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Created July 2, 2010 09:09
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A script creating a static dump of a Trac instance
set -x
test -f $pidfile && kill `cat $pidfile`
rsync -a --delete $src/ $dst
cd $dst
nice tracd -p $port -b localhost --single-env $dst \
--basic-auth="*",$dst/.htpasswd,$dst -d --pidfile=$pidfile || exit 1
sqlite3 db/trac.db "update permission set username = 'anonymous' where \
username = 'authenticated';" || exit 1
wget -r -k -l 3 -t 3 -X /changeset -X browser -X log http://localhost:$port
rm $target/wiki/{{Trac,Wiki}*,*action=*,*format=*,*version=*}
rm $target/{timeline\?*,ticket/*format=*,report/*{format=,USER=}*}
rm $target/query*format=*
kill `cat $pidfile` || exit 1
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