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Last active April 27, 2016 13:03
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def count_ones(n):
# How many ones are there in a numbers binary representation a.k.a. how many keywords are relevant to a sample
count = 0
while n != 0:
n &= n - 1
count += 1
return count
def compute_descendant_metric(y_true, y_pred, labels, ontology):
label_mapping = {lab: idx for idx, lab in enumerate(labels)} # a label -> index mapping
label_set = set(labels)
# Transform the y_true matrix
# it's a list of integers, where each integer keeps an information about which keywords are relevant to this sample
# if an integer has a one on the p position, that means that the label with index p is relevant
bit_sets = []
for i in xrange(len(y_true)):
bit_set = 0
for lab in compress(labels, y_true[i]):
desc = ontology.get_descendants_of_label(lab, filtered_by=label_set).keys()
for lab_no in [label_mapping[label] for label in desc]:
bit_set |= 1 << lab_no
y_true = bit_sets
y_true_size = [count_ones(i) for i in y_true] # keeps the sizes
# Fill up the priority queue
heap = []
for row in xrange(len(y_pred)):
for col in xrange(len(y_pred[0])):
heapq.heappush(heap, (-y_pred[row][col], row, col)) # we want to pop them out in order of confidence
# Transform the y_pred matrix
# the same representation as for the y_true matrix
y_pred = [0 for _ in xrange(len(y_pred))]
y_pred_size = [0 for _ in xrange(len(y_pred))]
precision_means, recall_means = [1], [0]
precision = np.ones(len(y_true))
recall = np.zeros(len(y_true))
while heap: # around 750 mln iterations
_, row, col = heapq.heappop(heap)
desc = ontology.get_descendants_of_label(labels[col], filtered_by=label_set).keys()
for lab_no in [label_mapping[lab] for lab in desc]:
new_lab = 1 << lab_no
if new_lab & y_pred[row] == 0:
y_pred[row] |= new_lab
y_pred_size[row] += 1
intersection_size = count_ones(y_true[row] & y_pred[row]) # this should be faster than hell
pred_size = y_pred_size[row]
true_size = y_true_size[row]
precision[row] = intersection_size / pred_size if pred_size else 1
recall[row] = intersection_size / true_size if true_size else 1
precision_means.append(np.mean(precision)) # this is the bottlenech
recall_means.append(np.mean(recall)) # we mean over 75k records on every iteration
return auc(recall_means, precision_means)
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