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Created January 15, 2021 14:46
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A tool to run BASH shell scripts from Windows/DOS batch command scripts, without requiring .sh extension association configured.
@echo off
:: Caveats:
:: * bash.exe in the PATH is often "bogus" -- a few apps, chocolately installers in particular, install stripped-down
:: non-functional versions of bash.exe into the PATH just so they can glob files (making them equivalent to malware imo)
:: * No way to know where MSYS2 is installed, so impose a requirement that it be c:\msys64\
:: * GIT Bash usually sets up an sh_auto_file association that allows sh files to be run directly. But sometimes it's
:: missing from developers' installs, or has been incorrectly re-assigned to load sh scripts into text files.
:: favor git-bash ahead of MSYS2 bash as it generally integrates better with Windows.
:: ... and definitely integrates better with GIT/SVN
where git 2>NUL 1>NUL
if %errorlevel% == 0 (
FOR /F "tokens=* USEBACKQ" %%F IN (`where git`) DO (
SET git_path=%%F
if defined git_path (
call :dirname result "!git_path!"
set _bash_path=!result!\..\bin
:: fallback on MSYS2 bash at the fixed location...
if not defined _bash_path (
if EXIST c:\msys64\usr\bin\bash.exe (
set _bash_path=c:\msys64\usr\bin
if not defined _bash_path (
>&2 echo error: GIT bash was not found in the PATH.
>&2 echo Please install GIT bash and ensure GIT is added to the PATH.
exit /b 1
:: MSYS2 doesn't integrate with cmd shell the same way git-bash does. It needs some env setup:
if not defined git_path (
set MSYS2_PATH_TYPE=inherit
:: avoid environment pollution in subshell
set "git_path="
:: SHLVL is used by bash to decide if it should clear the screen after logout, which fails with an error on
:: jenkins since there is no terminal bound to the shell. This works around it while retaining support for
:: nested shell calls.
IF not defined SHLVL set SHLVL=0
set /a SHLVL+=1
"%_bash_path%\bash.exe" --login %*
exit /b %errorlevel%
:dirname <resultVar> <pathVar>
set "%~1=%~dp2"
exit /b
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