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Created December 22, 2017 10:11
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Use the new tracking integration packages of Episerver

Use the new tracking integration packages of Episerver

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using EPiServer;
using EPiServer.Cms.Shell;
using EPiServer.Core;
using EPiServer.DataAbstraction;
using EPiServer.Personalization;
using EPiServer.ServiceLocation;
using EPiServer.Tracking.Core;
using EPiServer.Web;
using EPiServer.Web.Routing;
/// <summary>
/// Class CmsTrackingAttribute.
/// </summary>
/// <seealso cref="System.Web.Mvc.ActionFilterAttribute" />
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Event)]
public class CmsTrackingAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
/// <summary>
/// The context mode resolver
/// </summary>
private readonly Injected<IContextModeResolver> contextModeResolver;
/// <summary>
/// The route helper
/// </summary>
private readonly Injected<IContentRouteHelper> routeHelper;
/// <summary>
/// The tracking service
/// </summary>
private readonly Injected<ITrackingService> trackingService;
/// <summary>
/// The category repository
/// </summary>
private readonly Injected<CategoryRepository> categoryRepository;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CmsTrackingAttribute"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="trackingType">Type of the tracking.</param>
public CmsTrackingAttribute(string trackingType)
this.TrackingType = trackingType;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the type of the tracking.
/// </summary>
/// <value>The type of the tracking.</value>
protected string TrackingType { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Called by the ASP.NET MVC framework before the action method executes.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filterContext">The filter context.</param>
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
IContent content = this.routeHelper.Service.Content;
if (content == null || !this.PageIsInViewMode())
HttpContextBase httpContext = filterContext.HttpContext;
EPiServerProfile current = EPiServerProfile.Current;
UserData userData = new UserData { Name = current.UserName, Email = current.Email };
new TrackingData<CmsTrackingData>
EventType = this.TrackingType,
PageTitle = content.Name,
Value = content.ContentLink.ToString(),
PageUri = httpContext.Request.Url?.AbsoluteUri ?? string.Empty,
Payload = new CmsTrackingData
Name = content.Name,
ContentGuid = content.ContentGuid,
ContentLink = content.ContentLink,
ContentTypeID = content.ContentTypeID,
ParentLink = content.ParentLink,
Language = content.LanguageBranch(),
Categories = this.GetCategoryNames(content, "|")
User = userData
httpContext: httpContext);
base.OnActionExecuting(filterContext: filterContext);
/// <summary>
/// Pages the is in view mode.
/// </summary>
/// <returns><c>true</c> if XXXX, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
private bool PageIsInViewMode()
return this.contextModeResolver.Service.CurrentMode == ContextMode.Default;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the category names.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="content">The content.</param>
/// <param name="seperator">The seperator.</param>
/// <returns>Concatenated categories names.</returns>
private string GetCategoryNames(IContent content, string seperator = ", ")
ICategorizable categorizableContent = content as ICategorizable;
if (categorizableContent == null || categorizableContent.Category.Count < 1)
return string.Empty;
List<string> catNames = categorizableContent.Category.Select(catId => this.categoryRepository.Service.Get(catId).Name).ToList();
return string.Join(seperator, catNames);
using System;
using EPiServer.Core;
public class CmsTrackingData
public string Categories { get; set; }
public Guid ContentGuid { get; set; }
public ContentReference ContentLink { get; set; }
public int ContentTypeID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public ContentReference ParentLink { get; set; }
public string Language { get; set; }
public string Location { get; set; }
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Web;
using EPiServer.Forms.Helpers.Internal;
using EPiServer.Framework;
using EPiServer.Logging;
using EPiServer.ServiceLocation;
using EPiServer.Tracking.Core;
/// <summary>
/// Class LogTracker.
/// </summary>
/// <seealso cref="EPiServer.Tracking.Core.ITrackingAdapter" />
[ServiceConfiguration(ServiceType = typeof(ITrackingAdapter), Lifecycle = ServiceInstanceScope.Singleton)]
public class LogTracker : ITrackingAdapter
/// <summary>
/// The logger
/// </summary>
private readonly ILogger logger = LogManager.GetLogger();
/// <summary>
/// Tracks the specified tracking data.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TPayload">The type of the t payload.</typeparam>
/// <param name="trackingData">The tracking data.</param>
/// <param name="httpContext">The HTTP context.</param>
/// <returns>The tracking task.</returns>
public Task Track<TPayload>(TrackingData<TPayload> trackingData, HttpContextBase httpContext)
Validator.ThrowIfNull(nameof(trackingData), value: trackingData);
this.logger.Log(level: Level.Debug, message: trackingData.ToJson());
Task<Task> task = Task.FromResult((Task)null);
return task;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Web;
using EPiServer.Personalization;
using EPiServer.ServiceLocation;
using EPiServer.Tracking.Core;
/// <summary>
/// Class LogTrackerDataInterceptor.
/// </summary>
/// <seealso cref="EPiServer.Tracking.Core.ITrackingDataInterceptor" />
[ServiceConfiguration(ServiceType = typeof(ITrackingDataInterceptor))]
public class LogTrackerDataInterceptor : ITrackingDataInterceptor
/// <summary>
/// The geo location provider
/// </summary>
private readonly GeolocationProviderBase geoLocationProvider;
/// <summary>
/// The HTTP context accessor
/// </summary>
private readonly ServiceAccessor<HttpContextBase> httpContextAccessor;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="LogTrackerDataInterceptor" /> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="httpContextAccessor">The HTTP context accessor.</param>
/// <param name="geoLocationProvider">The geo location provider.</param>
public LogTrackerDataInterceptor(
ServiceAccessor<HttpContextBase> httpContextAccessor,
GeolocationProviderBase geoLocationProvider)
this.httpContextAccessor = httpContextAccessor;
this.geoLocationProvider = geoLocationProvider;
this.SortOrder = 200;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the sort order.
/// </summary>
/// <value>The sort order.</value>
public int SortOrder { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Intercepts the specified tracking data.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TPayload">The type of the t payload.</typeparam>
/// <param name="trackingData">The tracking data.</param>
public void Intercept<TPayload>(TrackingData<TPayload> trackingData)
if (trackingData == null)
CmsTrackingData payload = trackingData.Payload as CmsTrackingData;
if (payload == null)
payload.Location = this.GetCurrentUsersLocation()?.CountryCode ?? string.Empty;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the current users location.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>IGeolocationResult.</returns>
private IGeolocationResult GetCurrentUsersLocation()
IPAddress ipAddress = this.GetUsersIp();
return ipAddress == null ? null : this.geoLocationProvider.Lookup(address: ipAddress);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the users ip.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>IPAddress.</returns>
private IPAddress GetUsersIp()
HttpContextBase httpContextBase = this.httpContextAccessor();
if (httpContextBase?.Request?.UserHostAddress == null)
return null;
IPAddress ipAddress;
if (!IPAddress.TryParse(ipString: httpContextBase.Request.UserHostAddress, address: out ipAddress))
return null;
if (ipAddress.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6)
ipAddress = Dns.GetHostEntry(address: ipAddress).AddressList
.First(x => x.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork);
return ipAddress;
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