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Created April 4, 2013 06:43
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Lambda calculus evaluator extended with some primitive values and operations. Recursion is achieved in the language using the y combinator.
import Debug.Trace
type Var = String
type Env = [(Var, Expr)]
data Expr = Var Var
| BoolConst Bool
| IntConst Int
| Mult Expr Expr
| Minus Expr Expr
| Equality Expr Expr
| Cond Expr Expr Expr
| Lambda Var Expr
| Apply Expr Expr
| Closure Env Var Expr
varLookup ((v,e):env) var = if var == v then
else (varLookup env var)
extend env v e = ((v,e):env)
eval env (Var v) = varLookup env v
eval env (IntConst i) = IntConst i
eval env (BoolConst b) = BoolConst b
eval env (Mult e0 e1) = IntConst (i0 * i1)
where (IntConst i0, IntConst i1) = (eval env e0, eval env e1)
eval env (Minus e0 e1) = IntConst (i0 - i1)
where (IntConst i0, IntConst i1) = (eval env e0, eval env e1)
eval env (Equality e0 e1) = BoolConst (i0 == i1)
where (IntConst i0, IntConst i1) = (eval env e0, eval env e1)
eval env (Lambda v e) = Closure env v e
eval env (Apply e0 e1) = apply (eval env e0) (eval env e1)
eval env (Cond e0 e1 e2) =
if b then
eval env e1
eval env e2
where BoolConst b = eval env e0
apply (Closure env v e0) e1 = eval (extend env v e1) e0
-- y combinator
yComb = (Lambda "t" (Apply
(Lambda "x"
(Apply (Var "t") (Apply (Var "x") (Var "x"))))
(Lambda "x"
(Apply (Var "t") (Apply (Var "x") (Var "x"))))))
-- factorial
factBody = (Cond (Equality (Var "n") (IntConst 1))
(IntConst 1)
(Mult (Var "n") (Apply (Var "f") (Minus (Var "n") (IntConst 1)))))
fact = (Lambda "f" (Lambda "n" (factBody)))
fact10 = eval [] (Apply (Apply yComb fact) (IntConst 10))
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