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Last active May 18, 2018 13:15
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IBM Blockchain Platform notes

Starter plan

Trying to get starter plan to work using the Composer playgound...

  1. Eventually found this bit of doc which seems like a start:

  2. Viewing the raw JSON and creating a business network card in the playground should work

  3. Fail! Going to need to actually follow the very long instructions and use the cli to create a card! (Just give me a button!)

  4. So, using containers is 'fun'...

docker volume create --driver local --opt type=tmpfs --opt device=tmpfs --opt o=size=100m,uid=1000 composer-volume

docker run -it --rm -v composer-volume:/home/composer/.composer -v ${PWD}:/tmp/hostdir composer-cli card create -f /tmp/hostdir/ca.card -p /tmp/hostdir/starter.json -u admin -s <enroll>

  1. Funky named volumes didn't actually work to keep the card data between runs. Maybe tmpfs is too temporary. Plan B...

docker run -it --rm -v ${PWD}/composer-data:/home/composer/.composer -v ${PWD}:/home/composer/hostdir composer-cli card import -f ./hostdir/ca.card -c ca

docker run -it --rm -v ${PWD}/composer-data:/home/composer/.composer -v ${PWD}:/home/composer/hostdir composer-cli card list

docker run -it --rm -v ${PWD}/composer-data:/home/composer/.composer -v ${PWD}:/home/composer/hostdir composer-cli identity request --card ca --path ./hostdir/credentials -u admin -s <enroll>

docker run -it --rm -v ${PWD}/composer-data:/home/composer/.composer -v ${PWD}:/home/composer/hostdir composer-cli card create -f ./hostdir/adminCard.card -p ./hostdir/starter.json -u admin -c ./hostdir/credentials/admin-pub.pem -k ./hostdir/credentials/admin-priv.pem --role PeerAdmin --role ChannelAdmin

  1. That should be enough to import in to the playground and deploy a new business network. In theory you would bind the new business network admin to an identity certificate and private key but: a) that doesn't work and b) the Starter Plan Fabric allows multiple enrollments (i.e. use the admin/secret from the downloaded connection profile json)!
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