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Last active February 13, 2016 21:14
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Hacker News Comment Analysis for GitHub and GitLab of the most popular submissions with at least 20 comments
sytse 70 of 16773 ( 0%) ######################################################################
homakov 61 of 16773 ( 0%) #############################################################
DanBC 50 of 16773 ( 0%) ##################################################
facepalm 46 of 16773 ( 0%) ##############################################
malandrew 46 of 16773 ( 0%) ##############################################
nailer 42 of 16773 ( 0%) ##########################################
masklinn 39 of 16773 ( 0%) #######################################
rmc 38 of 16773 ( 0%) ######################################
enneff 35 of 16773 ( 0%) ###################################
JoshTriplett 34 of 16773 ( 0%) ##################################
sytse 494 of 2376 ( 21%) ##############################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################
jobvandervoort 50 of 2376 ( 2%) ##################################################
DouweM 18 of 2376 ( 1%) ##################
jordigh 17 of 2376 ( 1%) #################
mrmondo 13 of 2376 ( 1%) #############
ultramancool 11 of 2376 ( 0%) ###########
e12e 10 of 2376 ( 0%) ##########
drivebyacct2 10 of 2376 ( 0%) ##########
BinaryIdiot 10 of 2376 ( 0%) ##########
scrollaway 10 of 2376 ( 0%) ##########
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
require 'json'
require 'pry'
PER_PAGE = 100
module Enumerable
def sum
return self.inject(0, :+)
def mean
return self.sum / self.length.to_f
def sample_variance
m = self.mean
sum = self.inject(0){|accum, i| accum + (i - m) ** 2 }
return sum / (self.length - 1).to_f
def standard_deviation
return Math.sqrt(self.sample_variance)
query = if ARGV.size > 0
URI.decode("#{ARGV.join(' ')}")
results = JSON::load(open("{PER_PAGE}&query=#{query}"))
total_count_by_user =
results['hits'].each do |hit|
title = hit['title']
link = hit['url']
url = "{hit['objectID']}"
n = Nokogiri::HTML(open(url))
count_by_user = Hash[n.xpath("//a[contains(@href, 'user?id=')]")
.map{|c| c.text}
.group_by{|c| c}
.map{|k,v| [k,v.length]}
.sort_by{|k,v| -v}]
total_comments ={|k,v| v}.inject(0,:+)
longest_username = count_by_user.sort_by{|k,v| k.length}.last[0].length
commenter_variance = ( count_by_user.size > 1 ? count_by_user.values.sample_variance : 0.to_f )
if total_comments < MIN_COMMENTS
count_by_user.each do |u,c|
total_count_by_user.fetch(u, false) || total_count_by_user[u] = 0
total_count_by_user[u] += c
puts title
puts link
puts "-" * 80
puts "total comments: #{total_comments} variance: #{commenter_variance}"
puts "-" * 80
count_by_user.first(10).each do |u,c|
p = c.to_f / total_comments.to_f * 100
printf("%-#{longest_username}s %3d of %-3d (%3.0f%s) %s\n", u, c, total_comments, p, "%", "#"*c)
puts "\n\n"
puts "-" * 80
total_comments ={|k,v| v}.inject(0,:+)
longest_username = total_count_by_user.sort_by{|k,v| k.length}.last[0].length
total_count_by_user.sort_by{|k,v| -v}.first(10).each do |u,c|
p = c.to_f / total_comments.to_f * 100
printf("%-#{longest_username}s %3d of %-3d (%3.0f%s) %s\n", u, c, total_comments, p, "%", "#"*c)
Dear GitHub
total comments: 464 variance: 1.5863060451634063
pron 10 of 464 ( 2%) ##########
sytse 9 of 464 ( 2%) #########
pvorb 8 of 464 ( 2%) ########
ywecur 8 of 464 ( 2%) ########
simoncion 6 of 464 ( 1%) ######
beshrkayali 6 of 464 ( 1%) ######
jessaustin 6 of 464 ( 1%) ######
Zikes 5 of 464 ( 1%) #####
13thLetter 5 of 464 ( 1%) #####
hk__2 5 of 464 ( 1%) #####
Julie Ann Horvath Describes Sexism and Intimidation Behind Her GitHub Exit
total comments: 1059 variance: 6.141684466742709
enneff 19 of 1059 ( 2%) ###################
nailer 17 of 1059 ( 2%) #################
grifpete 16 of 1059 ( 2%) ################
erikpukinskis 15 of 1059 ( 1%) ###############
jd0 15 of 1059 ( 1%) ###############
greenrd 15 of 1059 ( 1%) ###############
ZoF 14 of 1059 ( 1%) ##############
lutusp 13 of 1059 ( 1%) #############
LockeWatts 13 of 1059 ( 1%) #############
theorique 12 of 1059 ( 1%) ############
GitTorrent: A Decentralized GitHub
total comments: 170 variance: 2.0587337909992316
cjbprime 13 of 170 ( 8%) #############
sytse 6 of 170 ( 4%) ######
laumars 6 of 170 ( 4%) ######
rakoo 5 of 170 ( 3%) #####
JoshTriplett 4 of 170 ( 2%) ####
icebraining 4 of 170 ( 2%) ####
doragcoder 3 of 170 ( 2%) ###
amirouche 3 of 170 ( 2%) ###
ackalker 3 of 170 ( 2%) ###
rcthompson 3 of 170 ( 2%) ###
GitHub Student Developer Pack
total comments: 208 variance: 0.6791365669074636
johndbritton 7 of 208 ( 3%) #######
Igglyboo 4 of 208 ( 2%) ####
Cshelton 4 of 208 ( 2%) ####
neom 4 of 208 ( 2%) ####
Dewie 4 of 208 ( 2%) ####
hk__2 3 of 208 ( 1%) ###
Kudos 3 of 208 ( 1%) ###
paradite 3 of 208 ( 1%) ###
maximgsaini 3 of 208 ( 1%) ###
chk 3 of 208 ( 1%) ###
How I hacked Github again
total comments: 191 variance: 1.8590345115212288
homakov 14 of 191 ( 7%) ##############
akerl_ 8 of 191 ( 4%) ########
avenger123 4 of 191 ( 2%) ####
Kudos 4 of 191 ( 2%) ####
rdl 3 of 191 ( 2%) ###
enscr 3 of 191 ( 2%) ###
Intermernet 3 of 191 ( 2%) ###
erichocean 3 of 191 ( 2%) ###
patcon 3 of 191 ( 2%) ###
desireco42 3 of 191 ( 2%) ###
GitHub is undergoing a full-blown overhaul as execs and employees depart
total comments: 973 variance: 7.302944862155481
malandrew 33 of 973 ( 3%) #################################
greenrd 17 of 973 ( 2%) #################
dang 17 of 973 ( 2%) #################
sytse 16 of 973 ( 2%) ################
proc0 16 of 973 ( 2%) ################
b6 14 of 973 ( 1%) ##############
audessuscest 13 of 973 ( 1%) #############
argonaut 12 of 973 ( 1%) ############
YuriNiyazov 12 of 973 ( 1%) ############
douche 11 of 973 ( 1%) ###########
India Orders 32 Websites Blocked, Including GitHub, Archive.Org, Pastebin
total comments: 299 variance: 0.8267782797413363
nicksergeant 7 of 299 ( 2%) #######
happyscrappy 5 of 299 ( 2%) #####
tormeh 5 of 299 ( 2%) #####
chris_wot 5 of 299 ( 2%) #####
rgovind 5 of 299 ( 2%) #####
ehPReth 4 of 299 ( 1%) ####
vegabook 4 of 299 ( 1%) ####
readme 4 of 299 ( 1%) ####
_nedR 4 of 299 ( 1%) ####
aselzer 4 of 299 ( 1%) ####
ChakraCore GitHub repository is now open
total comments: 311 variance: 1.9787848932676417
magicalist 8 of 311 ( 3%) ########
Someone1234 8 of 311 ( 3%) ########
ksp4186 7 of 311 ( 2%) #######
abchatra 7 of 311 ( 2%) #######
carussell 6 of 311 ( 2%) ######
tracker1 6 of 311 ( 2%) ######
nly 5 of 311 ( 2%) #####
Klathmon 5 of 311 ( 2%) #####
dsp1234 5 of 311 ( 2%) #####
JupiterMoon 4 of 311 ( 1%) ####
GitHub responds to Dear GitHub letter
total comments: 319 variance: 2.510121457489886
chris_wot 15 of 319 ( 5%) ###############
sytse 14 of 319 ( 4%) ##############
striking 7 of 319 ( 2%) #######
joshmanders 7 of 319 ( 2%) #######
rogerbinns 7 of 319 ( 2%) #######
kuschku 5 of 319 ( 2%) #####
scrollaway 5 of 319 ( 2%) #####
res0nat0r 3 of 319 ( 1%) ###
dreamdu5t 3 of 319 ( 1%) ###
jcoffland 3 of 319 ( 1%) ###
Mea Culpa: GitHub works well, my mistake made them look bad,%20my%20mistake%20made%20them%20look%20bad
total comments: 46 variance: 0.18205128205128204
jefe78 3 of 46 ( 7%) ###
js2 2 of 46 ( 4%) ##
tomstuart 2 of 46 ( 4%) ##
spullara 2 of 46 ( 4%) ##
steveklabnik 2 of 46 ( 4%) ##
NoKarmaForMe 1 of 46 ( 2%) #
jonah 1 of 46 ( 2%) #
petercooper 1 of 46 ( 2%) #
theDoug 1 of 46 ( 2%) #
Dobbs 1 of 46 ( 2%) #
China's Man-On-the-Side Attack on GitHub
total comments: 310 variance: 1.0778432094221675
westiseast 8 of 310 ( 3%) ########
throwaway7767 6 of 310 ( 2%) ######
peteretep 6 of 310 ( 2%) ######
carboncopy 5 of 310 ( 2%) #####
cbsmith 5 of 310 ( 2%) #####
mike_hearn 5 of 310 ( 2%) #####
nailer 5 of 310 ( 2%) #####
cxseven 4 of 310 ( 1%) ####
gbog 4 of 310 ( 1%) ####
comex 3 of 310 ( 1%) ###
Go is moving to GitHub!topic/golang-dev/sckirqOWepg
total comments: 237 variance: 2.9296328671328746
NateDad 13 of 237 ( 5%) #############
enneff 12 of 237 ( 5%) ############
yohanatan 8 of 237 ( 3%) ########
DannyBee 7 of 237 ( 3%) #######
lmm 6 of 237 ( 3%) ######
dsymonds 5 of 237 ( 2%) #####
codygman 5 of 237 ( 2%) #####
kyrra 4 of 237 ( 2%) ####
Spitfire777 4 of 237 ( 2%) ####
McGlockenshire 4 of 237 ( 2%) ####
Results of the GitHub Investigation
total comments: 480 variance: 2.155445021145675
kelnos 10 of 480 ( 2%) ##########
malandrew 10 of 480 ( 2%) ##########
nailer 10 of 480 ( 2%) ##########
leccine 9 of 480 ( 2%) #########
bitlord_219 7 of 480 ( 1%) #######
hackaflocka 7 of 480 ( 1%) #######
theorique 7 of 480 ( 1%) #######
danielweber 6 of 480 ( 1%) ######
cpncrunch 6 of 480 ( 1%) ######
chippy 6 of 480 ( 1%) ######
GitHub's new text editor leaked on Twitter
total comments: 250 variance: 0.7479220779220762
pritambaral 6 of 250 ( 2%) ######
jbrooksuk 5 of 250 ( 2%) #####
1qaz2wsx3edc 5 of 250 ( 2%) #####
jbeja 5 of 250 ( 2%) #####
hodgesmr 4 of 250 ( 2%) ####
benaiah 4 of 250 ( 2%) ####
roryokane 4 of 250 ( 2%) ####
chjj 3 of 250 ( 1%) ###
beefsack 3 of 250 ( 1%) ###
odonnellryan 3 of 250 ( 1%) ###
GitHub for Mac
total comments: 207 variance: 1.3757510095538288
dchest 11 of 207 ( 5%) ###########
eli 6 of 207 ( 3%) ######
sunchild 5 of 207 ( 2%) #####
catch23 5 of 207 ( 2%) #####
bonch 4 of 207 ( 2%) ####
abahgat 4 of 207 ( 2%) ####
joshuacc 4 of 207 ( 2%) ####
joshaber 3 of 207 ( 1%) ###
StrawberryFrog 3 of 207 ( 1%) ###
nupark2 3 of 207 ( 1%) ###
GitHub under ongoing DDoS attack
total comments: 335 variance: 0.8345873455225862
hackedips 6 of 335 ( 2%) ######
joshuak 5 of 335 ( 1%) #####
rmc 5 of 335 ( 1%) #####
imron 5 of 335 ( 1%) #####
meowface 4 of 335 ( 1%) ####
vacri 4 of 335 ( 1%) ####
jacquesm 4 of 335 ( 1%) ####
wongarsu 4 of 335 ( 1%) ####
butwhy 4 of 335 ( 1%) ####
semi-extrinsic 4 of 335 ( 1%) ####
Hacked: commit to rails master on GitHub
total comments: 226 variance: 1.3454980842911928
angersock 10 of 226 ( 4%) ##########
grabastic 6 of 226 ( 3%) ######
patrickaljord 4 of 226 ( 2%) ####
phillmv 4 of 226 ( 2%) ####
masklinn 4 of 226 ( 2%) ####
krobertson 4 of 226 ( 2%) ####
teyc 4 of 226 ( 2%) ####
pyre 4 of 226 ( 2%) ####
cmelbye 4 of 226 ( 2%) ####
wycats 4 of 226 ( 2%) ####
GitHub and Rails: You have let us all down.
total comments: 186 variance: 1.1067226890756288
ktizo 8 of 186 ( 4%) ########
kamaal 5 of 186 ( 3%) #####
InclinedPlane 4 of 186 ( 2%) ####
zalew 4 of 186 ( 2%) ####
icebraining 4 of 186 ( 2%) ####
augustl 4 of 186 ( 2%) ####
vidarh 4 of 186 ( 2%) ####
hythloday 3 of 186 ( 2%) ###
technoweenie 3 of 186 ( 2%) ###
kamjam 3 of 186 ( 2%) ###
GitHub now has view modes for image diffs.
total comments: 59 variance: 0.2074829931972786
marcamillion 3 of 59 ( 5%) ###
div 2 of 59 ( 3%) ##
statictype 2 of 59 ( 3%) ##
tealtan 2 of 59 ( 3%) ##
technoweenie 2 of 59 ( 3%) ##
rayboyd 2 of 59 ( 3%) ##
kneath 2 of 59 ( 3%) ##
weaksauce 2 of 59 ( 3%) ##
wlievens 2 of 59 ( 3%) ##
pavel_lishin 1 of 59 ( 2%) #
GitHub Raises $250M at $2B Valuation
total comments: 390 variance: 0.894082332761576
hueving 8 of 390 ( 2%) ########
findjashua 6 of 390 ( 2%) ######
danieltillett 5 of 390 ( 1%) #####
toomuchtodo 5 of 390 ( 1%) #####
jareds 4 of 390 ( 1%) ####
mpdehaan2 4 of 390 ( 1%) ####
hermanmerman 4 of 390 ( 1%) ####
hga 4 of 390 ( 1%) ####
rmc 4 of 390 ( 1%) ####
timr 4 of 390 ( 1%) ####
Linux is now hosted on GitHub
total comments: 94 variance: 0.5873827791986349
bpierre 4 of 94 ( 4%) ####
wnight 4 of 94 ( 4%) ####
LeafStorm 4 of 94 ( 4%) ####
NARKOZ 3 of 94 ( 3%) ###
Mithrandir 3 of 94 ( 3%) ###
dschobel 3 of 94 ( 3%) ###
mahmud 2 of 94 ( 2%) ##
jgesture 2 of 94 ( 2%) ##
pwaring 2 of 94 ( 2%) ##
schiptsov 2 of 94 ( 2%) ##
Microsoft releases CNTK, its open source deep learning toolkit, on GitHub
total comments: 57 variance: 0.7009966777408645
FLF_HOY 5 of 57 ( 9%) #####
shtangun 4 of 57 ( 7%) ####
varelse 3 of 57 ( 5%) ###
boz_msft 2 of 57 ( 4%) ##
doczoidberg 2 of 57 ( 4%) ##
KirinDave 2 of 57 ( 4%) ##
mjw 2 of 57 ( 4%) ##
nickysielicki 2 of 57 ( 4%) ##
canberroid 1 of 57 ( 2%) #
fforflo 1 of 57 ( 2%) #
GitHub threatens to shut down a repository for using the word 'retard'
total comments: 802 variance: 12.050028490028396
DanBC 44 of 802 ( 5%) ############################################
PopeOfNope 25 of 802 ( 3%) #########################
aerovistae 17 of 802 ( 2%) #################
hhandoko 16 of 802 ( 2%) ################
kefka 16 of 802 ( 2%) ################
KirinDave 15 of 802 ( 2%) ###############
Retra 14 of 802 ( 2%) ##############
JoshTriplett 13 of 802 ( 2%) #############
ectoplasm 11 of 802 ( 1%) ###########
sklogic 11 of 802 ( 1%) ###########
Instantly create beautiful GitHub project pages
total comments: 47 variance: 0.7325396825396824
dfc 5 of 47 ( 11%) #####
secoif 4 of 47 ( 9%) ####
iamdave 2 of 47 ( 4%) ##
peatfreak 2 of 47 ( 4%) ##
kylemaxwell 2 of 47 ( 4%) ##
asmala 2 of 47 ( 4%) ##
tanoku 1 of 47 ( 2%) #
daniel-cussen 1 of 47 ( 2%) #
mutewinter 1 of 47 ( 2%) #
prezjordan 1 of 47 ( 2%) #
GitHub for Windows
total comments: 237 variance: 3.6494763567121464
drivebyacct2 15 of 237 ( 6%) ###############
nknight 14 of 237 ( 6%) ##############
jamesgeck0 7 of 237 ( 3%) #######
xpaulbettsx 7 of 237 ( 3%) #######
CJefferson 6 of 237 ( 3%) ######
statictype 5 of 237 ( 2%) #####
debacle 4 of 237 ( 2%) ####
rbanffy 4 of 237 ( 2%) ####
talmand 4 of 237 ( 2%) ####
evanw 4 of 237 ( 2%) ####
Linus Torvalds won't do github pull requests
total comments: 268 variance: 0.7199700994767406
marcamillion 6 of 268 ( 2%) ######
natep 6 of 268 ( 2%) ######
drivebyacct2 4 of 268 ( 1%) ####
mst 4 of 268 ( 1%) ####
pimeys 4 of 268 ( 1%) ####
why-el 4 of 268 ( 1%) ####
nupark2 4 of 268 ( 1%) ####
ash 3 of 268 ( 1%) ###
chj 3 of 268 ( 1%) ###
onedognight 3 of 268 ( 1%) ###
Github Raises $100 Million
total comments: 223 variance: 0.6805617147080557
pmarca 7 of 223 ( 3%) #######
jbarham 5 of 223 ( 2%) #####
vulf 4 of 223 ( 2%) ####
kennywinker 4 of 223 ( 2%) ####
jakebellacera 3 of 223 ( 1%) ###
mseebach 3 of 223 ( 1%) ###
lnguyen 3 of 223 ( 1%) ###
ricardobeat 3 of 223 ( 1%) ###
franzus 3 of 223 ( 1%) ###
statictype 3 of 223 ( 1%) ###
MSBuild is now open source on GitHub
total comments: 174 variance: 1.1744548286604364
72deluxe 6 of 174 ( 3%) ######
eropple 5 of 174 ( 3%) #####
edandersen 5 of 174 ( 3%) #####
integraton 5 of 174 ( 3%) #####
jammycakes 4 of 174 ( 2%) ####
cwyers 4 of 174 ( 2%) ####
O____________O 4 of 174 ( 2%) ####
ghuntley 4 of 174 ( 2%) ####
MrZipf 3 of 174 ( 2%) ###
robashton2 3 of 174 ( 2%) ###
We are moving the Roslyn code to GitHub
total comments: 221 variance: 1.19690615972417
josteink 9 of 221 ( 4%) #########
pmelendez 6 of 221 ( 3%) ######
hueving 5 of 221 ( 2%) #####
sytse 5 of 221 ( 2%) #####
Retra 4 of 221 ( 2%) ####
tracker1 4 of 221 ( 2%) ####
brudgers 4 of 221 ( 2%) ####
drinchev 4 of 221 ( 2%) ####
bunderbunder 3 of 221 ( 1%) ###
InclinedPlane 3 of 221 ( 1%) ###
Investigate switching away from GitHub
total comments: 239 variance: 1.598612975391493
bphogan 10 of 239 ( 4%) ##########
mbrock 8 of 239 ( 3%) ########
luckydata 6 of 239 ( 3%) ######
jarek 6 of 239 ( 3%) ######
hoodoof 4 of 239 ( 2%) ####
phasmantistes 4 of 239 ( 2%) ####
dozzie 4 of 239 ( 2%) ####
EugeneOZ 3 of 239 ( 1%) ###
dominotw 3 of 239 ( 1%) ###
qwertyuiop924 3 of 239 ( 1%) ###
Auditing GitHub users’ SSH key quality
total comments: 178 variance: 5.975824175824155
baby 15 of 178 ( 8%) ###############
scintill76 14 of 178 ( 8%) ##############
dimino 11 of 178 ( 6%) ###########
benjojo12 7 of 178 ( 4%) #######
the8472 6 of 178 ( 3%) ######
c22 5 of 178 ( 3%) #####
kelnos 4 of 178 ( 2%) ####
kardos 4 of 178 ( 2%) ####
Tharkun 4 of 178 ( 2%) ####
fensipens 4 of 178 ( 2%) ####
Rearchitecting GitHub Pages
total comments: 150 variance: 1.5250333142965995
kyledrake 10 of 150 ( 7%) ##########
samlambert 6 of 150 ( 4%) ######
jsingleton 5 of 150 ( 3%) #####
tracker1 5 of 150 ( 3%) #####
oblio 4 of 150 ( 3%) ####
charliesome 4 of 150 ( 3%) ####
benbalter 3 of 150 ( 2%) ###
icefox 2 of 150 ( 1%) ##
brador 2 of 150 ( 1%) ##
cben 2 of 150 ( 1%) ##
Guy commits his genome to Github, smartass forks and issues a pull request
total comments: 73 variance: 0.6152597402597393
mbreese 4 of 73 ( 5%) ####
honm 4 of 73 ( 5%) ####
eru 4 of 73 ( 5%) ####
orta 3 of 73 ( 4%) ###
po 3 of 73 ( 4%) ###
kuroir 2 of 73 ( 3%) ##
nkassis 2 of 73 ( 3%) ##
wybo 2 of 73 ( 3%) ##
araneae 2 of 73 ( 3%) ##
flipbrad 1 of 73 ( 1%) #
Dear Github, please fix the Watch-Button
total comments: 117 variance: 0.31121134020618685
StavrosK 4 of 117 ( 3%) ####
matthewcford 3 of 117 ( 3%) ###
rsanchez1 3 of 117 ( 3%) ###
city41 3 of 117 ( 3%) ###
freshhawk 3 of 117 ( 3%) ###
pnathan 2 of 117 ( 2%) ##
mattbriggs 2 of 117 ( 2%) ##
stock_toaster 2 of 117 ( 2%) ##
shtylman 2 of 117 ( 2%) ##
haldean 2 of 117 ( 2%) ##
Why I've built an alternative to Github
total comments: 193 variance: 3.2675629844961267
fnando 19 of 193 ( 10%) ###################
cool-RR 8 of 193 ( 4%) ########
StavrosK 6 of 193 ( 3%) ######
mrcharles 4 of 193 ( 2%) ####
masnick 3 of 193 ( 2%) ###
eropple 3 of 193 ( 2%) ###
watty 3 of 193 ( 2%) ###
trustfundbaby 3 of 193 ( 2%) ###
lucian1900 3 of 193 ( 2%) ###
xbryanx 3 of 193 ( 2%) ###
Vim is moving to GitHub
total comments: 180 variance: 2.9997852233676974
sfk 11 of 180 ( 6%) ###########
JoshTriplett 8 of 180 ( 4%) ########
Karunamon 7 of 180 ( 4%) #######
Crito 6 of 180 ( 3%) ######
josinalvo 6 of 180 ( 3%) ######
brunosutic 5 of 180 ( 3%) #####
cocoablazing 5 of 180 ( 3%) #####
sigzero 5 of 180 ( 3%) #####
Fice 5 of 180 ( 3%) #####
city41 4 of 180 ( 2%) ####
French civil code now on GitHub
total comments: 125 variance: 1.3882866606443889
masklinn 7 of 125 ( 6%) #######
steeve 6 of 125 ( 5%) ######
mintplant 5 of 125 ( 4%) #####
seszett 4 of 125 ( 3%) ####
ptaipale 4 of 125 ( 3%) ####
mackwic 4 of 125 ( 3%) ####
nmc 4 of 125 ( 3%) ####
mpasternacki 3 of 125 ( 2%) ###
return0 3 of 125 ( 2%) ###
scrollaway 3 of 125 ( 2%) ###
"Egor, stop hacking Github"
total comments: 112 variance: 1.9467275494672838
JangoSteve 9 of 112 ( 8%) #########
marshray 8 of 112 ( 7%) ########
Drbble 4 of 112 ( 4%) ####
vijaydev 4 of 112 ( 4%) ####
dthunt 4 of 112 ( 4%) ####
sek 3 of 112 ( 3%) ###
maratd 3 of 112 ( 3%) ###
ben0x539 3 of 112 ( 3%) ###
nchuhoai 2 of 112 ( 2%) ##
nirvdrum 2 of 112 ( 2%) ##
GitHub Outage
total comments: 282 variance: 1.056609947643979
kelseydh 9 of 282 ( 3%) #########
ivthreadp110 6 of 282 ( 2%) ######
beat 5 of 282 ( 2%) #####
AdamJacobMuller 5 of 282 ( 2%) #####
philip1209 4 of 282 ( 1%) ####
debacle 4 of 282 ( 1%) ####
ianopolous 4 of 282 ( 1%) ####
human 4 of 282 ( 1%) ####
fletchowns 3 of 282 ( 1%) ###
johnhenry 3 of 282 ( 1%) ###
GitHub announces 3D File Diffs
total comments: 115 variance: 0.6626570435712378
kanzure 5 of 115 ( 4%) #####
jotux 5 of 115 ( 4%) #####
dnautics 4 of 115 ( 3%) ####
hosh 4 of 115 ( 3%) ####
3rd3 3 of 115 ( 3%) ###
lh7777 2 of 115 ( 2%) ##
angersock 2 of 115 ( 2%) ##
scoofy 2 of 115 ( 2%) ##
kbenson 2 of 115 ( 2%) ##
steveklabnik 2 of 115 ( 2%) ##
total comments: 79 variance: 0.45734463276836057
yeukhon 4 of 79 ( 5%) ####
bachback 3 of 79 ( 4%) ###
guynamedloren 3 of 79 ( 4%) ###
count 3 of 79 ( 4%) ###
fintler 3 of 79 ( 4%) ###
konklone 2 of 79 ( 3%) ##
niels_olson 2 of 79 ( 3%) ##
Fomite 2 of 79 ( 3%) ##
briandoll 2 of 79 ( 3%) ##
TeMPOraL 2 of 79 ( 3%) ##
GitHub open sources Hubot (chat bot)
total comments: 50 variance: 0.6231231231231219
nosequel 5 of 50 ( 10%) #####
ConstantineXVI 3 of 50 ( 6%) ###
technoweenie 2 of 50 ( 4%) ##
ethank 2 of 50 ( 4%) ##
holman 2 of 50 ( 4%) ##
dpritchett 2 of 50 ( 4%) ##
dabeeeenster 2 of 50 ( 4%) ##
willbmoss 2 of 50 ( 4%) ##
atmos 2 of 50 ( 4%) ##
xpaulbettsx 1 of 50 ( 2%) #
Show HN: GitBook – Build beautiful programming books using GitHub and Markdown
total comments: 79 variance: 1.2646103896103862
AaronO 7 of 79 ( 9%) #######
bowerbird 5 of 79 ( 6%) #####
SamyPesse 4 of 79 ( 5%) ####
jamesbritt 4 of 79 ( 5%) ####
eslaught 3 of 79 ( 4%) ###
andrey-p 2 of 79 ( 3%) ##
daviding 2 of 79 ( 3%) ##
emehrkay 2 of 79 ( 3%) ##
andrzejkrzywda 2 of 79 ( 3%) ##
carlsednaoui 2 of 79 ( 3%) ##
GitHut – Programming Languages on GitHub
total comments: 125 variance: 0.6061872909698974
V-2 4 of 125 ( 3%) ####
ignoramous 4 of 125 ( 3%) ####
amirmc 4 of 125 ( 3%) ####
mVChr 4 of 125 ( 3%) ####
steveklabnik 3 of 125 ( 2%) ###
ryanmarsh 3 of 125 ( 2%) ###
bhouston 3 of 125 ( 2%) ###
juliangregorian 3 of 125 ( 2%) ###
vorg 3 of 125 ( 2%) ###
masklinn 2 of 125 ( 2%) ##
GitHub hit by DDoS attack
total comments: 210 variance: 0.7596467991169952
teknologist 7 of 210 ( 3%) #######
mikeash 5 of 210 ( 2%) #####
toong 4 of 210 ( 2%) ####
dengnan 4 of 210 ( 2%) ####
emodendroket 4 of 210 ( 2%) ####
talnet 3 of 210 ( 1%) ###
mwadams 3 of 210 ( 1%) ###
vinceyuan 3 of 210 ( 1%) ###
dandelany 3 of 210 ( 1%) ###
dagw 3 of 210 ( 1%) ###
Show HN: Github for Designers
total comments: 84 variance: 1.3663461538461577
shravan 10 of 84 ( 12%) ##########
LoneWolf 3 of 84 ( 4%) ###
michaelmartin 2 of 84 ( 2%) ##
dsawler 2 of 84 ( 2%) ##
bradhe 2 of 84 ( 2%) ##
_feda_ 2 of 84 ( 2%) ##
lominming 2 of 84 ( 2%) ##
jskopek 2 of 84 ( 2%) ##
kerryfalk 2 of 84 ( 2%) ##
taybenlor 2 of 84 ( 2%) ##
How we keep GitHub fast
total comments: 121 variance: 0.34039603960395914
wamatt 4 of 121 ( 3%) ####
technoweenie 4 of 121 ( 3%) ####
digitaltoad 3 of 121 ( 2%) ###
nodesocket 3 of 121 ( 2%) ###
chubot 3 of 121 ( 2%) ###
kneath 2 of 121 ( 2%) ##
bkbleikamp 2 of 121 ( 2%) ##
pestaa 2 of 121 ( 2%) ##
gabebw 2 of 121 ( 2%) ##
grandalf 2 of 121 ( 2%) ##
How Github uses Github to build Github
total comments: 67 variance: 0.2617051013277434
holman 3 of 67 ( 4%) ###
X-Istence 3 of 67 ( 4%) ###
sifi 2 of 67 ( 3%) ##
Pewpewarrows 2 of 67 ( 3%) ##
rtomayko 2 of 67 ( 3%) ##
minikomi 2 of 67 ( 3%) ##
tim_iles 2 of 67 ( 3%) ##
perlgeek 2 of 67 ( 3%) ##
aespinoza 2 of 67 ( 3%) ##
bostonvaulter2 2 of 67 ( 3%) ##
Show HN: Slack Meets GitHub Issues
total comments: 157 variance: 0.5368513751524173
pdrummond 7 of 157 ( 4%) #######
nkohari 3 of 157 ( 2%) ###
thebouv 3 of 157 ( 2%) ###
magic_beans 3 of 157 ( 2%) ###
onion2k 3 of 157 ( 2%) ###
tixocloud 3 of 157 ( 2%) ###
caidan 2 of 157 ( 1%) ##
mrchess 2 of 157 ( 1%) ##
tchock23 2 of 157 ( 1%) ##
mbrundle 2 of 157 ( 1%) ##
Jim Weirich's final GitHub commit
total comments: 54 variance: 0.15425531914893617
caf 3 of 54 ( 6%) ###
mephi5t0 2 of 54 ( 4%) ##
hobo_mark 2 of 54 ( 4%) ##
agumonkey 2 of 54 ( 4%) ##
ezrataylor 2 of 54 ( 4%) ##
stdbrouw 1 of 54 ( 2%) #
sytse 1 of 54 ( 2%) #
gedrap 1 of 54 ( 2%) #
nolok 1 of 54 ( 2%) #
alaskamiller 1 of 54 ( 2%) #
GitHub Hits 1,000,000 users
total comments: 77 variance: 0.3175568482284501
percent20 4 of 77 ( 5%) ####
dasil003 3 of 77 ( 4%) ###
icebraining 2 of 77 ( 3%) ##
0x12 2 of 77 ( 3%) ##
bad_user 2 of 77 ( 3%) ##
jwallaceparker 2 of 77 ( 3%) ##
kneath 2 of 77 ( 3%) ##
pestaa 2 of 77 ( 3%) ##
phillmv 2 of 77 ( 3%) ##
marcomonteiro 2 of 77 ( 3%) ##
Designing GitHub for Mac
total comments: 77 variance: 0.375988700564971
cageface 4 of 77 ( 5%) ####
kneath 3 of 77 ( 4%) ###
pmjordan 3 of 77 ( 4%) ###
RyanMcGreal 2 of 77 ( 3%) ##
ghotli 2 of 77 ( 3%) ##
beck5 2 of 77 ( 3%) ##
dolinsky 2 of 77 ( 3%) ##
tptacek 2 of 77 ( 3%) ##
pnathan 2 of 77 ( 3%) ##
kenneth_reitz 2 of 77 ( 3%) ##
Github turns five
total comments: 127 variance: 0.5958590711507638
InclinedPlane 5 of 127 ( 4%) #####
m_mueller 4 of 127 ( 3%) ####
trustfundbaby 4 of 127 ( 3%) ####
IanCal 3 of 127 ( 2%) ###
hkmurakami 3 of 127 ( 2%) ###
jmathai 3 of 127 ( 2%) ###
jacquesm 3 of 127 ( 2%) ###
DigitalSea 3 of 127 ( 2%) ###
Myrmornis 2 of 127 ( 2%) ##
jbarnette 2 of 127 ( 2%) ##
Try right clicking GitHub's logo
total comments: 142 variance: 0.33913043478260957
tedunangst 4 of 142 ( 3%) ####
lwat 4 of 142 ( 3%) ####
wittgenstein 3 of 142 ( 2%) ###
OzzyB 3 of 142 ( 2%) ###
bkbleikamp 3 of 142 ( 2%) ###
simonbrown 2 of 142 ( 1%) ##
pbhjpbhj 2 of 142 ( 1%) ##
imperialWicket 2 of 142 ( 1%) ##
nileshtrivedi 2 of 142 ( 1%) ##
DarkShikari 2 of 142 ( 1%) ##
New Year, New CEO for GitHub
total comments: 93 variance: 0.4551351351351358
Ryel 5 of 93 ( 5%) #####
shmerl 3 of 93 ( 3%) ###
spikels 3 of 93 ( 3%) ###
j_baker 3 of 93 ( 3%) ###
aragot 3 of 93 ( 3%) ###
jmduke 2 of 93 ( 2%) ##
raganwald 2 of 93 ( 2%) ##
bfe 2 of 93 ( 2%) ##
frou_dh 2 of 93 ( 2%) ##
deeths 2 of 93 ( 2%) ##
How github was hacked
total comments: 72 variance: 0.37593984962405885
muyuu 4 of 72 ( 6%) ####
callumjones 3 of 72 ( 4%) ###
aneth 3 of 72 ( 4%) ###
omgsean 2 of 72 ( 3%) ##
petercooper 2 of 72 ( 3%) ##
Jach 2 of 72 ( 3%) ##
homakov 2 of 72 ( 3%) ##
sjtgraham 2 of 72 ( 3%) ##
wisty 2 of 72 ( 3%) ##
gurkendoktor 2 of 72 ( 3%) ##
Octotree: the missing GitHub tree view (Chrome extension)
total comments: 107 variance: 3.898838004101175
yblu 18 of 107 ( 17%) ##################
mateuszf 3 of 107 ( 3%) ###
Spittie 3 of 107 ( 3%) ###
gknoy 3 of 107 ( 3%) ###
walden42 2 of 107 ( 2%) ##
dustingetz 2 of 107 ( 2%) ##
ubercow 2 of 107 ( 2%) ##
toyg 2 of 107 ( 2%) ##
whizzkid 2 of 107 ( 2%) ##
jburwell 2 of 107 ( 2%) ##
Scaling GitHub
total comments: 68 variance: 0.37405731523378605
phillmv 4 of 68 ( 6%) ####
victork2 3 of 68 ( 4%) ###
technoweenie 2 of 68 ( 3%) ##
ans 2 of 68 ( 3%) ##
jdunck 2 of 68 ( 3%) ##
aiurtourist 2 of 68 ( 3%) ##
generalk 2 of 68 ( 3%) ##
adgar 2 of 68 ( 3%) ##
rhizome 2 of 68 ( 3%) ##
nosequel 2 of 68 ( 3%) ##
GitHub launches Issues 2.0
total comments: 54 variance: 0.2999999999999993
kneath 3 of 54 ( 6%) ###
th 3 of 54 ( 6%) ###
bjg 3 of 54 ( 6%) ###
lemming 2 of 54 ( 4%) ##
jwr 2 of 54 ( 4%) ##
r00k 2 of 54 ( 4%) ##
Corrado 1 of 54 ( 2%) #
mcrider 1 of 54 ( 2%) #
j2d2j2d2 1 of 54 ( 2%) #
mahmud 1 of 54 ( 2%) #
Apple ResearchKit on GitHub
total comments: 111 variance: 1.5475352112676004
yellowapple 9 of 111 ( 8%) #########
jshevek 5 of 111 ( 5%) #####
JohnTHaller 4 of 111 ( 4%) ####
DannyBee 4 of 111 ( 4%) ####
suyash 4 of 111 ( 4%) ####
cozzyd 3 of 111 ( 3%) ###
icebraining 3 of 111 ( 3%) ###
baldfat 3 of 111 ( 3%) ###
stephenr 2 of 111 ( 2%) ##
richerlariviere 2 of 111 ( 2%) ##
GitLab, open source github clone, reaches 3.0
total comments: 101 variance: 1.105285592497864
sytse 8 of 101 ( 8%) ########
thomanil 4 of 101 ( 4%) ####
X-Istence 3 of 101 ( 3%) ###
vog 3 of 101 ( 3%) ###
benjamincburns 3 of 101 ( 3%) ###
lrem 3 of 101 ( 3%) ###
khet 3 of 101 ( 3%) ###
jberryman 2 of 101 ( 2%) ##
drivebyacct2 2 of 101 ( 2%) ##
axx 2 of 101 ( 2%) ##
GitHub Flow
total comments: 64 variance: 0.6457607433217204
dasil003 5 of 64 ( 8%) #####
schacon 3 of 64 ( 5%) ###
Pewpewarrows 3 of 64 ( 5%) ###
ethank 2 of 64 ( 3%) ##
nosequel 2 of 64 ( 3%) ##
technomancy 2 of 64 ( 3%) ##
gnufied 2 of 64 ( 3%) ##
technoweenie 2 of 64 ( 3%) ##
terinjokes 2 of 64 ( 3%) ##
rsanheim 2 of 64 ( 3%) ##
Did GitHub Suspend Egor Homakov account?
total comments: 121 variance: 1.498070175438594
rdtsc 9 of 121 ( 7%) #########
ricardobeat 5 of 121 ( 4%) #####
rmc 4 of 121 ( 3%) ####
eli 4 of 121 ( 3%) ####
lunarscape 4 of 121 ( 3%) ####
pavel_lishin 3 of 121 ( 2%) ###
Produce 3 of 121 ( 2%) ###
JumpCrisscross 3 of 121 ( 2%) ###
marshray 3 of 121 ( 2%) ###
vidarh 2 of 121 ( 2%) ##
You can now create files on GitHub
total comments: 87 variance: 0.3604554865424432
timr 4 of 87 ( 5%) ####
antirez 3 of 87 ( 3%) ###
swanson 3 of 87 ( 3%) ###
eslaught 3 of 87 ( 3%) ###
kgabis 2 of 87 ( 2%) ##
RDDavies 2 of 87 ( 2%) ##
eagsalazar2 2 of 87 ( 2%) ##
spb 2 of 87 ( 2%) ##
maratd 2 of 87 ( 2%) ##
voltagex_ 2 of 87 ( 2%) ##
Germany's laws on github, machine-readable and ready to be forked
total comments: 74 variance: 0.3311688311688316
jaseg 4 of 74 ( 5%) ####
NonEUCitizen 2 of 74 ( 3%) ##
lazerwalker 2 of 74 ( 3%) ##
tsahyt 2 of 74 ( 3%) ##
_delirium 2 of 74 ( 3%) ##
skrebbel 2 of 74 ( 3%) ##
hendrik-xdest 2 of 74 ( 3%) ##
mcrider 2 of 74 ( 3%) ##
gurkendoktor 2 of 74 ( 3%) ##
dfc 2 of 74 ( 3%) ##
Linus Torvalds now on GitHub
total comments: 72 variance: 0.389610389610389
cookiecaper 4 of 72 ( 6%) ####
sjs 3 of 72 ( 4%) ###
tzs 3 of 72 ( 4%) ###
augustl 2 of 72 ( 3%) ##
mattyb 2 of 72 ( 3%) ##
tuukkah 2 of 72 ( 3%) ##
Confusion 2 of 72 ( 3%) ##
thedjpetersen 2 of 72 ( 3%) ##
p4bl0 2 of 72 ( 3%) ##
gaius 2 of 72 ( 3%) ##
Why Deleting Sensitive Information from GitHub Doesn't Save You
total comments: 83 variance: 0.56775956284153
mkal_tsr 5 of 83 ( 6%) #####
jemfinch 3 of 83 ( 4%) ###
infinitone 3 of 83 ( 4%) ###
devonkim 3 of 83 ( 4%) ###
xasos 3 of 83 ( 4%) ###
kgilpin 2 of 83 ( 2%) ##
femto113 2 of 83 ( 2%) ##
olefoo 2 of 83 ( 2%) ##
akerl_ 2 of 83 ( 2%) ##
jpdlla 2 of 83 ( 2%) ##
Pin-pointing China's attack against GitHub
total comments: 139 variance: 3.031158714703014
jacquesm 10 of 139 ( 7%) ##########
brudgers 9 of 139 ( 6%) #########
moe 9 of 139 ( 6%) #########
enupten 4 of 139 ( 3%) ####
tripzilch 4 of 139 ( 3%) ####
stefantalpalaru 4 of 139 ( 3%) ####
ptaipale 4 of 139 ( 3%) ####
tedunangst 3 of 139 ( 2%) ###
pekk 3 of 139 ( 2%) ###
simula67 3 of 139 ( 2%) ###
The White House just open sourced their first Github repo
total comments: 122 variance: 1.0462380300957612
slurgfest 6 of 122 ( 5%) ######
intoit 6 of 122 ( 5%) ######
kennywinker 5 of 122 ( 4%) #####
thinkingisfun 4 of 122 ( 3%) ####
sneak 4 of 122 ( 3%) ####
dkhenry 3 of 122 ( 2%) ###
taligent 3 of 122 ( 2%) ###
mikey_p 2 of 122 ( 2%) ##
ceol 2 of 122 ( 2%) ##
zacharycohn 2 of 122 ( 2%) ##
How Homakov hacked GitHub & the line of code that could have prevented it
total comments: 85 variance: 1.4178571428571416
danso 8 of 85 ( 9%) ########
jarrett 5 of 85 ( 6%) #####
javascriptlol 3 of 85 ( 4%) ###
petenixey 3 of 85 ( 4%) ###
einhverfr 3 of 85 ( 4%) ###
adriand 3 of 85 ( 4%) ###
phamilton 3 of 85 ( 4%) ###
jgrahamc 2 of 85 ( 2%) ##
Estragon 2 of 85 ( 2%) ##
o1iver 2 of 85 ( 2%) ##
Id Software Open Source releases on GitHub
total comments: 81 variance: 2.185990338164249
pyalot 7 of 81 ( 9%) #######
cookiecaper 7 of 81 ( 9%) #######
JoshTriplett 6 of 81 ( 7%) ######
LearnYouALisp 4 of 81 ( 5%) ####
bittermang 3 of 81 ( 4%) ###
talmand 3 of 81 ( 4%) ###
dissident 2 of 81 ( 2%) ##
VMG 2 of 81 ( 2%) ##
replax 2 of 81 ( 2%) ##
chii 2 of 81 ( 2%) ##
Farewell GitHub, Hello Immersive Computing
total comments: 89 variance: 0.4441602728047731
yawboakye 5 of 89 ( 6%) #####
tptacek 3 of 89 ( 3%) ###
facepalm 3 of 89 ( 3%) ###
baddox 2 of 89 ( 2%) ##
hadoukenio 2 of 89 ( 2%) ##
ceejayoz 2 of 89 ( 2%) ##
humanrebar 2 of 89 ( 2%) ##
Pacabel 2 of 89 ( 2%) ##
judk 2 of 89 ( 2%) ##
danielweber 2 of 89 ( 2%) ##
How To GitHub: A Complete Guide to Forking, Branching, Squashing and Pulls
total comments: 21 variance: 0.14705882352941166
Mizza 2 of 21 ( 10%) ##
DrCatbox 2 of 21 ( 10%) ##
snprbob86 2 of 21 ( 10%) ##
vedang 1 of 21 ( 5%) #
sopooneo 1 of 21 ( 5%) #
huherto 1 of 21 ( 5%) #
lnguyen 1 of 21 ( 5%) #
dfc 1 of 21 ( 5%) #
MBlume 1 of 21 ( 5%) #
gnosis 1 of 21 ( 5%) #
Two dozen mathematicians wrote a 600 page book in 6 months on GitHub
total comments: 99 variance: 0.5071929824561384
anigbrowl 4 of 99 ( 4%) ####
B-Con 4 of 99 ( 4%) ####
twog 3 of 99 ( 3%) ###
tel 3 of 99 ( 3%) ###
newnewnew 3 of 99 ( 3%) ###
jere 3 of 99 ( 3%) ###
jacoblyles 3 of 99 ( 3%) ###
csense 2 of 99 ( 2%) ##
siddboots 2 of 99 ( 2%) ##
cocoflunchy 2 of 99 ( 2%) ##
Show HN: My Github rsum
total comments: 76 variance: 0.4551912568306005
MusicOS 4 of 76 ( 5%) ####
Kudos 4 of 76 ( 5%) ####
crasshopper 3 of 76 ( 4%) ###
longjohnbenton 3 of 76 ( 4%) ###
vidarh 2 of 76 ( 3%) ##
saidinesh5 2 of 76 ( 3%) ##
ignignokt 2 of 76 ( 3%) ##
olalonde 2 of 76 ( 3%) ##
StavrosK 2 of 76 ( 3%) ##
negrit 1 of 76 ( 1%) #
I'm Building a GitHub for Writers
total comments: 144 variance: 2.5940700808625423
guynamedloren 16 of 144 ( 11%) ################
cauthonLuck 7 of 144 ( 5%) #######
babuskov 4 of 144 ( 3%) ####
gknoy 3 of 144 ( 2%) ###
spartango 2 of 144 ( 1%) ##
fian 2 of 144 ( 1%) ##
nadaviv 2 of 144 ( 1%) ##
natejenkins 2 of 144 ( 1%) ##
malcolmmcc 2 of 144 ( 1%) ##
chalst 2 of 144 ( 1%) ##
How GitHub Works: Be Asynchronous
total comments: 61 variance: 0.713526570048309
famousactress 6 of 61 ( 10%) ######
jrockway 3 of 61 ( 5%) ###
mseebach 2 of 61 ( 3%) ##
j_baker 2 of 61 ( 3%) ##
mattparcher 2 of 61 ( 3%) ##
ethank 2 of 61 ( 3%) ##
azov 2 of 61 ( 3%) ##
jherdman 2 of 61 ( 3%) ##
3pt14159 2 of 61 ( 3%) ##
rgarcia 2 of 61 ( 3%) ##
GitHub Desktop is now available
total comments: 242 variance: 1.5760885829717164
kitsunesoba 10 of 242 ( 4%) ##########
hueving 9 of 242 ( 4%) #########
em3rgent0rdr 7 of 242 ( 3%) #######
StavrosK 6 of 242 ( 2%) ######
krisgenre 5 of 242 ( 2%) #####
yellowapple 4 of 242 ( 2%) ####
JeremyMorgan 4 of 242 ( 2%) ####
etwigg 3 of 242 ( 1%) ###
imbriaco 3 of 242 ( 1%) ###
mwcampbell 3 of 242 ( 1%) ###
New GitHub Pages domain:
total comments: 91 variance: 0.251171171171171
Groxx 3 of 91 ( 3%) ###
CamperBob2 3 of 91 ( 3%) ###
k3n 3 of 91 ( 3%) ###
homakov 2 of 91 ( 2%) ##
Lockyy 2 of 91 ( 2%) ##
pkamb 2 of 91 ( 2%) ##
thomaslutz 2 of 91 ( 2%) ##
balac 2 of 91 ( 2%) ##
jlogsdon 2 of 91 ( 2%) ##
shurcooL 2 of 91 ( 2%) ##
How I Turned Down $300,000 from Microsoft to go Full-Time on GitHub
total comments: 54 variance: 0.43300110741971354
JonnieCache 4 of 54 ( 7%) ####
dasil003 3 of 54 ( 6%) ###
jmtame 3 of 54 ( 6%) ###
mojombo 2 of 54 ( 4%) ##
tuhin 2 of 54 ( 4%) ##
crocowhile 2 of 54 ( 4%) ##
Jach 2 of 54 ( 4%) ##
ksolanki 1 of 54 ( 2%) #
sahillavingia 1 of 54 ( 2%) #
i386 1 of 54 ( 2%) #
If Dropbox Used GitHubs Pricing Plan
total comments: 134 variance: 0.6244624940277088
nirvdrum 5 of 134 ( 4%) #####
programminggeek 4 of 134 ( 3%) ####
saturn 3 of 134 ( 2%) ###
a3_nm 3 of 134 ( 2%) ###
bphogan 3 of 134 ( 2%) ###
wccrawford 3 of 134 ( 2%) ###
a3camero 3 of 134 ( 2%) ###
Sapient 3 of 134 ( 2%) ###
tptacek 3 of 134 ( 2%) ###
watty 3 of 134 ( 2%) ###
SSH Key Audit on Github (required)
total comments: 106 variance: 0.8168147641831837
rdl 6 of 106 ( 6%) ######
technoweenie 5 of 106 ( 5%) #####
homakov 4 of 106 ( 4%) ####
joshklein 3 of 106 ( 3%) ###
cschmidt 3 of 106 ( 3%) ###
brazzy 3 of 106 ( 3%) ###
gcr 2 of 106 ( 2%) ##
pak 2 of 106 ( 2%) ##
Volpe 2 of 106 ( 2%) ##
avar 2 of 106 ( 2%) ##
Hacking Github with Webkit
total comments: 79 variance: 23.588193456614523
homakov 31 of 79 ( 39%) ###############################
ZoFreX 3 of 79 ( 4%) ###
samuelkadolph 3 of 79 ( 4%) ###
yourcelf 3 of 79 ( 4%) ###
tablatom 2 of 79 ( 3%) ##
gingerlime 2 of 79 ( 3%) ##
landr0id 2 of 79 ( 3%) ##
niggler 2 of 79 ( 3%) ##
losvedir 2 of 79 ( 3%) ##
eli 1 of 79 ( 1%) #
The Windows Driver Frameworks are on GitHub
total comments: 80 variance: 0.40613432046536274
brudgers 3 of 80 ( 4%) ###
ximeng 3 of 80 ( 4%) ###
tonyedgecombe 3 of 80 ( 4%) ###
pjmlp 3 of 80 ( 4%) ###
rplnt 3 of 80 ( 4%) ###
NamTaf 3 of 80 ( 4%) ###
wslh 2 of 80 ( 2%) ##
throwawaymsft 2 of 80 ( 2%) ##
Sanddancer 2 of 80 ( 2%) ##
crazychrome 2 of 80 ( 2%) ##
Zed Shaw: Github's Favorite Joke
total comments: 137 variance: 6.0186967789707575
zedshaw 20 of 137 ( 15%) ####################
rawsyntax 9 of 137 ( 7%) #########
bigiain 5 of 137 ( 4%) #####
randrews 4 of 137 ( 3%) ####
gjs278 3 of 137 ( 2%) ###
kenneth_reitz 3 of 137 ( 2%) ###
anon_throwaway 3 of 137 ( 2%) ###
eropple 3 of 137 ( 2%) ###
rimantas 3 of 137 ( 2%) ###
thenduks 3 of 137 ( 2%) ###
Introducing GitHub Enterprise
total comments: 102 variance: 0.8098591549295798
pnathan 5 of 102 ( 5%) #####
holman 4 of 102 ( 4%) ####
taylorbuley 4 of 102 ( 4%) ####
ethank 4 of 102 ( 4%) ####
Corrado 3 of 102 ( 3%) ###
andymoe 3 of 102 ( 3%) ###
benatkin 3 of 102 ( 3%) ###
dotBen 3 of 102 ( 3%) ###
kneath 3 of 102 ( 3%) ###
oscardelben 2 of 102 ( 2%) ##
Dennis Ritchie's first C compiler on Github
total comments: 86 variance: 0.44086538461538505
yoklov 4 of 86 ( 5%) ####
mseepgood 3 of 86 ( 3%) ###
Mr_T_ 3 of 86 ( 3%) ###
mikeash 3 of 86 ( 3%) ###
rmrfrmrf 3 of 86 ( 3%) ###
habosa 2 of 86 ( 2%) ##
lholden 2 of 86 ( 2%) ##
tcas 2 of 86 ( 2%) ##
GnarfGnarf 2 of 86 ( 2%) ##
_kst_ 2 of 86 ( 2%) ##
Django is now (officially) on GitHub
total comments: 65 variance: 0.4463652482269509
jolohaga 3 of 65 ( 5%) ###
sho_hn 3 of 65 ( 5%) ###
huxley 3 of 65 ( 5%) ###
mryan 3 of 65 ( 5%) ###
njharman 3 of 65 ( 5%) ###
senthilnayagam 2 of 65 ( 3%) ##
lloeki 2 of 65 ( 3%) ##
rmc 2 of 65 ( 3%) ##
human_error 2 of 65 ( 3%) ##
0x006A 2 of 65 ( 3%) ##
Refactoring GitHub's Design
total comments: 93 variance: 1.4701863354037294
ianstormtaylor 9 of 93 ( 10%) #########
masklinn 7 of 93 ( 8%) #######
ricardobeat 2 of 93 ( 2%) ##
jbail 2 of 93 ( 2%) ##
calpaterson 2 of 93 ( 2%) ##
jimmaswell 2 of 93 ( 2%) ##
zobzu 2 of 93 ( 2%) ##
bostonvaulter2 2 of 93 ( 2%) ##
philliphaydon 2 of 93 ( 2%) ##
imperialWicket 2 of 93 ( 2%) ##
How I Turned Down $300,000 from Microsoft to go Full-Time on GitHub (2008)
total comments: 90 variance: 0.7580419580419601
geophile 5 of 90 ( 6%) #####
jimmaswell 5 of 90 ( 6%) #####
dyno12345 4 of 90 ( 4%) ####
nchuhoai 3 of 90 ( 3%) ###
eliben 3 of 90 ( 3%) ###
seanmcdirmid 2 of 90 ( 2%) ##
acjohnson55 2 of 90 ( 2%) ##
markdown 2 of 90 ( 2%) ##
lifeisstillgood 2 of 90 ( 2%) ##
onedev 2 of 90 ( 2%) ##
GitHub Résumé
total comments: 109 variance: 0.6079929473993558
icelancer 5 of 109 ( 5%) #####
X4 5 of 109 ( 5%) #####
burntsushi 4 of 109 ( 4%) ####
username223 3 of 109 ( 3%) ###
jmduke 2 of 109 ( 2%) ##
10098 2 of 109 ( 2%) ##
tinco 2 of 109 ( 2%) ##
prawks 2 of 109 ( 2%) ##
bennyg 2 of 109 ( 2%) ##
seivan 2 of 109 ( 2%) ##
GitHub's on your phone
total comments: 82 variance: 0.1373668188736688
joeblau 3 of 82 ( 4%) ###
holman 2 of 82 ( 2%) ##
ben336 2 of 82 ( 2%) ##
Spiritus 2 of 82 ( 2%) ##
diggan 2 of 82 ( 2%) ##
shanselman 2 of 82 ( 2%) ##
cleverjake 2 of 82 ( 2%) ##
oscardelben 2 of 82 ( 2%) ##
grobie 1 of 82 ( 1%) #
jwarren 1 of 82 ( 1%) #
Jenkin developers accidentally do "git push --force" to over 150 repos on github!searchin/jenkinsci-dev/force$20push/jenkinsci-dev/-myjRIPcVwU/mrwn8VkyXagJ
total comments: 193 variance: 1.378577677790285
encoderer 8 of 193 ( 4%) ########
cjh_ 7 of 193 ( 4%) #######
emn13 6 of 193 ( 3%) ######
jlgreco 6 of 193 ( 3%) ######
StefanKarpinski 5 of 193 ( 3%) #####
ihateloggingin 4 of 193 ( 2%) ####
duaneb 4 of 193 ( 2%) ####
jordigh 3 of 193 ( 2%) ###
swift 3 of 193 ( 2%) ###
0x0 3 of 193 ( 2%) ###
Prominent GitHub Engineer Quits, Alleging Gender-Based Harassment
total comments: 409 variance: 5.001109341222007
facepalm 21 of 409 ( 5%) #####################
steveklabnik 12 of 409 ( 3%) ############
jsmthrowaway 12 of 409 ( 3%) ############
sergiotapia 8 of 409 ( 2%) ########
theorique 8 of 409 ( 2%) ########
melindajb 7 of 409 ( 2%) #######
pron 7 of 409 ( 2%) #######
bsder 5 of 409 ( 1%) #####
tesseractive 5 of 409 ( 1%) #####
EC1 5 of 409 ( 1%) #####
Search: .lenght - Github
total comments: 103 variance: 0.39039445950015145
evanlong 4 of 103 ( 4%) ####
kaffeinecoma 4 of 103 ( 4%) ####
sjwright 3 of 103 ( 3%) ###
adambyrtek 3 of 103 ( 3%) ###
palish 2 of 103 ( 2%) ##
Mizza 2 of 103 ( 2%) ##
flexd 2 of 103 ( 2%) ##
chernevik 2 of 103 ( 2%) ##
xyzzyb 2 of 103 ( 2%) ##
udp 2 of 103 ( 2%) ##
Primer – CSS toolkit and guidelines that power GitHub
total comments: 87 variance: 2.359591836734695
mdo 10 of 87 ( 11%) ##########
smt88 5 of 87 ( 6%) #####
jordanlev 5 of 87 ( 6%) #####
wodenokoto 3 of 87 ( 3%) ###
oneeyedpigeon 3 of 87 ( 3%) ###
psychometry 3 of 87 ( 3%) ###
andreash 3 of 87 ( 3%) ###
mantasm 3 of 87 ( 3%) ###
hswolff 2 of 87 ( 2%) ##
baddox 2 of 87 ( 2%) ##
How GitHub Uses GitHub to Document GitHub
total comments: 54 variance: 4.531182795698921
conorgil145 11 of 54 ( 20%) ###########
bcRIPster 6 of 54 ( 11%) ######
gjtorikian 6 of 54 ( 11%) ######
lapfi 2 of 54 ( 4%) ##
jondot 2 of 54 ( 4%) ##
gkoberger 2 of 54 ( 4%) ##
technoweenie 1 of 54 ( 2%) #
crdoconnor 1 of 54 ( 2%) #
codezero 1 of 54 ( 2%) #
pc86 1 of 54 ( 2%) #
Why Baidu Has Been Hijacked to Attack GitHub
total comments: 195 variance: 2.4876353346456694
TazeTSchnitzel 17 of 195 ( 9%) #################
aaronem 5 of 195 ( 3%) #####
shiggerino 4 of 195 ( 2%) ####
Liru 4 of 195 ( 2%) ####
yincrash 3 of 195 ( 2%) ###
Oompa 3 of 195 ( 2%) ###
dujiulun2006 3 of 195 ( 2%) ###
Pirate-of-SV 3 of 195 ( 2%) ###
rmc 3 of 195 ( 2%) ###
kinghajj 3 of 195 ( 2%) ###
Upgrading GitHub to Rails 3 with Zero Downtime
total comments: 63 variance: 0.31877551020408196
jrochkind1 3 of 63 ( 5%) ###
alttab 3 of 63 ( 5%) ###
holman 3 of 63 ( 5%) ###
nathan_f77 2 of 63 ( 3%) ##
charliesome 2 of 63 ( 3%) ##
imjoshholloway 2 of 63 ( 3%) ##
davidw 2 of 63 ( 3%) ##
reedlaw 2 of 63 ( 3%) ##
tootie 2 of 63 ( 3%) ##
thedaniel 2 of 63 ( 3%) ##
More Git and GitHub Secrets
total comments: 39 variance: 0.24092741935483872
dlitz 3 of 39 ( 8%) ###
oelmekki 2 of 39 ( 5%) ##
graphene 2 of 39 ( 5%) ##
zeckalpha 2 of 39 ( 5%) ##
aroman 2 of 39 ( 5%) ##
Anderkent 2 of 39 ( 5%) ##
DanielRibeiro 1 of 39 ( 3%) #
bluetidepro 1 of 39 ( 3%) #
jbarnette 1 of 39 ( 3%) #
iamthebest 1 of 39 ( 3%) #
sytse 70 of 16773 ( 0%) ######################################################################
homakov 61 of 16773 ( 0%) #############################################################
DanBC 50 of 16773 ( 0%) ##################################################
facepalm 46 of 16773 ( 0%) ##############################################
malandrew 46 of 16773 ( 0%) ##############################################
nailer 42 of 16773 ( 0%) ##########################################
masklinn 39 of 16773 ( 0%) #######################################
rmc 38 of 16773 ( 0%) ######################################
enneff 35 of 16773 ( 0%) ###################################
JoshTriplett 34 of 16773 ( 0%) ##################################
Dear open-source maintainers, a letter from GitLab
total comments: 319 variance: 16.386094674556073
sytse 51 of 319 ( 16%) ###################################################
DouweM 12 of 319 ( 4%) ############
rcarmo 7 of 319 ( 2%) #######
nearlythere 7 of 319 ( 2%) #######
levlaz 6 of 319 ( 2%) ######
jbk 5 of 319 ( 2%) #####
arihant 5 of 319 ( 2%) #####
dingo_bat 4 of 319 ( 1%) ####
drewcrawford 4 of 319 ( 1%) ####
johnmaguire2013 4 of 319 ( 1%) ####
Choose GitLab for your next open source project
total comments: 230 variance: 45.30674931129479
sytse 75 of 230 ( 33%) ###########################################################################
cm3 4 of 230 ( 2%) ####
pearjuice 4 of 230 ( 2%) ####
zanny 3 of 230 ( 1%) ###
generic_user 3 of 230 ( 1%) ###
mintplant 3 of 230 ( 1%) ###
kaendfinger 3 of 230 ( 1%) ###
matheweis 3 of 230 ( 1%) ###
carussell 3 of 230 ( 1%) ###
BinaryIdiot 2 of 230 ( 1%) ##
Gogs, an alternative to Gitlab
total comments: 232 variance: 6.856397124002779
sytse 31 of 232 ( 13%) ###############################
e12e 6 of 232 ( 3%) ######
mrmondo 6 of 232 ( 3%) ######
icefox 5 of 232 ( 2%) #####
bau5 4 of 232 ( 2%) ####
awalGarg 3 of 232 ( 1%) ###
y0ghur7_xxx 3 of 232 ( 1%) ###
Vendan 3 of 232 ( 1%) ###
ocdtrekkie 3 of 232 ( 1%) ###
rpcope1 3 of 232 ( 1%) ###
GitLab, open source github clone, reaches 3.0
total comments: 101 variance: 1.105285592497864
sytse 8 of 101 ( 8%) ########
thomanil 4 of 101 ( 4%) ####
X-Istence 3 of 101 ( 3%) ###
vog 3 of 101 ( 3%) ###
benjamincburns 3 of 101 ( 3%) ###
lrem 3 of 101 ( 3%) ###
khet 3 of 101 ( 3%) ###
jberryman 2 of 101 ( 2%) ##
drivebyacct2 2 of 101 ( 2%) ##
axx 2 of 101 ( 2%) ##
GitLab 8.0 released with new looks and integrated CI
total comments: 132 variance: 21.150635208711446
jobvandervoort 28 of 132 ( 21%) ############################
sytse 24 of 132 ( 18%) ########################
dman 4 of 132 ( 3%) ####
scrollaway 4 of 132 ( 3%) ####
netcraft 3 of 132 ( 2%) ###
resca79 3 of 132 ( 2%) ###
stephenr 3 of 132 ( 2%) ###
patrickaljord 2 of 132 ( 2%) ##
nstart 2 of 132 ( 2%) ##
haynes 2 of 132 ( 2%) ##
GitLab – Open Source Git Management Software
total comments: 112 variance: 3.307387387387379
sytse 16 of 112 ( 14%) ################
StavrosK 5 of 112 ( 4%) #####
tom9729 3 of 112 ( 3%) ###
panzi 3 of 112 ( 3%) ###
thecodemonkey 2 of 112 ( 2%) ##
krob 2 of 112 ( 2%) ##
schrijver 2 of 112 ( 2%) ##
suyash 2 of 112 ( 2%) ##
peterwwillis 2 of 112 ( 2%) ##
exabrial 2 of 112 ( 2%) ##
GitLab - an open source clone of GitHub
total comments: 64 variance: 0.5501700680272118
drivebyacct2 5 of 64 ( 8%) #####
jarin 3 of 64 ( 5%) ###
CGamesPlay 3 of 64 ( 5%) ###
suyash 2 of 64 ( 3%) ##
overshard 2 of 64 ( 3%) ##
Tobu 2 of 64 ( 3%) ##
StavrosK 2 of 64 ( 3%) ##
js4all 2 of 64 ( 3%) ##
kstenerud 2 of 64 ( 3%) ##
jsavimbi 2 of 64 ( 3%) ##
GitLab 8.3 released with Auto-merge and GitLab Pages
total comments: 102 variance: 7.4845735027223474
sytse 21 of 102 ( 21%) #####################
eeZi 6 of 102 ( 6%) ######
dominotw 4 of 102 ( 4%) ####
tedmiston 3 of 102 ( 3%) ###
nalck 3 of 102 ( 3%) ###
sdesol 3 of 102 ( 3%) ###
chappi42 3 of 102 ( 3%) ###
cmrx64 3 of 102 ( 3%) ###
sandGorgon 2 of 102 ( 2%) ##
frik 2 of 102 ( 2%) ##
GitLab acquires Gitorious
total comments: 88 variance: 25.816161616161708
sytse 35 of 88 ( 40%) ###################################
mlinksva 5 of 88 ( 6%) #####
nymisunderrated 2 of 88 ( 2%) ##
davexunit 2 of 88 ( 2%) ##
hobarrera 2 of 88 ( 2%) ##
worklogin 2 of 88 ( 2%) ##
pnathan 2 of 88 ( 2%) ##
waffle_ss 1 of 88 ( 1%) #
lsllc 1 of 88 ( 1%) #
ocdtrekkie 1 of 88 ( 1%) #
GitLab raises 1.5M
total comments: 94 variance: 18.582828282828263
sytse 29 of 94 ( 31%) #############################
jobvandervoort 9 of 94 ( 10%) #########
BinaryIdiot 4 of 94 ( 4%) ####
habith 3 of 94 ( 3%) ###
jbrooksuk 3 of 94 ( 3%) ###
merb 2 of 94 ( 2%) ##
mikekchar 2 of 94 ( 2%) ##
rcthompson 2 of 94 ( 2%) ##
mindsocket 2 of 94 ( 2%) ##
wldcordeiro 2 of 94 ( 2%) ##
Gitlab 5.0 released, Gitolite now gone
total comments: 93 variance: 24.611336032388675
sytse 32 of 93 ( 34%) ################################
rektide 5 of 93 ( 5%) #####
buster 4 of 93 ( 4%) ####
randx 3 of 93 ( 3%) ###
Hello71 3 of 93 ( 3%) ###
Argorak 3 of 93 ( 3%) ###
__david__ 3 of 93 ( 3%) ###
jameswritescode 2 of 93 ( 2%) ##
jamesmoss 2 of 93 ( 2%) ##
nonpme 2 of 93 ( 2%) ##
GitLab Mattermost, an open source on-premises Slack alternative
total comments: 95 variance: 5.8879870129870175
sytse 18 of 95 ( 19%) ##################
thebiglebrewski 5 of 95 ( 5%) #####
it33 5 of 95 ( 5%) #####
engelgabriel 4 of 95 ( 4%) ####
ex3ndr 4 of 95 ( 4%) ####
balls187 3 of 95 ( 3%) ###
kohenkatz 3 of 95 ( 3%) ###
ris 2 of 95 ( 2%) ##
falcolas 2 of 95 ( 2%) ##
nullz 2 of 95 ( 2%) ##
GitLab 6.0 Released
total comments: 89 variance: 8.307826694619141
sytse 22 of 89 ( 25%) ######################
tsm 3 of 89 ( 3%) ###
overshard 3 of 89 ( 3%) ###
MetaCosm 3 of 89 ( 3%) ###
X-Istence 3 of 89 ( 3%) ###
mitchty 2 of 89 ( 2%) ##
binderbizingdos 2 of 89 ( 2%) ##
simlevesque 2 of 89 ( 2%) ##
skore 2 of 89 ( 2%) ##
banachtarski 2 of 89 ( 2%) ##
GitLab 7.8 release
total comments: 62 variance: 18.062678062678053
sytse 23 of 62 ( 37%) #######################
allan_s 5 of 62 ( 8%) #####
1123581321 3 of 62 ( 5%) ###
jobvandervoort 3 of 62 ( 5%) ###
panzerboy 3 of 62 ( 5%) ###
aaren 2 of 62 ( 3%) ##
randx 2 of 62 ( 3%) ##
mrmondo 2 of 62 ( 3%) ##
ksec 1 of 62 ( 2%) #
teejmya 1 of 62 ( 2%) #
total comments: 38 variance: 0.4984615384615386
sytse 3 of 38 ( 8%) ###
j45 3 of 38 ( 8%) ###
drivebyacct2 3 of 38 ( 8%) ###
rsobers 2 of 38 ( 5%) ##
contingencies 2 of 38 ( 5%) ##
mbreese 2 of 38 ( 5%) ##
ariejan 2 of 38 ( 5%) ##
cnp 2 of 38 ( 5%) ##
dotmanish 2 of 38 ( 5%) ##
bchen 1 of 38 ( 3%) #
GitLab 6.3 released: open-source software to collaborate on code
total comments: 54 variance: 0.40080971659918974
sebastiank123 3 of 54 ( 6%) ###
girvo 3 of 54 ( 6%) ###
Touche 3 of 54 ( 6%) ###
eurg 2 of 54 ( 4%) ##
davexunit 2 of 54 ( 4%) ##
GhotiFish 2 of 54 ( 4%) ##
monksy 2 of 54 ( 4%) ##
js4all 2 of 54 ( 4%) ##
quadrangle 2 of 54 ( 4%) ##
taspeotis 2 of 54 ( 4%) ##
GitLab announces $4M series A funding from Khosla Ventures$4M-series-a-funding-from-khosla-ventures/
total comments: 81 variance: 11.074390243902432
sytse 22 of 81 ( 27%) ######################
izolate 4 of 81 ( 5%) ####
BinaryIdiot 4 of 81 ( 5%) ####
maratd 3 of 81 ( 4%) ###
stephenr 3 of 81 ( 4%) ###
scrollaway 3 of 81 ( 4%) ###
jobvandervoort 3 of 81 ( 4%) ###
gtaylor 3 of 81 ( 4%) ###
yarper 2 of 81 ( 2%) ##
hobarrera 2 of 81 ( 2%) ##
GNU Mailman is now hosted on GitLab
total comments: 175 variance: 7.874958374958396
sytse 21 of 175 ( 12%) #####################
ultramancool 11 of 175 ( 6%) ###########
jordigh 10 of 175 ( 6%) ##########
Lawtonfogle 6 of 175 ( 3%) ######
pervycreeper 5 of 175 ( 3%) #####
Goronmon 5 of 175 ( 3%) #####
davexunit 5 of 175 ( 3%) #####
jumpwah 4 of 175 ( 2%) ####
striking 4 of 175 ( 2%) ####
Argorak 4 of 175 ( 2%) #### Downtime Postmortem
total comments: 49 variance: 9.845849802371541
sytse 16 of 49 ( 33%) ################
wpietri 4 of 49 ( 8%) ####
supine 3 of 49 ( 6%) ###
dvirsky 3 of 49 ( 6%) ###
felixgallo 2 of 49 ( 4%) ##
res0nat0r 2 of 49 ( 4%) ##
scott_karana 2 of 49 ( 4%) ##
maddev 2 of 49 ( 4%) ##
LeonM 1 of 49 ( 2%) #
korzun 1 of 49 ( 2%) #
GitLab 4.0 Released
total comments: 53 variance: 5.071572580645161
sytse 13 of 53 ( 25%) #############
n0nick 5 of 53 ( 9%) #####
Xylakant 4 of 53 ( 8%) ####
mitchty 2 of 53 ( 4%) ##
andrewmunsell 2 of 53 ( 4%) ##
rustc 1 of 53 ( 2%) #
__david__ 1 of 53 ( 2%) #
milkshakes 1 of 53 ( 2%) #
FraaJad 1 of 53 ( 2%) #
stblack 1 of 53 ( 2%) #
GitLab 7.11: 2FA, publicly viewable Enterprise Edition
total comments: 58 variance: 27.956709956709947
sytse 26 of 58 ( 45%) ##########################
bau5 4 of 58 ( 7%) ####
nadams 3 of 58 ( 5%) ###
darklajid 3 of 58 ( 5%) ###
jobvandervoort 2 of 58 ( 3%) ##
DouweM 2 of 58 ( 3%) ##
jordigh 2 of 58 ( 3%) ##
kaolinite 2 of 58 ( 3%) ##
mikegerwitz 1 of 58 ( 2%) #
mtsmith85 1 of 58 ( 2%) #
GitLab Flow (2014)
total comments: 21 variance: 1.5625
sytse 6 of 21 ( 29%) ######
DrRobinson 1 of 21 ( 5%) #
JBReefer 1 of 21 ( 5%) #
Philipp__ 1 of 21 ( 5%) #
nopzor 1 of 21 ( 5%) #
ajdlinux 1 of 21 ( 5%) #
lerpa 1 of 21 ( 5%) #
nullified-vga 1 of 21 ( 5%) #
somecoder 1 of 21 ( 5%) #
dijit 1 of 21 ( 5%) #
GitLab v4.1 released
total comments: 34 variance: 0.46153846153846184
girvo 4 of 34 ( 12%) ####
moneypenny 2 of 34 ( 6%) ##
moe 2 of 34 ( 6%) ##
kossmac 2 of 34 ( 6%) ##
randx 2 of 34 ( 6%) ##
bitcartel 2 of 34 ( 6%) ##
beagle3 1 of 34 ( 3%) #
tiwazz 1 of 34 ( 3%) #
meh01 1 of 34 ( 3%) #
cs02rm0 1 of 34 ( 3%) #
sytse 494 of 2376 ( 21%) ##############################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################
jobvandervoort 50 of 2376 ( 2%) ##################################################
DouweM 18 of 2376 ( 1%) ##################
jordigh 17 of 2376 ( 1%) #################
mrmondo 13 of 2376 ( 1%) #############
ultramancool 11 of 2376 ( 0%) ###########
e12e 10 of 2376 ( 0%) ##########
drivebyacct2 10 of 2376 ( 0%) ##########
BinaryIdiot 10 of 2376 ( 0%) ##########
scrollaway 10 of 2376 ( 0%) ##########
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