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Created August 7, 2019 03:08
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Save jstart/24b02b140708f00bf67bf38f51ad04eb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. Updated Conferences
"Try Swift 2019": {
"talks": [{
"title": "Swift Server Update",
"source": "youtube",
"videoId": "ZefmzgLabCA",
"details": "The Swift Server Work Group (SSWG) goal is to create a robust, healthy ecosystem for server application development with Swift. Its current focus is to encourage the development of high quality, well maintained libraries and tools that the community can reliably lean on. In this talk, we will review the latest development since the SSWG was announced Sept 2018, describe the incubation process and how to get involved, and dive into the details of some of the active projects and proposals the community and teams are working on.",
"speaker": {
"name": "Tom Doron",
"twitter": "",
"github": "",
"bio": "Tom works at Apple where he is serving as a senior engineering manager focusing on core cloud technologies and open source libraries and frameworks."
"title": "The Philosopher's String",
"source": "youtube",
"videoId": "lMhGnTFA9CI",
"details": "Swift’s String type aims to strike an optimal balance between correctness, performance, and ease ofuse. This talk will explore the philosophy behind String and how we as a community can drive ease ofuse evenfurther to make programming with String a true joy.",
"speaker": {
"name": "Michael Ilseman",
"twitter": "",
"github": "",
"bio": "Michael works at Apple on Swift’s Standard Library team."
"title": "Building a Social Network in Swift",
"source": "youtube",
"videoId": "u901qDvBuUU",
"details": "\"But is it really ready for production?\" Server-side Swift has come a long way in just a few years. Ian Partridge and David Okun will show how full-stack Swift is ready for your next project, along with the open standards you can take advantage of as you go live on the cloud. Spend more time writing Swift and less time talking about it!",
"speaker": {
"name": "David Okun & Ian Partridge",
"twitter": "",
"github": "",
"bio": "David Okun is a mobile software developer turned developer advocate for IBM in Austin, Texas. David has been primarily focused on iOS mobile software, but is also interested in Swift on the Server, and other web technologies such as Node.js. Ian Partridge is the technical lead of the Swift@IBM development team, working in open source to bring Swift to the cloud. A committer to the core Swift libraries and a developer of Kitura, one of the leading Swift web frameworks, he comes from a background in virtual machine performance and debugging. Ian regularly speaks at conferences including AltConf, iOSCon, dotSwift, SwiftConf and more."
"title": "次へつなごう— Extending a hand to the next generation of Apple developers",
"source": "youtube",
"videoId": "bMMWf-Dr7kY",
"details": "It’s never been a better time to start learning how to code. Technologies are evolving and growing every day, and with Apple’s recent advances in Swift and Swift playgrounds, Apple development has never been easier to try. However in the tech industry, there still exists a large gap between individuals trying to enter the industry as a Software Engineer, and the hiring demands of tech companies trying to fill their engineering roles. This talk will focus on this gap - the leaky bucket we see in the demographics of Software Engineers. We’ll talk about how we as Software Engineers can strengthen the existing Apple developer community by discussing how we can extend a hand to those trying to enter. This will involve topics such as sharing perpsectives from non-Software Engineers about the difficulties of breaking the barrier, as well as the unique opportunity that Swift and this Apple developer community can provide.",
"speaker": {
"name": "Mayuko Inoue",
"twitter": "",
"github": "",
"bio": "Mayuko is an iOS Engineer and the founder of helloMayuko, a youtube channel with over 200,000 subscribers aimed at helping make the tech industry feel more accessible to those trying to enter. She creates vlog-style videos about software development and other topics to demystify the life and career path of a Software Engineer. She is passionate about the creating products that help people, the creative arts, and boppin music."
"CodeMobile 2019": {
"talks": []
"App Builders Switzerland 2019": {
"talks": []
"NSSpain": {
"talks": []
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