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Created February 26, 2010 14:51
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/* NOTE this file is autogenerated by Scalate : see */
package Application
object $_scalate_$index_ssp{
def $_scalate_$render($_scalate_$ Unit = {
val context:org.fusesource.scalate.DefaultRenderContext = ($_scalate_$_context.attributes.get("context") match {
case None => { throw new"context") }
case Some(null) => { throw new"context") }
case Some(value) => { value.asInstanceOf[org.fusesource.scalate.DefaultRenderContext] }
import context._;
val session:play.mvc.Scope.Session = ($_scalate_$_context.attributes.get("session") match {
case None => { throw new"session") }
case Some(null) => { throw new"session") }
case Some(value) => { value.asInstanceOf[play.mvc.Scope.Session] }
val request:play.mvc.Http.Request = ($_scalate_$_context.attributes.get("request") match {
case None => { throw new"request") }
case Some(null) => { throw new"request") }
case Some(value) => { value.asInstanceOf[play.mvc.Http.Request] }
val flash:play.mvc.Scope.Flash = ($_scalate_$_context.attributes.get("flash") match {
case None => { throw new"flash") }
case Some(null) => { throw new"flash") }
case Some(value) => { value.asInstanceOf[play.mvc.Scope.Flash] }
val params:play.mvc.Scope.Params = ($_scalate_$_context.attributes.get("params") match {
case None => { throw new"params") }
case Some(null) => { throw new"params") }
case Some(value) => { value.asInstanceOf[play.mvc.Scope.Params] }
val name:java.lang.String = ($_scalate_$_context.attributes.get("name") match {
case None => { throw new"name") }
case Some(null) => { throw new"name") }
case Some(value) => { value.asInstanceOf[java.lang.String] }
attributes("title") = "This is the custom title"
$_scalate_$_context << ( "\n<h1>Hello " );
$_scalate_$_context <<< name
$_scalate_$_context << ( "!!!!</h1>\n<p>request " );
$_scalate_$_context <<< request
$_scalate_$_context << ( "</p>\n<p>params " );
$_scalate_$_context <<< params
$_scalate_$_context << ( "</p>\n<p>flash " );
$_scalate_$_context <<< flash
$_scalate_$_context << ( "</p>\n<p>session " );
$_scalate_$_context <<< session
$_scalate_$_context << ( "</p>\n<p>" );
$_scalate_$_context << play.mvc.Tags.url("Application.index")
$_scalate_$_context << ( " </p>\n" );
class $_scalate_$index_ssp extends {
def render( Unit = $_scalate_$index_ssp.$_scalate_$render(context);
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