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Created October 9, 2012 17:38
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A category for retrieving objects from nested NSDictionaries
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface NSDictionary (JBSObjectForPath)
Returns the object from a nested `NSDictionary` at the given path, with path
components separated by a "/". For example, if you have the following
Then the path `@"foo/bar"` would return the `NSString` `@"foobar"`.
@param path A string path with compenents separated by a "/".
@return The object at the specified path.
- (id)objectForKeyPath:(NSString *)path;
@see objectForKeyPath:
@param path A string path with components separated by the specified separator.
@param separator A string that defines the components separator.
@return The object at the specified path.
- (id)objectForKeyPath:(NSString *)path withPathSeparator:(NSString *)separator;
#import "NSDictionary+JBSObjectForPath.h"
@implementation NSDictionary (JBSObjectForPath)
- (id)objectForKeyPath:(NSString *)path
return [self objectForKeyPath:path withPathSeparator:@"/"];
- (id)objectForKeyPath:(NSString *)path withPathSeparator:(NSString *)separator
NSCharacterSet *cset = [NSCharacterSet
if (!path || [path rangeOfCharacterFromSet:cset].location == NSNotFound) {
return nil;
NSArray *keys = [path componentsSeparatedByString:separator];
__block id (^getObject)();
getObject = ^id(NSArray *keypath, NSDictionary *dict) {
if ([keypath count] == 1) {
return [dict objectForKey:[keypath objectAtIndex:0]];
NSRange range;
range.location = 1;
range.length = [keypath count] - 1;
NSArray *ar = [keypath subarrayWithRange:range];
return getObject(ar, [dict objectForKey:[keypath objectAtIndex:0]]);
return getObject(keys, self);
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