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import { Component, Input, forwardRef, OnInit, ChangeDetectionStrategy } from '@angular/core';
import { ControlValueAccessor, NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR, NG_VALIDATORS, Validators, FormControl } from '@angular/forms';
import { FormValidator, FormComponent } from '@formql/core';
selector: 'app-mortgage-schedule',
template: `<div id="chart-container" style="margin: 0px auto; width: 500px">
<canvas *ngIf="chartData && !noData" baseChart
<div *ngIf="noData">No Data</div>`,
providers: [
useExisting: forwardRef(() => AppFormQLMortgageScheduleComponent),
multi: true
useExisting: forwardRef(() => AppFormQLMortgageScheduleComponent),
multi: true
export class AppFormQLMortgageScheduleComponent implements OnInit, ControlValueAccessor {
static componentName = 'AppFormQLMortgageScheduleComponent';
static formQLComponent = true;
static validators = [
name: 'Required',
validator: Validators.required,
key: 'required'
@Input() field: FormComponent<any>;
@Input() formControl: FormControl;
public chartConfig: ChartConfiguration;
public chartData: any;
public noData = true;
public lineChartData: Array<LineChartData>;
public lineChartLabels: Array<any>;
public lineChartOptions: any = {
responsive: true
public mortgageAmountField: string;
public mortgageInterestRateField: string;
public mortgagePeriodField: string;
private _value: string;
constructor() {
ngOnInit() {
if (this.field && this.field.configuration) {
this.chartConfig = <ChartConfiguration>this.field.configuration;
if (this.chartConfig && this.chartConfig.ChartValueMap) {
this.mortgageAmountField = this.chartConfig.ChartValueMap[0];
this.mortgageInterestRateField = this.chartConfig.ChartValueMap[1];
this.mortgagePeriodField = this.chartConfig.ChartValueMap[2];
this.formControl.valueChanges.subscribe(val => {
drawGraph(val) {
this.chartData = [];
let mortgageAmount, mortgageInterestRate, mortgagePeriod = null;
if (val) {
if (val[this.mortgageAmountField])
mortgageAmount = val[this.mortgageAmountField];
if (val[this.mortgageInterestRateField])
mortgageInterestRate = val[this.mortgageInterestRateField];
if (val[this.mortgagePeriodField])
mortgagePeriod = val[this.mortgagePeriodField];
if (mortgageAmount != null && mortgageInterestRate != null && mortgagePeriod != null && mortgagePeriod < 100) {
this.paymentSchedule(mortgageAmount, mortgageInterestRate, mortgagePeriod);
this.noData = false;
} else
this.noData = true;
get value(): any {
return this._value;
set value(value: any) {
this._value = value;
writeValue(value: string): void {
if (value)
this._value = value;
registerOnChange(fn: any): void {}
registerOnTouched(fn: any): void { }
paymentSchedule(principal, interest, termInYears) {
if (this.lineChartLabels == null || (this.lineChartLabels && this.lineChartLabels.length !== termInYears)) {
this.lineChartLabels = [];
for (let t = 0; t < termInYears; t++)
this.lineChartData = [
{ data: new Array<number>(), label: 'Payment' },
{ data: new Array<number>(), label: 'Interest' },
{ data: new Array<number>(), label: 'Balance' },
const payments = [];
let yearCurrent = 0;
let principalRemaining = principal;
const interestRatePerYear = interest / 100;
const denominator = Math.pow(1 + interestRatePerYear, termInYears) - 1;
const amountPerPayment = Math.round
interestRatePerYear / denominator + interestRatePerYear
for (let t = 0; t < termInYears; t++) {
const interestThisPayment = Math.round
principalRemaining * interestRatePerYear
let principalThisPayment = amountPerPayment - interestThisPayment;
if (principalThisPayment > principalRemaining) {
principalThisPayment = principalRemaining;
principalRemaining -= principalThisPayment;
const payment = new Payment();
let acumulatedPrincipal = 0;
let acumulatedInterest = 0;
if (payments.length === 0) {
acumulatedPrincipal = principalThisPayment;
acumulatedInterest = acumulatedInterest;
payment.Principal = principalThisPayment;
payment.Interest = interestThisPayment;
payment.Year = yearCurrent;
payment.Balance = principalRemaining;
} else {
acumulatedPrincipal = principalThisPayment + payments[t - 1].Principal;;
acumulatedInterest = acumulatedInterest + payments[t - 1].Interest;
payment.Principal = principalThisPayment + payments[t - 1].Principal;
payment.Interest = interestThisPayment + payments[t - 1].Interest;
payment.Principal = principalThisPayment + payments[t - 1].Principal;
if (principalRemaining <= 0) {
export class ChartConfiguration {
public ChartLabels: Array<string>;
public ChartValueMap: Array<string>;
export class Payment {
public Principal: number;
public Interest: number;
public Year: number;
public Balance: number;
export class LineChartData {
public data: Array<number>;
public label: string;
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