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Last active May 31, 2018 08:00
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Setup user area for new GEM python packages

Instructions to set up a working user area

  • Determine the version of the package that you are using
  • Take the appropriate tar.gz file for the package (and any dependent packages if you are operating from a machine that does not have a system install of the packages, i.e., non GEM DAQ machine
  • Set up a python virtual environment in your working area:
virtualenv -p <python executable to use, e.g., python or python2.7> --system-site-packages /path/to/your/venv
. /path/to/your/venv/bin/activate
# with a python2.7 virtualenv
pip install -U importlib setuptools pip
# with a python2.6 virtualenv on slc6 default, uncomment the following line
# pip install -I importlib 'setuptools<39.2.0'  'pip<10.1.0'
# if installing the cmsgemos tarball, add --no-deps
pip install <gempython package>.tar.gz
# if pip/virtualenv fail, try with python -m pip, or python -m virtualenv

# set up the environment
export PATH=$VIRTUAL_ENV/lib/python*/site-packages/gempython/scripts:$PATH
export PATH=$VIRTUAL_ENV/lib/python*/site-packages/gempython/gemplotting/macros:$PATH

# create the mapping files
find $VIRTUAL_ENV/lib -type f -name -exec python {} \;
  • If you use this virtual environment inside a batch job, the location of the venv must be accessible inside the batch job, and you should only set up the environment in the job, after activateing the virtual environment
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