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Last active January 12, 2021 06:05
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My fish config
# ~/.config/fish/
# git/hub
abbr git hub
abbr gst 'hub status'
abbr gd 'hub diff'
abbr ga 'hub add'
abbr gc 'hub commit'
abbr gp 'hub push'
abbr gpb 'hub push -u origin (hub rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)'
abbr gl 'hub pull'
abbr gb 'hub branch'
abbr gco 'hub checkout'
abbr grbc 'hub rebase --continue'
abbr grba 'hub rebase --abort'
# k8s
abbr k 'kubectl'
abbr kgp 'kubectl get pods'
abbr kdp 'kubectl delete pod'
abbr kdesc 'kubectl describe pod'
abbr ksca 'kubectl config use-context arn:aws:eks:us-east-1:772788280252:cluster/sca-nonprod'
abbr kops1 'kubectl config use-context ops1'
abbr klogs 'kubectl logs --tail=500 -f'
# docker-compose
abbr dcup 'docker-compose up -d'
abbr dcdown 'docker-compose down'
abbr dclogs 'docker-compose logs -f'
abbr dcexec 'docker-compose exec' # <container-name> <command>
abbr dcps 'docker-compose ps'
abbr vim 'nvim'
set -gx PATH $HOME/bin $PATH
source ~/.asdf/
# opam configuration
source /Users/yo/.opam/opam-init/ > /dev/null 2> /dev/null; or true
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