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Created July 3, 2014 05:54
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import urllib, json, re
recipe_url = ''
profile_url = ''
s = urllib.urlopen(recipe_url + "/json" + str(profile_url and "?nutrientProfile=" + profile_url.split("/")[-1] or "")).read()
recipe = json.loads(s, 'iso-8859-15')
import pulp
#initialise the model
soylent_model = pulp.LpProblem('Soylent', pulp.LpMinimize)
# make a list of ingredients removing any non ascii characters
ingredients = [i["name"].encode('ascii', 'ignore') for i in recipe['ingredients']]
# create variable dict
x = pulp.LpVariable.dict('x_%s', ingredients, lowBound =0)
# calculate cost data
cost = dict(zip(ingredients, [i["container_size"] and float(i["item_cost"])/i["container_size"] or 0
for i in recipe['ingredients']]))
# set objective
soylent_model += sum([cost[i] * x[i] for i in ingredients])
# get nutrients values
nutrient_dict = dict([(n[:-4],{"min":recipe['nutrientTargets'][n[:-4]],"max":recipe['nutrientTargets'][n]})
for n in recipe['nutrientTargets'] if n.endswith('_max')])
nutrients = nutrient_dict.keys()
# calculate ingredient parameters
ingredient_parameters = {}
for n in nutrients:
ingredient_parameters[n] = dict(zip(ingredients, [i["serving"] and float(i[n])/i["serving"] or i[n] for i in recipe['ingredients']]))
# set constraints
for n in nutrients:
soylent_model += sum([ingredient_parameters[n][i]*x[i] for i in ingredients]) >= nutrient_dict[n]["min"]
if nutrient_dict[n]["max"]:
soylent_model += sum([ingredient_parameters[n][i]*x[i] for i in ingredients]) <= nutrient_dict[n]["max"]
# solve
# output status
# Note: if status isn't optimal the recipe won't be 100 percent and will have weird amounts
print "Status: ", pulp.LpStatus[soylent_model.status]
# output required amounts
for ingredient in ingredients:
cost_per_unit = x[ingredient].value()
print 'The amount of %s is %s units per batch'%(ingredient,
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