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Last active January 28, 2021 01:24
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implementation of `merge_hierarchical` in Julia
import Colors
using DataStructures
using ImageSegmentation
using LightGraphs
using MetaGraphs
# idea from
function _weight_mean_color(data::MetaGraph, n1::Int, n2::Int)::Real
# Determine weight of an edge between n1 and n2
return Colors.colordiff(
get_prop(data, n1, :mean_color),
get_prop(data, n2, :mean_color)
function merge_nodes(g::MetaGraph, e::AbstractEdge)
src, dst = e.src, e.dst
clr = get_prop(g, dst, :total_color) + get_prop(g, src, :total_color)
npx = get_prop(g, dst, :pixel_count) + get_prop(g, src, :pixel_count)
set_prop!(g, dst, :total_color, clr)
set_prop!(g, dst, :pixel_count, npx)
set_prop!(g, dst, :mean_color, clr / npx)
set_prop!(g, dst, :labels, vcat(
get_prop(g, src, :labels),
get_prop(g, dst, :labels)
# Clear props on the now unused node src, to make its obsolescence clear.
clear_props!(g, src)
function make_new_edges(g::MetaGraph, e::AbstractEdge)::Array{Edge}
edges = []
edge_neighbors = union(Set(neighbors(g, e.src)), Set(neighbors(g, e.dst)))
for n in setdiff(edge_neighbors, e.src, e.dst)
edge = Edge(e.dst, n)
add_edge!(g, edge)
set_prop!(g, edge, :weight, _weight_mean_color(g, e.dst, n))
push!(edges, edge)
return edges
function invalidate_neighbors(g::MetaGraph, edge_heap::MutableBinaryHeap, e::AbstractEdge)
"""Invalidates the neighbors of e in the edge_heap. """
function invalidate(src, dst)
for n in setdiff(Set(neighbors(g, src)), dst)
edge = Edge(src, n)
h = get_prop(g, edge, :handle)
update!(edge_heap, h, (edge, false))
invalidate(e.src, e.dst)
invalidate(e.dst, e.src)
function seg_to_graph(seg::SegmentedImage)::MetaGraph
weight(i, j) = Colors.colordiff(segment_mean(seg, i), segment_mean(seg, j))
rag, _ = region_adjacency_graph(seg, weight)
g = MetaGraph(rag)
for v in vertices(rag)
set_prop!(g, v, :labels, [v])
set_prop!(g, v, :pixel_count, seg.segment_pixel_count[v])
set_prop!(g, v, :mean_color, seg.segment_means[v])
set_prop!(g, v, :total_color, seg.segment_means[v] * seg.segment_pixel_count[v])
for e in edges(rag)
set_prop!(g, Edge(e.src, e.dst), :weight, e.weight)
return g
function merge_hierarchical(seg::SegmentedImage, thresh::Number)::SegmentedImage
g = seg_to_graph(seg)
function weight(t::Tuple{Edge{Int64}, Bool})::Real
return has_prop(g, t[1], :weight) ? get_prop(g, t[1], :weight) : 0
edge_heap = MutableBinaryHeap{Tuple{Edge{Int64}, Bool}}(Base.By(weight), [])
sizehint!(edge_heap, 3 * length(edges(g))) # Overkill, or not enough?
for e in edges(g)
handle = push!(edge_heap, (e, true))
set_prop!(g, e, :handle, handle)
while !isempty(edge_heap) && weight(first(edge_heap)) < thresh
e, valid = pop!(edge_heap)
if valid
# Invalidate all edges touching this edge (heap removal would be expensive)
invalidate_neighbors(g, edge_heap, e)
# Merge the two nodes into one (this involves merging their props)
merge_nodes(g, e)
# Make new edges to the merged node
new_edges = make_new_edges(g, e)
# Remove edges to src.
# don't call rem_vertex!; it renumbers all vertices, causing chaos.
for n in collect(neighbors(g, e.src))
rem_edge!(g, e.src, n)
# Add new edges to heap.
for e in new_edges
handle = push!(edge_heap, (e, true))
set_prop!(g, e, :handle, handle)
return resegment(seg, g)
function merge_simple(seg::SegmentedImage, thresh::Real)::SegmentedImage
"""Simpler implementation of the same idea. No heap, runtime likely worse for large graphs"""
g = seg_to_graph(seg)
function min_edge(g, f)
es = collect(edges(g))
w, ix = findmin(map(f, es))
e = es[ix]
return w, e
weight = e -> get_prop(g, e, :weight)
w, e = min_edge(g, weight)
while w < thresh
merge_nodes(g, e)
make_new_edges(g, e)
for n in collect(neighbors(g, e.src))
rem_edge!(g, e.src, n)
w, e = min_edge(g, weight)
return resegment(seg, g)
function resegment(seg::SegmentedImage, g::MetaGraph)::SegmentedImage
"""Takes a segmentation and a region adjacency graph produced by merge_hierarchical
Produces a segmentation that corresponds to the graph.
remaining = collect(filter(v -> 0 < length(props(g, v)), vertices(g)))
px_labels = copy(seg.image_indexmap)
# Need to to do this in two passes to avoid re-using labels.
# first merge labels
for v in remaining
labels = get_prop(g, v, :labels)
for l in labels
if l != v
ix = findall(x -> x == l, px_labels)
px_labels[ix] .= v
means, px_counts = Dict{Int64, Colorant}(), Dict{Int64, Int64}()
for (i, v) in enumerate(remaining)
ix = findall(x -> x == v, px_labels)
px_labels[ix] .= i
means[i] = get_prop(g, v, :mean_color)
px_counts[i] = get_prop(g, v, :pixel_count)
labels = collect(1:length(remaining))
return SegmentedImage(px_labels, labels, means, px_counts)
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