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Created December 7, 2013 00:48
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  • Save jstangroome/7835806 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jstangroome/7835806 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A script to sort the schemas, imports, types, and namespace prefixes within a WSDL file to produce a canonical format useful for performing text-based comparisons between versions of a WSDL file.
#requires -version 3.0
param (
function Sort-NodeArray {
param (
foreach ($Node in $SortedNodes) {
$Node.ParentNode.AppendChild($Node.ParentNode.RemoveChild($Node)) | Out-Null
$Path = $PSCmdlet.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($Path)
$TempPath = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web.Services
$ServiceDescription = [System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription]::Read($Path)
$ServiceDescription.Namespaces = $null
$Namespaces = @{
wsdl = ''
xs = ''
$TypesNode = Select-Xml -Path $TempPath -XPath wsdl:definitions/wsdl:types -Namespace $Namespaces |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Node -First 1
$Schemas = @(
Select-Xml -Xml $TypesNode -XPath xs:schema -Namespace $Namespaces |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Node |
Sort-Object -Property { $_.GetAttribute('targetNamespace') }
Sort-NodeArray -SortedNodes $Schemas
foreach ($Schema in $Schemas) {
$ImportNodes = @(
Select-Xml -Xml $Schema -XPath xs:import -Namespace $Namespaces |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Node |
Sort-Object -Property { $_.GetAttribute('namespace') }
Sort-NodeArray -SortedNodes $ImportNodes
$SimpleTypeNodes = @(
Select-Xml -Xml $Schema -XPath xs:simpleType -Namespace $Namespaces |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Node |
Sort-Object -Property { $_.GetAttribute('name') }
Sort-NodeArray -SortedNodes $SimpleTypeNodes
$ComplexTypeNodes = @(
Select-Xml -Xml $Schema -XPath xs:complexType -Namespace $Namespaces |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Node |
Sort-Object -Property { $_.GetAttribute('name') }
Sort-NodeArray -SortedNodes $ComplexTypeNodes
$OutputPath = $Path
$ServiceDescription = [System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription]::Read($TempPath)
$ServiceDescription.Namespaces = $null
$ServiceDescription.Namespaces.Add('tns', $ServiceDescription.TargetNamespace)
$ServiceDescription.Namespaces.Add('wsdl', '')
$ServiceDescription.Namespaces.Add('soap', '')
foreach ($Schema in $ServiceDescription.Types.Schemas) {
$Schema.Namespaces = $null
$Schema.Namespaces.Add('tns', $Schema.TargetNamespace)
$Schema.Namespaces.Add('xs', '')
$NamespaceIndex = 1
foreach ($Include in $Schema.Includes) {
$Schema.Namespaces.Add("ns$NamespaceIndex", $Include.Namespace)
Remove-Item -Path $TempPath
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