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Created January 20, 2021 19:36
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using System.Graphics;
using Xamarin.Forms;
using GColor = System.Graphics.Color;
namespace GraphicsControls
public enum AvatarSize
public static class AvatarSizeExtensions
public static int GetAvatarSize(this AvatarSize avatarSize)
switch (avatarSize)
case AvatarSize.Small:
return 48;
case AvatarSize.Large:
return 72;
case AvatarSize.XXLarge:
return 120;
public static int GetAvatarIndicatorSize(this AvatarSize avatarSize)
switch (avatarSize)
case AvatarSize.Small:
return 12;
case AvatarSize.Large:
return 20;
case AvatarSize.XXLarge:
return 36;
public static float GetAvatarIndicatorIconScale(this AvatarSize avatarSize)
switch (avatarSize)
case AvatarSize.Small:
return 1.0f;
case AvatarSize.Large:
return 1.5f;
case AvatarSize.XXLarge:
return 2.5f;
public static int GetInitialsFontSize(this AvatarSize avatarSize)
switch (avatarSize)
case AvatarSize.Small:
return 20;
case AvatarSize.Large:
return 28;
case AvatarSize.XXLarge:
return 42;
/// <summary>
/// Representing people in a consistent manner across different user interfaces helps with effortless communication.
/// Drawn Controls.
/// Cons:
/// - Need to draw everything taking into account sizes, colors, etc.
/// Pros:
/// - Only 1 native View with a Canvas. Good performance.
/// - Pixel perfect.
/// - Exactly same rendering in all the platforms.
/// - Write once, run everywhere.
/// </summary>
public class Persona : GraphicsView
public static readonly BindableProperty NameProperty =
BindableProperty.Create(nameof(Name), typeof(string), typeof(Persona), string.Empty);
public string Name
get { return (string)GetValue(NameProperty); }
set { SetValue(NameProperty, value); }
public static readonly BindableProperty AvatarSizeProperty =
BindableProperty.Create(nameof(AvatarSize), typeof(AvatarSize), typeof(Persona), AvatarSize.Small,
propertyChanged: OnAvatarSizeChanged);
static void OnAvatarSizeChanged(BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue)
(bindable as Persona)?.UpdateAvatarSize();
public AvatarSize AvatarSize
get { return (AvatarSize)GetValue(AvatarSizeProperty); }
set { SetValue(AvatarSizeProperty, value); }
public override void Load()
public override void Draw(ICanvas canvas, RectangleF dirtyRect)
base.Draw(canvas, dirtyRect);
DrawBackground(canvas, dirtyRect);
DrawIndicator(canvas, dirtyRect);
DrawInitials(canvas, dirtyRect);
void DrawBackground(ICanvas canvas, RectangleF dirtyRect)
canvas.FillColor = new GColor("#4967F5");
var x = dirtyRect.X;
var y = dirtyRect.Y;
var height = AvatarSize.GetAvatarSize();
var width = height;
canvas.FillEllipse(x, y, width, height);
public virtual void DrawIndicator(ICanvas canvas, RectangleF dirtyRect)
canvas.FillColor = new GColor("#FFFFFF");
var position = AvatarSize.GetAvatarSize() - AvatarSize.GetAvatarIndicatorSize();
var x = position;
var y = x;
var avatarIndicatorBorderHeight = AvatarSize.GetAvatarIndicatorSize();
var avatarIndicatorBorderWidth = avatarIndicatorBorderHeight;
canvas.FillEllipse(x, y, avatarIndicatorBorderWidth, avatarIndicatorBorderHeight);
var borderWidth = 4;
canvas.FillColor = new GColor("#6BB700");
var avatarSize = AvatarSize.GetAvatarIndicatorSize() - borderWidth;
var avatarIndicatorFillHeight = avatarSize;
var avatarIndicatorFillWidth = avatarIndicatorFillHeight;
canvas.FillEllipse(x + borderWidth / 2, y + borderWidth / 2, avatarIndicatorFillWidth, avatarIndicatorFillHeight);
var translateX = avatarSize / 4;
var translateY = avatarSize / 3;
canvas.Translate(x + translateX, y + translateY);
var scale = AvatarSize.GetAvatarIndicatorIconScale();
canvas.Scale(scale, scale);
var vBuilder = new PathBuilder();
var path =
"M6.13281 0.707031C6.24219 0.707031 6.34375 0.727865 6.4375 0.769531C6.53385 0.808594 6.61719 0.863281 6.6875 0.933594C6.75781 1.00391 6.8125 1.08724 6.85156 1.18359C6.89323 1.27734 6.91406 1.37891 6.91406 1.48828C6.91406 1.59245 6.89453 1.69271 6.85547 1.78906C6.81641 1.88542 6.76042 1.97005 6.6875 2.04297L3.58594 5.14844C3.51302 5.22135 3.42839 5.27865 3.33203 5.32031C3.23568 5.35938 3.13542 5.37891 3.03125 5.37891C2.92708 5.37891 2.82682 5.35938 2.73047 5.32031C2.63411 5.27865 2.54948 5.22135 2.47656 5.14844L1.0625 3.73438C0.989583 3.66146 0.932292 3.57682 0.890625 3.48047C0.851562 3.38411 0.832031 3.28385 0.832031 3.17969C0.832031 3.07031 0.852865 2.96875 0.894531 2.875C0.936198 2.77865 0.992188 2.69531 1.0625 2.625C1.13281 2.55469 1.21484 2.5 1.30859 2.46094C1.40495 2.41927 1.50781 2.39844 1.61719 2.39844C1.72135 2.39844 1.82161 2.41797 1.91797 2.45703C2.01432 2.49609 2.09896 2.55208 2.17188 2.625L3.03125 3.48438L5.57812 0.933594C5.65104 0.860677 5.73568 0.804688 5.83203 0.765625C5.92839 0.726562 6.02865 0.707031 6.13281 0.707031Z");
canvas.FillColor = Colors.White;
void DrawInitials(ICanvas canvas, RectangleF dirtyRect)
canvas.FontColor = new GColor(Fluent.Color.Foreground.White);
canvas.FontSize = AvatarSize.GetInitialsFontSize();
var height = AvatarSize.GetAvatarSize();
var width = height;
var initials = GetInitials(Name);
canvas.DrawString(initials, 0, 0, width, height, HorizontalAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment.Center);
void UpdateAvatarSize() => HeightRequest = WidthRequest = AvatarSize.GetAvatarSize();
string GetInitials(string text)
string result = string.Empty;
bool v = true;
for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
if (text[i] == ' ')
v = true;
else if (text[i] != ' ' && v)
result += text[i];
v = false;
return result;
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