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Created November 17, 2011 16:45
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integrate qu8k accelerometer data
import scipy as sp
from scipy import fft, ifft
from scipy.integrate import cumtrapz
from scipy.integrate import simps
import csv
from matplotlib import rc
fig_width_pt = 469.75
inch_per_pt = 1.0 / 72.27
figw = fig_width_pt * inch_per_pt
figh = (620.43 / 2.1) * inch_per_pt
fig_size = [figw, figh]
rc('figure', figsize=fig_size)
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
def fft_diff(y, L):
i = 1.0j
n = len(y)
k = sp.append(sp.array(range(0, n/2)), 0.0)
k = (2.0 * sp.pi / L) * sp.append(k , sp.array(range(-n/2+1,0)))
return(ifft(i * k * fft(y)).real)
def fft_int(y, x, L):
i = 1.0j
n = len(y)
k = sp.append(sp.array(range(0, n/2)), 0.0)
k = (2.0 * sp.pi / L) * sp.append(k , sp.array(range(-n/2+1,0)))
fy = fft(y)
y_int = -i * fy / k
y_int[0] = 0.0
y_int[n/2] = 0.0
return(ifft(y_int).real + (x*fy[0]/n).real)
def c_T(T):
gamma = 1.4
R = 1716.59
def c_alt(h):
T0 = 518.67 # R
theta = sp.ones(h.shape)
theta[h<278385.8] = 1.237723 - h[h<278385.8] / 472687.0
theta[h<232939.6] = 1.434843 - h[h<232939.6] / 337634.0
theta[h<167322.8] = 0.939268
theta[h<154199.5] = 0.482561 + h[h<154199.5] / 337634.0
theta[h<104986.9] = 0.682457 + h[h<104986.9] / 945374.0
theta[h<65616.8] = 0.751865
theta[h<36089.2] = 1.0 - h[h<36089.2] / 145442.0
reader = csv.reader(open("qu8k_ascent.csv","r"))
skiplines = 2
header = []
data = []
for i,row in enumerate(reader):
data.append([float(col) for col in row[0:len(row)-1]])
traj = sp.array(data)
traj = traj[0:traj.shape[0]-7,:]
traj[:,0] = traj[:,0] + 0.04
# acceleration in the frequency domain:
a_f = fft(traj[:,2])
v_fft = fft_int(traj[:,2], traj[:,0], max(traj[:,0])-min(traj[:,0]))
# set the initial condition to v=0, arbitrary constant of integration
v_fft = v_fft - v_fft[0]
d_fft = fft_int(v_fft, traj[:,0], max(traj[:,0])-min(traj[:,0]))
d_fft = d_fft - d_fft[0] + 3900.0 # black rock is at 3900 ft
mach_fft = v_fft / c_alt(d_fft)
v_trapz = sp.append(0.0, cumtrapz(traj[:,2], traj[:,0]))
fig = plt.figure()
plt.title(r'"Qu8k" at Black Rock, NV 30 Sept 2011')
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax1.plot(traj[:,0], traj[:,2]/1e3, 'r-', label="acceleration")
#ax1.plot(traj[:,0], traj[:,3], label="velocity, rectangular")
#ax1.plot(traj[:,0], v_trapz, label="velocity, trapezoidal")
ax1.plot(traj[:,0], v_fft/1e3, 'g-', label="velocity")
ax1.plot(traj[:,0], mach_fft, 'm-', label="Mach")
xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax = ax1.axis()
ax1.set_xlabel(r'time $(s)$')
ax1.set_ylabel(r'$kft/s$ or $kft/s/s$ or $M$')
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
ax2.plot(traj[:,0], d_fft/1e3, 'b-', label='altitude')
ax2.set_ylabel(r'altitude $(kft)$', color='b')
ax1.text(20,0.1,'accelerometer data:\n')
plt.title(r'difference from FFT-based integration')
plt.semilogy(traj[:,0], abs(traj[:,3]-v_fft), label=r'1st order (rectangular)')
plt.semilogy(traj[:,0], abs(v_trapz-v_fft), label=r'2nd order (trapezoidal)')
plt.ylabel(r'velocity magnitude $(ft/s)$')
plt.xlabel(r'time $(s)$')
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