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' Module : mdlEmployee
' Author : jsuo
' Date : 2013/11/01
' Purpose : [社員] のモデルクラス
' Note :
Option Explicit
'*** Instance Variable ***
Dim adoConnect_ As New hlpAdoConnect
Dim cn_ As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs_ As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim errorMessage_ As String
Dim id_ As String '社員ID
Dim fullName_ As String '社員氏名
'*** Const ***
Const TABLE_NAME As String = " 社員 "
' Procedure : id(Setter)
' Author : jsuo
' Date : 2013/11/01
' Purpose : 社員IDを代入
' Param : str 社員ID
Property Let id(ByVal str As String)
id_ = str
End Property
' Procedure : id(Getter)
' Author : jsuo
' Date : 2013/11/01
' Purpose : 社員IDを返す
Property Get id() As String
id = id_
End Property
' Procedure : fullName(Setter)
' Author : jsuo
' Date : 2013/11/01
' Purpose : 社員氏名を代入
' Param : str 社員氏名
' Note : 形式は「姓 名」
Property Let fullName(ByVal str As String)
fullName_ = str
End Property
' Procedure : fullName(Getter)
' Author : jsuo
' Date : 2013/11/01
' Purpose : 社員氏名を返す
Property Get fullName() As String
fullName = fullName_
End Property
' Procedure : DBコネクション(Setterのみ)
' Author : jsuo
' Date : 2013/11/01
' Purpose : DBコネクションを代入
' Param : cn コネクション
Property Set dbConnect(ByRef cn As ADODB.Connection)
Set cn_ = cn
End Property
' Procedure : errorMessage(Setter)
' Author : jsuo
' Date : 2013/11/01
' Purpose : エラーメッセージを代入
' Param : msg エラーメッセージ
Property Let errorMessage(ByVal msg As String)
errorMessage_ = msg & vbCrLf & errorMessage_
End Property
' Procedure : errorMessage(Getter)
' Author : jsuo
' Date : 2013/11/01
' Purpose : エラーメッセージを返す
Property Get errorMessage() As String
errorMessage = errorMessage_
End Property
' Procedure : Class_Initialize
' Author : jsuo
' Date : 2013/11/01
' Purpose : コンストラクタ
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
End Sub
' Procedure : Class_Terminate
' Author : jsuo
' Date : 2013/11/01
' Purpose : デストラクタ
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
On Error GoTo ErrHandle
If Not rs_ Is Nothing Then
If rs_.State <> adStateClosed Then rs_.Close
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox "ErrNum:" & Err.Number & " Descs:" & Err.Description, vbCritical, _
"Error: mdlEmployee#Class_Terminate()"
End Sub
' Procedure : findAll
' Author : jsuo
' Date : 2013/11/01
' Purpose : [社員] テーブルから全件を返す
' Param : recordsCount 取得したレコード件数
' Return : 社員モデルの配列
' Note : 前提条件として1件以上存在すること
Function findAll(Optional ByRef recordsCount As Long) As mdlEmployee()
Dim employee As mdlEmployee
Dim resultSet() As mdlEmployee
Dim sql As String
Dim i As Long
On Error GoTo ErrHandle
If cn_ Is Nothing Then
Set cn_ = adoConnect_.dbConnecttion
If adoConnect_.errorMessage <> "" Then
Me.errorMessage = adoConnect_.errorMessage
'TODO Err.raise
End If
End If
rs_.Open sql, cn_, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly
recordsCount = CLng(rs_.Fields("CNT").Value)
ReDim resultSet(recordsCount - 1)
sql = "SELECT " & _
"ID, 姓, 名 " & _
"FROM " & _
"ORDER BY " & _
rs_.Open sql, cn_, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly
Do Until rs_.EOF
Set employee = New mdlEmployee = rs_.Fields("ID").Value
employee.fullName = rs_.Fields("姓").Value & " " & rs_.Fields("名").Value
Set resultSet(i) = employee
i = i + 1
findAll = resultSet
GoTo Exit_
Me.errorMessage = "ErrNum:" & Err.Number & " Descs:" & Err.Description & " Source:" & Err.Source
End Function
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