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Created May 21, 2020 17:18
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import json
import shlex
import urllib
import urllib2
import slack
import boto3
import re
from itertools import groupby
# Mapping CloudFormation status codes to colors for Slack message attachments
# Status codes from
'CREATE_FAILED': 'danger',
'DELETE_FAILED': 'danger',
'ROLLBACK_FAILED': 'danger',
# List of CloudFormation status that will trigger a call to `get_stack_summary_attachment`
# List of properties from ths SNS message that will be included in a Slack message
def lambda_handler(event, context):
message = event['Records'][0]['Sns']
sns_message = message['Message']
cf_message = dict(token.split('=', 1) for token in shlex.split(sns_message))
# ignore messages that do not pertain to the Stack as a whole
if not cf_message['ResourceType'] == 'AWS::CloudFormation::Stack':
message = get_stack_update_message(cf_message)
data = json.dumps(message)
req = urllib2.Request(slack.WEBHOOK, data, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
def get_tags_as_dict(tags):
"""Convert AWS tags array into a nicer format for use"""
return { i["Key"]: i["Value"] for i in tags }
def get_stack_update_message(cf_message):
attachments = [
if cf_message['ResourceStatus'] in DESCRIBE_STACK_STATUS:
stack_url = get_stack_url(cf_message['StackId'])
# Default to the incoming stack name
stack_name = cf_message['StackName']
# If we have a tags section, use that info
if cf_message['ResourceProperties'] and cf_message['ResourceProperties']['Tags']:
tags = get_tags_as_dict(cf_message['ResourceProperties']['Tags'])
if '' in tags:
stack_name = "{name} ({version})".format(
message = {
'icon_emoji': ':cloud:',
'username': 'cf-bot',
'text': 'Stack: {stack} has entered status: {status} <{link}|(view in web console)>'.format(
stack=stack_name status=cf_message['ResourceStatus'], link=stack_url),
'attachments': attachments
channel = get_channel(cf_message['StackName'])
if channel:
message['channel'] = channel
return message
def get_channel(stack_name):
default = slack.CHANNEL if hasattr(slack, 'CHANNEL') else None
if hasattr(slack, 'CUSTOM_CHANNELS'):
return slack.CUSTOM_CHANNELS.get(stack_name, default)
return default
def get_stack_update_attachment(cf_message):
title = 'Stack {stack} is now status {status}'.format(
return {
'fallback': title,
'title': title,
'fields': [{'title': k, 'value': v, 'short': True}
for k, v in cf_message.iteritems() if k in SNS_PROPERTIES_FOR_SLACK],
'color': STATUS_COLORS.get(cf_message['ResourceStatus'], '#000000'),
def get_stack_summary_attachment(stack_name):
client = boto3.client('cloudformation')
resources = client.describe_stack_resources(StackName=stack_name)
sorted_resources = sorted(resources['StackResources'], key=lambda res: res['ResourceType'])
grouped_resources = groupby(sorted_resources, lambda res: res['ResourceType'])
resource_count = {key: len(list(group)) for key, group in grouped_resources}
title = 'Breakdown of all {} resources'.format(len(resources['StackResources']))
return {
'fallback': title,
'title': title,
'fields': [{'title': 'Type {}'.format(k), 'value': 'Total {}'.format(v), 'short': True}
for k, v in resource_count.iteritems()]
def get_stack_region(stack_id):
regex = re.compile('arn:aws:cloudformation:(?P<region>[a-z]{2}-[a-z]{4,9}-[1-3]{1})')
return regex.match(stack_id).group('region')
def get_stack_url(stack_id):
region = get_stack_region(stack_id)
query = {
'filter': 'active',
'tab': 'events',
'stackId': stack_id
return ('https://{region}{region}#/stacks?{query}'
.format(region=region, query=urllib.urlencode(query)))
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