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Last active January 16, 2024 15:33
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  • Save jstgermain/10c928fb07a4d2edb70ecddc654d5356 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jstgermain/10c928fb07a4d2edb70ecddc654d5356 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Script to disable the iOS Simulator app from showing the "Do you want the application xxxx to accept incoming network connections?" pop-up every time the app is run
echo "> Enter password to temporarily shut firewall off"
sudo /usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw --setglobalstate off
echo "> Add Xcode as a firewall exception"
/usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw --add /Applications/
echo "> Add iOS Simulator as a firewall exception"
/usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw --add /Applications/
echo "> Re-enable firewall"
sudo /usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw --setglobalstate on
exit 0
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When running this script, you may need to chmod the file first. Save the file to your system under ~/

In terminal, run:

chmod u+x ~/

After that is complete, you should be able to run:


You will enter your password, and then you should see output similar to this.

Firewall is disabled. (State = 0)
> Add Xcode as a firewall exception
Application at path ( /Applications/ ) added to firewall 
> Add iOS Simulator as a firewall exception
Application at path ( /Applications/ ) added to firewall 
> Re-enable firewall
Firewall is enabled. (State = 1) 

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