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Created February 25, 2013 00:26
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  • Save jszwedko/5026451 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jszwedko/5026451 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Playing around with the ideas from Hoare's "A model for communicating sequential processes" (specifically section 10). Doesn't gracefully quit or do the print spooling thing. Run like: `go run multiprogrammed_batch_processing_system.go -readers 3 -printers 3 -processors 2 -job "3:3" -job "2" -job "1:1:1" -job "4:4:4:4:4:4" -job "5:5"`. See -h fo…
package main
import (
const (
EOF = "-99"
var (
NumCardReaders int
NumLinePrinters int
NumProcessors int
UserJobs Jobs
func Process(in chan string) chan string {
output := make(chan string)
go func() {
for {
input := <-in
time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(100) * 1000000)) //Do stuff
if input == EOF {
} else {
output <- input + "!"
return output
type Processor struct {
Id int
Readers chan *CardReader
Printers chan *LinePrinter
func NewProcessor(id int, cardReaders chan *CardReader, linePrinters chan *LinePrinter) *Processor {
me := &Processor{
Id: id,
Readers: cardReaders,
Printers: linePrinters,
go func() {
for {
var curCard string
var commandInput chan string
var commandOutput chan string
cardReader := <-me.Readers
linePrinter := <-me.Printers
curCard = <-cardReader.Output
if curCard == EOF {
cardReaders <- cardReader
linePrinters <- linePrinter
goto Cleanup //no work
commandInput = make(chan string)
commandOutput = Process(commandInput)
for {
select {
case output, ok := <-commandOutput:
if !ok {
cardReader.Finish <- true
goto Cleanup
linePrinter.Output <- fmt.Sprintf("P%d %s", me.Id, output)
case commandInput <- curCard:
curCard = <-cardReader.Output
cardReaders <- cardReader
linePrinters <- linePrinter
return me
type CardReader struct {
Id int
Cards chan string //This should really be a queue
Finish chan bool
Output chan string
func NewCardReader(id, buffer int) *CardReader {
me := &CardReader{
Id: id,
Cards: make(chan string, buffer),
Finish: make(chan bool),
Output: make(chan string),
go func() {
curCard, open := <-me.Cards
for {
if !open {
me.Output <- EOF
if curCard != EOF {
curCard = fmt.Sprintf("R%d %s", me.Id, curCard)
select {
case me.Output <- curCard:
if curCard != EOF {
curCard, open = <-me.Cards
case <-me.Finish:
curCard, open = <-me.Cards
return me
type LinePrinter struct {
Id int
Output chan string
func NewLinePrinter(id int) *LinePrinter {
me := &LinePrinter{
Id: id,
Output: make(chan string),
go func() {
for {
fmt.Printf("L%d %s\n", me.Id, <-me.Output)
return me
type Job struct {
Cards []string
type Jobs []*Job
func (me *Jobs) String() string {
return ""
func (me *Jobs) Set(value string) error {
parts := strings.Split(value, ":")
job := &Job{
Cards: parts,
*me = append(*me, job)
return nil
func init() {
flag.IntVar(&NumCardReaders, "readers", 1, "Number of card readers")
flag.IntVar(&NumLinePrinters, "printers", 1, "Number of line printers")
flag.IntVar(&NumProcessors, "processors", 1, "Number of processors")
flag.Var(&UserJobs, "job", "Job specified as list of : seperated values (don't use -99 ;) )")
func main() {
cardReaders := make(chan *CardReader, NumCardReaders)
linePrinters := make(chan *LinePrinter, NumLinePrinters)
processors := make([]*Processor, NumProcessors)
quit := make(chan int)
for i := 0; i < NumCardReaders; i++ {
cardReaders <- NewCardReader(i, 10000)
//Place cards in card reader
for _, job := range UserJobs {
cardReader := <-cardReaders
for _, card := range job.Cards {
cardReader.Cards <- card
cardReader.Cards <- EOF
cardReaders <- cardReader
//Close card reader queues
for i := 0; i < NumCardReaders; i++ {
cardReader := <-cardReaders
cardReaders <- cardReader
for i := 0; i < cap(linePrinters); i++ {
linePrinters <- NewLinePrinter(i)
for i := 0; i < len(processors); i++ {
processors[i] = NewProcessor(i, cardReaders, linePrinters)
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It's a dumb little detail, but now that this has broken out of the playground it could likely use a rand.Seed(...) :trollface:

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