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Last active February 4, 2023 22:58
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nalbinding needle
length = 100;
width = 12;
thickness = 5;
flat_ratio = 0.5;
build_plate = true;
hole_width = 8;
hole_stretch = 0.9;
hole_chamfer = 1.25;
pointiness = 25;
$fn = 25;
z_asymmetry = build_plate ? 0.5 : 0;
function sin_scale(pos, lb, ub) = sin(lb + pos * (ub - lb));
function v_scale(pos) = thickness * sin_scale(pos, 30, 125);
function h_scale(pos) = width * sin_scale(pos, 14, 100);
module body(sections=$fn) {
section_length = length / sections;
for(pos = [0 : section_length : length-1]) {
p0 = pos / length;
p1 = (pos + section_length) / length;
dx = flat_ratio / 2;
hs = 1 - flat_ratio;
translate([0, 0, pos])
linear_extrude(height = section_length,
scale = [h_scale(p1) / h_scale(p0),
v_scale(p1) / v_scale(p0)])
scale([h_scale(p0), v_scale(p0)])
hull() {
translate([-dx, z_asymmetry]) scale([hs, 1]) circle(d=1);
translate([dx, z_asymmetry]) scale([hs, 1]) circle(d=1);
module hole_section(p0, r0, p1, r1, dx) {
translate([0, 0, p0])
linear_extrude(height=p1-p0, scale=r1/r0, center=false) {
hull() {
translate([-r0 * dx, 0, 0])
translate([r0 * dx, 0, 0])
module hole(th, r, pos, chamfer = hole_chamfer, stretch = hole_stretch) {
translate([0, th * (1/2 + z_asymmetry), pos])
rotate([90, 90, 0]) {
hole_section(0, r * chamfer, th / 4, r, stretch);
hole_section(th / 4, r, th * 3 / 4, r, stretch);
hole_section(th * 3 / 4, r, th, r * chamfer, stretch);
module end_rounder() {
difference() {
translate([-1, -1, -1.5]) cube([2, 2, 2]);
translate([0, 0, 0.5]) sphere(d=1);
module needle() {
rotate([90, 0, 180]) {
difference() {
hole(thickness, hole_width/2, length - hole_width*2);
translate([0, thickness*z_asymmetry, length])
rotate([180, 0, 0])
scale([width, width, width])
translate([0, v_scale(0) * z_asymmetry, 0])
scale([h_scale(0) * 2, h_scale(0) * 2, pointiness])
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