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Created July 18, 2011 17:23
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#!/usr/bin/env coffee
# A useful little script to execute a shell command when another
# command exits successfully. Kind of like using && except the
# first command will keep executing until it returns successfully.
# My use case was starting up a local rails server. It takes ~15
# seconds and I have no indication of when it's ready besides manually
# polling lsof. So with this script I just do the following to start
# profiling my app when it's online.
# $ when lsof -i :3000 && ab -c10 -n100
spawn = require('child_process').spawn
sys = require 'sys'
prog = process.argv.slice(2, 3)[0]
args = process.argv.slice 3, process.argv.length
testProgram = (prog, args) ->
test = spawn prog, args
test.on 'exit', (code) ->
if code == 0
sys.print "\n"
process.exit 0
sys.print '.'
callback = -> testProgram prog, args
setTimeout callback, 1000
testProgram prog, args
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