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James Strachan jstrachan

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import scala.util.parsing.combinator._
abstract class OutputLine {
def text: String
case class TextLine(text: String) extends OutputLine {}
case class LogLine(level: String, line: OutputLine) extends OutputLine {
class MyTemplates {
def cheese(arg1: Arg1, arg2: Arg2) : Unit
@templateDir("/foo/bar", ext=".ssp")
class MyTemplates {
Loading page: http://localhost:58592/ssp/renderObject.ssp
java.lang.InstantiationException: org.fusesource.scalate.sample.$_scalate_$Person_index_ssp
at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
at org.fusesource.scalate.TemplateEngine.createTemplate(TemplateEngine.scala:175)
at org.fusesource.scalate.TemplateEngine.preparePage(TemplateEngine.scala:163)
at org.fusesource.scalate.TemplateEngine.load(TemplateEngine.scala:79)
at org.fusesource.scalate.servlet.TemplateEngineServlet.service(TemplateEngineServlet.scala:46)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle(
value match {
case n: Node => out.print(n)
case s: Seq[Node] => for (n <- s) {out.print(n)}
case a => write(XmlEscape.escape(toString(a)))
/* NOTE this file is autogenerated by Scalate : see */
package Application
object $_scalate_$index_ssp{
def $_scalate_$render($_scalate_$ Unit = {
val context:org.fusesource.scalate.DefaultRenderContext = ($_scalate_$_context.attributes.get("context") match {
case None => { throw new"context") }
case Some(null) => { throw new"context") }
case Some(value) => { value.asInstanceOf[org.fusesource.scalate.DefaultRenderContext] }
public abstract class PersonFormModelSupport extends Composite {
FieldModel<Boolean> likesCheese = fieldOfType(Boolean.class).boundTo(someBean, "cheeseLover");
FieldModel<String> whyILikeCheese = fieldOfType(String.class).boundTo(someBean, "reasonForLi
<%@ val type: Class %>
\<%@ val it: ${type.getName%} %>
<% for (property <- introspect(type)) { %>
<table class="person">
<td class="value">
-@ import val it: Console
%h2 Scalate Console
%li create view
%li templates: #{templates}
%li resource: #{resource}
- if (templates != null)