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Created July 3, 2012 22:37
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Save jstangroome/3043878 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
PowerShell scripts to deploy a SQL Server Reporting Services project (*.rptproj) to a Reporting Server
#requires -version 2.0
param (
[ValidateScript({ Test-Path -PathType Leaf -Path $_ })]
function New-XmlNamespaceManager ($XmlDocument, $DefaultNamespacePrefix) {
$NsMgr = New-Object -TypeName System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager -ArgumentList $XmlDocument.NameTable
$DefaultNamespace = $XmlDocument.DocumentElement.GetAttribute('xmlns')
if ($DefaultNamespace -and $DefaultNamespacePrefix) {
$NsMgr.AddNamespace($DefaultNamespacePrefix, $DefaultNamespace)
return ,$NsMgr # unary comma wraps $NsMgr so it isn't unrolled
function Normalize-SSRSFolder (
) {
if (-not $Folder.StartsWith('/')) {
$Folder = '/' + $Folder
return $Folder
function New-SSRSFolder (
) {
Write-Verbose "New-SSRSFolder -Name $Name"
$Name = Normalize-SSRSFolder -Folder $Name
if ($Proxy.GetItemType($Name) -ne 'Folder') {
$Parts = $Name -split '/'
$Leaf = $Parts[-1]
$Parent = $Parts[0..($Parts.Length-2)] -join '/'
if ($Parent) {
New-SSRSFolder -Proxy $Proxy -Name $Parent
} else {
$Parent = '/'
$Proxy.CreateFolder($Leaf, $Parent, $null)
function New-SSRSDataSource (
) {
Write-Verbose "New-SSRSDataSource -RdsPath $RdsPath -Folder $Folder"
$Folder = Normalize-SSRSFolder -Folder $Folder
[xml]$Rds = Get-Content -Path $RdsPath
$ConnProps = $Rds.RptDataSource.ConnectionProperties
$Definition = New-Object -TypeName SSRS.ReportingService2005.DataSourceDefinition
$Definition.ConnectString = $ConnProps.ConnectString
$Definition.Extension = $ConnProps.Extension
if ([Convert]::ToBoolean($ConnProps.IntegratedSecurity)) {
$Definition.CredentialRetrieval = 'Integrated'
$DataSource = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
Name = $Rds.RptDataSource.Name
Path = $Folder + '/' + $Rds.RptDataSource.Name
if ($Overwrite -or $Proxy.GetItemType($DataSource.Path) -eq 'Unknown') {
$Proxy.CreateDataSource($DataSource.Name, $Folder, $Overwrite, $Definition, $null)
return $DataSource
$script:ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
$PSScriptRoot = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path | Split-Path
$Path = $Path | Convert-Path
$ProjectRoot = $Path | Split-Path
[xml]$Project = Get-Content -Path $Path
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Configuration') {
$Config = & $PSScriptRoot\Get-SSRSProjectConfiguration.ps1 -Path $Path -Configuration $Configuration
$ServerUrl = $Config.ServerUrl
$Folder = $Config.Folder
$DataSourceFolder = $Config.DataSourceFolder
$OverwriteDataSources = $Config.OverwriteDataSources
$Folder = Normalize-SSRSFolder -Folder $Folder
$DataSourceFolder = Normalize-SSRSFolder -Folder $DataSourceFolder
$Proxy = & $PSScriptRoot\New-SSRSWebServiceProxy.ps1 -Uri $ServerUrl -Credential $Credential
New-SSRSFolder -Proxy $Proxy -Name $Folder
New-SSRSFolder -Proxy $Proxy -Name $DataSourceFolder
$DataSourcePaths = @{}
$Project.SelectNodes('Project/DataSources/ProjectItem') |
ForEach-Object {
$RdsPath = $ProjectRoot | Join-Path -ChildPath $_.FullPath
$DataSource = New-SSRSDataSource -Proxy $Proxy -RdsPath $RdsPath -Folder $DataSourceFolder
$DataSourcePaths.Add($DataSource.Name, $DataSource.Path)
$Project.SelectNodes('Project/Reports/ProjectItem') |
ForEach-Object {
$RdlPath = $ProjectRoot | Join-Path -ChildPath $_.FullPath
[xml]$Definition = Get-Content -Path $RdlPath
$NsMgr = New-XmlNamespaceManager $Definition d
$RawDefinition = Get-Content -Encoding Byte -Path $RdlPath
$Name = $_.Name -replace '\.rdl$',''
Write-Verbose "Creating report $Name"
$Results = $Proxy.CreateReport($Name, $Folder, $true, $RawDefinition, $null)
if ($Results -and ($Results | Where-Object { $_.Severity -eq 'Error' })) {
throw 'Error uploading report'
$Xpath = 'd:Report/d:DataSources/d:DataSource/d:DataSourceReference/..'
$DataSources = $Definition.SelectNodes($Xpath, $NsMgr) |
ForEach-Object {
$DataSourcePath = $DataSourcePaths[$_.DataSourceReference]
if (-not $DataSourcePath) {
throw "Invalid data source reference '$($_.DataSourceReference)' in $RdlPath"
$Reference = New-Object -TypeName SSRS.ReportingService2005.DataSourceReference
$Reference.Reference = $DataSourcePath
$DataSource = New-Object -TypeName SSRS.ReportingService2005.DataSource
$DataSource.Item = $Reference
$DataSource.Name = $_.Name
if ($DataSources) {
$Proxy.SetItemDataSources($Folder + '/' + $Name, $DataSources)
#requires -version 2.0
param (
[ValidateScript({ Test-Path -PathType Leaf -Path $_ })]
function Normalize-SSRSFolder (
) {
if (-not $Folder.StartsWith('/')) {
$Folder = '/' + $Folder
return $Folder
$script:ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) -Path $Path -Configuration $Configuration"
[xml]$Project = Get-Content -Path $Path
$Config = $Project.SelectNodes('Project/Configurations/Configuration') |
Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $Configuration } |
Select-Object -First 1
if (-not $Config) {
throw "Could not find configuration $Configuration."
$OverwriteDataSources = $false
if ($Config.Options.SelectSingleNode('OverwriteDataSources')) {
$OverwriteDataSources = [Convert]::ToBoolean($Config.Options.OverwriteDataSources)
return New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
ServerUrl = $Config.Options.TargetServerUrl
Folder = Normalize-SSRSFolder -Folder $Config.Options.TargetFolder
DataSourceFolder = Normalize-SSRSFolder -Folder $Config.Options.TargetDataSourceFolder
OverwriteDataSources = $OverwriteDataSources
#requires -version 2.0
param (
$script:ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
if (-not $Uri.EndsWith('.asmx')) {
if (-not $Uri.EndsWith('/')) {
$Uri += '/'
$Uri += 'ReportService2005.asmx'
$Assembly = [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() |
Where-Object {
if (($Assembly | Measure-Object).Count -gt 1) {
throw 'AppDomain contains multiple definitions of the same type. Restart PowerShell host.'
if (-not $Assembly) {
if ($Credential) {
$CredParams = @{ Credential = $Credential }
} else {
$CredParams = @{ UseDefaultCredential = $true }
$Proxy = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri $Uri -Namespace SSRS.ReportingService2005 @CredParams
} else {
$Proxy = New-Object -TypeName SSRS.ReportingService2005.ReportingService2005
if ($Credential) {
$Proxy.Credentials = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential()
} else {
$Proxy.UseDefaultCredentials = $true
$Proxy.Url = $Uri
return $Proxy
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kulmam92 commented Jun 4, 2013

Thanks for sharing good script. Would it be possible to add usage? Do you have any plan to upgrade it for SQL 2012?

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Hey @kulmam92 and @codeassassin, here's my version which includes two different ways to call it:

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This is pretty good script. Thanks for sharing.

I think the only thing it lacks is, functionality to deploy Shared Datasets, Is it possible to achieve this via Powershell Script?

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Jonesie commented Feb 15, 2014

Support for shared datasets and 2012.

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IgnEriol commented Feb 2, 2015

Hello jstangroome!

Starting from SSRS version 2008 R2 and higher method CreateDataSource returns CatalogItem. Today i've stucked with a problem caused by this, because after invoking $Proxy.CreateDataSource i received duplicated Name and Path from output of New-SSRSDataSource. First entry of this pair was returned by CreateDataSource and second by:
$DataSource = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
Name = $Rds.RptDataSource.Name
Path = $Folder + '/' + $Rds.RptDataSource.Name
}. It is not a bug, but more behavior of PowerShell - it concatenated outputs (if they exist).
I've added Out-Null to line 112 and all is Ok now.

Thats why reports with embedded data sources did not deployed.

Thanks a lot for your solution.

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Hi, did you write this script yourself? If so are you able to give permission for re-use? Maybe under MIT or something.

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