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Last active July 18, 2020 13:16
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laa-fee-calculator pyenv setup

Setup fee calculator with pyenv

Setup pyenv globally

Create a virtual env

In fee calculator app root dir create a virtual env for a specific version of python (I am using 3.8.3, latest at time of writing), and give it a name.

$ cd .../laa-fee-calcultor
$ pyenv virtualenv 3.8.3 laa-fee-calculator

# confirm creation
$ pyenv versions

Acivate virtualenv and setup/install fee calculator inside it

$ pyenv activate laa-fee-calculator
$ pip install --upgrade setuptools pip wheel readline
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Default this dir to using that named environment

pyenv local laa-fee-calculator

this creates .python-version in the root of the app with the named virtualenv in it. This file is .gitignore'd

For this to work you will need to add this to your .bash_profile

eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"


# pyenv
$ pyenv activate laa-fee-calculator
$ pyenv versions
$ pyenv deactivate

# django related
$ ./ shell
$ ./ dbshell

# data related
$ ./ cleardata
$ ./ loadalldata
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