.486 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 104: # start a terminal
00:00:00.486 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 105: bindsym $mod+Return exec $term
00:00:00.486 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+Return exec $term
00:00:00.486 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Return exec kitty
00:00:00.486 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Return to command `exec kitty` for device '*'
00:00:00.486 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 106:
00:00:00.486 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 107: # dismiss notifications
00:00:00.486 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 108: bindsym $mod+n exec makoctl dismiss -a
00:00:00.486 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+n exec makoctl dismiss -a
00:00:00.486 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+n exec makoctl dismiss -a
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+n to command `exec makoctl dismiss -a` for device '*'
00:00:00.487 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 109:
00:00:00.487 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 110: # capture all screens to clipboard
00:00:00.487 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 111: bindsym $mod+Print exec grim - | wl-copy
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+Print exec grim - | wl-copy
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Print exec grim - | wl-copy
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Print to command `exec grim - | wl-copy` for device '*'
00:00:00.487 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 112:
00:00:00.487 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 113: # capture the specified screen area to clipboard
00:00:00.487 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 114: bindsym Shift+$mod+Print exec grim -g "$(slurp)" - | wl-copy
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym Shift+$mod+Print exec grim -g "$(slurp)" - | wl-copy
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Shift+Mod4+Print exec grim -g "$(slurp)" - | wl-copy
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Shift+Mod4+Print to command `exec grim -g "$(slurp)" - | wl-copy` for device '*'
00:00:00.487 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 115:
00:00:00.487 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 116: # capture the focused monitor to clipboard
00:00:00.487 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 117: bindsym Shift+Control+$mod+Print exec grim -o $(swaymsg -t get_outputs | jq -r '.[] | select(.focused) | .name') - | wl-copy
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym Shift+Control+$mod+Print exec grim -o $(swaymsg -t get_outputs | jq -r '.[] | select(.focused) | .name') - | wl-copy
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Shift+Control+Mod4+Print exec grim -o $(swaymsg -t get_outputs | jq -r '.[] | select(.focused) | .name') - | wl-copy
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Shift+Control+Mod4+Print to command `exec grim -o $(swaymsg -t get_outputs | jq -r '.[] | select(.focused) | .name') - | wl-copy` for device '*'
00:00:00.487 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 118:
00:00:00.487 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 119: # kill focused window
00:00:00.487 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 120: bindsym $mod+Shift+q kill
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+q kill
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+q kill
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+q to command `kill` for device '*'
00:00:00.487 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 121:
00:00:00.487 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 122: # start menu
00:00:00.487 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 123: bindsym $mod+d exec $menu
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+d exec $menu
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+d exec "rofi -combi-modi drun,run -show combi -show-icons"
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+d to command `exec "rofi -combi-modi drun,run -show combi -show-icons"` for device '*'
00:00:00.487 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 124: bindsym $mod+Tab exec $switcher
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+Tab exec $switcher
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Tab exec "$HOME/.config/sway/"
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Tab to command `exec "$HOME/.config/sway/"` for device '*'
00:00:00.487 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 125:
00:00:00.487 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 126: # change focus
00:00:00.487 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 127: bindsym $mod+$left focus left
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+$left focus left
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+h focus left
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+h to command `focus left` for device '*'
00:00:00.487 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 128: bindsym $mod+$down focus down
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+$down focus down
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+j focus down
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+j to command `focus down` for device '*'
00:00:00.487 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 129: bindsym $mod+$up focus up
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+$up focus up
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+k focus up
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+k to command `focus up` for device '*'
00:00:00.487 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 130: bindsym $mod+$right focus right
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+$right focus right
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+l focus right
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+l to command `focus right` for device '*'
00:00:00.487 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 131:
00:00:00.487 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 132: # alternatively, you can use the cursor keys:
00:00:00.487 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 133: bindsym $mod+Left focus left
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+Left focus left
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Left focus left
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Left to command `focus left` for device '*'
00:00:00.487 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 134: bindsym $mod+Down focus down
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+Down focus down
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Down focus down
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Down to command `focus down` for device '*'
00:00:00.487 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 135: bindsym $mod+Up focus up
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+Up focus up
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Up focus up
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Up to command `focus up` for device '*'
00:00:00.487 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 136: bindsym $mod+Right focus right
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+Right focus right
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Right focus right
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Right to command `focus right` for device '*'
00:00:00.487 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 137:
00:00:00.487 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 138: # move focused window
00:00:00.487 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 139: bindsym $mod+Shift+$left move left
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+$left move left
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+h move left
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+h to command `move left` for device '*'
00:00:00.487 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 140: bindsym $mod+Shift+$down move down
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+$down move down
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+j move down
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+j to command `move down` for device '*'
00:00:00.487 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 141: bindsym $mod+Shift+$up move up
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+$up move up
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+k move up
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+k to command `move up` for device '*'
00:00:00.487 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 142: bindsym $mod+Shift+$right move right
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+$right move right
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+l move right
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+l to command `move right` for device '*'
00:00:00.487 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 143:
00:00:00.487 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 144: # alternatively, you can use the cursor keys:
00:00:00.487 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 145: bindsym $mod+Shift+Left move left
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+Left move left
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+Left move left
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+Left to command `move left` for device '*'
00:00:00.487 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 146: bindsym $mod+Shift+Down move down
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+Down move down
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+Down move down
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+Down to command `move down` for device '*'
00:00:00.487 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 147: bindsym $mod+Shift+Up move up
00:00:00.487 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+Up move up
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+Up move up
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+Up to command `move up` for device '*'
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 148: bindsym $mod+Shift+Right move right
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+Right move right
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+Right move right
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+Right to command `move right` for device '*'
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 149:
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 150: # split in horizontal orientation
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 151: bindsym $mod+b split h
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+b split h
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+b split h
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+b to command `split h` for device '*'
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 152:
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 153: # split in vertical orientation
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 154: bindsym $mod+v split v
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+v split v
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+v split v
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+v to command `split v` for device '*'
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 155:
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 156: # enter fullscreen mode for the focused container
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 157: bindsym $mod+f fullscreen toggle
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+f fullscreen toggle
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+f fullscreen toggle
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+f to command `fullscreen toggle` for device '*'
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 158:
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 159: # change container layout (stacked, tabbed, toggle split)
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 160: bindsym $mod+s layout stacking
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+s layout stacking
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+s layout stacking
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+s to command `layout stacking` for device '*'
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 161: bindsym $mod+w layout tabbed
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+w layout tabbed
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+w layout tabbed
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+w to command `layout tabbed` for device '*'
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 162: bindsym $mod+e layout toggle split
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+e layout toggle split
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+e layout toggle split
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+e to command `layout toggle split` for device '*'
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 163:
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 164: # toggle tiling / floating
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 165: bindsym $mod+Shift+space floating toggle
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+space floating toggle
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+space floating toggle
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+space to command `floating toggle` for device '*'
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 166:
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 167: # change focus between tiling / floating windows
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 168: bindsym $mod+space focus mode_toggle
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+space focus mode_toggle
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+space focus mode_toggle
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+space to command `focus mode_toggle` for device '*'
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 169:
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 170: # focus the parent container
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 171: bindsym $mod+a focus parent
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+a focus parent
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+a focus parent
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+a to command `focus parent` for device '*'
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 172:
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 173: # focus the urgent window
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 174: bindsym $mod+u [urgent=latest] focus
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+u [urgent=latest] focus
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+u [urgent=latest] focus
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+u to command `[urgent=latest] focus` for device '*'
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 175:
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 176: # move the currently focused window to the scratchpad
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 177: bindsym $mod+Shift+minus move scratchpad
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+minus move scratchpad
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+minus move scratchpad
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+minus to command `move scratchpad` for device '*'
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 178:
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 179: # Show the next scratchpad window or hide the focused scratchpad window.
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 180: # If there are multiple scratchpad windows, this command cycles through them.
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 181: bindsym $mod+minus scratchpad show
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+minus scratchpad show
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+minus scratchpad show
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+minus to command `scratchpad show` for device '*'
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 182:
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 183: # switch to workspace
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 184: bindsym $mod+1 workspace number $ws1
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+1 workspace number $ws1
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+1 workspace number "1:"
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+1 to command `workspace number "1:"` for device '*'
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 185: bindsym $mod+2 workspace number $ws2
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+2 workspace number $ws2
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+2 workspace number "2:"
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+2 to command `workspace number "2:"` for device '*'
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 186: bindsym $mod+3 workspace number $ws3
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+3 workspace number $ws3
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+3 workspace number "3:"
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+3 to command `workspace number "3:"` for device '*'
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 187: bindsym $mod+4 workspace number $ws4
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+4 workspace number $ws4
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+4 workspace number "4:"
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+4 to command `workspace number "4:"` for device '*'
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 188: bindsym $mod+5 workspace number $ws5
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+5 workspace number $ws5
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+5 workspace number "5:"
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+5 to command `workspace number "5:"` for device '*'
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 189: bindsym $mod+6 workspace number $ws6
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+6 workspace number $ws6
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+6 workspace number "6:"
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+6 to command `workspace number "6:"` for device '*'
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 190: bindsym $mod+7 workspace number $ws7
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+7 workspace number $ws7
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+7 workspace number "7:"
00:00:00.488 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+7 to command `workspace number "7:"` for device '*'
00:00:00.488 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 191: bindsym $mod+8 workspace number $ws8
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+8 workspace number $ws8
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+8 workspace number "8:"
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+8 to command `workspace number "8:"` for device '*'
00:00:00.489 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 192: bindsym $mod+9 workspace number $ws9
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+9 workspace number $ws9
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+9 workspace number "9:"
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+9 to command `workspace number "9:"` for device '*'
00:00:00.489 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 193: bindsym $mod+0 workspace number $ws10
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+0 workspace number $ws10
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+0 workspace number "10:"
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+0 to command `workspace number "10:"` for device '*'
00:00:00.489 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 194:
00:00:00.489 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 195: # move focused container to workspace
00:00:00.489 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 196: bindsym $mod+Shift+1 move container to workspace number $ws1
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+1 move container to workspace number $ws1
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+1 move container to workspace number "1:"
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+1 to command `move container to workspace number "1:"` for device '*'
00:00:00.489 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 197: bindsym $mod+Shift+2 move container to workspace number $ws2
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+2 move container to workspace number $ws2
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+2 move container to workspace number "2:"
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+2 to command `move container to workspace number "2:"` for device '*'
00:00:00.489 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 198: bindsym $mod+Shift+3 move container to workspace number $ws3
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+3 move container to workspace number $ws3
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+3 move container to workspace number "3:"
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+3 to command `move container to workspace number "3:"` for device '*'
00:00:00.489 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 199: bindsym $mod+Shift+4 move container to workspace number $ws4
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+4 move container to workspace number $ws4
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+4 move container to workspace number "4:"
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+4 to command `move container to workspace number "4:"` for device '*'
00:00:00.489 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 200: bindsym $mod+Shift+5 move container to workspace number $ws5
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+5 move container to workspace number $ws5
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+5 move container to workspace number "5:"
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+5 to command `move container to workspace number "5:"` for device '*'
00:00:00.489 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 201: bindsym $mod+Shift+6 move container to workspace number $ws6
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+6 move container to workspace number $ws6
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+6 move container to workspace number "6:"
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+6 to command `move container to workspace number "6:"` for device '*'
00:00:00.489 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 202: bindsym $mod+Shift+7 move container to workspace number $ws7
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+7 move container to workspace number $ws7
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+7 move container to workspace number "7:"
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+7 to command `move container to workspace number "7:"` for device '*'
00:00:00.489 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 203: bindsym $mod+Shift+8 move container to workspace number $ws8
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+8 move container to workspace number $ws8
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+8 move container to workspace number "8:"
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+8 to command `move container to workspace number "8:"` for device '*'
00:00:00.489 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 204: bindsym $mod+Shift+9 move container to workspace number $ws9
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+9 move container to workspace number $ws9
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+9 move container to workspace number "9:"
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+9 to command `move container to workspace number "9:"` for device '*'
00:00:00.489 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 205: bindsym $mod+Shift+0 move container to workspace number $ws10
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+0 move container to workspace number $ws10
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+0 move container to workspace number "10:"
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+0 to command `move container to workspace number "10:"` for device '*'
00:00:00.489 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 206:
00:00:00.489 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 207: # move between workspaces
00:00:00.489 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 208: bindsym $mod+grave workspace back_and_forth
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+grave workspace back_and_forth
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+grave workspace back_and_forth
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+grave to command `workspace back_and_forth` for device '*'
00:00:00.489 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 209: bindsym $mod+bracketright workspace next_on_output
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+bracketright workspace next_on_output
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+bracketright workspace next_on_output
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+bracketright to command `workspace next_on_output` for device '*'
00:00:00.489 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 210: bindsym $mod+bracketleft workspace prev_on_output
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+bracketleft workspace prev_on_output
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+bracketleft workspace prev_on_output
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+bracketleft to command `workspace prev_on_output` for device '*'
00:00:00.489 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 211: bindsym --whole-window --border $mod+button4 workspace next_on_output
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym --whole-window --border $mod+button4 workspace next_on_output
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym --whole-window --border Mod4+button4 workspace next_on_output
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+button4 to command `workspace next_on_output` for device '*'
00:00:00.489 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 212: bindsym --whole-window --border $mod+button5 workspace prev_on_output
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym --whole-window --border $mod+button5 workspace prev_on_output
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym --whole-window --border Mod4+button5 workspace prev_on_output
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+button5 to command `workspace prev_on_output` for device '*'
00:00:00.489 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 213:
00:00:00.489 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 214: # reload the configuration file
00:00:00.489 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 215: bindsym $mod+Shift+c reload
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+c reload
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+c reload
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+c to command `reload` for device '*'
00:00:00.489 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 216:
00:00:00.489 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 217: # restart inplace (preserves layout/session, can be used to upgrade)
00:00:00.489 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 218: bindsym $mod+Shift+r restart
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+r restart
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+r restart
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+r to command `restart` for device '*'
00:00:00.489 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 219:
00:00:00.489 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 220: # exit menu
00:00:00.489 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 221: bindsym $mod+Shift+e exec $HOME/.config/sway/
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+e exec $HOME/.config/sway/
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+e exec $HOME/.config/sway/
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+e to command `exec $HOME/.config/sway/` for device '*'
00:00:00.489 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 222:
00:00:00.489 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 223: # resize window (you can also use the mouse for that)
00:00:00.489 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 224: set $mode_resize "Resize"
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: set $mode_resize "Resize"
00:00:00.489 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: set $mode_resize "Resize"
00:00:00.490 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 225: mode $mode_resize {
00:00:00.490 [sway/config.c:850] Entering block 'mode $mode_resize'
00:00:00.490 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 226: # Pressing left will shrink the window’s width.
00:00:00.490 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 227: # Pressing right will grow the window’s width.
00:00:00.490 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 228: # Pressing up will shrink the window’s height.
00:00:00.490 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 229: # Pressing down will grow the window’s height.
00:00:00.490 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 230: bindsym $left resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: mode $mode_resize bindsym $left resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: mode "Resize" bindsym h resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands.c:424] Subcommand: bindsym h resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound h to command `resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt` for device '*'
00:00:00.490 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 231: bindsym $down resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: mode $mode_resize bindsym $down resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: mode "Resize" bindsym j resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands.c:424] Subcommand: bindsym j resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound j to command `resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt` for device '*'
00:00:00.490 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 232: bindsym $up resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: mode $mode_resize bindsym $up resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: mode "Resize" bindsym k resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands.c:424] Subcommand: bindsym k resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound k to command `resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt` for device '*'
00:00:00.490 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 233: bindsym $right resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: mode $mode_resize bindsym $right resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: mode "Resize" bindsym l resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands.c:424] Subcommand: bindsym l resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound l to command `resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt` for device '*'
00:00:00.490 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 234:
00:00:00.490 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 235: # same bindings, but for the arrow keys
00:00:00.490 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 236: bindsym Left resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: mode $mode_resize bindsym Left resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: mode "Resize" bindsym Left resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands.c:424] Subcommand: bindsym Left resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Left to command `resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt` for device '*'
00:00:00.490 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 237: bindsym Down resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: mode $mode_resize bindsym Down resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: mode "Resize" bindsym Down resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands.c:424] Subcommand: bindsym Down resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Down to command `resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt` for device '*'
00:00:00.490 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 238: bindsym Up resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: mode $mode_resize bindsym Up resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: mode "Resize" bindsym Up resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands.c:424] Subcommand: bindsym Up resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Up to command `resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt` for device '*'
00:00:00.490 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 239: bindsym Right resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: mode $mode_resize bindsym Right resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: mode "Resize" bindsym Right resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands.c:424] Subcommand: bindsym Right resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Right to command `resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt` for device '*'
00:00:00.490 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 240:
00:00:00.490 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 241: # back to normal: Enter or Escape or $mod+r
00:00:00.490 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 242: bindsym Return mode "default"
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: mode $mode_resize bindsym Return mode "default"
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: mode "Resize" bindsym Return mode "default"
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands.c:424] Subcommand: bindsym Return mode "default"
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Return to command `mode "default"` for device '*'
00:00:00.490 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 243: bindsym Escape mode "default"
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: mode $mode_resize bindsym Escape mode "default"
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: mode "Resize" bindsym Escape mode "default"
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands.c:424] Subcommand: bindsym Escape mode "default"
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Escape to command `mode "default"` for device '*'
00:00:00.490 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 244: bindsym $mod+r mode "default"
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: mode $mode_resize bindsym $mod+r mode "default"
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: mode "Resize" bindsym Mod4+r mode "default"
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands.c:424] Subcommand: bindsym Mod4+r mode "default"
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+r to command `mode "default"` for device '*'
00:00:00.490 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 245: }
00:00:00.490 [sway/config.c:867] Exiting block 'mode $mode_resize'
00:00:00.490 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 246: bindsym $mod+r mode $mode_resize
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bindsym $mod+r mode $mode_resize
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+r mode "Resize"
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands/bind.c:297] bindsym - Bound Mod4+r to command `mode "Resize"` for device '*'
00:00:00.490 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 247:
00:00:00.490 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 248: # the top bar
00:00:00.490 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 249: bar {
00:00:00.490 [sway/config.c:850] Entering block 'bar'
00:00:00.490 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 250: swaybar_command waybar
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands.c:373] Config command: bar swaybar_command waybar
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands.c:393] After replacement: bar swaybar_command waybar
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands/bar.c:92] Creating bar: bar-0
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands.c:424] Subcommand: swaybar_command waybar
00:00:00.490 [sway/commands/bar/swaybar_command.c:13] Using custom swaybar command: waybar
00:00:00.490 [sway/config.c:796] Read line 251: }
00:00:00.490 [sway/config.c:867] Exiting block 'bar'
00:00:00.490 [sway/server.c:194] Initializing Xwayland (lazy=1)
00:00:00.490 [sway/server.c:212] Starting backend on wayland display 'wayland-0'
00:00:00.490 [DEBUG] [backend/libinput/backend.c:55] Initializing libinput
00:00:00.609 [DEBUG] [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added Power Button [0:1]
00:00:00.610 [sway/input/input-manager.c:233] adding device: '0:1:Power_Button'
00:00:00.610 [sway/input/libinput.c:241] config_libinput_keyboard('type:keyboard' on '0:1:Power_Button')
00:00:00.610 [sway/input/input-manager.c:183] no fallback seat config - creating default
00:00:00.610 [sway/config/seat.c:65] Adding non-wildcard seat config
00:00:00.610 [sway/config/seat.c:68] Merging on top of seat * config
00:00:00.610 [sway/config/seat.c:82] Config stored for seat seat0
00:00:00.610 [sway/input/input-manager.c:574] applying seat config for seat seat0
00:00:00.610 [sway/input/seat.c:838] adding device 0:1:Power_Button to seat seat0
00:00:00.614 [sway/input/keyboard.c:802] Created keyboard group 0x555de8fb41b0
00:00:00.614 [sway/input/keyboard.c:825] Adding keyboard 0:1:Power_Button to group 0x555de8fb41b0
00:00:00.621 [DEBUG] [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added Video Bus [0:6]
00:00:00.622 [sway/input/input-manager.c:233] adding device: '0:6:Video_Bus'
00:00:00.622 [sway/input/libinput.c:241] config_libinput_keyboard('type:keyboard' on '0:6:Video_Bus')
00:00:00.622 [sway/input/seat.c:838] adding device 0:6:Video_Bus to seat seat0
00:00:00.626 [sway/input/keyboard.c:777] Adding keyboard 0:6:Video_Bus to group 0x555de8fb41b0
00:00:00.627 [DEBUG] [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added Power Button [0:1]
00:00:00.627 [sway/input/input-manager.c:233] adding device: '0:1:Power_Button'
00:00:00.627 [sway/input/libinput.c:241] config_libinput_keyboard('type:keyboard' on '0:1:Power_Button')
00:00:00.627 [sway/input/seat.c:838] adding device 0:1:Power_Button to seat seat0
00:00:00.631 [sway/input/keyboard.c:777] Adding keyboard 0:1:Power_Button to group 0x555de8fb41b0
00:00:00.632 [DEBUG] [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added Sleep Button [0:3]
00:00:00.632 [sway/input/input-manager.c:233] adding device: '0:3:Sleep_Button'
00:00:00.632 [sway/input/libinput.c:241] config_libinput_keyboard('type:keyboard' on '0:3:Sleep_Button')
00:00:00.632 [sway/input/seat.c:838] adding device 0:3:Sleep_Button to seat seat0
00:00:00.636 [sway/input/keyboard.c:777] Adding keyboard 0:3:Sleep_Button to group 0x555de8fb41b0
00:00:00.636 [DEBUG] [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added HDA NVidia HDMI/DP,pcm=10 [0:0]
00:00:00.636 [DEBUG] [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added HDA NVidia HDMI/DP,pcm=11 [0:0]
00:00:00.636 [DEBUG] [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added HDA NVidia HDMI/DP,pcm=12 [0:0]
00:00:00.636 [DEBUG] [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added HDA NVidia HDMI/DP,pcm=3 [0:0]
00:00:00.636 [DEBUG] [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added HDA NVidia HDMI/DP,pcm=7 [0:0]
00:00:00.636 [DEBUG] [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added HDA NVidia HDMI/DP,pcm=8 [0:0]
00:00:00.636 [DEBUG] [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added HDA NVidia HDMI/DP,pcm=9 [0:0]
00:00:00.636 [DEBUG] [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added HD Pro Webcam C920 [1133:2093]
00:00:00.637 [sway/input/input-manager.c:233] adding device: '1133:2093:HD_Pro_Webcam_C920'
00:00:00.637 [sway/input/libinput.c:241] config_libinput_keyboard('type:keyboard' on '1133:2093:HD_Pro_Webcam_C920')
00:00:00.637 [sway/input/seat.c:838] adding device 1133:2093:HD_Pro_Webcam_C920 to seat seat0
00:00:00.640 [sway/input/keyboard.c:777] Adding keyboard 1133:2093:HD_Pro_Webcam_C920 to group 0x555de8fb41b0
00:00:00.640 [DEBUG] [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added Kinesis Advantage2 Keyboard [10730:258]
00:00:00.641 [sway/input/input-manager.c:233] adding device: '10730:258:Kinesis_Advantage2_Keyboard'
00:00:00.641 [sway/input/seat.c:838] adding device 10730:258:Kinesis_Advantage2_Keyboard to seat seat0
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:243] Loaded cursor theme 'default', available cursors:
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] left_tee (1 images) 24x24+6,12
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 9081237383d90e509aa00f00170e968f (1 images) 24x24+12,11
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] wait (60 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] sb_v_double_arrow (1 images) 24x24+12,13
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] move (1 images) 24x24+12,11
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] watch (60 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] nwse-resize (1 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] right_ptr (1 images) 24x24+21,4
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 5c6cd98b3f3ebcb1f9c7f1c204630408 (1 images) 24x24+12,21
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] arrow (1 images) 24x24+4,4
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] help (1 images) 24x24+12,21
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] right_side (1 images) 24x24+19,13
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] cross_reverse (1 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] sb_right_arrow (1 images) 24x24+19,12
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 08e8e1c95fe2fc01f976f1e063a24ccd (60 images) 24x24+4,3
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] pencil (1 images) 24x24+7,21
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 2870a09082c103050810ffdffffe0204 (1 images) 24x24+12,13
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] bd_double_arrow (1 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 14fef782d02440884392942c11205230 (1 images) 24x24+12,12
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] icon (1 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] hand2 (1 images) 24x24+8,5
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] pointer-move (1 images) 24x24+4,4
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 640fb0e74195791501fd1ed57b41487f (1 images) 24x24+4,4
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] size_hor (1 images) 24x24+12,12
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 1081e37283d90000800003c07f3ef6bf (1 images) 24x24+9,9
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] s-resize (1 images) 24x24+13,18
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] ns-resize (1 images) 24x24+12,13
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] top_side (1 images) 24x24+13,6
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] dnd-move (1 images) 24x24+9,9
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] right_tee (1 images) 24x24+20,12
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] sb_up_arrow (1 images) 24x24+12,3
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] row-resize (1 images) 24x24+12,13
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] size_all (1 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] v_double_arrow (1 images) 24x24+12,13
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] n-resize (1 images) 24x24+13,6
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] h_double_arrow (1 images) 24x24+12,12
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] bottom_tee (1 images) 24x24+12,19
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] fleur (1 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] pointer (1 images) 24x24+8,5
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] draft_large (1 images) 24x24+21,4
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] cell (1 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] fd_double_arrow (1 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] double_arrow (1 images) 24x24+12,13
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] link (1 images) 24x24+4,4
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] target (1 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] zoom-in (1 images) 24x24+11,10
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] bottom_right_corner (1 images) 24x24+15,15
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] alias (1 images) 24x24+9,9
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] sb_h_double_arrow (1 images) 24x24+12,12
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] ll_angle (1 images) 24x24+4,19
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] all-scroll (1 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] progress (60 images) 24x24+4,3
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] ur_angle (1 images) 24x24+20,5
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] w-resize (1 images) 24x24+6,13
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] fcf1c3c7cd4491d801f1e1c78f100000 (1 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] hand (1 images) 24x24+8,5
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] X_cursor (1 images) 24x24+12,12
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] not-allowed (1 images) 24x24+12,12
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] pirate (1 images) 24x24+12,12
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] sw-resize (1 images) 24x24+10,15
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] grab (1 images) 24x24+11,7
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] draft_small (1 images) 24x24+21,4
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] text (1 images) 24x24+11,12
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] circle (1 images) 24x24+4,4
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] dnd-link (1 images) 24x24+9,9
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] sb_down_arrow (1 images) 24x24+12,19
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] ul_angle (1 images) 24x24+4,5
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] c7088f0f3e6c8088236ef8e1e3e70000 (1 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] context-menu (1 images) 24x24+4,4
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 9d800788f1b08800ae810202380a0822 (1 images) 24x24+8,5
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] size_ver (1 images) 24x24+12,13
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] bottom_left_corner (1 images) 24x24+10,15
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] plus (1 images) 24x24+10,11
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] diamond_cross (1 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] e29285e634086352946a0e7090d73106 (1 images) 24x24+8,5
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] tcross (1 images) 24x24+12,12
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 4498f0e0c1937ffe01fd06f973665830 (1 images) 24x24+12,11
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 028006030e0e7ebffc7f7070c0600140 (1 images) 24x24+12,12
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] top_left_arrow (1 images) 24x24+4,4
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] no-drop (1 images) 24x24+9,9
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] hand1 (1 images) 24x24+11,7
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] zoom-out (1 images) 24x24+11,10
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 00008160000006810000408080010102 (1 images) 24x24+12,13
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] left_ptr (1 images) 24x24+4,4
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] cross (1 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] col-resize (1 images) 24x24+12,12
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] sb_left_arrow (1 images) 24x24+6,12
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] copy (1 images) 24x24+9,9
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] left_side (1 images) 24x24+6,13
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] d9ce0ab605698f320427677b458ad60b (1 images) 24x24+12,21
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] size_fdiag (1 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] bottom_side (1 images) 24x24+13,18
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] ne-resize (1 images) 24x24+15,10
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] dnd-ask (1 images) 24x24+9,9
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] se-resize (1 images) 24x24+15,15
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] question_arrow (1 images) 24x24+12,21
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] crossed_circle (1 images) 24x24+12,12
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] vertical-text (1 images) 24x24+12,11
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] top_right_corner (1 images) 24x24+15,10
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] crosshair (1 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] xterm (1 images) 24x24+11,12
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] left_ptr_help (1 images) 24x24+12,21
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] grabbing (1 images) 24x24+12,11
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] ew-resize (1 images) 24x24+12,12
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] nesw-resize (1 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] dnd-no-drop (1 images) 24x24+9,9
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] left_ptr_watch (60 images) 24x24+4,3
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] size_bdiag (1 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 6407b0e94181790501fd1e167b474872 (1 images) 24x24+9,9
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] top_tee (1 images) 24x24+12,5
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 3ecb610c1bf2410f44200f48c40d3599 (60 images) 24x24+4,3
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] nw-resize (1 images) 24x24+10,10
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] draped_box (1 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 03b6e0fcb3499374a867c041f52298f0 (1 images) 24x24+12,12
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] dotbox (1 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] default (1 images) 24x24+4,4
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] dot_box_mask (1 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] lr_angle (1 images) 24x24+20,19
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] dnd-copy (1 images) 24x24+9,9
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 3085a0e285430894940527032f8b26df (1 images) 24x24+4,4
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] dnd-none (1 images) 24x24+12,11
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] top_left_corner (1 images) 24x24+10,10
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] e-resize (1 images) 24x24+19,13
00:00:00.669 [DEBUG] [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added Kinesis Advantage2 Keyboard [10730:258]
00:00:00.670 [sway/input/input-manager.c:233] adding device: '10730:258:Kinesis_Advantage2_Keyboard'
00:00:00.670 [sway/input/libinput.c:241] config_libinput_keyboard('type:keyboard' on '10730:258:Kinesis_Advantage2_Keyboard')
00:00:00.670 [sway/input/seat.c:838] adding device 10730:258:Kinesis_Advantage2_Keyboard to seat seat0
00:00:00.673 [sway/input/keyboard.c:777] Adding keyboard 10730:258:Kinesis_Advantage2_Keyboard to group 0x555de8fb41b0
00:00:00.673 [DEBUG] [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added Kinesis Advantage2 Keyboard Consumer Control [10730:258]
00:00:00.674 [sway/input/input-manager.c:233] adding device: '10730:258:Kinesis_Advantage2_Keyboard_Consumer_Control'
00:00:00.674 [sway/input/libinput.c:241] config_libinput_keyboard('type:keyboard' on '10730:258:Kinesis_Advantage2_Keyboard_Consumer_Control')
00:00:00.674 [sway/input/seat.c:838] adding device 10730:258:Kinesis_Advantage2_Keyboard_Consumer_Control to seat seat0
00:00:00.677 [sway/input/keyboard.c:777] Adding keyboard 10730:258:Kinesis_Advantage2_Keyboard_Consumer_Control to group 0x555de8fb41b0
00:00:00.677 [DEBUG] [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added Kinesis Advantage2 Keyboard System Control [10730:258]
00:00:00.678 [sway/input/input-manager.c:233] adding device: '10730:258:Kinesis_Advantage2_Keyboard_System_Control'
00:00:00.678 [sway/input/libinput.c:241] config_libinput_keyboard('type:keyboard' on '10730:258:Kinesis_Advantage2_Keyboard_System_Control')
00:00:00.678 [sway/input/seat.c:838] adding device 10730:258:Kinesis_Advantage2_Keyboard_System_Control to seat seat0
00:00:00.681 [sway/input/keyboard.c:777] Adding keyboard 10730:258:Kinesis_Advantage2_Keyboard_System_Control to group 0x555de8fb41b0
00:00:00.681 [DEBUG] [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added USB Keyboard [1241:17733]
00:00:00.681 [sway/input/input-manager.c:233] adding device: '1241:17733:USB_Keyboard'
00:00:00.681 [sway/input/libinput.c:241] config_libinput_keyboard('type:keyboard' on '1241:17733:USB_Keyboard')
00:00:00.681 [sway/input/seat.c:838] adding device 1241:17733:USB_Keyboard to seat seat0
00:00:00.684 [sway/input/keyboard.c:777] Adding keyboard 1241:17733:USB_Keyboard to group 0x555de8fb41b0
00:00:00.685 [DEBUG] [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added USB Keyboard Consumer Control [1241:17733]
00:00:00.685 [sway/input/input-manager.c:233] adding device: '1241:17733:USB_Keyboard_Consumer_Control'
00:00:00.685 [sway/input/libinput.c:241] config_libinput_keyboard('type:keyboard' on '1241:17733:USB_Keyboard_Consumer_Control')
00:00:00.685 [sway/input/seat.c:838] adding device 1241:17733:USB_Keyboard_Consumer_Control to seat seat0
00:00:00.688 [sway/input/keyboard.c:777] Adding keyboard 1241:17733:USB_Keyboard_Consumer_Control to group 0x555de8fb41b0
00:00:00.689 [DEBUG] [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added USB Keyboard System Control [1241:17733]
00:00:00.689 [sway/input/input-manager.c:233] adding device: '1241:17733:USB_Keyboard_System_Control'
00:00:00.689 [sway/input/libinput.c:241] config_libinput_keyboard('type:keyboard' on '1241:17733:USB_Keyboard_System_Control')
00:00:00.689 [sway/input/seat.c:838] adding device 1241:17733:USB_Keyboard_System_Control to seat seat0
00:00:00.692 [sway/input/keyboard.c:777] Adding keyboard 1241:17733:USB_Keyboard_System_Control to group 0x555de8fb41b0
00:00:00.693 [DEBUG] [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added Logitech G Pro [1133:16505]
00:00:00.693 [sway/input/input-manager.c:233] adding device: '1133:16505:Logitech_G_Pro'
00:00:00.693 [sway/input/libinput.c:241] config_libinput_keyboard('type:keyboard' on '1133:16505:Logitech_G_Pro')
00:00:00.693 [sway/input/seat.c:838] adding device 1133:16505:Logitech_G_Pro to seat seat0
00:00:00.696 [sway/input/keyboard.c:777] Adding keyboard 1133:16505:Logitech_G_Pro to group 0x555de8fb41b0
00:00:00.697 [sway/input/input-manager.c:233] adding device: '1133:16505:Logitech_G_Pro'
00:00:00.697 [sway/input/seat.c:838] adding device 1133:16505:Logitech_G_Pro to seat seat0
00:00:00.697 [DEBUG] [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added HDA Intel PCH Front Mic [0:0]
00:00:00.697 [DEBUG] [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added HDA Intel PCH Rear Mic [0:0]
00:00:00.697 [DEBUG] [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added HDA Intel PCH Line [0:0]
00:00:00.697 [DEBUG] [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added HDA Intel PCH Line Out Front [0:0]
00:00:00.697 [DEBUG] [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added HDA Intel PCH Line Out Surround [0:0]
00:00:00.697 [DEBUG] [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added HDA Intel PCH Line Out CLFE [0:0]
00:00:00.697 [DEBUG] [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added HDA Intel PCH Front Headphone [0:0]
00:00:00.697 [DEBUG] [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added HDA Intel PCH HDMI/DP,pcm=3 [0:0]
00:00:00.697 [DEBUG] [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added HDA Intel PCH HDMI/DP,pcm=7 [0:0]
00:00:00.697 [DEBUG] [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added HDA Intel PCH HDMI/DP,pcm=8 [0:0]
00:00:00.697 [DEBUG] [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added HDA Intel PCH HDMI/DP,pcm=9 [0:0]
00:00:00.697 [DEBUG] [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added HDA Intel PCH HDMI/DP,pcm=10 [0:0]
00:00:00.697 [DEBUG] [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added Eee PC WMI hotkeys [0:0]
00:00:00.697 [sway/input/input-manager.c:233] adding device: '0:0:Eee_PC_WMI_hotkeys'
00:00:00.697 [sway/input/libinput.c:241] config_libinput_keyboard('type:keyboard' on '0:0:Eee_PC_WMI_hotkeys')
00:00:00.697 [sway/input/seat.c:838] adding device 0:0:Eee_PC_WMI_hotkeys to seat seat0
00:00:00.700 [sway/input/keyboard.c:777] Adding keyboard 0:0:Eee_PC_WMI_hotkeys to group 0x555de8fb41b0
00:00:00.701 [DEBUG] [backend/libinput/backend.c:101] libinput successfully initialized
00:00:00.701 [INFO] [backend/drm/drm.c:1256] Scanning DRM connectors
00:00:00.711 [INFO] [backend/drm/drm.c:1319] Found connector 'DP-1'
00:00:00.711 [INFO] [backend/drm/drm.c:1355] 'DP-1' connected
00:00:00.711 [DEBUG] [backend/drm/drm.c:1356] Current CRTC: 51
00:00:00.711 [INFO] [backend/drm/drm.c:1361] Physical size: 700x390
00:00:00.711 [INFO] [backend/drm/drm.c:1379] Detected modes:
00:00:00.711 [INFO] [backend/drm/drm.c:1401] 2560x1440@59951 (preferred)
00:00:00.711 [INFO] [backend/drm/drm.c:1401] 2560x1440@165000
00:00:00.711 [INFO] [backend/drm/drm.c:1401] 2560x1440@143998
00:00:00.711 [INFO] [backend/drm/drm.c:1401] 2560x1440@119998
00:00:00.711 [INFO] [backend/drm/drm.c:1401] 2560x1440@99946
00:00:00.711 [INFO] [backend/drm/drm.c:1401] 2560x1440@84983
00:00:00.711 [INFO] [backend/drm/drm.c:1401] 1024x768@60004
00:00:00.711 [INFO] [backend/drm/drm.c:1401] 800x600@60317
00:00:00.711 [INFO] [backend/drm/drm.c:1401] 640x480@60000
00:00:00.711 [INFO] [backend/drm/drm.c:1401] 640x480@59940
00:00:00.714 [INFO] [backend/drm/drm.c:1319] Found connector 'HDMI-A-1'
00:00:00.718 [INFO] [backend/drm/drm.c:1319] Found connector 'HDMI-A-2'
00:00:00.718 [DEBUG] [backend/drm/drm.c:1088] Reallocating CRTCs
00:00:00.718 [DEBUG] [backend/drm/drm.c:1099] State before reallocation:
00:00:00.718 [DEBUG] [backend/drm/drm.c:1105] 'DP-1' crtc=0 state=1 desired_enabled=1
00:00:00.718 [DEBUG] [backend/drm/drm.c:1105] 'HDMI-A-1' crtc=-1 state=0 desired_enabled=0
00:00:00.718 [DEBUG] [backend/drm/drm.c:1105] 'HDMI-A-2' crtc=-1 state=0 desired_enabled=0
00:00:00.718 [DEBUG] [backend/drm/drm.c:1157] State after reallocation:
00:00:00.718 [DEBUG] [backend/drm/drm.c:1164] 'DP-1' crtc=0 state=1 desired_enabled=1
00:00:00.718 [DEBUG] [backend/drm/drm.c:1164] 'HDMI-A-1' crtc=-1 state=0 desired_enabled=0
00:00:00.718 [DEBUG] [backend/drm/drm.c:1164] 'HDMI-A-2' crtc=-1 state=0 desired_enabled=0
00:00:00.718 [INFO] [backend/drm/drm.c:1467] Requesting modeset for 'DP-1'
00:00:00.719 [sway/desktop/output.c:923] New output 0x555de93d8df0: DP-1
00:00:00.719 [sway/config/output.c:348] Turning on output DP-1
00:00:00.719 [sway/config/output.c:352] Set DP-1 mode to 2560x1440 (165.000000 Hz)
00:00:00.719 [sway/config/output.c:266] Assigning configured mode to DP-1
00:00:00.719 [sway/config/output.c:326] Output DPI: 92.891429x93.784615
00:00:00.719 [sway/config/output.c:379] Auto-detected output scale: 1.000000
00:00:00.719 [sway/config/output.c:418] Committing output DP-1
00:00:00.718 [INFO] [backend/drm/drm.c:810] Modesetting 'DP-1' with '2560x1440@165000 mHz'
00:00:00.718 [DEBUG] [backend/drm/drm.c:680] Initializing renderer on connector 'DP-1'
00:00:00.758 [sway/tree/workspace.c:283] Workspace: Generating new workspace name for output DP-1
00:00:00.758 [sway/tree/workspace.c:218] Got valid workspace command for target: 'number 1:'
00:00:00.758 [sway/tree/workspace.c:245] Isolated name from workspace number: '1:'
00:00:00.758 [sway/tree/workspace.c:274] Workspace: Found free name 1:
00:00:00.759 [sway/tree/workspace.c:218] Got valid workspace command for target: 'number 2:'
00:00:00.759 [sway/tree/workspace.c:245] Isolated name from workspace number: '2:'
00:00:00.759 [sway/tree/workspace.c:218] Got valid workspace command for target: 'number 3:'
00:00:00.759 [sway/tree/workspace.c:245] Isolated name from workspace number: '3:'
00:00:00.759 [sway/tree/workspace.c:218] Got valid workspace command for target: 'number 4:'
00:00:00.759 [sway/tree/workspace.c:245] Isolated name from workspace number: '4:'
00:00:00.759 [sway/tree/workspace.c:218] Got valid workspace command for target: 'number 5:'
00:00:00.759 [sway/tree/workspace.c:245] Isolated name from workspace number: '5:'
00:00:00.759 [sway/tree/workspace.c:218] Got valid workspace command for target: 'number 6:'
00:00:00.759 [sway/tree/workspace.c:245] Isolated name from workspace number: '6:'
00:00:00.759 [sway/tree/workspace.c:218] Got valid workspace command for target: 'number 7:'
00:00:00.759 [sway/tree/workspace.c:245] Isolated name from workspace number: '7:'
00:00:00.759 [sway/tree/workspace.c:218] Got valid workspace command for target: 'number 8:'
00:00:00.759 [sway/tree/workspace.c:245] Isolated name from workspace number: '8:'
00:00:00.759 [sway/tree/workspace.c:218] Got valid workspace command for target: 'number 9:'
00:00:00.759 [sway/tree/workspace.c:245] Isolated name from workspace number: '9:'
00:00:00.759 [sway/tree/workspace.c:218] Got valid workspace command for target: 'number 10:'
00:00:00.759 [sway/tree/workspace.c:245] Isolated name from workspace number: '10:'
00:00:00.759 [sway/tree/workspace.c:218] Got valid workspace command for target: 'back_and_forth'
00:00:00.759 [sway/tree/workspace.c:218] Got valid workspace command for target: 'next_on_output'
00:00:00.759 [sway/tree/workspace.c:218] Got valid workspace command for target: 'prev_on_output'
00:00:00.759 [sway/tree/output.c:127] Creating default workspace 1:
00:00:00.759 [sway/tree/workspace.c:63] Adding workspace 1: for output DP-1
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:243] Loaded cursor theme 'default', available cursors:
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] left_tee (1 images) 24x24+6,12
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 9081237383d90e509aa00f00170e968f (1 images) 24x24+12,11
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] wait (60 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] sb_v_double_arrow (1 images) 24x24+12,13
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] move (1 images) 24x24+12,11
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] watch (60 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] nwse-resize (1 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] right_ptr (1 images) 24x24+21,4
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 5c6cd98b3f3ebcb1f9c7f1c204630408 (1 images) 24x24+12,21
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] arrow (1 images) 24x24+4,4
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] help (1 images) 24x24+12,21
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] right_side (1 images) 24x24+19,13
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] cross_reverse (1 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] sb_right_arrow (1 images) 24x24+19,12
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 08e8e1c95fe2fc01f976f1e063a24ccd (60 images) 24x24+4,3
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] pencil (1 images) 24x24+7,21
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 2870a09082c103050810ffdffffe0204 (1 images) 24x24+12,13
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] bd_double_arrow (1 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 14fef782d02440884392942c11205230 (1 images) 24x24+12,12
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] icon (1 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] hand2 (1 images) 24x24+8,5
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] pointer-move (1 images) 24x24+4,4
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 640fb0e74195791501fd1ed57b41487f (1 images) 24x24+4,4
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] size_hor (1 images) 24x24+12,12
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 1081e37283d90000800003c07f3ef6bf (1 images) 24x24+9,9
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] s-resize (1 images) 24x24+13,18
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] ns-resize (1 images) 24x24+12,13
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] top_side (1 images) 24x24+13,6
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] dnd-move (1 images) 24x24+9,9
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] right_tee (1 images) 24x24+20,12
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] sb_up_arrow (1 images) 24x24+12,3
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] row-resize (1 images) 24x24+12,13
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] size_all (1 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] v_double_arrow (1 images) 24x24+12,13
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] n-resize (1 images) 24x24+13,6
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] h_double_arrow (1 images) 24x24+12,12
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] bottom_tee (1 images) 24x24+12,19
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] fleur (1 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] pointer (1 images) 24x24+8,5
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] draft_large (1 images) 24x24+21,4
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] cell (1 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] fd_double_arrow (1 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] double_arrow (1 images) 24x24+12,13
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] link (1 images) 24x24+4,4
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] target (1 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] zoom-in (1 images) 24x24+11,10
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] bottom_right_corner (1 images) 24x24+15,15
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] alias (1 images) 24x24+9,9
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] sb_h_double_arrow (1 images) 24x24+12,12
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] ll_angle (1 images) 24x24+4,19
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] all-scroll (1 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] progress (60 images) 24x24+4,3
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] ur_angle (1 images) 24x24+20,5
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] w-resize (1 images) 24x24+6,13
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] fcf1c3c7cd4491d801f1e1c78f100000 (1 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] hand (1 images) 24x24+8,5
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] X_cursor (1 images) 24x24+12,12
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] not-allowed (1 images) 24x24+12,12
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] pirate (1 images) 24x24+12,12
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] sw-resize (1 images) 24x24+10,15
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] grab (1 images) 24x24+11,7
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] draft_small (1 images) 24x24+21,4
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] text (1 images) 24x24+11,12
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] circle (1 images) 24x24+4,4
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] dnd-link (1 images) 24x24+9,9
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] sb_down_arrow (1 images) 24x24+12,19
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] ul_angle (1 images) 24x24+4,5
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] c7088f0f3e6c8088236ef8e1e3e70000 (1 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] context-menu (1 images) 24x24+4,4
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 9d800788f1b08800ae810202380a0822 (1 images) 24x24+8,5
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] size_ver (1 images) 24x24+12,13
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] bottom_left_corner (1 images) 24x24+10,15
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] plus (1 images) 24x24+10,11
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] diamond_cross (1 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] e29285e634086352946a0e7090d73106 (1 images) 24x24+8,5
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] tcross (1 images) 24x24+12,12
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 4498f0e0c1937ffe01fd06f973665830 (1 images) 24x24+12,11
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 028006030e0e7ebffc7f7070c0600140 (1 images) 24x24+12,12
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] top_left_arrow (1 images) 24x24+4,4
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] no-drop (1 images) 24x24+9,9
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] hand1 (1 images) 24x24+11,7
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] zoom-out (1 images) 24x24+11,10
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 00008160000006810000408080010102 (1 images) 24x24+12,13
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] left_ptr (1 images) 24x24+4,4
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] cross (1 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] col-resize (1 images) 24x24+12,12
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] sb_left_arrow (1 images) 24x24+6,12
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] copy (1 images) 24x24+9,9
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] left_side (1 images) 24x24+6,13
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] d9ce0ab605698f320427677b458ad60b (1 images) 24x24+12,21
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] size_fdiag (1 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] bottom_side (1 images) 24x24+13,18
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] ne-resize (1 images) 24x24+15,10
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] dnd-ask (1 images) 24x24+9,9
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] se-resize (1 images) 24x24+15,15
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] question_arrow (1 images) 24x24+12,21
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] crossed_circle (1 images) 24x24+12,12
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] vertical-text (1 images) 24x24+12,11
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] top_right_corner (1 images) 24x24+15,10
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] crosshair (1 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] xterm (1 images) 24x24+11,12
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] left_ptr_help (1 images) 24x24+12,21
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] grabbing (1 images) 24x24+12,11
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] ew-resize (1 images) 24x24+12,12
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] nesw-resize (1 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] dnd-no-drop (1 images) 24x24+9,9
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] left_ptr_watch (60 images) 24x24+4,3
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] size_bdiag (1 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 6407b0e94181790501fd1e167b474872 (1 images) 24x24+9,9
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] top_tee (1 images) 24x24+12,5
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 3ecb610c1bf2410f44200f48c40d3599 (60 images) 24x24+4,3
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] nw-resize (1 images) 24x24+10,10
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] draped_box (1 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 03b6e0fcb3499374a867c041f52298f0 (1 images) 24x24+12,12
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] dotbox (1 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] default (1 images) 24x24+4,4
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] dot_box_mask (1 images) 24x24+11,11
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] lr_angle (1 images) 24x24+20,19
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] dnd-copy (1 images) 24x24+9,9
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 3085a0e285430894940527032f8b26df (1 images) 24x24+4,4
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] dnd-none (1 images) 24x24+12,11
00:00:00.793 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] top_left_corner (1 images) 24x24+10,10
00:00:00.794 [DEBUG] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] e-resize (1 images) 24x24+19,13
00:00:00.794 [sway/input/seat.c:943] Cannot load xcursor theme for output 'DP-1' with scale 1.000000
00:00:00.801 [sway/desktop/layer_shell.c:189] Usable area changed, rearranging output
00:00:00.801 [sway/tree/arrange.c:263] Usable area for ws: 2560x1440@0,0
00:00:00.801 [sway/tree/arrange.c:293] Arranging workspace '1:' at 0.000000, 0.000000
00:00:00.801 [sway/tree/arrange.c:263] Usable area for ws: 2560x1440@0,0
00:00:00.801 [sway/tree/arrange.c:293] Arranging workspace '1:' at 0.000000, 0.000000
00:00:00.847 [sway/desktop/transaction.c:411] Transaction 0x555de92a1330 committing with 2 instructions
00:00:00.847 [sway/desktop/transaction.c:280] Applying transaction 0x555de92a1330
00:00:00.847 [INFO] [backend/headless/backend.c:21] Starting headless backend
00:00:00.847 [sway/config/bar.c:262] Invoking swaybar for bar id 'bar-0'
00:00:00.848 [sway/config/bar.c:254] Spawned swaybar bar-0
00:00:00.848 [sway/config.c:645] Running deferred commands
00:00:00.848 [sway/commands.c:256] Handling command 'exec dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd --all'
00:00:00.848 [sway/commands/exec_always.c:46] Executing dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd --all
00:00:00.849 [sway/commands/exec_always.c:87] Child process created with pid 899
00:00:00.849 [sway/tree/root.c:290] Recording workspace for process 899
00:00:00.849 [sway/commands.c:256] Handling command 'exec /usr/lib/gsd-xsettings'
00:00:00.849 [sway/commands/exec_always.c:46] Executing /usr/lib/gsd-xsettings
00:00:00.850 [sway/commands/exec_always.c:87] Child process created with pid 901
00:00:00.850 [sway/tree/root.c:290] Recording workspace for process 901
00:00:00.850 [sway/commands.c:256] Handling command 'exec /usr/lib/polkit-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1'
00:00:00.850 [sway/commands/exec_always.c:46] Executing /usr/lib/polkit-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1
00:00:00.851 [sway/commands/exec_always.c:87] Child process created with pid 903
00:00:00.851 [sway/tree/root.c:290] Recording workspace for process 903
00:00:00.851 [sway/commands.c:256] Handling command 'exec mako'
00:00:00.851 [sway/commands/exec_always.c:46] Executing mako
00:00:00.852 [sway/commands/exec_always.c:87] Child process created with pid 905
00:00:00.852 [sway/tree/root.c:290] Recording workspace for process 905
00:00:00.852 [sway/commands.c:256] Handling command 'exec redshift -m wayland'
00:00:00.852 [sway/commands/exec_always.c:46] Executing redshift -m wayland
00:00:00.853 [sway/commands/exec_always.c:87] Child process created with pid 907
00:00:00.853 [sway/tree/root.c:290] Recording workspace for process 907
00:00:00.853 [sway/commands.c:256] Handling command 'exec dropbox'
00:00:00.853 [sway/commands/exec_always.c:46] Executing dropbox
00:00:00.853 [sway/commands/exec_always.c:87] Child process created with pid 909
00:00:00.853 [sway/tree/root.c:290] Recording workspace for process 909
00:00:00.853 [sway/commands.c:256] Handling command 'exec swaymsg "workspace $ws8; exec spotify; workspace $ws7; exec evolution; workspace $ws2; exec emacs; workspace $ws1; exec chromium;"'
00:00:00.853 [sway/commands/exec_always.c:46] Executing swaymsg "workspace "8:"; exec spotify; workspace "7:"; exec evolution; workspace "2:"; exec emacs; workspace "1:"; exec chromium;"
00:00:00.854 [sway/commands/exec_always.c:87] Child process created with pid 911
00:00:00.854 [sway/tree/root.c:290] Recording workspace for process 911
00:00:00.854 [sway/commands.c:256] Handling command 'exec swayidle -w timeout 600 'swaymsg "output * dpms off"' resume 'swaymsg "output * dpms on"' timeout 900 '$lock' before-sleep '$lock' timeout 30 'if pgrep swaylock; then swaymsg "output * dpms off"; fi' resume 'swaymsg "output * dpms on"''
00:00:00.854 [sway/commands/exec_always.c:46] Executing swayidle -w timeout 600 'swaymsg "output * dpms off"' resume 'swaymsg "output * dpms on"' timeout 900 '"$HOME/.config/sway/"' before-sleep '"$HOME/.config/sway/"' timeout 30 'if pgrep swaylock; then swaymsg "output * dpms off"; fi' resume 'swaymsg "output * dpms on"'
00:00:00.855 [sway/commands/exec_always.c:87] Child process created with pid 913
00:00:00.855 [sway/tree/root.c:290] Recording workspace for process 913
00:00:00.855 [sway/server.c:223] Running compositor on wayland display 'wayland-0'
00:00:00.861 [sway/ipc-server.c:154] Event on IPC listening socket
00:00:00.861 [sway/ipc-server.c:200] New client: fd 64
00:00:00.861 [sway/ipc-server.c:220] Client 64 readable
00:00:00.861 [sway/commands.c:256] Handling command 'workspace 8:'
00:00:00.861 [sway/tree/workspace.c:63] Adding workspace 8: for output DP-1
00:00:00.861 [sway/tree/workspace.c:476] Switching to workspace 0x555de93fa840:8:
00:00:00.861 [sway/tree/workspace.c:143] Destroying workspace '1:'
00:00:00.861 [sway/tree/arrange.c:263] Usable area for ws: 2560x1440@0,0
00:00:00.861 [sway/tree/arrange.c:293] Arranging workspace '8:' at 0.000000, 0.000000
00:00:00.861 [sway/commands.c:256] Handling command 'exec spotify'
00:00:00.861 [sway/commands/exec_always.c:46] Executing spotify
00:00:00.862 [sway/commands/exec_always.c:87] Child process created with pid 915
00:00:00.862 [sway/tree/root.c:290] Recording workspace for process 915
00:00:00.862 [sway/commands.c:256] Handling command 'workspace 7:'
00:00:00.862 [sway/tree/workspace.c:63] Adding workspace 7: for output DP-1
00:00:00.862 [sway/tree/workspace.c:476] Switching to workspace 0x555de9401440:7:
00:00:00.862 [sway/tree/workspace.c:143] Destroying workspace '8:'
00:00:00.862 [sway/tree/arrange.c:263] Usable area for ws: 2560x1440@0,0
00:00:00.862 [sway/tree/arrange.c:293] Arranging workspace '7:' at 0.000000, 0.000000
00:00:00.862 [sway/commands.c:256] Handling command 'exec evolution'
00:00:00.862 [sway/commands/exec_always.c:46] Executing evolution
00:00:00.863 [sway/commands/exec_always.c:87] Child process created with pid 917
00:00:00.863 [sway/tree/root.c:290] Recording workspace for process 917
00:00:00.863 [sway/commands.c:256] Handling command 'workspace 2:'
00:00:00.863 [sway/tree/workspace.c:63] Adding workspace 2: for output DP-1
00:00:00.863 [sway/tree/workspace.c:476] Switching to workspace 0x555de94ea910:2:
00:00:00.863 [sway/tree/workspace.c:143] Destroying workspace '7:'
00:00:00.863 [sway/tree/arrange.c:263] Usable area for ws: 2560x1440@0,0
00:00:00.863 [sway/tree/arrange.c:293] Arranging workspace '2:' at 0.000000, 0.000000
00:00:00.863 [sway/commands.c:256] Handling command 'exec emacs'
00:00:00.863 [sway/commands/exec_always.c:46] Executing emacs
00:00:00.864 [sway/commands/exec_always.c:87] Child process created with pid 919
00:00:00.864 [sway/tree/root.c:290] Recording workspace for process 919
00:00:00.864 [sway/commands.c:256] Handling command 'workspace 1:'
00:00:00.864 [sway/tree/workspace.c:63] Adding workspace 1: for output DP-1
00:00:00.864 [sway/tree/workspace.c:476] Switching to workspace 0x555de94e1ba0:1:
00:00:00.864 [sway/tree/workspace.c:143] Destroying workspace '2:'
00:00:00.864 [sway/tree/arrange.c:263] Usable area for ws: 2560x1440@0,0
00:00:00.864 [sway/tree/arrange.c:293] Arranging workspace '1:' at 0.000000, 0.000000
00:00:00.864 [sway/commands.c:256] Handling command 'exec chromium'
00:00:00.864 [sway/commands/exec_always.c:46] Executing chromium
00:00:00.865 [sway/commands/exec_always.c:87] Child process created with pid 921
00:00:00.865 [sway/tree/root.c:290] Recording workspace for process 921
00:00:00.865 [sway/commands.c:253] Ignoring empty command.
00:00:00.865 [sway/desktop/transaction.c:411] Transaction 0x555de9401ce0 committing with 6 instructions
00:00:00.865 [sway/desktop/transaction.c:280] Applying transaction 0x555de9401ce0
00:00:00.865 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x0 to client 64 queue: [ { "success": true }, { "success": true }, { "success": true }, { "success": true }, { "success": true }, { "success": true }, { "success": true }, { "success": true } ]
00:00:00.865 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 64 writable
2020-05-18 09:24:24 - [swaybg/main.c:299] Found config DP-1 for output DP-1 (Goldstar Company Ltd 32GK850G #ASPp7EV3e47d)
00:00:00.865 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de94e42b0 (res 0x555de9405ec0)
00:00:00.865 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_layer_shell_v1.c:435] new layer_surface 0x555de94021e0 (res 0x555de9405f50)
00:00:00.865 [sway/desktop/layer_shell.c:513] new layer surface: namespace wallpaper layer 0 anchor 0 size 0x0 margin 0,0,0,0
00:00:00.865 [sway/ipc-server.c:215] Client 64 hung up
00:00:00.865 [sway/ipc-server.c:567] IPC Client 64 disconnected
Waiting for initial location to become available...
dropbox: locating interpreter
dropbox: logging to /tmp/dropbox-antifreeze-kpevKU
dropbox: initializing
dropbox: initializing python 3.7.5
00:00:00.873 [ERROR] [backend/drm/atomic.c:177] setting gamma LUT 1024
dropbox: setting program path '/opt/dropbox/dropbox'
dropbox: setting python path '/opt/dropbox:/opt/dropbox/'
/usr/bin/spotify: /usr/lib/ no version information available (required by /usr/bin/spotify)
00:00:00.916 [INFO] [xwayland/xwayland.c:89] WAYLAND_SOCKET=25 Xwayland :0 -rootless -terminate -listen 22 -listen 24 -wm 74
dropbox: python initialized
dropbox: running dropbox
dropbox: setting args
dropbox: applying overrides
00:00:00.968 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de94e1d40 (res 0x555de953a520)
00:00:00.968 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de94d4490 (res 0x555de94e91d0)
[spotifywm] attached to spotify
dropbox: running main script
00:00:01.034 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de94ebda0 (res 0x555de95360c0)
00:00:01.034 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de9537510 (res 0x555de9537830)
dropbox: load fq extension '/opt/dropbox/'
Unknown option -b
00:00:01.101 [sway/ipc-server.c:154] Event on IPC listening socket
00:00:01.101 [sway/ipc-server.c:200] New client: fd 25
00:00:01.101 [sway/ipc-server.c:154] Event on IPC listening socket
00:00:01.101 [sway/ipc-server.c:200] New client: fd 77
00:00:01.101 [sway/ipc-server.c:220] Client 77 readable
00:00:01.101 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x2 to client 77 queue: {"success": true}
00:00:01.101 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 77 writable
00:00:01.101 [sway/ipc-server.c:220] Client 25 readable
00:00:01.101 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x1 to client 25 queue: [ { "id": 8, "name": "1:", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "num": 1, "output": "DP-1", "type": "workspace", "representation": null, "focused": true, "visible": true } ]
00:00:01.101 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 25 writable
00:00:01.102 [sway/ipc-server.c:154] Event on IPC listening socket
00:00:01.102 [sway/ipc-server.c:200] New client: fd 79
00:00:01.102 [sway/ipc-server.c:154] Event on IPC listening socket
00:00:01.102 [sway/ipc-server.c:200] New client: fd 81
00:00:01.102 [sway/ipc-server.c:220] Client 81 readable
00:00:01.102 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x2 to client 81 queue: {"success": true}
00:00:01.102 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 81 writable
00:00:01.102 [sway/ipc-server.c:154] Event on IPC listening socket
00:00:01.102 [sway/ipc-server.c:200] New client: fd 83
00:00:01.102 [sway/ipc-server.c:154] Event on IPC listening socket
00:00:01.102 [sway/ipc-server.c:200] New client: fd 85
00:00:01.102 [sway/ipc-server.c:220] Client 85 readable
00:00:01.102 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x2 to client 85 queue: {"success": true}
00:00:01.102 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 85 writable
00:00:01.102 [sway/ipc-server.c:220] Client 83 readable
00:00:01.102 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x4 to client 83 queue: { "id": 1, "name": "root", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 3 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483647, "name": "__i3", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 2147483646 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483646, "name": "__i3_scratch", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "workspace" } ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "output" }, { "id": 3, "name": "DP-1", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 8 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "none", "percent": 1.0, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 8, "name": "1:", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": true, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "num": 1, "output": "DP-1", "type": "workspace", "representation": null } ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "output", "active": true, "dpms": true, "primary": false, "make": "Goldstar Company Ltd", "model": "32GK850G", "serial": "#ASPp7EV3e47d", "scale": 1.0, "scale_filter": "nearest", "transform": "normal", "adaptive_sync_status": "disabled", "current_workspace": "1:", "modes": [ { "width": 640, "height": 480, "refresh": 59940 }, { "width": 640, "height": 480, "refresh": 60000 }, { "width": 800, "height": 600, "refresh": 60317 }, { "width": 1024, "height": 768, "refresh": 60004 }, { "width": 2560, "height": 1440, "refresh": 84983 }, { "width": 2560, "height": 1440, "refresh": 99946 }, { "width": 2560, "height": 1440, "refresh": 119998 }, { "width": 2560, "height": 1440, "refresh": 143998 }, { "width": 2560, "height": 1440, "refresh": 165000 }, { "width": 2560, "height": 1440, "refresh": 59951 } ], "current_mode": { "width": 2560, "height": 1440, "refresh": 165000 }, "max_render_time": 0 } ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "root" }
00:00:01.102 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 83 writable
dropbox: load fq extension '/opt/dropbox/'
dropbox: load fq extension '/opt/dropbox/'
00:00:01.261 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de94e3810 (res 0x555de9551850)
00:00:01.261 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_layer_shell_v1.c:435] new layer_surface 0x555de9535d40 (res 0x555de9406ee0)
00:00:01.262 [sway/desktop/layer_shell.c:513] new layer surface: namespace waybar layer 2 anchor 2 size 0x16 margin 0,0,0,0
00:00:01.346 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de9535870 (res 0x555de9535b90)
00:00:01.346 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de94d5040 (res 0x555de94d5360)
00:00:01.422 [sway/desktop/layer_shell.c:189] Usable area changed, rearranging output
00:00:01.422 [sway/tree/arrange.c:263] Usable area for ws: 2560x1410@0,30
00:00:01.422 [sway/tree/arrange.c:293] Arranging workspace '1:' at 0.000000, 30.000000
00:00:01.422 [sway/desktop/transaction.c:411] Transaction 0x555de9402570 committing with 1 instructions
00:00:01.422 [sway/desktop/transaction.c:280] Applying transaction 0x555de9402570
dropbox: load fq extension '/opt/dropbox/'
dropbox: load fq extension '/opt/dropbox/'
dropbox: load fq extension '/opt/dropbox/'
The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
> Internal error: Could not resolve keysym XF86FullScreen
Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server
00:00:01.591 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de9538640 (res 0x555de9538960)
00:00:01.591 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwayland.c:356] sent SIGUSR1 to process 870
00:00:01.592 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwayland.c:228] Xserver is ready
00:00:01.592 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1539] xfixes version: 5.0
00:00:01.594 [sway/input/cursor.c:835] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
00:00:01.594 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_relative_pointer_v1.c:145] relative_pointer_v1 0x555de954f870 created for client 0x555de94ea0a0
00:00:01.594 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.594 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (492)
00:00:01.594 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.594 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (492)
00:00:01.594 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.594 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:829] XCB_CREATE_NOTIFY (2097153)
00:00:01.594 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.594 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:829] XCB_CREATE_NOTIFY (2097154)
00:00:01.594 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.594 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (2097154)
00:00:01.594 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.594 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:829] XCB_CREATE_NOTIFY (2097155)
00:00:01.594 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.594 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (492)
00:00:01.596 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de9552bf0 (res 0x555de954fce0)
00:00:01.596 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de954fec0 (res 0x555de95501e0)
The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
> Warning: Unsupported maximum keycode 569, clipping.
> X11 cannot support keycodes above 255.
> Internal error: Could not resolve keysym Invalid
Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server
00:00:01.599 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.599 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1304] unhandled X11 event: MappingNotify (34)
00:00:01.599 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.599 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1304] unhandled X11 event: MappingNotify (34)
[spotifywm] spotify window found
00:00:01.600 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.600 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:829] XCB_CREATE_NOTIFY (8388609)
00:00:01.600 [sway/desktop/xwayland.c:614] New xwayland surface title='(null)' class='(null)'
00:00:01.600 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.600 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (8388609)
00:00:01.600 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 326 (_NET_WM_USER_TIME_WINDOW) for window 8388609
00:00:01.600 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.600 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (8388609)
00:00:01.600 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 34 (WM_COMMAND) for window 8388609
00:00:01.600 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.600 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (8388609)
00:00:01.600 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 36 (WM_CLIENT_MACHINE) for window 8388609
00:00:01.600 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.600 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (8388609)
00:00:01.600 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:389] XCB_ATOM_WM_CLASS: spotify Spotify
00:00:01.600 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.600 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (8388609)
00:00:01.600 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 308 (WM_LOCALE_NAME) for window 8388609
00:00:01.600 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.600 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (8388609)
00:00:01.600 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:478] NET_WM_PID 922
00:00:01.641 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.641 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (492)
00:00:01.642 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.642 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:829] XCB_CREATE_NOTIFY (4194305)
00:00:01.642 [sway/desktop/xwayland.c:614] New xwayland surface title='(null)' class='(null)'
00:00:01.642 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.642 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (4194305)
00:00:01.642 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 34 (WM_COMMAND) for window 4194305
00:00:01.642 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.642 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (4194305)
00:00:01.642 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 36 (WM_CLIENT_MACHINE) for window 4194305
00:00:01.642 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.642 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (4194305)
00:00:01.642 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:389] XCB_ATOM_WM_CLASS: gsd-xsettings Gsd-xsettings
00:00:01.642 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.642 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (4194305)
00:00:01.642 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 308 (WM_LOCALE_NAME) for window 4194305
00:00:01.642 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.642 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (4194305)
00:00:01.642 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:478] NET_WM_PID 901
00:00:01.646 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.646 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:829] XCB_CREATE_NOTIFY (4194306)
00:00:01.646 [sway/desktop/xwayland.c:614] New xwayland surface title='(null)' class='(null)'
(gsd-xsettings:901): xsettings-plugin-WARNING **: 09:24:25.094: Failed to get current display configuration state: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Name "org.gnome.Mutter.DisplayConfig" does not exist
00:00:01.650 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.650 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (492)
00:00:01.660 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.660 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:829] XCB_CREATE_NOTIFY (12582913)
00:00:01.661 [sway/desktop/xwayland.c:614] New xwayland surface title='(null)' class='(null)'
00:00:01.660 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.660 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (12582913)
00:00:01.660 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 34 (WM_COMMAND) for window 12582913
00:00:01.660 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.660 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (12582913)
00:00:01.661 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 36 (WM_CLIENT_MACHINE) for window 12582913
00:00:01.661 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.661 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (12582913)
00:00:01.661 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:389] XCB_ATOM_WM_CLASS: chromium Chromium
00:00:01.661 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.661 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (12582913)
00:00:01.661 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 308 (WM_LOCALE_NAME) for window 12582913
00:00:01.661 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.661 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (12582913)
00:00:01.661 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:478] NET_WM_PID 921
00:00:01.665 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.665 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (492)
00:00:01.666 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.666 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:829] XCB_CREATE_NOTIFY (6291457)
00:00:01.666 [sway/desktop/xwayland.c:614] New xwayland surface title='(null)' class='(null)'
00:00:01.666 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.666 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (6291457)
00:00:01.666 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 34 (WM_COMMAND) for window 6291457
00:00:01.666 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.666 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (6291457)
00:00:01.666 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 36 (WM_CLIENT_MACHINE) for window 6291457
00:00:01.666 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.666 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (6291457)
00:00:01.666 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:389] XCB_ATOM_WM_CLASS: emacs Emacs
00:00:01.666 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.666 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (6291457)
00:00:01.666 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 308 (WM_LOCALE_NAME) for window 6291457
00:00:01.666 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.666 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (6291457)
00:00:01.666 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:478] NET_WM_PID 919
/opt/spotify/spotify: /usr/lib/ no version information available (required by /opt/spotify/spotify)
00:00:01.688 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.688 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:829] XCB_CREATE_NOTIFY (12582915)
00:00:01.688 [sway/desktop/xwayland.c:614] New xwayland surface title='(null)' class='(null)'
00:00:01.688 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.688 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (12582913)
00:00:01.688 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:440] XCB_ATOM_WM_NAME: chromium
00:00:01.688 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.688 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (12582913)
00:00:01.688 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.688 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (12582915)
00:00:01.688 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 423 (_NET_WM_OPAQUE_REGION) for window 12582915
[spotifywm] attached to spotify
[921:921:0518/] Too short EDID data: manufacturer id
dropbox: load fq extension '/opt/dropbox/'
[921:921:0518/] Invalid pattern strings: ,*
[921:921:0518/] Invalid pattern strings: [*.].gov,*
00:00:01.778 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.778 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:829] XCB_CREATE_NOTIFY (6291774)
00:00:01.778 [sway/desktop/xwayland.c:614] New xwayland surface title='(null)' class='(null)'
00:00:01.778 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.778 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (6291457)
00:00:01.778 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:440] XCB_ATOM_WM_NAME: emacs
00:00:01.778 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.778 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (6291457)
00:00:01.778 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.778 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (6291774)
00:00:01.778 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 423 (_NET_WM_OPAQUE_REGION) for window 6291774
00:00:01.778 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.778 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (6291774)
00:00:01.778 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 291 (XdndAware) for window 6291774
/proc/self/exe: /usr/lib/ no version information available (required by /proc/self/exe)
00:00:01.782 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.782 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (492)
(gsd-xsettings:901): xsettings-plugin-WARNING **: 09:24:25.233: Unable to register client: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.gnome.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files
00:00:01.790 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.790 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (4194306)
00:00:01.790 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 332 (_XSETTINGS_SETTINGS) for window 4194306
00:00:01.795 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.795 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (6291774)
[spotifywm] attached to spotify
00:00:01.808 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 37 (WM_ICON_NAME) for window 6291774
00:00:01.808 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.808 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (6291774)
00:00:01.808 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 313 (_NET_WM_ICON) for window 6291774
00:00:01.808 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.808 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:829] XCB_CREATE_NOTIFY (6291787)
00:00:01.809 [sway/desktop/xwayland.c:609] New xwayland unmanaged surface
00:00:01.853 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.853 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:829] XCB_CREATE_NOTIFY (25165825)
00:00:01.853 [sway/desktop/xwayland.c:614] New xwayland surface title='(null)' class='(null)'
00:00:01.858 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.858 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:829] XCB_CREATE_NOTIFY (18874370)
00:00:01.859 [sway/desktop/xwayland.c:614] New xwayland surface title='(null)' class='(null)'
00:00:01.858 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.858 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:843] XCB_DESTROY_NOTIFY (18874370)
00:00:01.858 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.858 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:829] XCB_CREATE_NOTIFY (18874372)
00:00:01.859 [sway/desktop/xwayland.c:614] New xwayland surface title='(null)' class='(null)'
00:00:01.858 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.858 [ERROR] [xwayland/xwm.c:1277] xcb error: op ChangeWindowAttributes (no minor), code Window (no extension), sequence 192, value 18874370
00:00:01.868 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.868 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (6291774)
00:00:01.868 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 36 (WM_CLIENT_MACHINE) for window 6291774
00:00:01.868 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.868 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (6291774)
00:00:01.868 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 308 (WM_LOCALE_NAME) for window 6291774
00:00:01.868 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.868 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (6291774)
00:00:01.868 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:478] NET_WM_PID 919
00:00:01.868 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.868 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (6291774)
00:00:01.868 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.868 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (6291774)
00:00:01.877 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.877 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (6291774)
00:00:01.878 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 313 (_NET_WM_ICON) for window 6291774
00:00:01.878 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.878 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (6291774)
00:00:01.878 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:606] WM_NORMAL_HINTS (18)
00:00:01.878 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.878 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:875] XCB_CONFIGURE_REQUEST (6291774) [656x612+0,0]
00:00:01.878 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.879 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (6291774)
00:00:01.879 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.879 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (6291774)
00:00:01.879 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 390 (_GTK_THEME_VARIANT) for window 6291774
00:00:01.879 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.879 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.879 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.879 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (6291774)
00:00:01.879 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:554] WM_HINTS (9)
00:00:01.879 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.879 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:922] XCB_MAP_REQUEST (6291774)
00:00:01.879 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.879 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.879 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:922] XCB_MAP_REQUEST (6291774)
00:00:01.879 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.879 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (6291774)
00:00:01.879 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.879 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (6291774)
00:00:01.880 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 271 (WM_STATE) for window 6291774
00:00:01.880 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.880 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (6291774)
00:00:01.880 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.880 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.880 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:941] XCB_MAP_NOTIFY (6291774)
00:00:01.880 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.880 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (6291774)
00:00:01.880 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.880 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (6291774)
00:00:01.880 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 271 (WM_STATE) for window 6291774
00:00:01.880 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.880 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (6291774)
00:00:01.880 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de9563040 (res 0x555de9563360)
00:00:01.880 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1388] New xwayland surface: 0x555de9563040
00:00:01.880 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:389] XCB_ATOM_WM_CLASS: emacs Emacs
00:00:01.880 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:440] XCB_ATOM_WM_NAME: emacs@thebest
00:00:01.880 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:524] WM_PROTOCOLS (4)
00:00:01.880 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:554] WM_HINTS (9)
00:00:01.880 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:606] WM_NORMAL_HINTS (18)
00:00:01.881 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:501] NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE (1)
00:00:01.881 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:440] XCB_ATOM_WM_NAME: emacs@thebest
00:00:01.881 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:478] NET_WM_PID 919
00:00:01.881 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.881 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (6291774)
00:00:01.887 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 423 (_NET_WM_OPAQUE_REGION) for window 6291774
00:00:01.887 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.887 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:843] XCB_DESTROY_NOTIFY (18874372)
00:00:01.887 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.887 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:829] XCB_CREATE_NOTIFY (18874378)
00:00:01.888 [sway/desktop/xwayland.c:614] New xwayland surface title='(null)' class='(null)'
00:00:01.888 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.888 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:829] XCB_CREATE_NOTIFY (18874380)
00:00:01.888 [sway/desktop/xwayland.c:614] New xwayland surface title='(null)' class='(null)'
00:00:01.889 [sway/tree/root.c:249] Looking up workspace for pid 919
00:00:01.889 [sway/tree/root.c:256] found pid_workspace for pid 919, workspace 2:
00:00:01.889 [sway/tree/root.c:270] Creating workspace 2: for pid 919 because it disappeared
00:00:01.889 [sway/tree/workspace.c:63] Adding workspace 2: for output DP-1
00:00:01.889 [sway/ipc-server.c:308] Sending workspace::init event
00:00:01.889 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x80000000 to client 77 queue: { "change": "init", "old": null, "current": { "id": 10, "name": "2:", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "num": 2, "output": "DP-1", "type": "workspace", "representation": null } }
00:00:01.889 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x80000000 to client 85 queue: { "change": "init", "old": null, "current": { "id": 10, "name": "2:", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "num": 2, "output": "DP-1", "type": "workspace", "representation": null } }
00:00:01.889 [sway/ipc-server.c:334] Sending window::new event
00:00:01.889 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x80000003 to client 85 queue: { "change": "new", "container": { "id": 9, "name": null, "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "none", "orientation": "none", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 656, "height": 612 }, "window": 6291774, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "con", "pid": 919, "app_id": null, "visible": false, "max_render_time": 0, "shell": "xwayland", "window_properties": { "class": "Emacs", "instance": "emacs", "transient_for": null, "window_type": "normal" } } }
00:00:01.898 [sway/tree/arrange.c:263] Usable area for ws: 2560x1410@0,30
00:00:01.898 [sway/tree/arrange.c:293] Arranging workspace '1:' at 0.000000, 30.000000
00:00:01.898 [sway/tree/arrange.c:263] Usable area for ws: 2560x1410@0,30
00:00:01.898 [sway/tree/arrange.c:293] Arranging workspace '2:' at 0.000000, 30.000000
00:00:01.898 [sway/tree/arrange.c:77] Arranging 0x7ffc25756cc0 horizontally
00:00:01.898 [sway/ipc-server.c:334] Sending window::title event
00:00:01.898 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x80000003 to client 85 queue: { "change": "title", "container": { "id": 9, "name": "emacs@thebest", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 2560, "height": 1410 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "none", "orientation": "none", "percent": 1.0, "window_rect": { "x": 3, "y": 0, "width": 2554, "height": 1404 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 656, "height": 612 }, "window": 6291774, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "con", "pid": 919, "app_id": null, "visible": false, "max_render_time": 0, "shell": "xwayland", "window_properties": { "class": "Emacs", "instance": "emacs", "title": "emacs@thebest", "transient_for": null, "window_type": "normal" } } }
00:00:01.898 [sway/tree/arrange.c:263] Usable area for ws: 2560x1410@0,30
00:00:01.898 [sway/tree/arrange.c:293] Arranging workspace '2:' at 0.000000, 30.000000
00:00:01.898 [sway/tree/arrange.c:77] Arranging 0x7ffc25756d40 horizontally
00:00:01.898 [sway/tree/view.c:433] Checking criteria [shell=".*"]
00:00:01.898 [sway/tree/view.c:438] for_window '[shell=".*"]' matches view 0x555de94ddae0, cmd: 'inhibit_idle fullscreen'
00:00:01.898 [sway/commands.c:256] Handling command 'inhibit_idle fullscreen'
00:00:01.898 [sway/desktop/transaction.c:411] Transaction 0x555de95693c0 committing with 4 instructions
00:00:01.898 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.898 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (6291774)
00:00:01.900 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.900 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (6291774)
00:00:01.900 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 291 (XdndAware) for window 6291774
00:00:01.900 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.900 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (6291774)
00:00:01.900 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 461 (_MOTIF_DRAG_RECEIVER_INFO) for window 6291774
00:00:01.900 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.900 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.900 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (492)
00:00:01.900 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 77 writable
00:00:01.900 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 85 writable
00:00:01.900 [sway/ipc-server.c:220] Client 83 readable
00:00:01.900 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x4 to client 83 queue: { "id": 1, "name": "root", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 3 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483647, "name": "__i3", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 2147483646 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483646, "name": "__i3_scratch", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "workspace" } ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "output" }, { "id": 3, "name": "DP-1", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 8, 10 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "none", "percent": 1.0, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 8, "name": "1:", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 2560, "height": 1410 }, "focused": true, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "num": 1, "output": "DP-1", "type": "workspace", "representation": null }, { "id": 10, "name": "2:", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 2560, "height": 1410 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 9 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ { "id": 9, "name": "emacs@thebest", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 2560, "height": 1410 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "none", "orientation": "none", "percent": 1.0, "window_rect": { "x": 3, "y": 0, "width": 2554, "height": 1404 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 656, "height": 612 }, "window": 6291774, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "con", "pid": 919, "app_id": null, "visible": false, "max_render_time": 0, "shell": "xwayland", "window_properties": { "class": "Emacs", "instance": "emacs", "title": "emacs@thebest", "transient_for": null, "window_type": "normal" } } ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "num": 2, "output": "DP-1", "type": "workspace", "representation": "H[Emacs]" } ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "output", "active": true, "dpms": true, "primary": false, "make": "Goldstar Company Ltd", "model": "32GK850G", "serial": "#ASPp7EV3e47d", "scale": 1.0, "scale_filter": "nearest", "transform": "normal", "adaptive_sync_status": "disabled", "current_workspace": "1:", "modes": [ { "width": 640, "height": 480, "refresh": 59940 }, { "width": 640, "height": 480, "refresh": 60000 }, { "width": 800, "height": 600, "refresh": 60317 }, { "width": 1024, "height": 768, "refresh": 60004 }, { "width": 2560, "height": 1440, "refresh": 84983 }, { "width": 2560, "height": 1440, "refresh": 99946 }, { "width": 2560, "height": 1440, "refresh": 119998 }, { "width": 2560, "height": 1440, "refresh": 143998 }, { "width": 2560, "height": 1440, "refresh": 165000 }, { "width": 2560, "height": 1440, "refresh": 59951 } ], "current_mode": { "width": 2560, "height": 1440, "refresh": 165000 }, "max_render_time": 0 } ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "root" }
00:00:01.900 [sway/ipc-server.c:220] Client 25 readable
00:00:01.900 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x1 to client 25 queue: [ { "id": 8, "name": "1:", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 2560, "height": 1410 }, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "num": 1, "output": "DP-1", "type": "workspace", "representation": null, "focused": true, "visible": true }, { "id": 10, "name": "2:", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 2560, "height": 1410 }, "focus": [ 9 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "num": 2, "output": "DP-1", "type": "workspace", "representation": "H[Emacs]", "focused": false, "visible": false } ]
00:00:01.900 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 83 writable
00:00:01.900 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 25 writable
00:00:01.901 [sway/ipc-server.c:220] Client 83 readable
00:00:01.901 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x4 to client 83 queue: { "id": 1, "name": "root", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 3 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483647, "name": "__i3", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 2147483646 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483646, "name": "__i3_scratch", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "workspace" } ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "output" }, { "id": 3, "name": "DP-1", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 8, 10 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "none", "percent": 1.0, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 8, "name": "1:", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 2560, "height": 1410 }, "focused": true, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "num": 1, "output": "DP-1", "type": "workspace", "representation": null }, { "id": 10, "name": "2:", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 2560, "height": 1410 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 9 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ { "id": 9, "name": "emacs@thebest", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 2560, "height": 1410 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "none", "orientation": "none", "percent": 1.0, "window_rect": { "x": 3, "y": 0, "width": 2554, "height": 1404 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 656, "height": 612 }, "window": 6291774, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "con", "pid": 919, "app_id": null, "visible": false, "max_render_time": 0, "shell": "xwayland", "window_properties": { "class": "Emacs", "instance": "emacs", "title": "emacs@thebest", "transient_for": null, "window_type": "normal" } } ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "num": 2, "output": "DP-1", "type": "workspace", "representation": "H[Emacs]" } ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "output", "active": true, "dpms": true, "primary": false, "make": "Goldstar Company Ltd", "model": "32GK850G", "serial": "#ASPp7EV3e47d", "scale": 1.0, "scale_filter": "nearest", "transform": "normal", "adaptive_sync_status": "disabled", "current_workspace": "1:", "modes": [ { "width": 640, "height": 480, "refresh": 59940 }, { "width": 640, "height": 480, "refresh": 60000 }, { "width": 800, "height": 600, "refresh": 60317 }, { "width": 1024, "height": 768, "refresh": 60004 }, { "width": 2560, "height": 1440, "refresh": 84983 }, { "width": 2560, "height": 1440, "refresh": 99946 }, { "width": 2560, "height": 1440, "refresh": 119998 }, { "width": 2560, "height": 1440, "refresh": 143998 }, { "width": 2560, "height": 1440, "refresh": 165000 }, { "width": 2560, "height": 1440, "refresh": 59951 } ], "current_mode": { "width": 2560, "height": 1440, "refresh": 165000 }, "max_render_time": 0 } ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "root" }
00:00:01.901 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 83 writable
00:00:01.901 [sway/ipc-server.c:220] Client 83 readable
00:00:01.901 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x4 to client 83 queue: { "id": 1, "name": "root", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 3 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483647, "name": "__i3", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 2147483646 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483646, "name": "__i3_scratch", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "workspace" } ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "output" }, { "id": 3, "name": "DP-1", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 8, 10 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "none", "percent": 1.0, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 8, "name": "1:", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 2560, "height": 1410 }, "focused": true, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "num": 1, "output": "DP-1", "type": "workspace", "representation": null }, { "id": 10, "name": "2:", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 2560, "height": 1410 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 9 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ { "id": 9, "name": "emacs@thebest", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 2560, "height": 1410 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "none", "orientation": "none", "percent": 1.0, "window_rect": { "x": 3, "y": 0, "width": 2554, "height": 1404 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 656, "height": 612 }, "window": 6291774, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "con", "pid": 919, "app_id": null, "visible": false, "max_render_time": 0, "shell": "xwayland", "window_properties": { "class": "Emacs", "instance": "emacs", "title": "emacs@thebest", "transient_for": null, "window_type": "normal" } } ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "num": 2, "output": "DP-1", "type": "workspace", "representation": "H[Emacs]" } ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "output", "active": true, "dpms": true, "primary": false, "make": "Goldstar Company Ltd", "model": "32GK850G", "serial": "#ASPp7EV3e47d", "scale": 1.0, "scale_filter": "nearest", "transform": "normal", "adaptive_sync_status": "disabled", "current_workspace": "1:", "modes": [ { "width": 640, "height": 480, "refresh": 59940 }, { "width": 640, "height": 480, "refresh": 60000 }, { "width": 800, "height": 600, "refresh": 60317 }, { "width": 1024, "height": 768, "refresh": 60004 }, { "width": 2560, "height": 1440, "refresh": 84983 }, { "width": 2560, "height": 1440, "refresh": 99946 }, { "width": 2560, "height": 1440, "refresh": 119998 }, { "width": 2560, "height": 1440, "refresh": 143998 }, { "width": 2560, "height": 1440, "refresh": 165000 }, { "width": 2560, "height": 1440, "refresh": 59951 } ], "current_mode": { "width": 2560, "height": 1440, "refresh": 165000 }, "max_render_time": 0 } ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "root" }
00:00:01.901 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 83 writable
[1113:1113:0518/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
00:00:01.903 [sway/desktop/transaction.c:489] Transaction 0x555de95693c0 is ready
00:00:01.903 [sway/desktop/transaction.c:280] Applying transaction 0x555de95693c0
00:00:01.903 [sway/tree/container.c:1148] Container 0x555de95645f0 entered output 0x555de93d9d60
00:00:01.905 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.905 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:843] XCB_DESTROY_NOTIFY (18874380)
00:00:01.905 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.905 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:829] XCB_CREATE_NOTIFY (14680066)
00:00:01.906 [sway/desktop/xwayland.c:614] New xwayland surface title='(null)' class='(null)'
00:00:01.905 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.905 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:843] XCB_DESTROY_NOTIFY (14680066)
00:00:01.905 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.905 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:829] XCB_CREATE_NOTIFY (14680068)
00:00:01.906 [sway/desktop/xwayland.c:614] New xwayland surface title='(null)' class='(null)'
[1113:1174:0518/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[1113:1174:0518/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[1113:1174:0518/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[1113:1174:0518/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[1113:1174:0518/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[1113:1174:0518/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[1113:1174:0518/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[1113:1174:0518/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[1113:1174:0518/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[1113:1174:0518/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[1113:1174:0518/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[1113:1174:0518/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[1113:1174:0518/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[1113:1174:0518/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[1113:1174:0518/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[1113:1174:0518/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[1113:1174:0518/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[1113:1174:0518/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[1113:1174:0518/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[1113:1174:0518/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[1113:1174:0518/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[1113:1174:0518/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[1113:1174:0518/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[1113:1174:0518/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[1113:1174:0518/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[1113:1174:0518/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[1113:1174:0518/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[1113:1174:0518/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[1113:1174:0518/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[1113:1174:0518/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[1113:1174:0518/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
[1113:1174:0518/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No such file or directory (2)
00:00:01.926 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.926 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:829] XCB_CREATE_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:01.927 [sway/desktop/xwayland.c:614] New xwayland surface title='(null)' class='(null)'
00:00:01.926 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.926 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:01.926 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 308 (WM_LOCALE_NAME) for window 10485761
00:00:01.926 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.926 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:01.926 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:478] NET_WM_PID 921
00:00:01.926 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.926 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:01.926 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:501] NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE (1)
00:00:01.926 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.926 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:01.926 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:389] XCB_ATOM_WM_CLASS: chromium Chromium
00:00:01.926 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.926 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:01.926 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:412] XCB_ATOM_WM_WINDOW_ROLE: browser
00:00:01.926 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.926 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:01.926 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 390 (_GTK_THEME_VARIANT) for window 10485761
00:00:01.926 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.926 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:01.926 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 321 (_NET_WM_SYNC_REQUEST_COUNTER) for window 10485761
00:00:01.926 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.926 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:01.927 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 397 (_NET_WM_BYPASS_COMPOSITOR) for window 10485761
00:00:01.927 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.927 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:01.927 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 313 (_NET_WM_ICON) for window 10485761
00:00:01.938 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.938 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:01.938 [sway/tree/view.c:344] View 0x555de95e5e60 updated CSD to 0
00:00:01.938 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:650] MOTIF_WM_HINTS (5)
00:00:01.946 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.946 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:843] XCB_DESTROY_NOTIFY (14680068)
00:00:01.946 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.946 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:829] XCB_CREATE_NOTIFY (14680074)
00:00:01.947 [sway/desktop/xwayland.c:614] New xwayland surface title='(null)' class='(null)'
00:00:01.947 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.947 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:829] XCB_CREATE_NOTIFY (14680076)
00:00:01.947 [sway/desktop/xwayland.c:614] New xwayland surface title='(null)' class='(null)'
00:00:01.956 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.957 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:843] XCB_DESTROY_NOTIFY (14680076)
00:00:01.957 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.957 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:01.957 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 291 (XdndAware) for window 10485761
00:00:01.961 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:01.961 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:01.961 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:440] XCB_ATOM_WM_NAME: Untitled - Chromium
00:00:02.013 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:02.013 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:02.013 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:440] XCB_ATOM_WM_NAME: Untitled - Chromium
[921:921:0518/] XXX Init()
00:00:02.026 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:02.026 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:02.026 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:606] WM_NORMAL_HINTS (18)
00:00:02.027 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:02.027 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:829] XCB_CREATE_NOTIFY (10485767)
00:00:02.027 [sway/desktop/xwayland.c:614] New xwayland surface title='(null)' class='(null)'
00:00:02.027 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:02.027 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:02.027 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 322 (_NET_WM_USER_TIME) for window 10485761
00:00:02.027 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:02.027 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:02.027 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:606] WM_NORMAL_HINTS (18)
00:00:02.027 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:02.027 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:02.027 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:02.027 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:922] XCB_MAP_REQUEST (10485761)
00:00:02.027 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:02.027 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (10485761)
00:00:02.027 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:02.027 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485767)
00:00:02.032 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 364 (CHROMIUM_TIMESTAMP) for window 10485767
00:00:02.032 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:02.032 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:02.032 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 271 (WM_STATE) for window 10485761
00:00:02.032 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:02.032 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:02.032 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:02.032 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:02.032 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:941] XCB_MAP_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:02.032 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/selection.c:117] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
00:00:02.032 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (10485761)
00:00:02.032 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de95e6640 (res 0x555de9563ae0)
00:00:02.032 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1388] New xwayland surface: 0x555de95e6640
00:00:02.032 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:389] XCB_ATOM_WM_CLASS: chromium Chromium
00:00:02.032 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:440] XCB_ATOM_WM_NAME: Untitled - Chromium
00:00:02.033 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:524] WM_PROTOCOLS (3)
00:00:02.033 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:606] WM_NORMAL_HINTS (18)
00:00:02.033 [sway/tree/view.c:344] View 0x555de95e5e60 updated CSD to 0
00:00:02.033 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:650] MOTIF_WM_HINTS (5)
00:00:02.033 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:501] NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE (1)
00:00:02.033 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:440] XCB_ATOM_WM_NAME: Untitled - Chromium
00:00:02.033 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:478] NET_WM_PID 921
00:00:02.033 [sway/tree/root.c:249] Looking up workspace for pid 921
00:00:02.033 [sway/tree/root.c:256] found pid_workspace for pid 921, workspace 1:
00:00:02.033 [sway/ipc-server.c:334] Sending window::new event
00:00:02.033 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x80000003 to client 85 queue: { "change": "new", "container": { "id": 11, "name": null, "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "none", "orientation": "none", "percent": 0.0, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2554, "height": 1404 }, "window": 10485761, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "con", "pid": 921, "app_id": null, "visible": true, "max_render_time": 0, "shell": "xwayland", "window_properties": { "class": "Chromium", "instance": "chromium", "transient_for": null, "window_role": "browser", "window_type": "normal" } } }
00:00:02.033 [sway/ipc-server.c:334] Sending window::title event
00:00:02.033 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x80000003 to client 85 queue: { "change": "title", "container": { "id": 11, "name": "Untitled - Chromium", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "none", "orientation": "none", "percent": 0.0, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2554, "height": 1404 }, "window": 10485761, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "con", "pid": 921, "app_id": null, "visible": true, "max_render_time": 0, "shell": "xwayland", "window_properties": { "class": "Chromium", "instance": "chromium", "title": "Untitled - Chromium", "transient_for": null, "window_role": "browser", "window_type": "normal" } } }
00:00:02.033 [sway/tree/arrange.c:263] Usable area for ws: 2560x1410@0,30
00:00:02.033 [sway/tree/arrange.c:293] Arranging workspace '1:' at 0.000000, 30.000000
00:00:02.033 [sway/tree/arrange.c:77] Arranging 0x7ffc25756d40 horizontally
00:00:02.033 [sway/tree/view.c:433] Checking criteria [shell=".*"]
00:00:02.033 [sway/tree/view.c:438] for_window '[shell=".*"]' matches view 0x555de95e5e60, cmd: 'inhibit_idle fullscreen'
00:00:02.033 [sway/commands.c:256] Handling command 'inhibit_idle fullscreen'
00:00:02.033 [sway/ipc-server.c:334] Sending window::focus event
00:00:02.033 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x80000003 to client 85 queue: { "change": "focus", "container": { "id": 11, "name": "Untitled - Chromium", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 2560, "height": 1410 }, "focused": true, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "none", "orientation": "none", "percent": 1.0, "window_rect": { "x": 3, "y": 0, "width": 2554, "height": 1404 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2554, "height": 1404 }, "window": 10485761, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "con", "pid": 921, "app_id": null, "visible": true, "max_render_time": 0, "shell": "xwayland", "window_properties": { "class": "Chromium", "instance": "chromium", "title": "Untitled - Chromium", "transient_for": null, "window_role": "browser", "window_type": "normal" } } }
00:00:02.033 [sway/desktop/transaction.c:411] Transaction 0x555de95e65b0 committing with 3 instructions
00:00:02.034 [sway/desktop/transaction.c:489] Transaction 0x555de95e65b0 is ready
00:00:02.034 [sway/desktop/transaction.c:280] Applying transaction 0x555de95e65b0
00:00:02.034 [sway/tree/container.c:1148] Container 0x555de95f0980 entered output 0x555de93d9d60
00:00:02.046 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:02.046 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (492)
00:00:02.046 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1304] unhandled X11 event: FocusOut (10)
00:00:02.046 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (10485761)
00:00:02.046 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (12582915)
00:00:02.047 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 291 (XdndAware) for window 12582915
00:00:02.047 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (492)
00:00:02.047 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 85 writable
00:00:02.047 [sway/ipc-server.c:220] Client 83 readable
00:00:02.048 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x4 to client 83 queue: { "id": 1, "name": "root", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 3 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483647, "name": "__i3", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 2147483646 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483646, "name": "__i3_scratch", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "workspace" } ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "output" }, { "id": 3, "name": "DP-1", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 8, 10 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "none", "percent": 1.0, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 8, "name": "1:", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 2560, "height": 1410 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 11 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ { "id": 11, "name": "Untitled - 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00:00:02.048 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 83 writable
00:00:02.049 [sway/ipc-server.c:220] Client 83 readable
00:00:02.050 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x4 to client 83 queue: { "id": 1, "name": "root", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 3 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483647, "name": "__i3", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 2147483646 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483646, "name": "__i3_scratch", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "workspace" } ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "output" }, { "id": 3, "name": "DP-1", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 8, 10 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "none", "percent": 1.0, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 8, "name": "1:", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 2560, "height": 1410 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 11 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ { "id": 11, "name": "Untitled - 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00:00:02.051 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 83 writable
00:00:02.054 [sway/ipc-server.c:220] Client 83 readable
00:00:02.054 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x4 to client 83 queue: { "id": 1, "name": "root", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 3 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483647, "name": "__i3", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 2147483646 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483646, "name": "__i3_scratch", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "workspace" } ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "output" }, { "id": 3, "name": "DP-1", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 8, 10 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "none", "percent": 1.0, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 8, "name": "1:", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 2560, "height": 1410 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 11 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ { "id": 11, "name": "Untitled - 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00:00:02.054 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 83 writable
00:00:02.081 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:02.081 [sway/tree/view.c:344] View 0x555de95e5e60 updated CSD to 0
00:00:02.081 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:650] MOTIF_WM_HINTS (5)
00:00:02.081 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:02.081 [sway/tree/view.c:344] View 0x555de95e5e60 updated CSD to 0
00:00:02.081 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:650] MOTIF_WM_HINTS (5)
00:00:02.088 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:02.089 [sway/tree/view.c:344] View 0x555de95e5e60 updated CSD to 0
00:00:02.088 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:650] MOTIF_WM_HINTS (5)
00:00:02.088 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:02.089 [sway/tree/view.c:344] View 0x555de95e5e60 updated CSD to 0
00:00:02.088 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:650] MOTIF_WM_HINTS (5)
00:00:02.114 [DEBUG] [backend/libinput/events.c:208] Removing HD Pro Webcam C920 [1133:2093]
00:00:02.115 [sway/input/input-manager.c:201] removing device: '1133:2093:HD_Pro_Webcam_C920'
00:00:02.115 [sway/input/seat.c:858] removing device 1133:2093:HD_Pro_Webcam_C920 from seat seat0
00:00:02.115 [sway/input/keyboard.c:692] Removing keyboard 1133:2093:HD_Pro_Webcam_C920 from group 0x555de8fb41b0
00:00:02.163 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485767)
00:00:02.163 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 364 (CHROMIUM_TIMESTAMP) for window 10485767
00:00:02.163 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (10485761)
00:00:02.178 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (6291774)
00:00:02.187 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 423 (_NET_WM_OPAQUE_REGION) for window 6291774
00:00:02.421 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de9001710 (res 0x555de911bcb0)
00:00:02.421 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de9609c20 (res 0x555de9128ee0)
00:00:02.553 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:02.553 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:440] XCB_ATOM_WM_NAME: - Chromium
00:00:02.555 [sway/ipc-server.c:334] Sending window::title event
00:00:02.555 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x80000003 to client 85 queue: { "change": "title", "container": { "id": 11, "name": "https:\/\/ - Chromium", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 2560, "height": 1410 }, "focused": true, "focus": [ ], "border": "pixel", "current_border_width": 3, "layout": "none", "orientation": "none", "percent": 1.0, "window_rect": { "x": 3, "y": 3, "width": 2554, "height": 1404 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2554, "height": 1404 }, "window": 10485761, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "con", "pid": 921, "app_id": null, "visible": true, "max_render_time": 0, "shell": "xwayland", "window_properties": { "class": "Chromium", "instance": "chromium", "title": "https:\/\/ - Chromium", "transient_for": null, "window_role": "browser", "window_type": "normal" } } }
00:00:02.555 [sway/tree/view.c:433] Checking criteria [shell=".*"]
00:00:02.555 [sway/tree/view.c:435] Criteria already executed
00:00:02.554 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:02.554 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:440] XCB_ATOM_WM_NAME: - Chromium
00:00:02.555 [sway/tree/view.c:433] Checking criteria [shell=".*"]
00:00:02.555 [sway/tree/view.c:435] Criteria already executed
00:00:02.555 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 85 writable
00:00:02.555 [sway/ipc-server.c:220] Client 83 readable
00:00:02.555 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x4 to client 83 queue: { "id": 1, "name": "root", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 3 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483647, "name": "__i3", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 2147483646 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483646, "name": "__i3_scratch", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "workspace" } ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "output" }, { "id": 3, "name": "DP-1", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 8, 10 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "none", "percent": 1.0, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 8, "name": "1:", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 2560, "height": 1410 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 11 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ { "id": 11, "name": "https:\/\/ - 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00:00:02.555 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 83 writable
(evolution-alarm-notify:1359): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 09:24:26.083: gtk_widget_get_scale_factor: assertion 'GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed
00:00:02.764 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:02.764 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:440] XCB_ATOM_WM_NAME: Google - Chromium
00:00:02.766 [sway/ipc-server.c:334] Sending window::title event
00:00:02.766 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x80000003 to client 85 queue: { "change": "title", "container": { "id": 11, "name": "Google - Chromium", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 2560, "height": 1410 }, "focused": true, "focus": [ ], "border": "pixel", "current_border_width": 3, "layout": "none", "orientation": "none", "percent": 1.0, "window_rect": { "x": 3, "y": 3, "width": 2554, "height": 1404 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2554, "height": 1404 }, "window": 10485761, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "con", "pid": 921, "app_id": null, "visible": true, "max_render_time": 0, "shell": "xwayland", "window_properties": { "class": "Chromium", "instance": "chromium", "title": "Google - Chromium", "transient_for": null, "window_role": "browser", "window_type": "normal" } } }
00:00:02.766 [sway/tree/view.c:433] Checking criteria [shell=".*"]
00:00:02.766 [sway/tree/view.c:435] Criteria already executed
00:00:02.765 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:02.765 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:440] XCB_ATOM_WM_NAME: Google - Chromium
00:00:02.766 [sway/tree/view.c:433] Checking criteria [shell=".*"]
00:00:02.766 [sway/tree/view.c:435] Criteria already executed
00:00:02.766 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 85 writable
00:00:02.766 [sway/ipc-server.c:220] Client 83 readable
00:00:02.767 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x4 to client 83 queue: { "id": 1, "name": "root", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 3 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483647, "name": "__i3", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 2147483646 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483646, "name": "__i3_scratch", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "workspace" } ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "output" }, { "id": 3, "name": "DP-1", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 8, 10 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "none", "percent": 1.0, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 8, "name": "1:", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 2560, "height": 1410 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 11 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ { "id": 11, "name": "Google - 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00:00:02.767 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 83 writable
00:00:02.853 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de960dd50 (res 0x555de9127270)
00:00:02.853 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de960e070 (res 0x555de9153270)
00:00:02.989 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:829] XCB_CREATE_NOTIFY (16777217)
00:00:02.990 [sway/desktop/xwayland.c:614] New xwayland surface title='(null)' class='(null)'
00:00:02.993 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (16777217)
00:00:02.993 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 308 (WM_LOCALE_NAME) for window 16777217
00:00:02.993 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (16777217)
00:00:02.993 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:478] NET_WM_PID 922
00:00:03.007 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:829] XCB_CREATE_NOTIFY (16777222)
[spotifywm] spotify window found
00:00:03.007 [sway/desktop/xwayland.c:614] New xwayland surface title='(null)' class='(null)'
[spotifywm] spotify window found
00:00:03.007 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (16777217)
00:00:03.007 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:606] WM_NORMAL_HINTS (18)
00:00:03.007 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (16777217)
00:00:03.007 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:389] XCB_ATOM_WM_CLASS: spotify Spotify
00:00:03.007 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:922] XCB_MAP_REQUEST (16777217)
00:00:03.008 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (16777217)
00:00:03.008 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 271 (WM_STATE) for window 16777217
00:00:03.008 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (16777217)
00:00:03.008 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:941] XCB_MAP_NOTIFY (16777217)
00:00:03.008 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (16777217)
00:00:03.008 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (16777217)
00:00:03.012 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 298 (XdndProxy) for window 16777217
00:00:03.012 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de95f0330 (res 0x555de914cae0)
00:00:03.013 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1388] New xwayland surface: 0x555de95f0330
00:00:03.013 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:389] XCB_ATOM_WM_CLASS: spotify Spotify
00:00:03.013 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:524] WM_PROTOCOLS (2)
00:00:03.013 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:606] WM_NORMAL_HINTS (18)
00:00:03.013 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:478] NET_WM_PID 922
00:00:03.013 [sway/tree/workspace.c:63] Adding workspace 8: for output DP-1
00:00:03.013 [sway/ipc-server.c:308] Sending workspace::init event
00:00:03.013 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x80000000 to client 77 queue: { "change": "init", "old": null, "current": { "id": 13, "name": "8:", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "num": 8, "output": "DP-1", "type": "workspace", "representation": null } }
00:00:03.013 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x80000000 to client 85 queue: { "change": "init", "old": null, "current": { "id": 13, "name": "8:", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "num": 8, "output": "DP-1", "type": "workspace", "representation": null } }
00:00:03.013 [sway/ipc-server.c:334] Sending window::new event
00:00:03.013 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x80000003 to client 85 queue: { "change": "new", "container": { "id": 12, "name": null, "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "none", "orientation": "none", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 800, "height": 600 }, "window": 16777217, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "con", "pid": 922, "app_id": null, "visible": false, "max_render_time": 0, "shell": "xwayland", "window_properties": { "class": "Spotify", "instance": "spotify", "transient_for": null } } }
00:00:03.013 [sway/tree/arrange.c:263] Usable area for ws: 2560x1410@0,30
00:00:03.013 [sway/tree/arrange.c:293] Arranging workspace '8:' at 0.000000, 30.000000
00:00:03.013 [sway/tree/arrange.c:77] Arranging 0x7ffc25756d40 horizontally
00:00:03.013 [sway/tree/view.c:433] Checking criteria [shell=".*"]
00:00:03.013 [sway/tree/view.c:438] for_window '[shell=".*"]' matches view 0x555de8ffc6a0, cmd: 'inhibit_idle fullscreen'
00:00:03.013 [sway/commands.c:256] Handling command 'inhibit_idle fullscreen'
00:00:03.013 [sway/desktop/transaction.c:411] Transaction 0x555de913d540 committing with 3 instructions
00:00:03.013 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 77 writable
00:00:03.020 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 85 writable
00:00:03.020 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (16777217)
00:00:03.020 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (16777217)
00:00:03.020 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:440] XCB_ATOM_WM_NAME: Spotify
00:00:03.020 [sway/ipc-server.c:334] Sending window::title event
00:00:03.021 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x80000003 to client 85 queue: { "change": "title", "container": { "id": 12, "name": "Spotify", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 2560, "height": 1410 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "none", "orientation": "none", "percent": 1.0, "window_rect": { "x": 3, "y": 0, "width": 2554, "height": 1404 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 800, "height": 600 }, "window": 16777217, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "con", "pid": 922, "app_id": null, "visible": false, "max_render_time": 0, "shell": "xwayland", "window_properties": { "class": "Spotify", "instance": "spotify", "title": "Spotify", "transient_for": null } } }
00:00:03.021 [sway/tree/view.c:433] Checking criteria [shell=".*"]
00:00:03.021 [sway/tree/view.c:435] Criteria already executed
00:00:03.020 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (16777217)
00:00:03.020 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (492)
00:00:03.021 [sway/ipc-server.c:220] Client 25 readable
00:00:03.021 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x1 to client 25 queue: [ { "id": 8, "name": "1:", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 2560, "height": 1410 }, "focus": [ 11 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "num": 1, "output": "DP-1", "type": "workspace", "representation": "H[Chromium]", "focused": true, "visible": true }, { "id": 10, "name": "2:", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 2560, "height": 1410 }, "focus": [ 9 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "num": 2, "output": "DP-1", "type": "workspace", "representation": "H[Emacs]", "focused": false, "visible": false }, { "id": 13, "name": "8:", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 2560, "height": 1410 }, "focus": [ 12 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "num": 8, "output": "DP-1", "type": "workspace", "representation": "H[Spotify]", "focused": false, "visible": false } ]
00:00:03.021 [sway/desktop/transaction.c:489] Transaction 0x555de913d540 is ready
00:00:03.021 [sway/desktop/transaction.c:280] Applying transaction 0x555de913d540
00:00:03.021 [sway/tree/container.c:1148] Container 0x555de8ff7810 entered output 0x555de93d9d60
00:00:03.022 [sway/ipc-server.c:220] Client 83 readable
00:00:03.022 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x4 to client 83 queue: { "id": 1, "name": "root", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 3 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483647, "name": "__i3", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 2147483646 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483646, "name": "__i3_scratch", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "workspace" } ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "output" }, { "id": 3, "name": "DP-1", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 8, 10, 13 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "none", "percent": 1.0, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 8, "name": "1:", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 2560, "height": 1410 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 11 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ { "id": 11, "name": "Google - 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00:00:03.023 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 85 writable
00:00:03.023 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 25 writable
00:00:03.023 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 83 writable
00:00:03.023 [sway/ipc-server.c:220] Client 83 readable
00:00:03.023 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x4 to client 83 queue: { "id": 1, "name": "root", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 3 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483647, "name": "__i3", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 2147483646 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483646, "name": "__i3_scratch", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "workspace" } ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "output" }, { "id": 3, "name": "DP-1", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 8, 10, 13 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "none", "percent": 1.0, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 8, "name": "1:", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 2560, "height": 1410 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 11 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ { "id": 11, "name": "Google - 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00:00:03.023 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 83 writable
00:00:03.024 [sway/ipc-server.c:220] Client 83 readable
00:00:03.024 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x4 to client 83 queue: { "id": 1, "name": "root", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 3 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483647, "name": "__i3", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 2147483646 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483646, "name": "__i3_scratch", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "workspace" } ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "output" }, { "id": 3, "name": "DP-1", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 8, 10, 13 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "none", "percent": 1.0, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 8, "name": "1:", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 2560, "height": 1410 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 11 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ { "id": 11, "name": "Google - 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00:00:03.024 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 83 writable
00:00:03.030 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (16777222)
00:00:03.031 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 364 (CHROMIUM_TIMESTAMP) for window 16777222
00:00:03.031 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (16777218)
00:00:03.044 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1304] unhandled X11 event: FocusOut (10)
00:00:03.044 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:875] XCB_CONFIGURE_REQUEST (16777217) [2554x1404+3,33]
00:00:03.044 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (16777217)
00:00:03.045 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:389] XCB_ATOM_WM_CLASS: spotify Spotify
00:00:03.045 [sway/tree/view.c:433] Checking criteria [shell=".*"]
00:00:03.045 [sway/tree/view.c:435] Criteria already executed
00:00:03.045 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1304] unhandled X11 event: FocusOut (10)
00:00:03.049 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (16777217)
00:00:03.049 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 313 (_NET_WM_ICON) for window 16777217
00:00:03.049 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (16777217)
00:00:03.049 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:440] XCB_ATOM_WM_NAME: Spotify
00:00:03.049 [sway/tree/view.c:433] Checking criteria [shell=".*"]
00:00:03.049 [sway/tree/view.c:435] Criteria already executed
00:00:03.049 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (16777217)
[spotifywm] spotify window found
[0518/] [.DisplayCompositor]GL ERROR :GL_INVALID_OPERATION : glBufferData: <- error from previous GL command
(evolution:917): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 09:24:26.587: gtk_widget_get_scale_factor: assertion 'GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed
00:00:03.156 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de9152750 (res 0x555de9605bb0)
00:00:03.156 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de9152a70 (res 0x555de9154940)
00:00:03.280 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de912be70 (res 0x555de9155290)
00:00:03.280 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de9143c10 (res 0x555de9157de0)
00:00:03.484 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de8ff7e00 (res 0x555de914a4e0)
00:00:03.501 [DEBUG] [types/data_device/wlr_data_device.c:148] Rejecting set_selection request, serial 0 was never given to client
00:00:03.501 [DEBUG] [types/data_device/wlr_data_device.c:148] Rejecting set_selection request, serial 0 was never given to client
00:00:03.501 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de9610780 (res 0x555de9156ac0)
00:00:03.501 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de911c840 (res 0x555de9154040)
00:00:03.501 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de911cb60 (res 0x555de9157cc0)
00:00:03.501 [DEBUG] [types/xdg_shell/wlr_xdg_surface.c:458] new xdg_surface 0x555de911ce80 (res 0x555de914b190)
00:00:03.501 [sway/desktop/xdg_shell.c:497] New xdg_shell toplevel title='Calendar — Evolution' app_id='evolution'
00:00:03.501 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_server_decoration.c:106] new server_decoration 0x555de95f0910 (res 0x555de91538c0)
00:00:03.542 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (6291774)
00:00:03.542 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:440] XCB_ATOM_WM_NAME: *doom* – Doom Emacs
00:00:03.543 [sway/ipc-server.c:334] Sending window::title event
00:00:03.543 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x80000003 to client 85 queue: { "change": "title", "container": { "id": 9, "name": "*doom* – Doom Emacs", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 2560, "height": 1410 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ ], "border": "pixel", "current_border_width": 3, "layout": "none", "orientation": "none", "percent": 1.0, "window_rect": { "x": 3, "y": 3, "width": 2554, "height": 1404 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 656, "height": 612 }, "window": 6291774, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "con", "pid": 919, "app_id": null, "visible": false, "max_render_time": 0, "shell": "xwayland", "window_properties": { "class": "Emacs", "instance": "emacs", "title": "*doom* – Doom Emacs", "transient_for": null, "window_type": "normal" } } }
00:00:03.543 [sway/tree/view.c:433] Checking criteria [shell=".*"]
00:00:03.543 [sway/tree/view.c:435] Criteria already executed
00:00:03.543 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (6291774)
00:00:03.543 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (6291774)
00:00:03.543 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 314 (_NET_WM_ICON_NAME) for window 6291774
00:00:03.543 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (6291774)
00:00:03.543 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 37 (WM_ICON_NAME) for window 6291774
00:00:03.543 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (6291774)
00:00:03.543 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 37 (WM_ICON_NAME) for window 6291774
00:00:03.543 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (6291774)
00:00:03.543 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 314 (_NET_WM_ICON_NAME) for window 6291774
00:00:03.544 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 85 writable
00:00:03.544 [sway/ipc-server.c:220] Client 83 readable
00:00:03.544 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x4 to client 83 queue: { "id": 1, "name": "root", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 3 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483647, "name": "__i3", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 2147483646 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483646, "name": "__i3_scratch", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "workspace" } ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "output" }, { "id": 3, "name": "DP-1", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 8, 10, 13 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "none", "percent": 1.0, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 8, "name": "1:", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 2560, "height": 1410 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 11 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ { "id": 11, "name": "Google - 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00:00:03.544 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 83 writable
dropbox: load fq extension '/opt/dropbox/'
00:00:03.610 [sway/input/cursor.c:835] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
00:00:03.674 [sway/tree/workspace.c:63] Adding workspace 7: for output DP-1
00:00:03.674 [sway/ipc-server.c:308] Sending workspace::init event
00:00:03.674 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x80000000 to client 77 queue: { "change": "init", "old": null, "current": { "id": 15, "name": "7:", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "num": 7, "output": "DP-1", "type": "workspace", "representation": null } }
00:00:03.674 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x80000000 to client 85 queue: { "change": "init", "old": null, "current": { "id": 15, "name": "7:", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "num": 7, "output": "DP-1", "type": "workspace", "representation": null } }
00:00:03.674 [sway/ipc-server.c:334] Sending window::new event
00:00:03.674 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x80000003 to client 85 queue: { "change": "new", "container": { "id": 14, "name": null, "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "none", "orientation": "none", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 1280, "height": 1376 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "con", "pid": 917, "app_id": "evolution", "visible": false, "max_render_time": 0, "shell": "xdg_shell" } }
00:00:03.674 [sway/ipc-server.c:334] Sending window::title event
00:00:03.674 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x80000003 to client 85 queue: { "change": "title", "container": { "id": 14, "name": "Calendar — Evolution", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "none", "orientation": "none", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 1280, "height": 1376 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "con", "pid": 917, "app_id": "evolution", "visible": false, "max_render_time": 0, "shell": "xdg_shell" } }
00:00:03.674 [sway/tree/arrange.c:263] Usable area for ws: 2560x1410@0,30
00:00:03.674 [sway/tree/arrange.c:293] Arranging workspace '7:' at 0.000000, 30.000000
00:00:03.674 [sway/tree/arrange.c:77] Arranging 0x7ffc25756d40 horizontally
00:00:03.674 [sway/tree/view.c:433] Checking criteria [shell=".*"]
00:00:03.674 [sway/tree/view.c:438] for_window '[shell=".*"]' matches view 0x555de94d53f0, cmd: 'inhibit_idle fullscreen'
00:00:03.674 [sway/commands.c:256] Handling command 'inhibit_idle fullscreen'
00:00:03.674 [sway/desktop/transaction.c:411] Transaction 0x555de913edb0 committing with 3 instructions
00:00:03.675 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 77 writable
00:00:03.675 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 85 writable
00:00:03.675 [sway/ipc-server.c:220] Client 25 readable
00:00:03.676 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x1 to client 25 queue: [ { "id": 8, "name": "1:", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 2560, "height": 1410 }, "focus": [ 11 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "num": 1, "output": "DP-1", "type": "workspace", "representation": "H[Chromium]", "focused": true, "visible": true }, { "id": 10, "name": "2:", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 2560, "height": 1410 }, "focus": [ 9 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "num": 2, "output": "DP-1", "type": "workspace", "representation": "H[Emacs]", "focused": false, "visible": false }, { "id": 15, "name": "7:", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 2560, "height": 1410 }, "focus": [ 14 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "num": 7, "output": "DP-1", "type": "workspace", "representation": "H[evolution]", "focused": false, "visible": false }, { "id": 13, "name": "8:", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 2560, "height": 1410 }, "focus": [ 12 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "num": 8, "output": "DP-1", "type": "workspace", "representation": "H[Spotify]", "focused": false, "visible": false } ]
00:00:03.676 [sway/ipc-server.c:220] Client 83 readable
00:00:03.676 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x4 to client 83 queue: { "id": 1, "name": "root", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 3 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483647, "name": "__i3", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 2147483646 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, 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00:00:03.676 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 25 writable
00:00:03.676 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 83 writable
00:00:03.677 [sway/ipc-server.c:220] Client 83 readable
00:00:03.677 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x4 to client 83 queue: { "id": 1, "name": "root", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 3 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483647, "name": "__i3", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 2147483646 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, 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00:00:03.749 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 83 writable
00:00:03.803 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (16777217)
00:00:03.804 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:440] XCB_ATOM_WM_NAME: Spotify Premium
00:00:03.804 [sway/tree/view.c:433] Checking criteria [shell=".*"]
00:00:03.804 [sway/tree/view.c:435] Criteria already executed
00:00:03.804 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (16777217)
dropbox: locating interpreter
dropbox: logging to /tmp/dropbox-antifreeze-b1tnSt
dropbox: initializing
dropbox: initializing python 3.7.5
dropbox: setting program path '/home/james/.dropbox-dist/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-97.4.467/dropbox'
dropbox: setting python path '/home/james/.dropbox-dist/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-97.4.467:/home/james/.dropbox-dist/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-97.4.467/'
The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
> Warning: Unsupported maximum keycode 569, clipping.
> X11 cannot support keycodes above 255.
> Internal error: Could not resolve keysym Invalid
Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server
00:00:04.135 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1304] unhandled X11 event: MappingNotify (34)
00:00:04.135 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1304] unhandled X11 event: MappingNotify (34)
00:00:04.135 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1304] unhandled X11 event: MappingNotify (34)
00:00:04.135 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1304] unhandled X11 event: MappingNotify (34)
00:00:04.136 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:04.136 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 322 (_NET_WM_USER_TIME) for window 10485761
dropbox: python initialized
dropbox: running dropbox
dropbox: setting args
dropbox: applying overrides
dropbox: running main script
00:00:04.185 [sway/commands/bind.c:616] running command for binding: exec "rofi -combi-modi drun,run -show combi -show-icons"
00:00:04.185 [sway/commands.c:256] Handling command 'exec "rofi -combi-modi drun,run -show combi -show-icons"'
00:00:04.185 [sway/commands/exec_always.c:46] Executing rofi -combi-modi drun,run -show combi -show-icons
00:00:04.186 [sway/commands/exec_always.c:87] Child process created with pid 1837
00:00:04.186 [sway/tree/root.c:290] Recording workspace for process 1837
00:00:04.219 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1304] unhandled X11 event: FocusOut (10)
00:00:04.219 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:829] XCB_CREATE_NOTIFY (27262977)
00:00:04.220 [sway/desktop/xwayland.c:614] New xwayland surface title='(null)' class='(null)'
dropbox: load fq extension '/home/james/.dropbox-dist/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-97.4.467/'
00:00:04.225 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (27262977)
00:00:04.225 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (27262977)
00:00:04.225 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:440] XCB_ATOM_WM_NAME: rofi
00:00:04.225 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (27262977)
00:00:04.225 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (27262977)
00:00:04.225 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:389] XCB_ATOM_WM_CLASS: rofi Rofi
00:00:04.225 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (27262977)
00:00:04.225 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:478] NET_WM_PID 1837
00:00:04.225 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (27262977)
00:00:04.225 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 36 (WM_CLIENT_MACHINE) for window 27262977
dropbox: load fq extension '/home/james/.dropbox-dist/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-97.4.467/'
dropbox: load fq extension '/home/james/.dropbox-dist/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-97.4.467/'
00:00:04.306 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:941] XCB_MAP_NOTIFY (27262977)
00:00:04.307 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de911d450 (res 0x555de915be80)
00:00:04.307 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1388] New xwayland surface: 0x555de911d450
00:00:04.307 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (27262977)
00:00:04.308 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:389] XCB_ATOM_WM_CLASS: rofi Rofi
00:00:04.309 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:440] XCB_ATOM_WM_NAME: rofi
00:00:04.309 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:478] NET_WM_PID 1837
dropbox: load fq extension '/home/james/.dropbox-dist/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-97.4.467/'
dropbox: load fq extension '/home/james/.dropbox-dist/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-97.4.467/'
dropbox: load fq extension '/home/james/.dropbox-dist/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-97.4.467/'
dropbox: load fq extension '/home/james/.dropbox-dist/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-97.4.467/'
00:00:04.915 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:955] XCB_UNMAP_NOTIFY (27262977)
00:00:04.915 [sway/ipc-server.c:334] Sending window::focus event
00:00:04.916 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x80000003 to client 85 queue: { "change": "focus", "container": { "id": 11, "name": "Google - Chromium", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 2560, "height": 1410 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ ], "border": "pixel", "current_border_width": 3, "layout": "none", "orientation": "none", "percent": 1.0, "window_rect": { "x": 3, "y": 3, "width": 2554, "height": 1404 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2554, "height": 1404 }, "window": 10485761, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "con", "pid": 921, "app_id": null, "visible": true, "max_render_time": 0, "shell": "xwayland", "window_properties": { "class": "Chromium", "instance": "chromium", "title": "Google - Chromium", "transient_for": null, "window_role": "browser", "window_type": "normal" } } }
00:00:04.915 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:843] XCB_DESTROY_NOTIFY (27262977)
00:00:04.916 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (492)
00:00:04.916 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (492)
00:00:04.916 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1304] unhandled X11 event: FocusOut (10)
00:00:04.916 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (492)
00:00:04.916 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (492)
00:00:04.916 [ERROR] [xwayland/xwm.c:1277] xcb error: op ChangeProperty (no minor), code Window (no extension), sequence 414, value 27262977
00:00:04.916 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 85 writable
00:00:04.916 [sway/ipc-server.c:220] Client 83 readable
00:00:04.917 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x4 to client 83 queue: { "id": 1, "name": "root", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 3 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483647, "name": "__i3", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 2147483646 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, 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"disabled", "current_workspace": "1:", "modes": [ { "width": 640, "height": 480, "refresh": 59940 }, { "width": 640, "height": 480, "refresh": 60000 }, { "width": 800, "height": 600, "refresh": 60317 }, { "width": 1024, "height": 768, "refresh": 60004 }, { "width": 2560, "height": 1440, "refresh": 84983 }, { "width": 2560, "height": 1440, "refresh": 99946 }, { "width": 2560, "height": 1440, "refresh": 119998 }, { "width": 2560, "height": 1440, "refresh": 143998 }, { "width": 2560, "height": 1440, "refresh": 165000 }, { "width": 2560, "height": 1440, "refresh": 59951 } ], "current_mode": { "width": 2560, "height": 1440, "refresh": 165000 }, "max_render_time": 0 } ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "root" }
00:00:04.917 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 83 writable
00:00:04.919 [sway/desktop/transaction.c:411] Transaction 0x555de913d980 committing with 3 instructions
00:00:04.919 [sway/desktop/transaction.c:280] Applying transaction 0x555de913d980
00:00:05.058 [DEBUG] [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added HD Pro Webcam C920 [1133:2093]
00:00:05.059 [sway/input/input-manager.c:233] adding device: '1133:2093:HD_Pro_Webcam_C920'
00:00:05.059 [sway/input/libinput.c:241] config_libinput_keyboard('type:keyboard' on '1133:2093:HD_Pro_Webcam_C920')
00:00:05.059 [sway/input/seat.c:838] adding device 1133:2093:HD_Pro_Webcam_C920 to seat seat0
00:00:05.064 [sway/input/keyboard.c:777] Adding keyboard 1133:2093:HD_Pro_Webcam_C920 to group 0x555de8fb41b0
The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
> Warning: Unsupported maximum keycode 569, clipping.
> X11 cannot support keycodes above 255.
> Internal error: Could not resolve keysym Invalid
Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server
00:00:05.073 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1304] unhandled X11 event: MappingNotify (34)
00:00:05.074 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1304] unhandled X11 event: MappingNotify (34)
The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
> Warning: Unsupported maximum keycode 569, clipping.
> X11 cannot support keycodes above 255.
> Internal error: Could not resolve keysym Invalid
Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server
00:00:05.111 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1304] unhandled X11 event: MappingNotify (34)
00:00:05.111 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1304] unhandled X11 event: MappingNotify (34)
dropbox: load fq extension '/home/james/.dropbox-dist/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-97.4.467/'
00:00:05.869 [ERROR] [backend/drm/atomic.c:177] setting gamma LUT 1024
00:00:05.988 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:05.988 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 322 (_NET_WM_USER_TIME) for window 10485761
dropbox: load fq extension '/home/james/.dropbox-dist/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-97.4.467/'
dropbox: load fq extension '/home/james/.dropbox-dist/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-97.4.467/'
dropbox: load fq extension '/home/james/.dropbox-dist/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-97.4.467/'
00:00:06.323 [sway/commands/bind.c:616] running command for binding: exec kitty
00:00:06.323 [sway/commands.c:256] Handling command 'exec kitty'
00:00:06.323 [sway/commands/exec_always.c:46] Executing kitty
00:00:06.324 [sway/commands/exec_always.c:87] Child process created with pid 1929
00:00:06.324 [sway/tree/root.c:290] Recording workspace for process 1929
00:00:06.428 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de915da40 (res 0x555de9638360)
00:00:06.428 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de96295f0 (res 0x555de9638240)
00:00:06.468 [DEBUG] [types/xdg_shell/wlr_xdg_surface.c:458] new xdg_surface 0x555de9638c70 (res 0x555de96395f0)
00:00:06.468 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_xdg_decoration_v1.c:201] new xdg_toplevel_decoration 0x555de9637590 (res 0x555de96393b0)
00:00:06.469 [sway/desktop/xdg_shell.c:497] New xdg_shell toplevel title='kitty' app_id='kitty'
00:00:06.473 [sway/tree/root.c:249] Looking up workspace for pid 1929
00:00:06.473 [sway/tree/root.c:256] found pid_workspace for pid 1929, workspace 1:
00:00:06.473 [sway/ipc-server.c:334] Sending window::new event
00:00:06.473 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x80000003 to client 85 queue: { "change": "new", "container": { "id": 16, "name": null, "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "none", "orientation": "none", "percent": 0.0, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 1274, "height": 1404 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "con", "pid": 1929, "app_id": "kitty", "visible": true, "max_render_time": 0, "shell": "xdg_shell" } }
00:00:06.473 [sway/ipc-server.c:334] Sending window::title event
00:00:06.473 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x80000003 to client 85 queue: { "change": "title", "container": { "id": 16, "name": "kitty", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "none", "orientation": "none", "percent": 0.0, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 1274, "height": 1404 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "con", "pid": 1929, "app_id": "kitty", "visible": true, "max_render_time": 0, "shell": "xdg_shell" } }
00:00:06.473 [sway/tree/arrange.c:263] Usable area for ws: 2560x1410@0,30
00:00:06.473 [sway/tree/arrange.c:293] Arranging workspace '1:' at 0.000000, 30.000000
00:00:06.473 [sway/tree/arrange.c:77] Arranging 0x7ffc25756d40 horizontally
00:00:06.473 [sway/tree/view.c:433] Checking criteria [shell=".*"]
00:00:06.473 [sway/tree/view.c:438] for_window '[shell=".*"]' matches view 0x555de95e1aa0, cmd: 'inhibit_idle fullscreen'
00:00:06.473 [sway/commands.c:256] Handling command 'inhibit_idle fullscreen'
00:00:06.473 [sway/ipc-server.c:334] Sending window::focus event
00:00:06.473 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x80000003 to client 85 queue: { "change": "focus", "container": { "id": 16, "name": "kitty", "rect": { "x": 1280, "y": 30, "width": 1280, "height": 1410 }, "focused": true, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "none", "orientation": "none", "percent": 0.5, "window_rect": { "x": 3, "y": 0, "width": 1274, "height": 1404 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 1274, "height": 1404 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "con", "pid": 1929, "app_id": "kitty", "visible": true, "max_render_time": 0, "shell": "xdg_shell" } }
00:00:06.473 [sway/desktop/transaction.c:411] Transaction 0x555de915f610 committing with 4 instructions
00:00:06.473 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (492)
00:00:06.473 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1304] unhandled X11 event: FocusOut (10)
00:00:06.473 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 85 writable
00:00:06.473 [sway/ipc-server.c:220] Client 83 readable
00:00:06.474 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x4 to client 83 queue: { "id": 1, "name": "root", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 3 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483647, "name": "__i3", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 2147483646 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483646, "name": "__i3_scratch", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "workspace" } ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "output" }, { "id": 3, "name": "DP-1", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 8, 10, 13, 15 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "none", "percent": 1.0, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 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00:00:06.474 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 83 writable
00:00:06.474 [sway/ipc-server.c:220] Client 83 readable
00:00:06.475 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x4 to client 83 queue: { "id": 1, "name": "root", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 3 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483647, "name": "__i3", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 2147483646 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, 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00:00:06.476 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 83 writable
00:00:06.498 [sway/desktop/transaction.c:489] Transaction 0x555de915f610 is ready
00:00:06.498 [sway/desktop/transaction.c:280] Applying transaction 0x555de915f610
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00:00:06.503 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 85 writable
00:00:06.503 [sway/ipc-server.c:220] Client 83 readable
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00:00:06.503 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 83 writable
dropbox: load fq extension '/home/james/.dropbox-dist/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-97.4.467/'
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00:00:06.631 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:829] XCB_CREATE_NOTIFY (27262979)
00:00:06.632 [sway/desktop/xwayland.c:614] New xwayland surface title='(null)' class='(null)'
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00:00:06.689 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de9658520 (res 0x555de963ac70)
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00:00:06.789 [sway/ipc-server.c:334] Sending window::title event
00:00:06.789 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x80000003 to client 85 queue: { "change": "title", "container": { "id": 16, "name": "james@thebest: ~", "rect": { "x": 1280, "y": 30, "width": 1280, "height": 1410 }, "focused": true, "focus": [ ], "border": "pixel", "current_border_width": 3, "layout": "none", "orientation": "none", "percent": 0.5, "window_rect": { "x": 3, "y": 3, "width": 1274, "height": 1404 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 1274, "height": 1404 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "con", "pid": 1929, "app_id": "kitty", "visible": true, "max_render_time": 0, "shell": "xdg_shell" } }
00:00:06.789 [sway/tree/view.c:433] Checking criteria [shell=".*"]
00:00:06.789 [sway/tree/view.c:435] Criteria already executed
00:00:06.790 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 85 writable
00:00:06.790 [sway/ipc-server.c:220] Client 83 readable
00:00:06.790 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x4 to client 83 queue: { "id": 1, "name": "root", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 3 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483647, "name": "__i3", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 2147483646 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, 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00:00:06.790 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 83 writable
00:00:08.098 [sway/desktop/idle_inhibit_v1.c:21] Sway idle inhibitor destroyed
00:00:08.098 [sway/ipc-server.c:334] Sending window::close event
00:00:08.099 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x80000003 to client 85 queue: { "change": "close", "container": { "id": 16, "name": "james@thebest: ~", "rect": { "x": 1280, "y": 30, "width": 1280, "height": 1410 }, "focused": true, "focus": [ ], "border": "pixel", "current_border_width": 3, "layout": "none", "orientation": "none", "percent": 0.5, "window_rect": { "x": 3, "y": 3, "width": 1274, "height": 1404 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 1274, "height": 1404 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "con", "pid": 1929, "app_id": "kitty", "visible": true, "max_render_time": 0, "shell": "xdg_shell" } }
00:00:08.099 [sway/ipc-server.c:334] Sending window::focus event
00:00:08.099 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x80000003 to client 85 queue: { "change": "focus", "container": { "id": 11, "name": "Google - Chromium", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 1280, "height": 1410 }, "focused": true, "focus": [ ], "border": "pixel", "current_border_width": 3, "layout": "none", "orientation": "none", "percent": 0.5, "window_rect": { "x": 3, "y": 3, "width": 1274, "height": 1404 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2554, "height": 1404 }, "window": 10485761, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "con", "pid": 921, "app_id": null, "visible": true, "max_render_time": 0, "shell": "xwayland", "window_properties": { "class": "Chromium", "instance": "chromium", "title": "Google - Chromium", "transient_for": null, "window_role": "browser", "window_type": "normal" } } }
00:00:08.099 [sway/tree/arrange.c:263] Usable area for ws: 2560x1410@0,30
00:00:08.099 [sway/tree/arrange.c:293] Arranging workspace '1:' at 0.000000, 30.000000
00:00:08.099 [sway/tree/arrange.c:77] Arranging 0x7ffc25756d90 horizontally
00:00:08.099 [sway/desktop/transaction.c:411] Transaction 0x555de914beb0 committing with 4 instructions
00:00:08.098 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_relative_pointer_v1.c:95] relative_pointer_v1 manager unbound from client 0x555de9628840
00:00:08.098 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (492)
00:00:08.099 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 85 writable
00:00:08.099 [sway/ipc-server.c:220] Client 83 readable
00:00:08.099 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x4 to client 83 queue: { "id": 1, "name": "root", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 3 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483647, "name": "__i3", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 2147483646 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, 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00:00:08.099 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 83 writable
00:00:08.100 [sway/ipc-server.c:220] Client 83 readable
00:00:08.100 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x4 to client 83 queue: { "id": 1, "name": "root", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 3 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483647, "name": "__i3", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 2147483646 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, 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00:00:08.100 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 83 writable
00:00:08.105 [sway/desktop/transaction.c:489] Transaction 0x555de914beb0 is ready
00:00:08.105 [sway/desktop/transaction.c:280] Applying transaction 0x555de914beb0
00:00:09.091 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:09.091 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 322 (_NET_WM_USER_TIME) for window 10485761
00:00:09.179 [sway/commands/bind.c:616] running command for binding: exec "rofi -combi-modi drun,run -show combi -show-icons"
00:00:09.179 [sway/commands.c:256] Handling command 'exec "rofi -combi-modi drun,run -show combi -show-icons"'
00:00:09.179 [sway/commands/exec_always.c:46] Executing rofi -combi-modi drun,run -show combi -show-icons
00:00:09.180 [sway/commands/exec_always.c:87] Child process created with pid 2253
00:00:09.180 [sway/tree/root.c:290] Recording workspace for process 2253
00:00:09.198 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1304] unhandled X11 event: FocusOut (10)
00:00:09.199 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:829] XCB_CREATE_NOTIFY (29360129)
00:00:09.199 [sway/desktop/xwayland.c:614] New xwayland surface title='(null)' class='(null)'
00:00:09.205 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (29360129)
00:00:09.205 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (29360129)
00:00:09.205 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:440] XCB_ATOM_WM_NAME: rofi
00:00:09.205 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (29360129)
00:00:09.205 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (29360129)
00:00:09.205 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:389] XCB_ATOM_WM_CLASS: rofi Rofi
00:00:09.205 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (29360129)
00:00:09.205 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:478] NET_WM_PID 2253
00:00:09.205 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (29360129)
00:00:09.205 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 36 (WM_CLIENT_MACHINE) for window 29360129
00:00:09.235 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:941] XCB_MAP_NOTIFY (29360129)
00:00:09.237 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de96295f0 (res 0x555de91567f0)
00:00:09.237 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1388] New xwayland surface: 0x555de96295f0
00:00:09.237 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (29360129)
00:00:09.238 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:389] XCB_ATOM_WM_CLASS: rofi Rofi
00:00:09.239 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:440] XCB_ATOM_WM_NAME: rofi
00:00:09.239 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:478] NET_WM_PID 2253
00:00:09.872 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:829] XCB_CREATE_NOTIFY (29360145)
00:00:09.873 [sway/desktop/xwayland.c:609] New xwayland unmanaged surface
00:00:09.872 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (29360145)
00:00:09.872 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1220] unhandled x11 client message 501 (_NET_STARTUP_INFO_BEGIN)
00:00:09.872 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (29360145)
00:00:09.872 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1220] unhandled x11 client message 502 (_NET_STARTUP_INFO)
00:00:09.872 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (29360145)
00:00:09.872 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1220] unhandled x11 client message 502 (_NET_STARTUP_INFO)
00:00:09.872 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (29360145)
00:00:09.873 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1220] unhandled x11 client message 502 (_NET_STARTUP_INFO)
00:00:09.873 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (29360145)
00:00:09.873 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1220] unhandled x11 client message 502 (_NET_STARTUP_INFO)
00:00:09.873 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (29360145)
00:00:09.873 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1220] unhandled x11 client message 502 (_NET_STARTUP_INFO)
00:00:09.873 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (29360145)
00:00:09.873 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1220] unhandled x11 client message 502 (_NET_STARTUP_INFO)
00:00:09.873 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (29360145)
00:00:09.873 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1220] unhandled x11 client message 502 (_NET_STARTUP_INFO)
00:00:09.873 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (29360145)
00:00:09.873 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1220] unhandled x11 client message 502 (_NET_STARTUP_INFO)
00:00:09.873 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (29360145)
00:00:09.873 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1220] unhandled x11 client message 502 (_NET_STARTUP_INFO)
00:00:09.873 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (29360145)
00:00:09.873 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1220] unhandled x11 client message 502 (_NET_STARTUP_INFO)
00:00:09.873 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:843] XCB_DESTROY_NOTIFY (29360145)
00:00:09.873 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (492)
00:00:09.873 [ERROR] [xwayland/xwm.c:1277] xcb error: op ChangeWindowAttributes (no minor), code Window (no extension), sequence 451, value 29360145
00:00:09.878 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:955] XCB_UNMAP_NOTIFY (29360129)
00:00:09.878 [sway/ipc-server.c:334] Sending window::focus event
00:00:09.879 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x80000003 to client 85 queue: { "change": "focus", "container": { "id": 11, "name": "Google - Chromium", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 2560, "height": 1410 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ ], "border": "pixel", "current_border_width": 3, "layout": "none", "orientation": "none", "percent": 1.0, "window_rect": { "x": 3, "y": 3, "width": 2554, "height": 1404 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2554, "height": 1404 }, "window": 10485761, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "con", "pid": 921, "app_id": null, "visible": true, "max_render_time": 0, "shell": "xwayland", "window_properties": { "class": "Chromium", "instance": "chromium", "title": "Google - Chromium", "transient_for": null, "window_role": "browser", "window_type": "normal" } } }
00:00:09.878 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:843] XCB_DESTROY_NOTIFY (29360129)
00:00:09.878 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (492)
00:00:09.878 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1304] unhandled X11 event: FocusOut (10)
00:00:09.878 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (492)
00:00:09.879 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (492)
00:00:09.879 [ERROR] [xwayland/xwm.c:1277] xcb error: op ChangeProperty (no minor), code Window (no extension), sequence 470, value 29360129
00:00:09.880 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 85 writable
00:00:09.880 [sway/ipc-server.c:220] Client 83 readable
00:00:09.882 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x4 to client 83 queue: { "id": 1, "name": "root", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 3 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483647, "name": "__i3", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 2147483646 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483646, "name": "__i3_scratch", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "workspace" } ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "output" }, { "id": 3, "name": "DP-1", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 8, 10, 13, 15 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "none", "percent": 1.0, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 8, "name": "1:", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 2560, "height": 1410 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 11 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ { "id": 11, "name": "Google - Chromium", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 2560, "height": 1410 }, "focused": true, "focus": [ ], "border": "pixel", "current_border_width": 3, "layout": "none", "orientation": "none", "percent": 1.0, "window_rect": { "x": 3, "y": 3, "width": 2554, "height": 1404 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2554, "height": 1404 }, "window": 10485761, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "con", "pid": 921, "app_id": null, "visible": true, "max_render_time": 0, "shell": "xwayland", "window_properties": { "class": "Chromium", "instance": "chromium", "title": "Google - Chromium", "transient_for": null, "window_role": "browser", "window_type": "normal" } } ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "num": 1, "output": "DP-1", "type": "workspace", "representation": "H[Chromium]" }, { "id": 10, "name": "2:", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 2560, "height": 1410 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 9 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, 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"DP-1", "type": "workspace", "representation": "H[Emacs]" }, { "id": 15, "name": "7:", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 2560, "height": 1410 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 14 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 1, "nodes": [ { "id": 14, "name": "Calendar — Evolution", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 2560, "height": 1410 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ ], "border": "pixel", "current_border_width": 3, "layout": "none", "orientation": "none", "percent": 1.0, "window_rect": { "x": 3, "y": 3, "width": 2554, "height": 1404 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 1280, "height": 1376 }, "window": null, "urgent": 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3, "layout": "none", "orientation": "none", "percent": 1.0, "window_rect": { "x": 3, "y": 3, "width": 2554, "height": 1404 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 800, "height": 600 }, "window": 16777217, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "con", "pid": 922, "app_id": null, "visible": false, "max_render_time": 0, "shell": "xwayland", "window_properties": { "class": "Spotify", "instance": "spotify", "title": "Spotify Premium", "transient_for": null } } ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "num": 8, "output": "DP-1", "type": "workspace", "representation": "H[Spotify]" } ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "output", "active": true, "dpms": true, "primary": false, "make": "Goldstar Company Ltd", "model": "32GK850G", "serial": "#ASPp7EV3e47d", "scale": 1.0, "scale_filter": "nearest", "transform": "normal", "adaptive_sync_status": "disabled", "current_workspace": "1:", "modes": [ { "width": 640, "height": 480, "refresh": 59940 }, { "width": 640, "height": 480, "refresh": 60000 }, { "width": 800, "height": 600, "refresh": 60317 }, { "width": 1024, "height": 768, "refresh": 60004 }, { "width": 2560, "height": 1440, "refresh": 84983 }, { "width": 2560, "height": 1440, "refresh": 99946 }, { "width": 2560, "height": 1440, "refresh": 119998 }, { "width": 2560, "height": 1440, "refresh": 143998 }, { "width": 2560, "height": 1440, "refresh": 165000 }, { "width": 2560, "height": 1440, "refresh": 59951 } ], "current_mode": { "width": 2560, "height": 1440, "refresh": 165000 }, "max_render_time": 0 } ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "root" }
00:00:09.882 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 83 writable
00:00:09.888 [sway/desktop/transaction.c:411] Transaction 0x555de915a730 committing with 3 instructions
00:00:09.888 [sway/desktop/transaction.c:280] Applying transaction 0x555de915a730
00:00:10.234 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de963c3a0 (res 0x555de9168710)
00:00:10.234 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de96295f0 (res 0x555de963e9b0)
00:00:10.515 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de915da40 (res 0x555de9162a80)
00:00:10.515 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de8ffcf90 (res 0x555de911f2b0)
00:00:10.515 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de95e1aa0 (res 0x555de9127930)
00:00:10.515 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de963c740 (res 0x555de9168830)
00:00:10.515 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de96592b0 (res 0x555de9164190)
00:00:10.515 [DEBUG] [types/xdg_shell/wlr_xdg_surface.c:458] new xdg_surface 0x555de96595d0 (res 0x555de963e0b0)
00:00:10.515 [sway/desktop/xdg_shell.c:497] New xdg_shell toplevel title='Loading…' app_id='org.gnome.Nautilus'
00:00:10.515 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_server_decoration.c:106] new server_decoration 0x555de961b960 (res 0x555de9127db0)
00:00:10.534 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de9165150 (res 0x555de961aee0)
00:00:10.550 [sway/tree/root.c:249] Looking up workspace for pid 2265
00:00:10.551 [sway/ipc-server.c:334] Sending window::new event
00:00:10.551 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x80000003 to client 85 queue: { "change": "new", "container": { "id": 17, "name": null, "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "none", "orientation": "none", "percent": 0.0, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 1104, "height": 811 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "con", "pid": 2265, "app_id": "org.gnome.Nautilus", "visible": true, "max_render_time": 0, "shell": "xdg_shell" } }
00:00:10.551 [sway/tree/view.c:344] View 0x555de91616e0 updated CSD to 1
00:00:10.551 [sway/ipc-server.c:334] Sending window::title event
00:00:10.551 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x80000003 to client 85 queue: { "change": "title", "container": { "id": 17, "name": "Home", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "none", "orientation": "none", "percent": 0.0, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 1104, "height": 811 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "con", "pid": 2265, "app_id": "org.gnome.Nautilus", "visible": true, "max_render_time": 0, "shell": "xdg_shell" } }
00:00:10.551 [sway/tree/arrange.c:263] Usable area for ws: 2560x1410@0,30
00:00:10.551 [sway/tree/arrange.c:293] Arranging workspace '1:' at 0.000000, 30.000000
00:00:10.551 [sway/tree/arrange.c:77] Arranging 0x7ffc25756d40 horizontally
00:00:10.551 [sway/tree/view.c:433] Checking criteria [shell=".*"]
00:00:10.551 [sway/tree/view.c:438] for_window '[shell=".*"]' matches view 0x555de91616e0, cmd: 'inhibit_idle fullscreen'
00:00:10.551 [sway/commands.c:256] Handling command 'inhibit_idle fullscreen'
00:00:10.551 [sway/ipc-server.c:334] Sending window::focus event
00:00:10.551 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x80000003 to client 85 queue: { "change": "focus", "container": { "id": 17, "name": "Home", "rect": { "x": 1280, "y": 30, "width": 1280, "height": 1410 }, "focused": true, "focus": [ ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "none", "orientation": "none", "percent": 0.5, "window_rect": { "x": 3, "y": 0, "width": 1274, "height": 1404 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 1104, "height": 811 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "con", "pid": 2265, "app_id": "org.gnome.Nautilus", "visible": true, "max_render_time": 0, "shell": "xdg_shell" } }
00:00:10.551 [sway/desktop/transaction.c:411] Transaction 0x555de9165fb0 committing with 4 instructions
00:00:10.550 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (492)
00:00:10.550 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1304] unhandled X11 event: FocusOut (10)
00:00:10.551 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 85 writable
00:00:10.551 [sway/ipc-server.c:220] Client 83 readable
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00:00:10.566 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de9650860 (res 0x555de915de60)
00:00:10.566 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de9651070 (res 0x555de9165ff0)
00:00:10.566 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de9651390 (res 0x555de961b9f0)
00:00:10.566 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de96516b0 (res 0x555de9161c90)
00:00:10.566 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de96519d0 (res 0x555de9166b00)
00:00:10.566 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de9651070 (res 0x555de9165ff0)
00:00:10.566 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de9651390 (res 0x555de961b9f0)
00:00:10.566 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de96516b0 (res 0x555de9161c90)
00:00:10.566 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de96519d0 (res 0x555de9166b00)
00:00:10.566 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de9651070 (res 0x555de9165ff0)
00:00:10.566 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de9651390 (res 0x555de961b9f0)
00:00:10.566 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de96516b0 (res 0x555de9161c90)
00:00:10.566 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de96519d0 (res 0x555de9166b00)
00:00:10.582 [sway/desktop/transaction.c:489] Transaction 0x555de9165fb0 is ready
00:00:10.582 [sway/desktop/transaction.c:280] Applying transaction 0x555de9165fb0
00:00:10.582 [sway/tree/container.c:1148] Container 0x555de963bbf0 entered output 0x555de93d9d60
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00:00:10.696 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de9652900 (res 0x555de9168050)
00:00:10.696 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de9652c20 (res 0x555de961b9f0)
00:00:10.696 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de964ffc0 (res 0x555de96390e0)
00:00:10.696 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de9652900 (res 0x555de9168050)
00:00:10.696 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de9652c20 (res 0x555de961b9f0)
00:00:10.696 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de964ffc0 (res 0x555de96390e0)
00:00:10.696 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de9652900 (res 0x555de9168050)
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00:00:10.831 [sway/desktop/transaction.c:280] Applying transaction 0x555de9167c20
00:00:10.831 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (492)
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00:00:10.831 [sway/ipc-server.c:220] Client 83 readable
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00:00:10.832 [sway/input/cursor.c:835] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
00:00:10.832 [sway/input/cursor.c:835] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
00:00:10.836 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 83 writable
00:00:10.873 [ERROR] [backend/drm/atomic.c:177] setting gamma LUT 1024
00:00:11.236 [DEBUG] [types/seat/wlr_seat_pointer.c:367] button_count=1 grab_serial=0 serial=105
00:00:11.246 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:11.246 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 322 (_NET_WM_USER_TIME) for window 10485761
00:00:11.296 [DEBUG] [types/seat/wlr_seat_pointer.c:367] button_count=0 grab_serial=105 serial=106
00:00:11.490 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:11.490 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 322 (_NET_WM_USER_TIME) for window 10485761
00:00:11.950 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:11.951 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 322 (_NET_WM_USER_TIME) for window 10485761
00:00:12.026 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:12.026 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 322 (_NET_WM_USER_TIME) for window 10485761
00:00:12.113 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:12.113 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 322 (_NET_WM_USER_TIME) for window 10485761
00:00:12.399 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:12.399 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 322 (_NET_WM_USER_TIME) for window 10485761
00:00:12.886 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:12.886 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:440] XCB_ATOM_WM_NAME: - Chromium
00:00:12.888 [sway/ipc-server.c:334] Sending window::title event
00:00:12.888 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x80000003 to client 85 queue: { "change": "title", "container": { "id": 11, "name": "https:\/\/ - Chromium", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 1280, "height": 1410 }, "focused": true, "focus": [ ], "border": "pixel", "current_border_width": 3, "layout": "none", "orientation": "none", "percent": 0.5, "window_rect": { "x": 3, "y": 3, "width": 1274, "height": 1404 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2554, "height": 1404 }, "window": 10485761, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "con", "pid": 921, "app_id": null, "visible": true, "max_render_time": 0, "shell": "xwayland", "window_properties": { "class": "Chromium", "instance": "chromium", "title": "https:\/\/ - Chromium", "transient_for": null, "window_role": "browser", "window_type": "normal" } } }
00:00:12.888 [sway/tree/view.c:433] Checking criteria [shell=".*"]
00:00:12.888 [sway/tree/view.c:435] Criteria already executed
00:00:12.887 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:12.887 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:440] XCB_ATOM_WM_NAME: - Chromium
00:00:12.888 [sway/tree/view.c:433] Checking criteria [shell=".*"]
00:00:12.888 [sway/tree/view.c:435] Criteria already executed
00:00:12.888 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 85 writable
00:00:12.888 [sway/ipc-server.c:220] Client 83 readable
00:00:12.889 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x4 to client 83 queue: { "id": 1, "name": "root", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 3 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483647, "name": "__i3", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 2147483646 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, 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00:00:12.889 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 83 writable
00:00:12.895 [sway/input/cursor.c:835] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
00:00:13.041 [sway/input/cursor.c:835] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
00:00:13.041 [sway/input/cursor.c:835] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
00:00:13.086 [sway/input/cursor.c:835] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
00:00:13.086 [sway/ipc-server.c:334] Sending window::focus event
00:00:13.086 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x80000003 to client 85 queue: { "change": "focus", "container": { "id": 17, "name": "Home", "rect": { "x": 1280, "y": 30, "width": 1280, "height": 1410 }, "focused": true, "focus": [ ], "border": "pixel", "current_border_width": 3, "layout": "none", "orientation": "none", "percent": 0.5, "window_rect": { "x": 3, "y": 3, "width": 1274, "height": 1404 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 1104, "height": 811 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "con", "pid": 2265, "app_id": "org.gnome.Nautilus", "visible": true, "max_render_time": 0, "shell": "xdg_shell" } }
00:00:13.086 [sway/desktop/transaction.c:411] Transaction 0x555de915cf60 committing with 4 instructions
00:00:13.086 [sway/desktop/transaction.c:280] Applying transaction 0x555de915cf60
00:00:13.086 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (492)
00:00:13.086 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1304] unhandled X11 event: FocusOut (10)
00:00:13.087 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 85 writable
00:00:13.087 [sway/ipc-server.c:220] Client 83 readable
00:00:13.087 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x4 to client 83 queue: { "id": 1, "name": "root", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 3 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483647, "name": "__i3", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 2147483646 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, 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00:00:13.087 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 83 writable
00:00:13.087 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:13.087 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:440] XCB_ATOM_WM_NAME: Create a new Gist - Chromium
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00:00:13.087 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:13.087 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:440] XCB_ATOM_WM_NAME: Create a new Gist - Chromium
00:00:13.088 [sway/tree/view.c:433] Checking criteria [shell=".*"]
00:00:13.088 [sway/tree/view.c:435] Criteria already executed
00:00:13.088 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 85 writable
00:00:13.088 [sway/ipc-server.c:220] Client 83 readable
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00:00:13.088 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 83 writable
00:00:13.096 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de9652e50 (res 0x555de961ab10)
00:00:13.096 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de965a2b0 (res 0x555de963dc30)
00:00:13.096 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de965a5d0 (res 0x555de961b9f0)
00:00:13.096 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de965a8f0 (res 0x555de9165ff0)
00:00:13.096 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de9652e50 (res 0x555de961ab10)
00:00:13.096 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de965a2b0 (res 0x555de963dc30)
00:00:13.096 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de965a5d0 (res 0x555de961b9f0)
00:00:13.096 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de965a8f0 (res 0x555de9165ff0)
00:00:13.096 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de9652e50 (res 0x555de961ab10)
00:00:13.096 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de965a2b0 (res 0x555de963dc30)
00:00:13.096 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de965a5d0 (res 0x555de961b9f0)
00:00:13.096 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de965a8f0 (res 0x555de9165ff0)
00:00:14.875 [DEBUG] [types/seat/wlr_seat_pointer.c:367] button_count=1 grab_serial=105 serial=127
00:00:14.955 [DEBUG] [types/seat/wlr_seat_pointer.c:367] button_count=0 grab_serial=127 serial=128
00:00:15.032 [DEBUG] [types/seat/wlr_seat_pointer.c:367] button_count=1 grab_serial=127 serial=129
00:00:15.036 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de9165150 (res 0x555de9639a70)
00:00:15.037 [sway/ipc-server.c:334] Sending window::title event
00:00:15.037 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x80000003 to client 85 queue: { "change": "title", "container": { "id": 17, "name": "backup", "rect": { "x": 1280, "y": 30, "width": 1280, "height": 1410 }, "focused": true, "focus": [ ], "border": "pixel", "current_border_width": 3, "layout": "none", "orientation": "none", "percent": 0.5, "window_rect": { "x": 3, "y": 3, "width": 1274, "height": 1404 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 1104, "height": 811 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "con", "pid": 2265, "app_id": "org.gnome.Nautilus", "visible": true, "max_render_time": 0, "shell": "xdg_shell" } }
00:00:15.037 [sway/tree/view.c:433] Checking criteria [shell=".*"]
00:00:15.037 [sway/tree/view.c:435] Criteria already executed
00:00:15.037 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 85 writable
00:00:15.038 [sway/ipc-server.c:220] Client 83 readable
00:00:15.038 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x4 to client 83 queue: { "id": 1, "name": "root", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 3 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483647, "name": "__i3", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 2147483646 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, 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00:00:15.038 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 83 writable
00:00:15.110 [DEBUG] [types/seat/wlr_seat_pointer.c:367] button_count=0 grab_serial=129 serial=130
00:00:15.149 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de965a770 (res 0x555de9168950)
00:00:15.149 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de965a2b0 (res 0x555de915e640)
00:00:15.151 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de965ab70 (res 0x555de961b9f0)
00:00:15.151 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de965a770 (res 0x555de9168950)
00:00:15.151 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de965a2b0 (res 0x555de915e640)
00:00:15.151 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de965ab70 (res 0x555de961b9f0)
00:00:15.151 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de965a770 (res 0x555de9168950)
00:00:15.151 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de965a2b0 (res 0x555de915e640)
00:00:15.701 [DEBUG] [types/seat/wlr_seat_pointer.c:367] button_count=1 grab_serial=129 serial=131
00:00:15.784 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de965a770 (res 0x555de915ec00)
00:00:15.784 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de965a2b0 (res 0x555de9166560)
00:00:15.784 [sway/input/cursor.c:835] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
00:00:15.785 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de8f6e610 (res 0x555de963d450)
00:00:15.785 [DEBUG] [types/data_device/wlr_data_source.c:189] Offering additional MIME type after wl_data_device.set_selection
00:00:15.785 [DEBUG] [types/data_device/wlr_data_source.c:196] Ignoring duplicate MIME type offer x-special/gnome-icon-list
00:00:15.785 [DEBUG] [types/data_device/wlr_data_source.c:189] Offering additional MIME type after wl_data_device.set_selection
00:00:15.785 [DEBUG] [types/data_device/wlr_data_source.c:196] Ignoring duplicate MIME type offer text/uri-list
00:00:15.785 [DEBUG] [types/data_device/wlr_data_source.c:189] Offering additional MIME type after wl_data_device.set_selection
00:00:15.785 [DEBUG] [types/data_device/wlr_data_source.c:196] Ignoring duplicate MIME type offer UTF8_STRING
00:00:15.785 [DEBUG] [types/data_device/wlr_data_source.c:189] Offering additional MIME type after wl_data_device.set_selection
00:00:15.785 [DEBUG] [types/data_device/wlr_data_source.c:196] Ignoring duplicate MIME type offer COMPOUND_TEXT
00:00:15.785 [DEBUG] [types/data_device/wlr_data_source.c:189] Offering additional MIME type after wl_data_device.set_selection
00:00:15.785 [DEBUG] [types/data_device/wlr_data_source.c:196] Ignoring duplicate MIME type offer TEXT
00:00:15.785 [DEBUG] [types/data_device/wlr_data_source.c:189] Offering additional MIME type after wl_data_device.set_selection
00:00:15.785 [DEBUG] [types/data_device/wlr_data_source.c:196] Ignoring duplicate MIME type offer STRING
00:00:15.785 [DEBUG] [types/data_device/wlr_data_source.c:189] Offering additional MIME type after wl_data_device.set_selection
00:00:15.785 [DEBUG] [types/data_device/wlr_data_source.c:196] Ignoring duplicate MIME type offer text/plain;charset=utf-8
00:00:15.785 [DEBUG] [types/data_device/wlr_data_source.c:189] Offering additional MIME type after wl_data_device.set_selection
00:00:15.785 [DEBUG] [types/data_device/wlr_data_source.c:196] Ignoring duplicate MIME type offer text/plain
00:00:15.785 [DEBUG] [types/data_device/wlr_data_source.c:189] Offering additional MIME type after wl_data_device.set_selection
00:00:15.821 [sway/input/cursor.c:835] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
00:00:15.822 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de965bf40 (res 0x555de915e640)
00:00:15.822 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de965c260 (res 0x555de963ed10)
00:00:15.822 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de965c5c0 (res 0x555de96363f0)
00:00:15.822 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de965c8e0 (res 0x555de9168950)
00:00:15.822 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de965bf40 (res 0x555de915e640)
00:00:15.822 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de965c5a0 (res 0x555de96363f0)
00:00:15.822 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de965c8c0 (res 0x555de9168950)
00:00:15.822 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de965bf40 (res 0x555de915e640)
00:00:15.822 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de965c5a0 (res 0x555de96363f0)
00:00:15.824 [sway/input/cursor.c:835] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
00:00:15.874 [ERROR] [backend/drm/atomic.c:177] setting gamma LUT 1024
00:00:15.876 [sway/ipc-server.c:334] Sending window::focus event
00:00:15.876 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x80000003 to client 85 queue: { "change": "focus", "container": { "id": 11, "name": "Create a new Gist - Chromium", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 1280, "height": 1410 }, "focused": true, "focus": [ ], "border": "pixel", "current_border_width": 3, "layout": "none", "orientation": "none", "percent": 0.5, "window_rect": { "x": 3, "y": 3, "width": 1274, "height": 1404 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2554, "height": 1404 }, "window": 10485761, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "con", "pid": 921, "app_id": null, "visible": true, "max_render_time": 0, "shell": "xwayland", "window_properties": { "class": "Chromium", "instance": "chromium", "title": "Create a new Gist - Chromium", "transient_for": null, "window_role": "browser", "window_type": "normal" } } }
00:00:15.876 [sway/desktop/transaction.c:411] Transaction 0x555de9380bd0 committing with 4 instructions
00:00:15.876 [sway/desktop/transaction.c:280] Applying transaction 0x555de9380bd0
00:00:15.876 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/incoming.c:413] XCB_XFIXES_SELECTION_NOTIFY (selection=290, owner=2097153)
00:00:15.876 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (492)
00:00:15.876 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (2097154)
00:00:15.877 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 85 writable
00:00:15.877 [sway/ipc-server.c:220] Client 83 readable
00:00:15.878 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x4 to client 83 queue: { "id": 1, "name": "root", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 3 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483647, "name": "__i3", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 2147483646 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, 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00:00:15.877 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:366] XCB_SELECTION_REQUEST (time=30673 owner=2097153, requestor=10485761 selection=290, target=279, property=388)
00:00:15.878 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:25] SendEvent destination=10485761 SelectionNotify(31) time=30673 requestor=10485761 selection=290 target=279 property=388
00:00:15.878 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:366] XCB_SELECTION_REQUEST (time=30674 owner=2097153, requestor=10485761 selection=290, target=277, property=388)
00:00:15.878 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:302] Sending Wayland selection 277 to Xwayland window with MIME type text/plain, target 277
00:00:15.878 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 83 writable
00:00:15.881 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:366] XCB_SELECTION_REQUEST (time=30674 owner=2097153, requestor=10485761 selection=290, target=254, property=388)
00:00:15.881 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:302] Sending Wayland selection 254 to Xwayland window with MIME type text/plain;charset=utf-8, target 254
00:00:15.881 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:366] XCB_SELECTION_REQUEST (time=30675 owner=2097153, requestor=10485761 selection=290, target=31, property=388)
00:00:15.881 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:302] Sending Wayland selection 31 to Xwayland window with MIME type STRING, target 31
00:00:15.881 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:366] XCB_SELECTION_REQUEST (time=30676 owner=2097153, requestor=10485761 selection=290, target=277, property=388)
00:00:15.881 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:302] Sending Wayland selection 277 to Xwayland window with MIME type text/plain, target 277
00:00:15.881 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:366] XCB_SELECTION_REQUEST (time=30677 owner=2097153, requestor=10485761 selection=290, target=432, property=388)
00:00:15.881 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:302] Sending Wayland selection 432 to Xwayland window with MIME type COMPOUND_TEXT, target 432
00:00:15.881 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:366] XCB_SELECTION_REQUEST (time=30678 owner=2097153, requestor=10485761 selection=290, target=254, property=388)
00:00:15.881 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:302] Sending Wayland selection 254 to Xwayland window with MIME type text/plain;charset=utf-8, target 254
00:00:15.881 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 43 bytes (available 65536, mask 0x1)
00:00:15.881 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:151] nothing happened, buffered the bytes
00:00:15.882 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:366] XCB_SELECTION_REQUEST (time=30679 owner=2097153, requestor=10485761 selection=290, target=420, property=388)
00:00:15.882 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:302] Sending Wayland selection 420 to Xwayland window with MIME type text/uri-list, target 420
00:00:15.882 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 0 bytes (available 131029, mask 0x4)
00:00:15.882 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:132] non-incr transfer complete
00:00:15.882 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:25] SendEvent destination=10485761 SelectionNotify(31) time=30674 requestor=10485761 selection=290 target=277 property=388
00:00:15.882 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 43 bytes (available 65536, mask 0x5)
00:00:15.882 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:151] nothing happened, buffered the bytes
00:00:15.882 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 0 bytes (available 131029, mask 0x4)
00:00:15.882 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:132] non-incr transfer complete
00:00:15.882 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:25] SendEvent destination=10485761 SelectionNotify(31) time=30674 requestor=10485761 selection=290 target=254 property=388
00:00:15.882 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:366] XCB_SELECTION_REQUEST (time=30679 owner=2097153, requestor=10485761 selection=290, target=534, property=388)
00:00:15.882 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:302] Sending Wayland selection 534 to Xwayland window with MIME type x-special/gnome-icon-list, target 534
00:00:15.882 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 43 bytes (available 65536, mask 0x5)
00:00:15.882 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:151] nothing happened, buffered the bytes
00:00:15.882 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 0 bytes (available 131029, mask 0x4)
00:00:15.882 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:132] non-incr transfer complete
00:00:15.882 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:25] SendEvent destination=10485761 SelectionNotify(31) time=30675 requestor=10485761 selection=290 target=31 property=388
00:00:15.882 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 43 bytes (available 65536, mask 0x5)
00:00:15.882 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:151] nothing happened, buffered the bytes
00:00:15.882 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 0 bytes (available 131029, mask 0x4)
00:00:15.882 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:132] non-incr transfer complete
00:00:15.882 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:25] SendEvent destination=10485761 SelectionNotify(31) time=30676 requestor=10485761 selection=290 target=277 property=388
00:00:15.882 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 43 bytes (available 65536, mask 0x5)
00:00:15.882 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:151] nothing happened, buffered the bytes
00:00:15.882 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.882 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:15.882 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 0 bytes (available 131029, mask 0x4)
00:00:15.882 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:132] non-incr transfer complete
00:00:15.882 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:25] SendEvent destination=10485761 SelectionNotify(31) time=30677 requestor=10485761 selection=290 target=432 property=388
00:00:15.882 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 43 bytes (available 65536, mask 0x5)
00:00:15.882 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:151] nothing happened, buffered the bytes
00:00:15.882 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 0 bytes (available 131029, mask 0x4)
00:00:15.882 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:132] non-incr transfer complete
00:00:15.882 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:25] SendEvent destination=10485761 SelectionNotify(31) time=30678 requestor=10485761 selection=290 target=254 property=388
00:00:15.883 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.883 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:15.884 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.884 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:15.884 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.885 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.887 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.887 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.887 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.887 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.887 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.887 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.888 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.888 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
[1113:1113:0518/] GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() failed for 1 times!
00:00:15.890 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.890 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.890 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.890 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.892 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.892 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.892 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.893 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.893 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.893 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.894 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.895 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.895 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.895 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.896 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.896 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.898 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.898 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.898 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.898 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.899 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.899 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.901 [sway/input/cursor.c:835] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
00:00:15.906 [sway/input/cursor.c:835] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
00:00:15.906 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 43 bytes (available 65536, mask 0x5)
00:00:15.906 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:151] nothing happened, buffered the bytes
00:00:15.906 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 0 bytes (available 131029, mask 0x4)
00:00:15.906 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:132] non-incr transfer complete
00:00:15.906 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:25] SendEvent destination=10485761 SelectionNotify(31) time=30679 requestor=10485761 selection=290 target=420 property=388
00:00:15.906 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.906 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.906 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.906 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.906 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.906 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.906 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 56 bytes (available 65536, mask 0x5)
00:00:15.906 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:151] nothing happened, buffered the bytes
00:00:15.906 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 0 bytes (available 131016, mask 0x4)
00:00:15.906 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:132] non-incr transfer complete
00:00:15.906 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:25] SendEvent destination=10485761 SelectionNotify(31) time=30679 requestor=10485761 selection=290 target=534 property=388
00:00:15.906 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.906 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.906 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:15.906 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 388 (_CHROMIUM_DRAG_RECEIVER) for window 10485761
00:00:15.906 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.907 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.907 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.907 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.907 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:15.907 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 388 (_CHROMIUM_DRAG_RECEIVER) for window 10485761
00:00:15.907 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.907 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.907 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.907 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.908 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.908 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.909 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.909 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.910 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.910 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.911 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.911 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.912 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.912 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.913 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.913 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.914 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.914 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.916 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.916 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.916 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.916 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.918 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.918 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.918 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.918 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.919 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.919 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.921 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.921 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.922 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.922 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.922 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.922 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.923 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.923 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.924 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.924 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.925 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.925 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.926 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.926 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.928 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.928 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.928 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.928 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.929 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.929 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.930 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.930 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.931 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.931 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.932 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.932 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.933 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.933 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.934 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.934 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.935 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.935 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.936 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.936 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.937 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.937 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.938 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.938 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.940 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.940 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.940 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.940 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.941 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.941 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.942 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.942 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.943 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.943 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.944 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.944 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.945 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.945 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.946 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.946 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.947 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.948 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.948 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.948 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.949 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.949 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.950 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.950 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.951 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.951 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.952 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.952 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.953 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.953 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.954 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.954 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.955 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.955 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.956 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.956 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.957 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.957 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.958 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.958 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.959 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.959 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.960 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.960 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.961 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.961 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.963 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.963 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.963 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.963 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.964 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.964 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.965 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.965 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.966 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.966 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.967 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.967 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.968 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.968 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.969 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.969 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.970 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.970 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.973 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.973 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.973 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.973 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.975 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.975 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.975 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.975 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.976 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.976 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.978 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.978 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.978 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.978 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.979 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.979 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.980 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.980 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.981 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.981 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.982 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.982 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.983 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.983 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.985 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.985 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.985 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.985 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.986 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.986 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.987 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.987 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.988 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.988 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.989 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.989 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.990 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.990 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.991 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.991 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.992 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.992 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.993 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.993 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.995 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.995 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.996 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.996 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.996 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.996 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.997 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.997 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.999 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.999 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:15.999 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:15.999 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.001 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.001 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.002 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.002 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.002 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.002 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.003 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.003 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.004 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.004 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.005 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.005 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.006 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.006 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.007 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.007 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.009 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.009 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.009 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.009 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.010 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.010 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.012 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.012 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.013 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.013 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.014 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.014 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.015 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.015 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.016 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.016 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.017 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.017 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.018 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.018 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.019 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.019 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.020 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.020 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.021 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.021 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.022 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.022 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.023 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.023 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.023 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.023 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.024 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.024 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.025 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.025 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.026 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.027 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.027 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.027 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.028 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.029 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.029 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.029 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.031 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.031 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.032 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.032 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.033 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.033 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.034 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.034 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.034 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.034 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.035 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.035 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.036 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.036 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.038 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.038 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.039 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.039 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.039 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.039 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.042 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.042 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.042 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.042 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.043 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.043 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.046 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.046 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.046 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.046 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.050 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.050 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.051 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.051 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.052 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.052 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.054 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.054 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.058 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.058 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.061 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.061 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.085 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.085 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:16.220 [ERROR] client bug: timer event14 debounce short: scheduled expiry is in the past (-11ms), your system is too slow
00:00:16.220 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:291] Wayland drag dropped over an Xwayland window
00:00:16.220 [DEBUG] [types/seat/wlr_seat_pointer.c:367] button_count=0 grab_serial=131 serial=0
00:00:16.221 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485767)
00:00:16.221 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 364 (CHROMIUM_TIMESTAMP) for window 10485767
00:00:16.221 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (10485761)
00:00:16.221 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:16.221 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:229] DND_FINISH window=10485761 performed=1 action=1
00:00:16.222 [sway/input/cursor.c:835] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
00:00:16.223 [sway/input/cursor.c:835] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
00:00:16.782 [sway/input/cursor.c:835] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
00:00:17.236 [sway/ipc-server.c:334] Sending window::focus event
00:00:17.236 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x80000003 to client 85 queue: { "change": "focus", "container": { "id": 17, "name": "backup", "rect": { "x": 1280, "y": 30, "width": 1280, "height": 1410 }, "focused": true, "focus": [ ], "border": "pixel", "current_border_width": 3, "layout": "none", "orientation": "none", "percent": 0.5, "window_rect": { "x": 3, "y": 3, "width": 1274, "height": 1404 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 1104, "height": 811 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "con", "pid": 2265, "app_id": "org.gnome.Nautilus", "visible": true, "max_render_time": 0, "shell": "xdg_shell" } }
00:00:17.236 [sway/desktop/transaction.c:411] Transaction 0x555de9165110 committing with 4 instructions
00:00:17.236 [sway/desktop/transaction.c:280] Applying transaction 0x555de9165110
00:00:17.235 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (492)
00:00:17.235 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1304] unhandled X11 event: FocusOut (10)
00:00:17.236 [sway/input/cursor.c:835] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
00:00:17.236 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 85 writable
00:00:17.236 [sway/ipc-server.c:220] Client 83 readable
00:00:17.237 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x4 to client 83 queue: { "id": 1, "name": "root", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 3 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483647, "name": "__i3", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 2147483646 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, 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00:00:17.237 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 83 writable
00:00:17.260 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de8fed910 (res 0x555de9167820)
00:00:17.260 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de965a2b0 (res 0x555de9168dd0)
00:00:17.260 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de9650310 (res 0x555de9637b80)
00:00:17.260 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de96738a0 (res 0x555de963a5b0)
00:00:17.260 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de8fed910 (res 0x555de9167820)
00:00:17.260 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de965a2b0 (res 0x555de9168dd0)
00:00:17.260 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de9650310 (res 0x555de9637b80)
00:00:17.260 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de96738a0 (res 0x555de963a5b0)
00:00:17.260 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de8fed910 (res 0x555de9167820)
00:00:17.260 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de965a2b0 (res 0x555de9168dd0)
00:00:17.260 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de9650310 (res 0x555de9637b80)
00:00:17.260 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de96738a0 (res 0x555de963a5b0)
00:00:17.662 [DEBUG] [types/seat/wlr_seat_pointer.c:367] button_count=1 grab_serial=131 serial=143
00:00:17.709 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de9673b10 (res 0x555de963d210)
00:00:17.710 [sway/input/cursor.c:835] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
00:00:17.710 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de9674030 (res 0x555de9637230)
00:00:17.710 [DEBUG] [types/data_device/wlr_data_source.c:189] Offering additional MIME type after wl_data_device.set_selection
00:00:17.710 [DEBUG] [types/data_device/wlr_data_source.c:196] Ignoring duplicate MIME type offer x-special/gnome-icon-list
00:00:17.710 [DEBUG] [types/data_device/wlr_data_source.c:189] Offering additional MIME type after wl_data_device.set_selection
00:00:17.710 [DEBUG] [types/data_device/wlr_data_source.c:196] Ignoring duplicate MIME type offer text/uri-list
00:00:17.710 [DEBUG] [types/data_device/wlr_data_source.c:189] Offering additional MIME type after wl_data_device.set_selection
00:00:17.710 [DEBUG] [types/data_device/wlr_data_source.c:196] Ignoring duplicate MIME type offer UTF8_STRING
00:00:17.710 [DEBUG] [types/data_device/wlr_data_source.c:189] Offering additional MIME type after wl_data_device.set_selection
00:00:17.710 [DEBUG] [types/data_device/wlr_data_source.c:196] Ignoring duplicate MIME type offer COMPOUND_TEXT
00:00:17.710 [DEBUG] [types/data_device/wlr_data_source.c:189] Offering additional MIME type after wl_data_device.set_selection
00:00:17.710 [DEBUG] [types/data_device/wlr_data_source.c:196] Ignoring duplicate MIME type offer TEXT
00:00:17.710 [DEBUG] [types/data_device/wlr_data_source.c:189] Offering additional MIME type after wl_data_device.set_selection
00:00:17.710 [DEBUG] [types/data_device/wlr_data_source.c:196] Ignoring duplicate MIME type offer STRING
00:00:17.710 [DEBUG] [types/data_device/wlr_data_source.c:189] Offering additional MIME type after wl_data_device.set_selection
00:00:17.711 [DEBUG] [types/data_device/wlr_data_source.c:196] Ignoring duplicate MIME type offer text/plain;charset=utf-8
00:00:17.711 [DEBUG] [types/data_device/wlr_data_source.c:189] Offering additional MIME type after wl_data_device.set_selection
00:00:17.711 [DEBUG] [types/data_device/wlr_data_source.c:196] Ignoring duplicate MIME type offer text/plain
00:00:17.711 [DEBUG] [types/data_device/wlr_data_source.c:189] Offering additional MIME type after wl_data_device.set_selection
00:00:17.733 [sway/input/cursor.c:835] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
00:00:17.734 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de9674470 (res 0x555de915bb20)
00:00:17.734 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de9674790 (res 0x555de9165ff0)
00:00:17.734 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de9674470 (res 0x555de915bb20)
00:00:17.734 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de9674790 (res 0x555de9165ff0)
00:00:17.735 [sway/input/cursor.c:835] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
00:00:17.841 [sway/input/cursor.c:835] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
00:00:17.849 [sway/input/cursor.c:835] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
00:00:17.850 [sway/input/cursor.c:835] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
00:00:17.850 [sway/input/cursor.c:835] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
00:00:17.866 [sway/input/cursor.c:835] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
00:00:17.873 [sway/input/cursor.c:835] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
00:00:17.880 [sway/input/cursor.c:835] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
00:00:17.881 [sway/input/cursor.c:835] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
00:00:17.886 [sway/ipc-server.c:334] Sending window::focus event
00:00:17.886 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x80000003 to client 85 queue: { "change": "focus", "container": { "id": 11, "name": "Create a new Gist - Chromium", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 1280, "height": 1410 }, "focused": true, "focus": [ ], "border": "pixel", "current_border_width": 3, "layout": "none", "orientation": "none", "percent": 0.5, "window_rect": { "x": 3, "y": 3, "width": 1274, "height": 1404 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2554, "height": 1404 }, "window": 10485761, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "con", "pid": 921, "app_id": null, "visible": true, "max_render_time": 0, "shell": "xwayland", "window_properties": { "class": "Chromium", "instance": "chromium", "title": "Create a new Gist - Chromium", "transient_for": null, "window_role": "browser", "window_type": "normal" } } }
00:00:17.886 [sway/desktop/transaction.c:411] Transaction 0x555de9165110 committing with 4 instructions
00:00:17.886 [sway/desktop/transaction.c:280] Applying transaction 0x555de9165110
00:00:17.886 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/incoming.c:413] XCB_XFIXES_SELECTION_NOTIFY (selection=290, owner=2097153)
00:00:17.886 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (492)
00:00:17.886 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 85 writable
00:00:17.887 [sway/ipc-server.c:220] Client 83 readable
00:00:17.887 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x4 to client 83 queue: { "id": 1, "name": "root", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 3 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483647, "name": "__i3", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 2147483646 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, 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00:00:17.887 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 83 writable
00:00:17.887 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (2097154)
00:00:17.888 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:366] XCB_SELECTION_REQUEST (time=32684 owner=2097153, requestor=10485761 selection=290, target=279, property=388)
00:00:17.888 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:25] SendEvent destination=10485761 SelectionNotify(31) time=32684 requestor=10485761 selection=290 target=279 property=388
00:00:17.888 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:366] XCB_SELECTION_REQUEST (time=32685 owner=2097153, requestor=10485761 selection=290, target=277, property=388)
00:00:17.888 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:302] Sending Wayland selection 277 to Xwayland window with MIME type text/plain, target 277
00:00:17.888 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:366] XCB_SELECTION_REQUEST (time=32685 owner=2097153, requestor=10485761 selection=290, target=254, property=388)
00:00:17.888 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:302] Sending Wayland selection 254 to Xwayland window with MIME type text/plain;charset=utf-8, target 254
00:00:17.888 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:366] XCB_SELECTION_REQUEST (time=32686 owner=2097153, requestor=10485761 selection=290, target=31, property=388)
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:302] Sending Wayland selection 31 to Xwayland window with MIME type STRING, target 31
00:00:17.889 [sway/input/cursor.c:835] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 43 bytes (available 65536, mask 0x1)
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:151] nothing happened, buffered the bytes
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 0 bytes (available 131029, mask 0x4)
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:132] non-incr transfer complete
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:25] SendEvent destination=10485761 SelectionNotify(31) time=32685 requestor=10485761 selection=290 target=277 property=388
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 43 bytes (available 65536, mask 0x5)
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:151] nothing happened, buffered the bytes
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:366] XCB_SELECTION_REQUEST (time=32686 owner=2097153, requestor=10485761 selection=290, target=277, property=388)
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:302] Sending Wayland selection 277 to Xwayland window with MIME type text/plain, target 277
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 0 bytes (available 131029, mask 0x4)
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:132] non-incr transfer complete
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:25] SendEvent destination=10485761 SelectionNotify(31) time=32685 requestor=10485761 selection=290 target=254 property=388
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 43 bytes (available 65536, mask 0x5)
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:151] nothing happened, buffered the bytes
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:366] XCB_SELECTION_REQUEST (time=32686 owner=2097153, requestor=10485761 selection=290, target=432, property=388)
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:302] Sending Wayland selection 432 to Xwayland window with MIME type COMPOUND_TEXT, target 432
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 0 bytes (available 131029, mask 0x4)
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:132] non-incr transfer complete
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:25] SendEvent destination=10485761 SelectionNotify(31) time=32686 requestor=10485761 selection=290 target=31 property=388
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 43 bytes (available 65536, mask 0x5)
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:151] nothing happened, buffered the bytes
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 0 bytes (available 131029, mask 0x4)
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:132] non-incr transfer complete
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:25] SendEvent destination=10485761 SelectionNotify(31) time=32686 requestor=10485761 selection=290 target=277 property=388
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 43 bytes (available 65536, mask 0x5)
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:151] nothing happened, buffered the bytes
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 0 bytes (available 131029, mask 0x4)
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:132] non-incr transfer complete
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:25] SendEvent destination=10485761 SelectionNotify(31) time=32686 requestor=10485761 selection=290 target=432 property=388
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 388 (_CHROMIUM_DRAG_RECEIVER) for window 10485761
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:366] XCB_SELECTION_REQUEST (time=32686 owner=2097153, requestor=10485761 selection=290, target=254, property=388)
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:302] Sending Wayland selection 254 to Xwayland window with MIME type text/plain;charset=utf-8, target 254
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:366] XCB_SELECTION_REQUEST (time=32686 owner=2097153, requestor=10485761 selection=290, target=420, property=388)
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:302] Sending Wayland selection 420 to Xwayland window with MIME type text/uri-list, target 420
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:366] XCB_SELECTION_REQUEST (time=32686 owner=2097153, requestor=10485761 selection=290, target=534, property=388)
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:302] Sending Wayland selection 534 to Xwayland window with MIME type x-special/gnome-icon-list, target 534
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 43 bytes (available 65536, mask 0x1)
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:151] nothing happened, buffered the bytes
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 0 bytes (available 131029, mask 0x4)
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:132] non-incr transfer complete
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:25] SendEvent destination=10485761 SelectionNotify(31) time=32686 requestor=10485761 selection=290 target=254 property=388
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 43 bytes (available 65536, mask 0x5)
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:151] nothing happened, buffered the bytes
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 0 bytes (available 131029, mask 0x4)
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:132] non-incr transfer complete
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:25] SendEvent destination=10485761 SelectionNotify(31) time=32686 requestor=10485761 selection=290 target=420 property=388
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 56 bytes (available 65536, mask 0x5)
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:151] nothing happened, buffered the bytes
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 0 bytes (available 131016, mask 0x4)
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:132] non-incr transfer complete
00:00:17.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:25] SendEvent destination=10485761 SelectionNotify(31) time=32686 requestor=10485761 selection=290 target=534 property=388
00:00:17.890 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.890 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.890 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:17.890 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 388 (_CHROMIUM_DRAG_RECEIVER) for window 10485761
00:00:17.890 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:17.890 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 388 (_CHROMIUM_DRAG_RECEIVER) for window 10485761
00:00:17.890 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.890 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.890 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:17.890 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 388 (_CHROMIUM_DRAG_RECEIVER) for window 10485761
00:00:17.891 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.891 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.892 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.892 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.893 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.893 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.894 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.894 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.895 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.895 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.896 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.896 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.897 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.897 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.898 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.898 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.899 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.899 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.900 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.900 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.901 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.901 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.902 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.902 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.903 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.903 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.904 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.904 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.905 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.905 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.906 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.906 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.907 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.907 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.908 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.908 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.909 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.909 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.910 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.910 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.911 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.911 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.912 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.912 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.913 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.913 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.914 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.914 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.915 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.915 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.916 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.916 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.917 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.917 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.918 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.918 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.919 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.919 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.920 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.920 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.921 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.921 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.922 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.922 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.923 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.923 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.924 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.924 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.925 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.925 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.926 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.926 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.927 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.927 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.928 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.928 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.929 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.929 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.930 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.930 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.931 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.931 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.932 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.932 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.933 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.933 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.934 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.934 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.935 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.935 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.936 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.936 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.937 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.937 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.938 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.938 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.939 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.939 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.940 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.940 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.941 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.941 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.942 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.942 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.943 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.943 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.944 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.944 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.945 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.945 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.946 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.946 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.947 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.947 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.948 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.948 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.949 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.949 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.950 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.950 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.951 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.951 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.952 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.952 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.953 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.953 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.954 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.954 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.955 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.955 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.956 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.956 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.957 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.957 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.958 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.958 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.959 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.959 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.960 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.960 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.961 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.961 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.962 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.962 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.963 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.963 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.964 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.964 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.965 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.965 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.966 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.966 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.967 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.967 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.968 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.968 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.969 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.969 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.970 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.970 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.971 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.971 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.972 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.972 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.973 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.973 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.974 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.974 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.975 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.975 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.976 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.976 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.977 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.977 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.978 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.978 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.979 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.979 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.980 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.980 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.981 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.981 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.982 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.982 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.983 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.983 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.984 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.984 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.985 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.985 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.986 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.986 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.987 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.987 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.988 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.988 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.989 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.989 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.990 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.990 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.991 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.991 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.992 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.992 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.993 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.993 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.994 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.994 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.995 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.995 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.996 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.996 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.997 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.997 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.998 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.998 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:17.999 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:17.999 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.000 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.000 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.001 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.001 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.002 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.002 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.003 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.003 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.004 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.004 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.005 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.005 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.006 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.006 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.007 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.007 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.008 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.008 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.009 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.009 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.011 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.011 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.013 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.013 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.014 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.014 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.015 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.015 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.017 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.017 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.018 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.018 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.019 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.019 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.020 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.020 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.021 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.021 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.022 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.022 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.023 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.023 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.024 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.024 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.025 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.025 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.026 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.026 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.027 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.027 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.028 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.028 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.030 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.030 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.030 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.030 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.031 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.031 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.032 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.032 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.033 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.033 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.034 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.034 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.035 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.035 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.036 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.036 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.037 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.037 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.038 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.038 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.039 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.039 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.040 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.040 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.041 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.041 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.042 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.042 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.043 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.043 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.044 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.044 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.045 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.045 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.046 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.046 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.047 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.047 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.048 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.048 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.049 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.049 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.050 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.050 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.051 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.051 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.052 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.052 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.053 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.053 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.054 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.054 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.055 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.055 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.056 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.056 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.057 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.057 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.058 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.058 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.059 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.059 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.060 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.060 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.061 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.061 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.062 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.062 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.063 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.063 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.064 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.064 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.065 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.065 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.066 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.066 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.067 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.067 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.068 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.068 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.069 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.069 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.070 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.070 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.071 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.071 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.072 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.072 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.073 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.073 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.074 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.074 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.075 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.075 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.076 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.076 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.077 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.077 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.078 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.078 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.079 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.079 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.080 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.080 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.081 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.081 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.082 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.082 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.083 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.083 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.084 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.084 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.085 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.085 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.086 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.086 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.087 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.087 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.088 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.088 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.089 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.089 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.090 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.090 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.091 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.091 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.092 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.092 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.093 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.093 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.094 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.094 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.095 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.095 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.096 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.096 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.097 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.097 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.098 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.098 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.099 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.099 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.100 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.100 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.101 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.101 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.102 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.102 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.103 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.103 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.104 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.104 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.105 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.105 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.106 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.106 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.107 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.107 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.108 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.108 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.109 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.109 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.110 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.110 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.111 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.111 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.112 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.112 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.113 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.113 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.114 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.114 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.115 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.115 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.116 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.116 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.117 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.117 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.118 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.118 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.119 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.119 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.120 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.120 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.121 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.121 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.122 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.122 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.123 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.123 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.124 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.124 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.125 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.125 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.126 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.126 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.127 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.127 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.128 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.128 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.129 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.129 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.130 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.130 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.131 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.131 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.132 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.132 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.133 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.133 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.134 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.134 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.135 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.135 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.136 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.136 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.137 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.137 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.138 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.138 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.139 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.139 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.140 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.140 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.141 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.141 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.142 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.142 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.143 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.143 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.144 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.144 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.145 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.145 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.146 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.146 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.147 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.147 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.148 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.148 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.149 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.149 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.150 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.150 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.151 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.151 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.152 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.152 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.153 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.153 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.154 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.154 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.155 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.155 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.156 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.156 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.158 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.158 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.162 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.162 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.165 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.165 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.173 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.173 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.179 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.179 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.181 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.181 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.184 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.184 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.185 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.185 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.186 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.186 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.188 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.188 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.189 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.189 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.190 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.190 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.191 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.191 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.192 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.192 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.193 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.193 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.194 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.194 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.196 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.196 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.197 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.197 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.198 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.198 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.199 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.199 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.200 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.200 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.201 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.201 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.202 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.202 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.203 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.203 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.204 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.204 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.205 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.205 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.206 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.206 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.207 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.207 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.208 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.208 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.209 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.209 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.210 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.210 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.211 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.211 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.212 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.212 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.213 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.213 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.214 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.214 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.215 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.215 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.216 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.216 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.217 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.217 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.218 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.218 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.219 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.219 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.220 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.220 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.221 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.221 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.222 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.222 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.223 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.223 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.224 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.224 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.225 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.225 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.226 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.226 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.227 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.227 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.228 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.228 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.229 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.229 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.230 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.230 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.231 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.231 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.232 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.232 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.233 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.233 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.234 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.234 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.235 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.235 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.236 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.236 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.237 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.237 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.238 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.238 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.239 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.239 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.240 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.240 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.241 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.241 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.242 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.242 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.243 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.243 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.244 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.244 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.245 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.245 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.246 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.246 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.247 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.247 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.248 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.248 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.249 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.249 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.250 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.250 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.251 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.251 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.252 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.252 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.253 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.253 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.254 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.254 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.255 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.255 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.256 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.256 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.257 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.257 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.258 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.258 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.259 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.259 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.260 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.260 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.261 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.261 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.262 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.262 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.263 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.263 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.264 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.264 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.265 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.265 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.266 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.266 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.267 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.267 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.268 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.268 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.269 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.269 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.270 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.270 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.271 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.271 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.272 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.272 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.273 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.273 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.274 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.274 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.275 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.275 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.276 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.276 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.277 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.277 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.278 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.278 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.279 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.279 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.280 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.280 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.281 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.281 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.282 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.282 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.284 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.284 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.286 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.286 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.287 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.287 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.290 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.290 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.292 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.292 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.294 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.294 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.305 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.305 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.309 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.309 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.317 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.317 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.319 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.319 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.321 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.321 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.323 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.323 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.323 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.323 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.326 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.327 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.327 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.327 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.329 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.329 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.330 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.330 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.331 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.331 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.332 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.332 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.333 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.333 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.335 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.335 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.335 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.336 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.336 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.336 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.337 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.337 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.338 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.338 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.339 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.339 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.341 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.341 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.342 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.342 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.342 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.342 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.343 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.343 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.344 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.344 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.345 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.346 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.347 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.347 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.348 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.348 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.348 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.348 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.349 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.349 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.350 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.350 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.351 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.351 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.353 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.353 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.353 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.353 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.354 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.354 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.355 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.355 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.356 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.356 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.357 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.357 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.359 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.359 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.359 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.360 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.360 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.360 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.361 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.361 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.362 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.362 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.363 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.363 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.365 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.365 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.366 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.366 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.366 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.366 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.367 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.367 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.368 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.368 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.369 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.369 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.372 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.372 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.373 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.373 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.373 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.373 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.373 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.373 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.374 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.374 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.375 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.375 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.377 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.377 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.378 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.378 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.378 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.378 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.379 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.379 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.380 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.380 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.381 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.381 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.382 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.382 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.384 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.384 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.385 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.385 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.386 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.386 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.387 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.387 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.388 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.388 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.389 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.389 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.390 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.390 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.391 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.391 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.392 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.392 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.393 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.393 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.394 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.394 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.395 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.395 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.397 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.397 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.398 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.398 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.399 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.399 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.400 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.400 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.401 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.401 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.402 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.402 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.403 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.403 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.405 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.405 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.406 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.406 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.407 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.407 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.408 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.408 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.414 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.414 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.416 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.416 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.447 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.448 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.451 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.451 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.453 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.453 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.456 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.456 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.456 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.457 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.457 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.457 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.458 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.458 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.460 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.460 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.462 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.462 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.463 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.463 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.463 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.463 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.464 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.464 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.465 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.465 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.466 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.466 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.468 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.468 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.469 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.469 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.469 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.469 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.470 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.470 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.471 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.471 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.472 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.472 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.474 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.474 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.475 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.475 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.475 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.475 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.476 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.476 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.477 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.477 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.479 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.479 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.480 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.480 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.481 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.481 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.481 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.482 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.482 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.482 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.483 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.483 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.484 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
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00:00:18.486 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
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00:00:18.487 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.487 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.488 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.488 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.488 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.488 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.489 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.489 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.490 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.490 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.491 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.491 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.493 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.493 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.493 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.493 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.494 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.494 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.495 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.495 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.496 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.496 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.497 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.497 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.498 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.498 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.499 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.499 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.500 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.500 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.501 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.501 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.502 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.502 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.503 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.503 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.504 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.504 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.505 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.505 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.506 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.506 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.507 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.507 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.508 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.508 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.509 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.509 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.510 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.510 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.511 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.511 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.512 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.512 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.513 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.513 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.514 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.514 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.515 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.515 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.516 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.516 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.517 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.517 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.519 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.519 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.521 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.521 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.522 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.522 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.524 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.524 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.527 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.527 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.529 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.529 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.530 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.530 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.531 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.531 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.537 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.537 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.544 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.544 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.551 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.551 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.560 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.560 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.560 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.561 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.562 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.562 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.567 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.567 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.568 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.568 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.571 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.571 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.571 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.572 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.572 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.572 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.574 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.574 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.575 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.575 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.576 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.576 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.577 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.577 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.578 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.578 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.579 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.579 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.580 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.580 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.581 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.581 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.582 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.582 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.583 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.583 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.584 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.584 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.585 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.585 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.586 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.586 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.587 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.587 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.588 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.588 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.590 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.590 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.590 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.590 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.591 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.591 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.592 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.592 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.593 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.593 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.596 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.596 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.597 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.597 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.597 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.597 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.599 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.599 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.599 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.600 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.600 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.600 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.600 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.600 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.602 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.602 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.603 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.603 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.603 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.603 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.604 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.604 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.605 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.605 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.606 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.606 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.608 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.608 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.608 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.608 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.609 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.609 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.610 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.610 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.611 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.611 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.612 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.612 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.613 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.613 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.614 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.614 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.615 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.615 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.616 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.616 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.617 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.617 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.618 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.618 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.619 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.619 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.620 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.620 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.621 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.621 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.622 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.622 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.623 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.623 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.625 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.625 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.626 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.626 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.628 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.629 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.629 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.629 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.630 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.630 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.632 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.632 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.633 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.633 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.634 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.634 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.635 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.635 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.636 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.636 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.638 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.638 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.641 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.641 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.644 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.644 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.652 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.652 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.674 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.674 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.676 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.677 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.681 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.682 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.682 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.682 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.683 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.683 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.686 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.686 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.687 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.687 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.687 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.687 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.689 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.689 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.690 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.690 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.691 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.691 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.693 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.693 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.693 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.693 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.694 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.694 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.695 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.695 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.696 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.696 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.697 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.697 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.699 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.699 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.700 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.700 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.700 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.700 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.701 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.701 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.702 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.702 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.704 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.704 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.705 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.705 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.706 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.706 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.706 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.706 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.707 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.707 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.708 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.708 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.709 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.709 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.711 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.711 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.711 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.711 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.712 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.712 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.713 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.713 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.714 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.714 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.715 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.715 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.717 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.717 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.717 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.717 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.718 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.718 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.719 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.719 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.720 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.720 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.721 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.721 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.723 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.723 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.723 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.723 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.724 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.724 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.725 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.725 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.726 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.726 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.727 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.727 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.729 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.729 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.729 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.729 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.730 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.730 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.731 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.731 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.732 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.732 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.733 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.733 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.735 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.735 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.735 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.735 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.736 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.736 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.737 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.737 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.738 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.738 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.741 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.741 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.741 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.741 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.744 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.744 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.746 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.747 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.748 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.748 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.750 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.750 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.755 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.755 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.757 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.757 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.765 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.765 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.771 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.771 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.779 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.779 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.789 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.789 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.793 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.793 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.801 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.801 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.802 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.802 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.803 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.803 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.807 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.807 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.808 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.809 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.809 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.809 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.810 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.810 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.812 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.812 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.814 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.814 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.815 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.815 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.816 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.816 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.819 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.819 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.820 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.820 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.820 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.820 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.821 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.821 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.822 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.822 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.823 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.823 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.826 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.826 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.827 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.827 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.827 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.827 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.828 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.828 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.829 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.829 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.830 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.830 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.832 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.832 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.833 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.833 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.833 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.833 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.834 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.834 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.835 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.835 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.836 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.836 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.837 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.837 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.838 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.838 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.839 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.839 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.842 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.842 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.842 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.842 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.843 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.844 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.844 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.844 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.845 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.845 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.846 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.846 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.847 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.847 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.848 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.848 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.850 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.850 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.850 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.850 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.851 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.851 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.852 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.852 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.853 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.854 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.854 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.855 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.856 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.856 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.857 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.857 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.857 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.857 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.858 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.858 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.859 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.859 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.860 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.860 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.862 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.862 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.863 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.863 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.864 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.864 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.865 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.865 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.866 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.866 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.868 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.868 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.869 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.869 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.869 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.869 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.871 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.872 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.872 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.872 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.875 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.875 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.877 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.877 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.880 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.880 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.881 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.881 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.882 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.882 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.886 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.886 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.889 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.953 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.953 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.966 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.966 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.975 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.975 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.979 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.979 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.983 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.983 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.986 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.986 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.990 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.990 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.992 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.993 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.995 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.995 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.997 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.997 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:18.999 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:18.999 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.001 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.001 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.002 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.002 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.004 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.004 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.006 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.006 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.008 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.009 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.009 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.009 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.010 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.010 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.011 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.011 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.014 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.014 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.014 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.014 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.015 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.015 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.017 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.018 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.018 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.018 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.020 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.020 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.021 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.021 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.023 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.023 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.024 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.025 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.026 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.026 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.026 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.027 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.027 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.027 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.028 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.028 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.029 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.029 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.030 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.030 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.032 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.032 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.032 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.032 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.033 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.033 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.034 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.034 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.035 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.035 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.036 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.036 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.038 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.038 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.038 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.038 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.039 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.039 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.040 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.040 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.041 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.041 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.042 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.042 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.044 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.044 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.044 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.044 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.045 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.045 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.046 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.046 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.047 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.047 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.048 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.048 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.050 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
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00:00:19.050 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.050 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.051 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.051 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.052 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.052 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.053 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.053 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.054 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.054 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.056 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.056 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.056 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.056 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.057 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.057 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.058 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.058 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.059 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.059 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.060 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.060 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.062 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.062 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.063 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.063 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.064 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.064 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.065 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.065 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.066 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.066 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.068 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.068 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.069 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.069 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.069 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.069 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.070 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.070 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.071 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.071 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.074 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.074 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.075 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.075 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.076 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.076 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.077 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.077 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.078 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.078 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.081 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.081 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.081 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.082 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.082 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.082 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.083 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.083 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.086 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.086 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.087 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.087 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.088 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.088 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.090 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.090 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.091 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.091 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.093 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.093 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.094 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.094 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.095 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.095 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.096 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.096 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.098 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.098 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.099 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.099 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.101 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.101 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.102 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.102 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.103 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.103 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.104 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.104 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.105 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.105 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.107 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.107 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.108 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.108 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.109 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.109 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.110 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.110 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.111 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.111 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.112 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.112 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.114 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.114 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.116 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.116 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.117 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.117 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.118 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.118 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.119 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.119 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.120 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.120 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.121 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.121 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.122 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.122 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.123 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.123 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.124 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.124 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.125 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.125 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.126 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.126 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.127 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.127 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.128 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.128 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.129 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.129 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.130 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.130 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.131 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.131 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.132 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.132 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.133 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.133 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.134 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.135 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.135 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.135 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.136 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.136 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.137 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.137 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.138 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.138 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.139 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.139 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.141 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.141 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.143 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.143 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.144 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.144 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.145 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.145 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.146 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.146 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.148 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.148 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.150 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.150 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.153 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.153 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.154 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.154 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.155 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.155 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.156 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.156 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.157 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.157 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.159 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.159 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.160 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.160 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.161 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.161 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.162 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.162 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.163 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.163 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.165 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.165 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.166 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.166 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.167 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.168 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.171 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.172 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.172 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.172 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.174 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.174 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.175 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.175 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.177 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.177 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.178 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.178 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.179 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.179 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.182 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.182 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.184 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.184 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.185 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.185 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.187 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.187 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.189 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.189 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.190 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.190 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.192 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.192 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.195 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.195 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.196 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.196 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.199 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.199 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.201 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.201 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.202 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.202 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.203 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.203 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.204 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.204 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.206 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.206 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.210 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.210 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.210 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.210 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.214 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.214 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.215 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.215 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.217 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.217 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.220 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.220 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.221 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.221 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.224 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.224 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.228 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.228 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.230 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.230 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.233 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.233 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.233 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.233 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.237 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.237 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.240 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.240 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.289 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.289 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.290 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.290 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.293 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.293 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.295 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.295 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.298 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.298 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.299 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.299 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.299 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.299 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.300 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.300 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.301 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.301 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.304 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.304 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.305 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.305 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.305 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.305 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.306 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.306 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.308 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.308 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.308 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.308 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.309 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.309 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.311 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.311 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.311 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.311 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.312 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.312 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.313 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.313 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.314 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.314 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.315 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.315 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.317 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.317 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.318 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.318 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.318 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.318 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.319 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.319 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.320 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.320 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.321 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.321 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.323 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.323 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.323 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.323 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.324 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.324 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.325 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.325 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.326 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.326 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.328 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.328 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.329 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.329 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.329 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.329 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.330 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.330 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.331 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.331 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.332 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.332 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.333 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.333 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.335 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.335 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.336 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.336 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.336 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.336 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.337 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.337 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.338 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.339 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.339 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.339 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.341 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.341 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.342 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.342 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.342 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.342 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.343 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.343 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.344 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.344 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.345 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.346 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.347 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.347 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.347 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.347 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.348 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.348 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.349 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.349 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.350 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.350 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.351 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.351 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.353 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.353 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.353 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.353 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.354 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.354 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.355 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.355 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.356 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.356 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.357 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.357 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.359 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.359 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.359 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.359 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.360 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.360 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.361 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.361 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.362 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.362 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.363 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.363 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.364 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.364 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.365 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.365 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.366 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.366 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.367 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.367 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.368 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.368 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.369 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.369 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.370 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.370 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.371 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.371 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.372 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.372 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.373 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.373 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.374 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.374 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.375 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.375 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.376 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.376 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.377 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.377 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.378 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.378 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.379 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.379 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.380 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.380 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.381 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.381 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.382 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.382 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.383 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.383 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.384 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.384 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.385 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.385 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.386 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.386 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.387 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.387 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.388 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.388 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.389 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.389 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.390 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.390 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.391 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.391 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.392 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.392 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.393 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.393 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.394 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.394 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.395 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.395 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.396 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.396 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.397 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.397 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.398 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.398 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.399 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.399 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.400 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.400 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.401 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.401 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.402 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.402 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.403 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.403 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.404 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.404 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.405 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.405 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.406 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.406 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.407 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.407 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.408 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.408 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.409 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.409 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.410 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.410 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.411 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.411 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.412 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.412 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.413 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.413 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.414 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.414 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.415 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.415 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.416 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.416 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.417 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.417 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.418 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.418 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.419 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.419 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.420 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.420 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.421 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.421 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.422 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.422 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.423 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.423 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.424 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.424 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.425 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.425 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.426 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.426 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.427 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.427 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.428 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.428 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.429 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.429 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.430 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.430 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.432 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.432 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.432 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.432 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.433 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.433 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.434 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.434 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.435 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.435 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.436 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.436 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.438 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.438 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.438 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.438 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.439 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.439 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.440 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.440 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.441 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.441 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.443 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.443 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.444 [sway/input/cursor.c:835] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
00:00:19.444 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.444 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.444 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.444 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.445 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.445 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.446 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.446 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.447 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.447 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.447 [sway/input/cursor.c:835] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
00:00:19.448 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.448 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.449 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.449 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.450 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.450 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.451 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.451 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.452 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:829] XCB_CREATE_NOTIFY (10485789)
00:00:19.452 [sway/desktop/xwayland.c:609] New xwayland unmanaged surface
00:00:19.452 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485789)
00:00:19.453 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 313 (_NET_WM_ICON) for window 10485789
00:00:19.453 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485789)
00:00:19.453 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:650] MOTIF_WM_HINTS (5)
00:00:19.453 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485789)
00:00:19.454 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 291 (XdndAware) for window 10485789
00:00:19.454 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485789)
00:00:19.454 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:606] WM_NORMAL_HINTS (18)
00:00:19.454 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485789)
00:00:19.454 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 322 (_NET_WM_USER_TIME) for window 10485789
00:00:19.454 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485789)
00:00:19.454 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:941] XCB_MAP_NOTIFY (10485789)
00:00:19.454 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (10485789)
00:00:19.454 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.454 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.454 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.454 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.454 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de965d4f0 (res 0x555de9637dc0)
00:00:19.454 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1388] New xwayland surface: 0x555de965d4f0
00:00:19.454 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:524] WM_PROTOCOLS (3)
00:00:19.454 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:606] WM_NORMAL_HINTS (18)
00:00:19.454 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:650] MOTIF_WM_HINTS (5)
00:00:19.454 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:501] NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE (1)
00:00:19.454 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:478] NET_WM_PID 921
00:00:19.454 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (492)
00:00:19.455 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.455 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.455 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.455 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.456 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.456 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.457 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.457 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.458 [sway/input/cursor.c:835] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
00:00:19.458 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:955] XCB_UNMAP_NOTIFY (10485789)
00:00:19.458 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:955] XCB_UNMAP_NOTIFY (10485789)
00:00:19.458 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (492)
00:00:19.458 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485789)
00:00:19.458 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 271 (WM_STATE) for window 10485789
00:00:19.458 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485789)
00:00:19.458 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 271 (WM_STATE) for window 10485789
00:00:19.459 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:843] XCB_DESTROY_NOTIFY (10485789)
00:00:19.745 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (2097154)
00:00:19.745 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:366] XCB_SELECTION_REQUEST (time=34541 owner=2097153, requestor=10485761 selection=290, target=279, property=388)
00:00:19.745 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:25] SendEvent destination=10485761 SelectionNotify(31) time=34541 requestor=10485761 selection=290 target=279 property=388
00:00:19.745 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:366] XCB_SELECTION_REQUEST (time=34542 owner=2097153, requestor=10485761 selection=290, target=277, property=388)
00:00:19.745 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:302] Sending Wayland selection 277 to Xwayland window with MIME type text/plain, target 277
00:00:19.746 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 43 bytes (available 65536, mask 0x1)
00:00:19.746 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:151] nothing happened, buffered the bytes
00:00:19.746 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:366] XCB_SELECTION_REQUEST (time=34542 owner=2097153, requestor=10485761 selection=290, target=254, property=388)
00:00:19.746 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:302] Sending Wayland selection 254 to Xwayland window with MIME type text/plain;charset=utf-8, target 254
00:00:19.746 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 0 bytes (available 131029, mask 0x4)
00:00:19.746 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:132] non-incr transfer complete
00:00:19.746 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:25] SendEvent destination=10485761 SelectionNotify(31) time=34542 requestor=10485761 selection=290 target=277 property=388
00:00:19.747 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:366] XCB_SELECTION_REQUEST (time=34542 owner=2097153, requestor=10485761 selection=290, target=31, property=388)
00:00:19.747 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:302] Sending Wayland selection 31 to Xwayland window with MIME type STRING, target 31
00:00:19.747 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:366] XCB_SELECTION_REQUEST (time=34543 owner=2097153, requestor=10485761 selection=290, target=277, property=388)
00:00:19.747 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:302] Sending Wayland selection 277 to Xwayland window with MIME type text/plain, target 277
00:00:19.747 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 43 bytes (available 65536, mask 0x5)
00:00:19.747 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:151] nothing happened, buffered the bytes
00:00:19.747 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 0 bytes (available 131029, mask 0x4)
00:00:19.747 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:132] non-incr transfer complete
00:00:19.747 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:25] SendEvent destination=10485761 SelectionNotify(31) time=34542 requestor=10485761 selection=290 target=254 property=388
00:00:19.747 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:366] XCB_SELECTION_REQUEST (time=34544 owner=2097153, requestor=10485761 selection=290, target=432, property=388)
00:00:19.747 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:302] Sending Wayland selection 432 to Xwayland window with MIME type COMPOUND_TEXT, target 432
00:00:19.747 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 43 bytes (available 65536, mask 0x5)
00:00:19.747 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:151] nothing happened, buffered the bytes
00:00:19.747 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 0 bytes (available 131029, mask 0x4)
00:00:19.747 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:132] non-incr transfer complete
00:00:19.747 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:25] SendEvent destination=10485761 SelectionNotify(31) time=34542 requestor=10485761 selection=290 target=31 property=388
00:00:19.747 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:366] XCB_SELECTION_REQUEST (time=34544 owner=2097153, requestor=10485761 selection=290, target=254, property=388)
00:00:19.747 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:302] Sending Wayland selection 254 to Xwayland window with MIME type text/plain;charset=utf-8, target 254
00:00:19.747 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 43 bytes (available 65536, mask 0x5)
00:00:19.747 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:151] nothing happened, buffered the bytes
00:00:19.747 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:366] XCB_SELECTION_REQUEST (time=34544 owner=2097153, requestor=10485761 selection=290, target=420, property=388)
00:00:19.748 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:302] Sending Wayland selection 420 to Xwayland window with MIME type text/uri-list, target 420
00:00:19.748 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 0 bytes (available 131029, mask 0x4)
00:00:19.748 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:132] non-incr transfer complete
00:00:19.748 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:25] SendEvent destination=10485761 SelectionNotify(31) time=34543 requestor=10485761 selection=290 target=277 property=388
00:00:19.748 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 43 bytes (available 65536, mask 0x5)
00:00:19.748 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:151] nothing happened, buffered the bytes
00:00:19.748 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 0 bytes (available 131029, mask 0x4)
00:00:19.748 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:132] non-incr transfer complete
00:00:19.748 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:25] SendEvent destination=10485761 SelectionNotify(31) time=34544 requestor=10485761 selection=290 target=432 property=388
00:00:19.748 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:366] XCB_SELECTION_REQUEST (time=34544 owner=2097153, requestor=10485761 selection=290, target=534, property=388)
00:00:19.748 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:302] Sending Wayland selection 534 to Xwayland window with MIME type x-special/gnome-icon-list, target 534
00:00:19.748 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 43 bytes (available 65536, mask 0x5)
00:00:19.748 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:151] nothing happened, buffered the bytes
00:00:19.748 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 0 bytes (available 131029, mask 0x4)
00:00:19.748 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:132] non-incr transfer complete
00:00:19.748 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:25] SendEvent destination=10485761 SelectionNotify(31) time=34544 requestor=10485761 selection=290 target=254 property=388
00:00:19.748 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 43 bytes (available 65536, mask 0x5)
00:00:19.748 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:151] nothing happened, buffered the bytes
00:00:19.748 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 0 bytes (available 131029, mask 0x4)
00:00:19.748 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:132] non-incr transfer complete
00:00:19.748 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:25] SendEvent destination=10485761 SelectionNotify(31) time=34544 requestor=10485761 selection=290 target=420 property=388
00:00:19.748 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 56 bytes (available 65536, mask 0x5)
00:00:19.748 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:151] nothing happened, buffered the bytes
00:00:19.748 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 0 bytes (available 131016, mask 0x4)
00:00:19.749 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:132] non-incr transfer complete
00:00:19.749 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:25] SendEvent destination=10485761 SelectionNotify(31) time=34544 requestor=10485761 selection=290 target=534 property=388
00:00:19.749 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:19.749 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 388 (_CHROMIUM_DRAG_RECEIVER) for window 10485761
00:00:19.749 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:829] XCB_CREATE_NOTIFY (10485792)
00:00:19.750 [sway/desktop/xwayland.c:609] New xwayland unmanaged surface
00:00:19.750 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485792)
00:00:19.750 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 397 (_NET_WM_BYPASS_COMPOSITOR) for window 10485792
00:00:19.751 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485792)
00:00:19.751 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 313 (_NET_WM_ICON) for window 10485792
00:00:19.752 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485792)
00:00:19.752 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:650] MOTIF_WM_HINTS (5)
00:00:19.752 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485792)
00:00:19.753 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 291 (XdndAware) for window 10485792
00:00:19.753 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485792)
00:00:19.754 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:606] WM_NORMAL_HINTS (18)
00:00:19.754 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485792)
00:00:19.754 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 322 (_NET_WM_USER_TIME) for window 10485792
00:00:19.754 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485792)
00:00:19.754 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:941] XCB_MAP_NOTIFY (10485792)
00:00:19.754 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (10485792)
00:00:19.754 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.754 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.754 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.754 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.754 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:19.754 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 388 (_CHROMIUM_DRAG_RECEIVER) for window 10485761
00:00:19.754 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.754 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.754 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.754 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.754 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.754 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.755 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de965d6e0 (res 0x555de9629120)
00:00:19.755 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1388] New xwayland surface: 0x555de965d6e0
00:00:19.755 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:524] WM_PROTOCOLS (3)
00:00:19.755 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:606] WM_NORMAL_HINTS (18)
00:00:19.755 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:650] MOTIF_WM_HINTS (5)
00:00:19.756 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:501] NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE (1)
00:00:19.756 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:478] NET_WM_PID 921
00:00:19.756 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.756 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.756 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.756 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.756 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.756 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.757 [sway/input/cursor.c:835] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
00:00:19.756 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (492)
00:00:19.757 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.757 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.757 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.757 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.758 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.758 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.759 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:955] XCB_UNMAP_NOTIFY (10485792)
00:00:19.759 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:955] XCB_UNMAP_NOTIFY (10485792)
00:00:19.759 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.759 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.759 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (492)
00:00:19.759 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485792)
00:00:19.759 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 271 (WM_STATE) for window 10485792
00:00:19.759 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485792)
00:00:19.760 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 271 (WM_STATE) for window 10485792
00:00:19.761 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:843] XCB_DESTROY_NOTIFY (10485792)
00:00:19.761 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.761 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.762 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.762 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.762 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.762 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.762 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.762 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.765 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.765 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.765 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.765 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.766 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.766 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.768 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.768 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.768 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.768 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.770 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.770 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.771 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.771 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.773 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.773 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.773 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.773 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.774 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.774 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.774 [sway/input/cursor.c:835] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
00:00:19.774 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.775 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.777 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.777 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.778 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.778 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.778 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.778 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.779 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.779 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.780 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.780 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.781 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.781 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.783 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.783 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.785 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.785 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.786 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.786 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.787 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.787 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.788 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.788 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.790 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.790 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.791 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.791 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.792 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.792 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.795 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.795 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.796 [sway/input/cursor.c:835] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
00:00:19.796 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.797 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.799 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.799 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.801 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.801 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.804 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.805 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.806 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.806 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.870 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.870 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.925 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.925 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.929 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.929 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.932 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.932 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.935 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.935 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.938 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.938 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.941 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.941 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.943 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.944 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.947 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.947 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.948 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.948 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.948 [sway/input/cursor.c:835] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
00:00:19.948 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.948 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.950 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.950 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.951 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.951 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.953 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.953 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.955 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.955 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.955 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.955 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.956 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.957 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.959 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.959 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.960 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.960 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.962 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.962 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.963 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.964 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.965 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.965 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.966 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.966 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.969 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.969 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.971 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.971 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.972 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.972 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.972 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.972 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.974 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.975 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.975 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.975 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.977 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.977 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.980 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.980 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.981 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.981 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.982 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.982 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.985 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.985 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.987 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.987 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=0 action=0
00:00:19.987 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.987 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.988 [sway/input/cursor.c:835] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
00:00:19.990 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.990 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.992 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.992 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.993 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.993 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.996 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.996 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:19.999 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:19.999 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.000 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.000 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.003 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.003 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.003 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.003 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.005 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.005 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.008 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.008 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.009 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.009 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.010 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.010 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.013 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.013 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.015 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.015 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.018 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.018 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.019 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.019 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.021 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.021 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.024 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.024 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.024 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.024 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.026 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.026 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.029 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.029 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.031 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.031 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.033 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.033 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.033 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.033 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.035 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.035 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.037 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.037 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.038 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.038 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.039 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.039 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.041 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.042 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.044 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:829] XCB_CREATE_NOTIFY (10485795)
00:00:20.045 [sway/desktop/xwayland.c:609] New xwayland unmanaged surface
00:00:20.044 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485795)
00:00:20.044 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 397 (_NET_WM_BYPASS_COMPOSITOR) for window 10485795
00:00:20.046 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485795)
00:00:20.046 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 313 (_NET_WM_ICON) for window 10485795
00:00:20.046 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485795)
00:00:20.047 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:650] MOTIF_WM_HINTS (5)
00:00:20.047 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485795)
00:00:20.048 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 291 (XdndAware) for window 10485795
00:00:20.048 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485795)
00:00:20.048 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:606] WM_NORMAL_HINTS (18)
00:00:20.048 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485795)
00:00:20.049 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 322 (_NET_WM_USER_TIME) for window 10485795
00:00:20.049 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485795)
00:00:20.049 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:941] XCB_MAP_NOTIFY (10485795)
00:00:20.049 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (10485795)
00:00:20.049 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.049 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.049 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.049 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.049 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de965d6e0 (res 0x555de9636810)
00:00:20.049 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1388] New xwayland surface: 0x555de965d6e0
00:00:20.049 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:524] WM_PROTOCOLS (3)
00:00:20.049 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:606] WM_NORMAL_HINTS (18)
00:00:20.050 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:650] MOTIF_WM_HINTS (5)
00:00:20.050 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:501] NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE (1)
00:00:20.050 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:478] NET_WM_PID 921
00:00:20.051 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.051 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.051 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (492)
00:00:20.052 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.052 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.053 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.053 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.054 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.054 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.056 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.056 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.056 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.056 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.058 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.058 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.060 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.060 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.062 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.062 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.065 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.065 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.067 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.067 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.068 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.069 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.070 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.070 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.072 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.072 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.074 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.074 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.076 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.076 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.077 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.077 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.078 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.078 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.080 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.081 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.083 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.083 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.084 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.084 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.086 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.086 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.087 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.087 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.089 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.089 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.091 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.091 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.094 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.094 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.098 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:20.098 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:20.100 [sway/input/cursor.c:835] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
00:00:20.100 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:955] XCB_UNMAP_NOTIFY (10485795)
00:00:20.101 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:955] XCB_UNMAP_NOTIFY (10485795)
00:00:20.101 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (492)
00:00:20.101 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485795)
00:00:20.101 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 271 (WM_STATE) for window 10485795
00:00:20.101 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485795)
00:00:20.101 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 271 (WM_STATE) for window 10485795
00:00:20.103 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:843] XCB_DESTROY_NOTIFY (10485795)
00:00:20.874 [ERROR] [backend/drm/atomic.c:177] setting gamma LUT 1024
00:00:21.202 [sway/ipc-server.c:334] Sending window::focus event
00:00:21.202 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x80000003 to client 85 queue: { "change": "focus", "container": { "id": 17, "name": "backup", "rect": { "x": 1280, "y": 30, "width": 1280, "height": 1410 }, "focused": true, "focus": [ ], "border": "pixel", "current_border_width": 3, "layout": "none", "orientation": "none", "percent": 0.5, "window_rect": { "x": 3, "y": 3, "width": 1274, "height": 1404 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 1104, "height": 811 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "con", "pid": 2265, "app_id": "org.gnome.Nautilus", "visible": true, "max_render_time": 0, "shell": "xdg_shell" } }
00:00:21.202 [sway/desktop/transaction.c:411] Transaction 0x555de8f6e880 committing with 4 instructions
00:00:21.202 [sway/desktop/transaction.c:280] Applying transaction 0x555de8f6e880
00:00:21.202 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (492)
00:00:21.202 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1304] unhandled X11 event: FocusOut (10)
00:00:21.202 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 85 writable
00:00:21.202 [sway/ipc-server.c:220] Client 83 readable
00:00:21.204 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x4 to client 83 queue: { "id": 1, "name": "root", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 3 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483647, "name": "__i3", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 2147483646 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, 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00:00:21.204 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 83 writable
00:00:21.244 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de9653290 (res 0x555de9163650)
00:00:21.244 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de8ff9790 (res 0x555de915f010)
00:00:21.244 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de9653290 (res 0x555de9163650)
00:00:21.244 [DEBUG] [types/wlr_surface.c:615] New wlr_surface 0x555de8ff9790 (res 0x555de915f010)
00:00:21.262 [sway/input/cursor.c:835] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
00:00:21.263 [sway/input/cursor.c:835] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
00:00:21.263 [sway/input/cursor.c:835] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
00:00:21.314 [sway/ipc-server.c:334] Sending window::focus event
00:00:21.314 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x80000003 to client 85 queue: { "change": "focus", "container": { "id": 11, "name": "Create a new Gist - Chromium", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 1280, "height": 1410 }, "focused": true, "focus": [ ], "border": "pixel", "current_border_width": 3, "layout": "none", "orientation": "none", "percent": 0.5, "window_rect": { "x": 3, "y": 3, "width": 1274, "height": 1404 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2554, "height": 1404 }, "window": 10485761, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ ], "floating_nodes": [ ], "sticky": false, "type": "con", "pid": 921, "app_id": null, "visible": true, "max_render_time": 0, "shell": "xwayland", "window_properties": { "class": "Chromium", "instance": "chromium", "title": "Create a new Gist - Chromium", "transient_for": null, "window_role": "browser", "window_type": "normal" } } }
00:00:21.314 [sway/desktop/transaction.c:411] Transaction 0x555de9161170 committing with 4 instructions
00:00:21.314 [sway/desktop/transaction.c:280] Applying transaction 0x555de9161170
00:00:21.314 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (492)
00:00:21.314 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (2097154)
00:00:21.314 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 85 writable
00:00:21.314 [sway/ipc-server.c:220] Client 83 readable
00:00:21.314 [sway/ipc-server.c:951] Added IPC reply of type 0x4 to client 83 queue: { "id": 1, "name": "root", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 3 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "splith", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "window": null, "urgent": false, "marks": [ ], "fullscreen_mode": 0, "nodes": [ { "id": 2147483647, "name": "__i3", "rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1440 }, "focused": false, "focus": [ 2147483646 ], "border": "none", "current_border_width": 0, "layout": "output", "orientation": "horizontal", "percent": null, "window_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "deco_rect": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, "geometry": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0 }, 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00:00:21.314 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:366] XCB_SELECTION_REQUEST (time=36110 owner=2097153, requestor=10485761 selection=290, target=279, property=388)
00:00:21.314 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:25] SendEvent destination=10485761 SelectionNotify(31) time=36110 requestor=10485761 selection=290 target=279 property=388
00:00:21.314 [sway/ipc-server.c:537] Client 83 writable
00:00:21.316 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:366] XCB_SELECTION_REQUEST (time=36110 owner=2097153, requestor=10485761 selection=290, target=277, property=388)
00:00:21.316 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:302] Sending Wayland selection 277 to Xwayland window with MIME type text/plain, target 277
00:00:21.316 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:366] XCB_SELECTION_REQUEST (time=36111 owner=2097153, requestor=10485761 selection=290, target=254, property=388)
00:00:21.316 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:302] Sending Wayland selection 254 to Xwayland window with MIME type text/plain;charset=utf-8, target 254
00:00:21.316 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:366] XCB_SELECTION_REQUEST (time=36112 owner=2097153, requestor=10485761 selection=290, target=31, property=388)
00:00:21.316 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:302] Sending Wayland selection 31 to Xwayland window with MIME type STRING, target 31
00:00:21.316 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:366] XCB_SELECTION_REQUEST (time=36113 owner=2097153, requestor=10485761 selection=290, target=277, property=388)
00:00:21.316 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:302] Sending Wayland selection 277 to Xwayland window with MIME type text/plain, target 277
00:00:21.317 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:366] XCB_SELECTION_REQUEST (time=36114 owner=2097153, requestor=10485761 selection=290, target=432, property=388)
00:00:21.317 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:302] Sending Wayland selection 432 to Xwayland window with MIME type COMPOUND_TEXT, target 432
00:00:21.319 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 43 bytes (available 65536, mask 0x1)
00:00:21.319 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:151] nothing happened, buffered the bytes
00:00:21.319 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 0 bytes (available 131029, mask 0x4)
00:00:21.319 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:132] non-incr transfer complete
00:00:21.319 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:25] SendEvent destination=10485761 SelectionNotify(31) time=36110 requestor=10485761 selection=290 target=277 property=388
00:00:21.319 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:366] XCB_SELECTION_REQUEST (time=36115 owner=2097153, requestor=10485761 selection=290, target=254, property=388)
00:00:21.319 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:302] Sending Wayland selection 254 to Xwayland window with MIME type text/plain;charset=utf-8, target 254
00:00:21.319 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 43 bytes (available 65536, mask 0x5)
00:00:21.319 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:151] nothing happened, buffered the bytes
00:00:21.319 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:366] XCB_SELECTION_REQUEST (time=36115 owner=2097153, requestor=10485761 selection=290, target=420, property=388)
00:00:21.319 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:302] Sending Wayland selection 420 to Xwayland window with MIME type text/uri-list, target 420
00:00:21.319 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 0 bytes (available 131029, mask 0x4)
00:00:21.319 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:132] non-incr transfer complete
00:00:21.319 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:25] SendEvent destination=10485761 SelectionNotify(31) time=36111 requestor=10485761 selection=290 target=254 property=388
00:00:21.319 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:366] XCB_SELECTION_REQUEST (time=36115 owner=2097153, requestor=10485761 selection=290, target=534, property=388)
00:00:21.319 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:302] Sending Wayland selection 534 to Xwayland window with MIME type x-special/gnome-icon-list, target 534
00:00:21.319 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 43 bytes (available 65536, mask 0x5)
00:00:21.319 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:151] nothing happened, buffered the bytes
00:00:21.319 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 0 bytes (available 131029, mask 0x4)
00:00:21.319 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:132] non-incr transfer complete
00:00:21.319 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:25] SendEvent destination=10485761 SelectionNotify(31) time=36112 requestor=10485761 selection=290 target=31 property=388
00:00:21.319 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.319 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.319 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.319 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.320 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 43 bytes (available 65536, mask 0x1)
00:00:21.320 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:151] nothing happened, buffered the bytes
00:00:21.320 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.320 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.320 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 0 bytes (available 131029, mask 0x4)
00:00:21.320 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:132] non-incr transfer complete
00:00:21.320 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:25] SendEvent destination=10485761 SelectionNotify(31) time=36113 requestor=10485761 selection=290 target=277 property=388
00:00:21.320 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 43 bytes (available 65536, mask 0x5)
00:00:21.320 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:151] nothing happened, buffered the bytes
00:00:21.320 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 0 bytes (available 131029, mask 0x4)
00:00:21.320 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:132] non-incr transfer complete
00:00:21.320 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:25] SendEvent destination=10485761 SelectionNotify(31) time=36114 requestor=10485761 selection=290 target=432 property=388
00:00:21.321 [sway/input/cursor.c:835] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
00:00:21.320 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 43 bytes (available 65536, mask 0x5)
00:00:21.320 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:151] nothing happened, buffered the bytes
00:00:21.320 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 0 bytes (available 131029, mask 0x4)
00:00:21.320 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:132] non-incr transfer complete
00:00:21.320 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:25] SendEvent destination=10485761 SelectionNotify(31) time=36115 requestor=10485761 selection=290 target=254 property=388
00:00:21.320 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 43 bytes (available 65536, mask 0x5)
00:00:21.320 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:151] nothing happened, buffered the bytes
00:00:21.320 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 0 bytes (available 131029, mask 0x4)
00:00:21.320 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:132] non-incr transfer complete
00:00:21.320 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:25] SendEvent destination=10485761 SelectionNotify(31) time=36115 requestor=10485761 selection=290 target=420 property=388
00:00:21.320 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 56 bytes (available 65536, mask 0x5)
00:00:21.320 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:151] nothing happened, buffered the bytes
00:00:21.320 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:98] read 0 bytes (available 131016, mask 0x4)
00:00:21.320 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:132] non-incr transfer complete
00:00:21.320 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/outgoing.c:25] SendEvent destination=10485761 SelectionNotify(31) time=36115 requestor=10485761 selection=290 target=534 property=388
00:00:21.320 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:21.320 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 388 (_CHROMIUM_DRAG_RECEIVER) for window 10485761
00:00:21.320 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (10485761)
00:00:21.320 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:721] unhandled X11 property 388 (_CHROMIUM_DRAG_RECEIVER) for window 10485761
00:00:21.321 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.321 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.322 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.322 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.323 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.323 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.324 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.324 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.325 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.325 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.326 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.326 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.327 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.327 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.328 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.328 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.329 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.329 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.330 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.330 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.331 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.331 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.332 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.332 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.333 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.333 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.335 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.335 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.335 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.335 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.336 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.336 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.337 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.337 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.338 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.338 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.339 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.339 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.340 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.340 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.341 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.341 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.342 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.342 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.343 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.343 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.344 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.344 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.345 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.345 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.346 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.346 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.347 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.347 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.348 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.348 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.349 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.349 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.350 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.350 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.351 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.351 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.352 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.352 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.353 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.353 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.354 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.354 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.355 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.355 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.356 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.356 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.357 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.357 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.358 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.358 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.359 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.359 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.360 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.360 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.361 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.361 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.362 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.362 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.363 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.363 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.364 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.364 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.365 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.365 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.366 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.366 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.367 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.367 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.368 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.368 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.369 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.369 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.370 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.370 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.371 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.371 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.372 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.372 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.373 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.373 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.374 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.374 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.375 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.375 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.376 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.377 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.377 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.377 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.378 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.378 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.379 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.379 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.380 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.380 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.381 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.381 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.382 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.382 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.383 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.383 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.384 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.384 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.385 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.385 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.386 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.386 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.387 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.387 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.388 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.388 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.389 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.389 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.391 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.391 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.392 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.392 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.394 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.394 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.395 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.395 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.397 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.397 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.399 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.399 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.401 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.401 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.405 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.405 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.410 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.410 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.411 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.411 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.418 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.418 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.419 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.419 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.423 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.423 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.426 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.426 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.428 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.428 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.431 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.431 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.432 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.432 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.434 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.434 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.437 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.437 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.439 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.439 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.441 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.441 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.442 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.442 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.444 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.444 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.444 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.444 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.446 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.446 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.447 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.447 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.449 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.449 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.451 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.451 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.452 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.452 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.453 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.453 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.454 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.454 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.455 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.455 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.456 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.456 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.457 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.457 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.458 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.458 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.459 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.460 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.460 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.460 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.462 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.462 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.464 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.464 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.465 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.465 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.466 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.466 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.467 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.467 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.468 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.468 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.469 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.469 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.470 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.470 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.471 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.471 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.472 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.472 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.473 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.473 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.474 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.474 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.475 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.475 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.476 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.476 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.477 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.477 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.478 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.478 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.479 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.479 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.480 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.480 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.481 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.481 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.482 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.482 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.484 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.484 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.484 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.484 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.485 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.485 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.486 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.486 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.487 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.487 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.488 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.488 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.489 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.489 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.491 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.491 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.492 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.492 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.493 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.493 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.494 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.494 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.496 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.496 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.496 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.496 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.497 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.497 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.498 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.498 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.499 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.499 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.500 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.500 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.501 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.501 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.502 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.502 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.503 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.503 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.504 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.504 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.505 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.505 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.506 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.506 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.508 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.508 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.508 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.508 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.509 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.509 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.510 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.510 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.511 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.511 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.512 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.512 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.513 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.513 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.514 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.514 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.515 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.515 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.516 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.516 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.517 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.517 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.518 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.518 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.519 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.519 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.520 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.520 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.521 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.521 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.522 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.522 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.523 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.523 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.524 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.524 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.526 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.526 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.527 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.527 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.529 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.529 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.529 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.529 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.530 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.530 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.531 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.531 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.532 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.532 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.533 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.533 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.534 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.534 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.535 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.535 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.536 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.536 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.537 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.537 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.538 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.538 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.539 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.539 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.540 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.540 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.542 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.542 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.543 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.543 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.545 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.545 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.546 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.546 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.547 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.547 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.548 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.548 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.550 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.550 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.551 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.551 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.553 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.553 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.554 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.554 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.555 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.555 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.556 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.556 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.557 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.557 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.559 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.559 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.561 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.561 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.562 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.562 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.563 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.563 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.565 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.565 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.567 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.567 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.569 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.569 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.572 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.572 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.574 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.574 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.578 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.578 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.580 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.580 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.584 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.584 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.589 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.589 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.593 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.593 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.598 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.599 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.602 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.602 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.609 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.609 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.610 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.610 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.615 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.615 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.623 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.623 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.630 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.630 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.637 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.637 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.638 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.638 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.645 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.645 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.652 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.652 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.657 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.657 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.665 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.666 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.666 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.666 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.667 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.667 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.671 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.671 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.673 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.673 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.676 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.676 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.678 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.678 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.682 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.682 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.683 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.683 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.686 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.686 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.687 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.687 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.688 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.688 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.690 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.690 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.692 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.692 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.693 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.693 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.695 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.695 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.696 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.696 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.698 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.698 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.700 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.700 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.701 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.701 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.703 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.703 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.704 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.704 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.705 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.705 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.706 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.706 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.708 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.708 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.709 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.709 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.710 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.710 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.712 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.712 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.713 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.713 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.714 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.714 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.715 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.715 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.716 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.716 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.717 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.717 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.718 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.718 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.719 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.719 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.720 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.720 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.721 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.721 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.722 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.722 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.723 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.723 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.724 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.724 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.725 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.725 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.726 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.726 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.727 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.727 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.728 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.728 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.729 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.729 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.730 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.730 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.731 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.731 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.732 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.732 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.733 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.733 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.734 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.734 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.735 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.735 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.736 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.736 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.737 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.737 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.738 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.738 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.739 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.739 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.740 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.740 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.741 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.741 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.742 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.742 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.743 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.743 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.744 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.744 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.745 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.745 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.746 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.746 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.747 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.747 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.748 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.748 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.749 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.749 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.750 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.750 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.751 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.751 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.752 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.752 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.753 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.753 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.754 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.754 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.755 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.755 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.756 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.756 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.757 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.757 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.758 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.758 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.759 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.759 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.760 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.760 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.761 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.761 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.762 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.762 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.763 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.763 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.764 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.764 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.765 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.765 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.766 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.766 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.767 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.767 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.768 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.768 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.769 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.769 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.770 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.770 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.771 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.771 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.772 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.772 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.773 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.773 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.774 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.774 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.775 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.775 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.776 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.776 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.777 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.777 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.778 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.778 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.779 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.779 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.780 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.780 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.781 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.781 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.783 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.783 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.784 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.784 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.785 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.785 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.788 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.788 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.789 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.789 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.790 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.790 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.790 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.790 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.792 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.792 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.793 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.793 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.794 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.794 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.796 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.796 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.797 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.797 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.798 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.798 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.799 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.799 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.800 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.800 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.801 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.801 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.802 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.802 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.802 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.803 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.803 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.803 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.805 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.805 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.806 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.806 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.807 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.807 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.808 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.808 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.809 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.809 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.809 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.809 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.811 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.811 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.813 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.813 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.815 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.815 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.817 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.817 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.819 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.819 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.820 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.820 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.821 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.821 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.823 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.823 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.824 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.824 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.827 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.827 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.828 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.828 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.829 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.829 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.832 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.832 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.834 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.834 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.835 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.835 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.838 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.838 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.840 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.840 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.843 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.843 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.844 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.844 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.847 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.847 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.850 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.850 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.853 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.853 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.855 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.855 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.857 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.858 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.864 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.864 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.865 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.865 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.869 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE (2097154)
00:00:21.869 [DEBUG] [xwayland/selection/dnd.c:195] DND_STATUS window=10485761 accepted=1 action=1
00:00:21.876 [DEBUG] [xwayland/xwm.c:1206] XCB_CLIENT
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