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Created March 10, 2012 01:01
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Save jstadler/2009513 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A .bashrc file used at one point, notable alias worth keeping is desup, also liked these PS1's.
# ~/.bashrc
# If not running interactively, don't do anything
[[ $- != *i* ]] && return
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
alias desup='sudo mount -t cifs // -o username=xx,password=xx /mnt/m1'
alias desdn='sudo umount /mnt/m1'
PS1='\n\[\033[0;32m\]\u@\h \[\033[1;33m\]\w\n\[\033[0m\]> '
PS2='\\ '
#PS1="\n\e[0;94m┌─[\e[0;92m\u\e[0;94m]─[\e[0;95m\h\e[0;94m]──[\e[0;93m\w\e[0;94m]\e[0m\n\e[0;94m└<\e[0;96m\A\e[0;94m>>> "
#PS1="\n\e[0;94m┌─[\e[0;92m\u\e[0;94m]─[\e[0;95m\h\e[0;94m]──[\e[0;93m\w\e[0;94m]\e[0m\n\e[0;94m└<\e[0;96m\A\e[0;94m>>>\e[1m "
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