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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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  • Save jsvd/f6ab54b5b4c8ed9537a8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jsvd/f6ab54b5b4c8ed9537a8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
C:\logstash>rake test:plugins
Using Accessor#strict_set for specs
Run options: exclude {:redis=>true, :socket=>true, :performance=>true, :couchdb=>true, :elasticsearch=>true, :elasticsearch_secure=>true, :broken=>true, :export_cypher=>true, :integration=>true}
An error occurred in an after(:all) hook.
Errno::EACCES: Permission denied - C:\Users\Jsvd\AppData\Local\Temp/studtmp-96c5e5f91268f62f56be88334792e26e64ea09e843c70b09ae376b9f71f8 occurred at org/jruby/ `unlink'
1) LogStash::Outputs::Graphite if fields_are_metrics => true when metrics_format => ... match all keys match the generated foo key
Failure/Error: expect(lines['']).to match(/^ 123.0 \d{10,}\n$/)
undefined method `match' for nil:NilClass
# ./rakelib/test.rake:7:in `run_rspec'
# ./rakelib/test.rake:19:in `(root)'
2) LogStash::Filters::Environment add a field from the environment "example" when processed
Failure/Error: pipeline.filter(e) {|new_event| results << new_event }
expected UTF-8 encoding for value=hello world, encoding=#<Encoding:Windows-1252>
# ./lib/logstash/event.rb:300:in `validate_value'
# (eval):42:in `initialize'
# (eval):38:in `initialize'
# ./lib/logstash/pipeline.rb:275:in `filter'
# ./rakelib/test.rake:7:in `run_rspec'
# ./rakelib/test.rake:19:in `(root)'
3) LogStash::Codecs::Multiline#decode using default UTF-8 charset should escape invalid sequences
Failure/Error: insist { tuple[0]["message"] } == "UTF-8"
Expected "UTF-8", but got "CP850"
# ./rakelib/test.rake:7:in `run_rspec'
# ./rakelib/test.rake:19:in `(root)'
4) LogStash::Codecs::JSONLines#decode processing weird binary blobs falls back to plain text and doesn't crash (LOGSTASH-1595)
Failure/Error: insist { event["message"].encoding.to_s } == "UTF-8"
Expected "UTF-8", but got "CP850"
# ./rakelib/test.rake:7:in `run_rspec'
# ./rakelib/test.rake:19:in `(root)'
5) inputs/file restarts at the sincedb value inputs
Failure/Error:, queue)
Expected "foo", but got "hello\r"
# ./rakelib/test.rake:7:in `run_rspec'
# ./rakelib/test.rake:19:in `(root)'
6) inputs/file can start at the beginning of an existing file inputs
Failure/Error:, queue)
Expected "hello", but got "hello\r"
# ./rakelib/test.rake:7:in `run_rspec'
# ./rakelib/test.rake:19:in `(root)'
7) inputs/file starts at the end of an existing file inputs
Failure/Error:, queue)
Expected "hello", but got "hello\r"
# ./rakelib/test.rake:7:in `run_rspec'
# ./rakelib/test.rake:19:in `(root)'
8) LogStash::Outputs::S3 when rotating the temporary file doesn't skip events
if using the size_file option
Failure/Error: do |temporary_directory|
Permission denied - C:\Users\Jsvd\AppData\Local\Temp/studtmp-76bcc99043cf85ef72156131200d9e252df41bcf810dcd197d946befa3a6/logstash-programmatic-access-test-object-1424443218
# ./rakelib/test.rake:7:in `run_rspec'
# ./rakelib/test.rake:19:in `(root)'
9) LogStash::Outputs::S3 when rotating the temporary file doesn't skip eventsif using the time_file option
Failure/Error: do |temporary_directory|
Permission denied - C:\Users\Jsvd\AppData\Local\Temp/studtmp-7aeb8987f9c9c3b58666961fd48917828ddc7ff45f0c0b9c9c29b9d9a368/logstash-programmatic-access-test-object-1424443252
# ./rakelib/test.rake:7:in `run_rspec'
# ./rakelib/test.rake:19:in `(root)'
10) LogStash::Outputs::S3#move_file_to_bucket should upload the file if the size > 0
Failure/Error: s3.move_file_to_bucket(tmp)
wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)
# ./rakelib/test.rake:7:in `run_rspec'
# ./rakelib/test.rake:19:in `(root)'
11) LogStash::Outputs::S3#move_file_to_bucket should not upload the file if the size of the file is zero
Failure/Error: s3.move_file_to_bucket(temp_file)
wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)
# ./rakelib/test.rake:7:in `run_rspec'
# ./rakelib/test.rake:19:in `(root)'
12) LogStash::Outputs::S3#register should create the tmp directory if it doesn
't exist
Failure/Error: FileUtils.rm_r(temporary_directory)
Permission denied - C:\Users\Jsvd\AppData\Local\Temp/temporary_directory-5f9fece59429c802f2e03a137f5ca5c5b54ce7bae1b1a47a636130565307/ls.s3.Jsvd-VAIO.2015-02-20T14.41.part0.txt
# ./rakelib/test.rake:7:in `run_rspec'
# ./rakelib/test.rake:19:in `(root)'
13) LogStash::Codecs::Cloudfront#extract_fields doesnt match if #Fields: is not at the beginning of the string
Failure/Error: str << "#Fields: date time x-edge-location c-ip x-event sc-bytes x-cf-status x-cf-client-id cs-uri-stem cs-uri-query c-referrer x-page-urlÔÇï c-user-agent x-sname x-sname-query x-file-ext x-sid\n"
""\xE2\x80\x8B"" from UTF-8 to CP850
# ./rakelib/test.rake:7:in `run_rspec'
# ./rakelib/test.rake:19:in `(root)'
14) LogStash::Codecs::Cloudfront#extract_fields doesn't return anything if wecan the fields list
Failure/Error: str << "#Fields: date time x-edge-location c-ip x-event sc-bytes x-cf-status x-cf-client-id cs-uri-stem cs-uri-query c-referrer x-page-urlÔÇï c-user-agent x-sname x-sname-query x-file-ext x-sid\n"
""\xE2\x80\x8B"" from UTF-8 to CP850
# ./rakelib/test.rake:7:in `run_rspec'
# ./rakelib/test.rake:19:in `(root)'
15) LogStash::Codecs::Cloudfront#extract_fields return a string with all the f
Failure/Error: str << "#Fields: date time x-edge-location c-ip x-event sc-bytes x-cf-status x-cf-client-id cs-uri-stem cs-uri-query c-referrer x-page-urlÔÇï c-user-agent x-sname x-sname-query x-file-ext x-sid\n"
""\xE2\x80\x8B"" from UTF-8 to CP850
# ./rakelib/test.rake:7:in `run_rspec'
# ./rakelib/test.rake:19:in `(root)'
16) LogStash::Codecs::Cloudfront#extract_version doesn't match if #Version isnot at the beginning of the string
Failure/Error: str << "#Fields: date time x-edge-location c-ip x-event sc-bytes x-cf-status x-cf-client-id cs-uri-stem cs-uri-query c-referrer x-page-urlÔÇï c-user-agent x-sname x-sname-query x-file-ext x-sid\n"
""\xE2\x80\x8B"" from UTF-8 to CP850
# ./rakelib/test.rake:7:in `run_rspec'
# ./rakelib/test.rake:19:in `(root)'
17) LogStash::Codecs::Cloudfront#extract_version doesn't return anything if version isnt matched
Failure/Error: str << "#Fields: date time x-edge-location c-ip x-event sc-bytes x-cf-status x-cf-client-id cs-uri-stem cs-uri-query c-referrer x-page-urlÔÇï c-user-agent x-sname x-sname-query x-file-ext x-sid\n"
""\xE2\x80\x8B"" from UTF-8 to CP850
# ./rakelib/test.rake:7:in `run_rspec'
# ./rakelib/test.rake:19:in `(root)'
18) LogStash::Codecs::Cloudfront#extract_version returns the version from a ma
tched string
Failure/Error: str << "#Fields: date time x-edge-location c-ip x-event sc-b
ytes x-cf-status x-cf-client-id cs-uri-stem cs-uri-query c-referrer x-page-urlÔÇ
ï c-user-agent x-sname x-sname-query x-file-ext x-sid\n"
""\xE2\x80\x8B"" from UTF-8 to CP850
# ./rakelib/test.rake:7:in `run_rspec'
# ./rakelib/test.rake:19:in `(root)'
19) LogStash::Codecs::Cloudfront#decode should create events from a gzip file
Failure/Error: str << "#Fields: date time x-edge-location c-ip x-event sc-b
ytes x-cf-status x-cf-client-id cs-uri-stem cs-uri-query c-referrer x-page-urlÔÇ
ï c-user-agent x-sname x-sname-query x-file-ext x-sid\n"
""\xE2\x80\x8B"" from UTF-8 to CP850
# ./rakelib/test.rake:7:in `run_rspec'
# ./rakelib/test.rake:19:in `(root)'
20) LogStash::Codecs::Cloudfront#decode should extract the metadata of the fil
Failure/Error: str << "#Fields: date time x-edge-location c-ip x-event sc-b
ytes x-cf-status x-cf-client-id cs-uri-stem cs-uri-query c-referrer x-page-urlÔÇ
ï c-user-agent x-sname x-sname-query x-file-ext x-sid\n"
""\xE2\x80\x8B"" from UTF-8 to CP850
# ./rakelib/test.rake:7:in `run_rspec'
# ./rakelib/test.rake:19:in `(root)'
21) inputs/pipe echo inputs
Failure/Error: pipeline =
Couldn't find any input plugin named 'pipe'. Are you sure this is correct
? Trying to load the pipe input plugin resulted in this error: undefined method
`Exception' for main:Object
# ./lib/logstash/plugin.rb:142:in `lookup'
# ./lib/logstash/plugin.rb:140:in `lookup'
# ./lib/logstash/pipeline.rb:270:in `plugin'
# (eval):7:in `initialize'
# ./lib/logstash/pipeline.rb:32:in `initialize'
# ./rakelib/test.rake:7:in `run_rspec'
# ./rakelib/test.rake:19:in `(root)'
22) inputs/pipe tail -f inputs
Failure/Error: pipeline =
Couldn't find any input plugin named 'pipe'. Are you sure this is correct
? Trying to load the pipe input plugin resulted in this error: undefined method
`Exception' for main:Object
# ./lib/logstash/plugin.rb:142:in `lookup'
# ./lib/logstash/plugin.rb:140:in `lookup'
# ./lib/logstash/pipeline.rb:270:in `plugin'
# (eval):7:in `initialize'
# ./lib/logstash/pipeline.rb:32:in `initialize'
# ./rakelib/test.rake:7:in `run_rspec'
# ./rakelib/test.rake:19:in `(root)'
23) LogStash::Codecs::GzipLines#decode should create events from a gzip file
Failure/Error: str << "2010-03-12 23:51:20 SEA4 connect
2014 OK bfd8a98bee0840d9b871b7f6ade9908f rtmp://shqshne4jdp4b6.cloudfroÔÇï key=value http:
// LNX%2010,0,
32,18 - - - -\n"
""\xE2\x80\x8B"" from UTF-8 to CP850
# ./rakelib/test.rake:7:in `run_rspec'
# ./rakelib/test.rake:19:in `(root)'
24) LogStash::Codecs::JSON#decode processing weird binary blobs falls back to
plain text and doesn't crash (LOGSTASH-1595)
Failure/Error: insist { event["message"].encoding.to_s } == "UTF-8"
Expected "UTF-8", but got "CP850"
# ./rakelib/test.rake:7:in `run_rspec'
# ./rakelib/test.rake:19:in `(root)'
25) LogStash::Codecs::Plain#decode using default UTF-8 charset should escape i
nvalid sequences
Failure/Error: insist { event["message"] } == "UTF-8"
Expected "UTF-8", but got "CP850"
# ./rakelib/test.rake:7:in `run_rspec'
# ./rakelib/test.rake:19:in `(root)'
26) LogStash::Codecs::Line#flush should convert charsets
Failure/Error: insist { event["message"].encoding } == Encoding::UTF_8
Expected #<Encoding:UTF-8>, but got #<Encoding:CP850>
# ./rakelib/test.rake:7:in `run_rspec'
# ./rakelib/test.rake:19:in `(root)'
27) inputs/gelf reads chunked gelf messages inputs
Failure/Error:, queue)
Expected 0 > 0
# ./rakelib/test.rake:7:in `run_rspec'
# ./rakelib/test.rake:19:in `(root)'
28) LogStash::Filters::Urldecode urldecode should replace invalid UTF-8 "{"message":"/a/sa/search?rgu=0;+%C3%BB%D3%D0%D5%D2%..." when processed
Failure/Error: pipeline.filter(e) {|new_event| results << new_event }
expected UTF-8 encoding for value=/a/sa/search?rgu=0;+\u00FB\xD3\xD0\xD5\u04B5\xBD=;+\xB7\xA2\xCB\xCD=, encoding=#<Encoding:CP850>
# ./lib/logstash/event.rb:300:in `validate_value'
# (eval):42:in `initialize'
# (eval):38:in `initialize'
# ./lib/logstash/pipeline.rb:275:in `filter'
# ./rakelib/test.rake:7:in `run_rspec'
# ./rakelib/test.rake:19:in `(root)'
29) LogStash::Inputs::S3#list_new_files should accepts a list of credentials for the aws-sdk, this is deprecated
Failure/Error: expect{ config.register }.not_to raise_error
expected no Exception, got #<Errno::ESRCH: No such process - C:\logstash\tmp\mybackup> with backtrace:
# ./rakelib/test.rake:7:in `run_rspec'
# ./rakelib/test.rake:19:in `(root)'
# ./rakelib/test.rake:7:in `run_rspec'
# ./rakelib/test.rake:19:in `(root)'
30) LogStash::Inputs::Tcp one message per connection inputs
Failure/Error:, queue)
execution expired
# ./rakelib/test.rake:7:in `run_rspec'
# ./rakelib/test.rake:19:in `(root)'
Finished in 3 minutes 34.2 seconds
585 examples, 30 failures
Failed examples:
rspec ./vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-output-graphite-0.1.5/spec/outputs
/graphite_spec.rb:133 # LogStash::Outputs::Graphite if fields_are_metrics => tru
e when metrics_format => ... match all keys match the generated foo key
rspec ./vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-devutils-0.0.8-java/lib/logstash/d
evutils/rspec/logstash_helpers.rb:51 # LogStash::Filters::Environment add a fiel
d from the environment "example" when processed
rspec ./vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-codec-multiline-0.1.5/spec/codecs/
multiline_spec.rb:98 # LogStash::Codecs::Multiline#decode using default UTF-8 ch
arset should escape invalid sequences
rspec ./vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-codec-json_lines-0.1.5/spec/codecs
/json_lines_spec.rb:49 # LogStash::Codecs::JSONLines#decode processing weird bin
ary blobs falls back to plain text and doesn't crash (LOGSTASH-1595)
rspec ./vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-devutils-0.0.8-java/lib/logstash/d
evutils/rspec/logstash_helpers.rb:56 # inputs/file restarts at the sincedb value
rspec ./vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-devutils-0.0.8-java/lib/logstash/d
evutils/rspec/logstash_helpers.rb:56 # inputs/file can start at the beginning of
an existing file inputs
rspec ./vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-devutils-0.0.8-java/lib/logstash/d
evutils/rspec/logstash_helpers.rb:56 # inputs/file starts at the end of an exist
ing file inputs
rspec ./vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-output-s3-0.1.4/spec/outputs/s3_sp
ec.rb:251 # LogStash::Outputs::S3 when rotating the temporary file doesn't skip
events if using the size_file option
rspec ./vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-output-s3-0.1.4/spec/outputs/s3_sp
ec.rb:285 # LogStash::Outputs::S3 when rotating the temporary file doesn't skip
events if using the time_file option
rspec ./vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-output-s3-0.1.4/spec/outputs/s3_sp
ec.rb:211 # LogStash::Outputs::S3#move_file_to_bucket should upload the file if
the size > 0
rspec ./vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-output-s3-0.1.4/spec/outputs/s3_sp
ec.rb:203 # LogStash::Outputs::S3#move_file_to_bucket should not upload the file
if the size of the file is zero
rspec ./vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-output-s3-0.1.4/spec/outputs/s3_sp
ec.rb:38 # LogStash::Outputs::S3#register should create the tmp directory if it
doesn't exist
rspec ./vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-codec-cloudfront-0.1.3/spec/codecs
/cloudfront_spec.rb:87 # LogStash::Codecs::Cloudfront#extract_fields doesnt matc
h if #Fields: is not at the beginning of the string
rspec ./vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-codec-cloudfront-0.1.3/spec/codecs
/cloudfront_spec.rb:82 # LogStash::Codecs::Cloudfront#extract_fields doesn't ret
urn anything if we can the fields list
rspec ./vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-codec-cloudfront-0.1.3/spec/codecs
/cloudfront_spec.rb:77 # LogStash::Codecs::Cloudfront#extract_fields return a st
ring with all the fields
rspec ./vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-codec-cloudfront-0.1.3/spec/codecs
/cloudfront_spec.rb:70 # LogStash::Codecs::Cloudfront#extract_version doesn't ma
tch if #Version is not at the beginning of the string
rspec ./vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-codec-cloudfront-0.1.3/spec/codecs
/cloudfront_spec.rb:65 # LogStash::Codecs::Cloudfront#extract_version doesn't re
turn anything if version isnt matched
rspec ./vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-codec-cloudfront-0.1.3/spec/codecs
/cloudfront_spec.rb:59 # LogStash::Codecs::Cloudfront#extract_version returns th
e version from a matched string
rspec ./vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-codec-cloudfront-0.1.3/spec/codecs
/cloudfront_spec.rb:36 # LogStash::Codecs::Cloudfront#decode should create event
s from a gzip file
rspec ./vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-codec-cloudfront-0.1.3/spec/codecs
/cloudfront_spec.rb:46 # LogStash::Codecs::Cloudfront#decode should extract the
metadata of the file
rspec ./vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-devutils-0.0.8-java/lib/logstash/d
evutils/rspec/logstash_helpers.rb:56 # inputs/pipe echo inputs
rspec ./vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-devutils-0.0.8-java/lib/logstash/d
evutils/rspec/logstash_helpers.rb:56 # inputs/pipe tail -f inputs
rspec ./vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-codec-gzip_lines-0.1.3/spec/codecs
/gzip_lines_spec.rb:33 # LogStash::Codecs::GzipLines#decode should create events
from a gzip file
rspec ./vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-codec-json-0.1.5/spec/codecs/json_
spec.rb:56 # LogStash::Codecs::JSON#decode processing weird binary blobs falls b
ack to plain text and doesn't crash (LOGSTASH-1595)
rspec ./vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-codec-plain-0.1.4/spec/codecs/plai
n_spec.rb:28 # LogStash::Codecs::Plain#decode using default UTF-8 charset should
escape invalid sequences
rspec ./vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-codec-line-0.1.4/spec/codecs/line_
spec.rb:54 # LogStash::Codecs::Line#flush should convert charsets
rspec ./vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-devutils-0.0.8-java/lib/logstash/d
evutils/rspec/logstash_helpers.rb:56 # inputs/gelf reads chunked gelf messages
rspec ./vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-devutils-0.0.8-java/lib/logstash/d
evutils/rspec/logstash_helpers.rb:51 # LogStash::Filters::Urldecode urldecode sh
ould replace invalid UTF-8 "{"message":"/a/sa/search?rgu=0;+%C3%BB%D3%D0%D5%D2%.
.." when processed
rspec ./vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-input-s3-0.1.3/spec/inputs/s3_spec
.rb:135 # LogStash::Inputs::S3#list_new_files should accepts a list of credentia
ls for the aws-sdk, this is deprecated
rspec ./vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-devutils-0.0.8-java/lib/logstash/d
evutils/rspec/logstash_helpers.rb:56 # LogStash::Inputs::Tcp one message per con
nection inputs
Randomized with seed 4983
1) LogStash::Outputs::Graphite if fields_are_metrics => true when metrics_form
at => ... match all keys match the generated bar key
Failure/Error: expect(lines['']).to match(/^ 42.0 \d{10,}\n$/)
undefined method `match' for nil:NilClass
# C:\logstash\lib\logstash\runner.rb:58:in `run'
# C:\logstash\lib\logstash\runner.rb:113:in `run'
# C:\logstash\lib\logstash\runner.rb:171:in `run'
2) LogStash::Outputs::Graphite if fields_are_metrics => true when metrics_form
at => ... match one key generate one element
Failure/Error: expect(server.size).to eq(1)
expected: 1
got: 0
(compared using ==)
# C:\logstash\lib\logstash\runner.rb:58:in `run'
# C:\logstash\lib\logstash\runner.rb:113:in `run'
# C:\logstash\lib\logstash\runner.rb:171:in `run'
3) LogStash::Outputs::S3#register should create the tmp directory if it doesn'
t exist
Failure/Error: FileUtils.rm_r(temporary_directory)
Permission denied - C:\Users\Jsvd\AppData\Local\Temp/temporary_directory-
# C:\logstash\lib\logstash\runner.rb:58:in `run'
# C:\logstash\lib\logstash\runner.rb:113:in `run'
# C:\logstash\lib\logstash\runner.rb:171:in `run'
4) LogStash::Outputs::S3#move_file_to_bucket should not upload the file if the
size of the file is zero
Failure/Error: s3.move_file_to_bucket(temp_file)
wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)
# C:\logstash\lib\logstash\runner.rb:58:in `run'
# C:\logstash\lib\logstash\runner.rb:113:in `run'
# C:\logstash\lib\logstash\runner.rb:171:in `run'
5) LogStash::Outputs::S3#move_file_to_bucket should upload the file if the siz
e > 0
Failure/Error: s3.move_file_to_bucket(tmp)
wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)
# C:\logstash\lib\logstash\runner.rb:58:in `run'
# C:\logstash\lib\logstash\runner.rb:113:in `run'
# C:\logstash\lib\logstash\runner.rb:171:in `run'
6) inputs/gelf reads chunked gelf messages inputs
Failure/Error:, queue)
Expected 0 > 0
# C:\logstash\lib\logstash\runner.rb:58:in `run'
# C:\logstash\lib\logstash\runner.rb:113:in `run'
# C:\logstash\lib\logstash\runner.rb:171:in `run'
7) LogStash::Inputs::S3#list_new_files should accepts a list of credentials fo
r the aws-sdk, this is deprecated
Failure/Error: expect{ config.register }.not_to raise_error
expected no Exception, got #<Errno::ESRCH: No such process - C:\logstash\
tmp\mybackup> with backtrace:
# C:\logstash\lib\logstash\runner.rb:58:in `run'
# C:\logstash\lib\logstash\runner.rb:113:in `run'
# C:\logstash\lib\logstash\runner.rb:171:in `run'
# C:\logstash\lib\logstash\runner.rb:58:in `run'
# C:\logstash\lib\logstash\runner.rb:113:in `run'
# C:\logstash\lib\logstash\runner.rb:171:in `run'
8) inputs/file can start at the beginning of an existing file inputs
Failure/Error:, queue)
Expected "hello", but got "hello\r"
# C:\logstash\lib\logstash\runner.rb:58:in `run'
# C:\logstash\lib\logstash\runner.rb:113:in `run'
# C:\logstash\lib\logstash\runner.rb:171:in `run'
9) inputs/file restarts at the sincedb value inputs
Failure/Error:, queue)
Expected "foo", but got "hello\r"
# C:\logstash\lib\logstash\runner.rb:58:in `run'
# C:\logstash\lib\logstash\runner.rb:113:in `run'
# C:\logstash\lib\logstash\runner.rb:171:in `run'
10) inputs/file starts at the end of an existing file inputs
Failure/Error:, queue)
Expected "hello", but got "hello\r"
# C:\logstash\lib\logstash\runner.rb:58:in `run'
# C:\logstash\lib\logstash\runner.rb:113:in `run'
# C:\logstash\lib\logstash\runner.rb:171:in `run'
11) LogStash::Filters::Environment add a field from the environment "example"
when processed
Failure/Error: pipeline.filter(e) {|new_event| results << new_event }
expected UTF-8 encoding for value=hello world, encoding=#<Encoding:Window
# ./lib/logstash/event.rb:300:in `validate_value'
# (eval):42:in `initialize'
# (eval):38:in `initialize'
# ./lib/logstash/pipeline.rb:275:in `filter'
# C:\logstash\lib\logstash\runner.rb:58:in `run'
# C:\logstash\lib\logstash\runner.rb:113:in `run'
# C:\logstash\lib\logstash\runner.rb:171:in `run'
Finished in 1 minute 51.63 seconds
581 examples, 11 failures
Failed examples:
rspec ./vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-output-graphite-0.1.5/spec/outputs
/graphite_spec.rb:137 # LogStash::Outputs::Graphite if fields_are_metrics => tru
e when metrics_format => ... match all keys match the generated bar key
rspec ./vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-output-graphite-0.1.5/spec/outputs
/graphite_spec.rb:84 # LogStash::Outputs::Graphite if fields_are_metrics => true
when metrics_format => ... match one key generate one element
rspec ./vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-output-s3-0.1.4/spec/outputs/s3_sp
ec.rb:38 # LogStash::Outputs::S3#register should create the tmp directory if it
doesn't exist
rspec ./vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-output-s3-0.1.4/spec/outputs/s3_sp
ec.rb:203 # LogStash::Outputs::S3#move_file_to_bucket should not upload the file
if the size of the file is zero
rspec ./vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-output-s3-0.1.4/spec/outputs/s3_sp
ec.rb:211 # LogStash::Outputs::S3#move_file_to_bucket should upload the file if
the size > 0
rspec ./vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-devutils-0.0.8-java/lib/logstash/d
evutils/rspec/logstash_helpers.rb:56 # inputs/gelf reads chunked gelf messages
rspec ./vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-input-s3-0.1.3/spec/inputs/s3_spec
.rb:135 # LogStash::Inputs::S3#list_new_files should accepts a list of credentia
ls for the aws-sdk, this is deprecated
rspec ./vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-devutils-0.0.8-java/lib/logstash/d
evutils/rspec/logstash_helpers.rb:56 # inputs/file can start at the beginning of
an existing file inputs
rspec ./vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-devutils-0.0.8-java/lib/logstash/d
evutils/rspec/logstash_helpers.rb:56 # inputs/file restarts at the sincedb value
rspec ./vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-devutils-0.0.8-java/lib/logstash/d
evutils/rspec/logstash_helpers.rb:56 # inputs/file starts at the end of an exist
ing file inputs
rspec ./vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-devutils-0.0.8-java/lib/logstash/d
evutils/rspec/logstash_helpers.rb:51 # LogStash::Filters::Environment add a fiel
d from the environment "example" when processed
Randomized with seed 5040
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