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Last active February 28, 2020 18:25
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Query I used to generate the spreadsheet for Kylee for the parent id cleanup
with changed_data as (
ah.created_by_id as edited_by_id,
ah.created_date as edited_date,
'Remind API User' as edited_by,
'Parent Account' as field_event,
ah.new_value as cur_value, -- for clarity we are reversing the change in the row we are looking at, so the new
ah.old_value as new_value -- value in the row is the value currently in SFDC, and the old is what we want after
from salesforce_ft.account_history ah
where ah.created_by_id = '0052J000008c1arQAA' -- only the remind API user
and ah.field = 'Parent' -- only changes to the parent field
and is_deleted = false -- rows that haven't been deleted from history
and len(ah.new_value) = 18 -- fun fact: the history table contains both the account id and the name change
and ah.new_value like '00%' -- as two separate entries, since I need the ids, restrict to just those.
accounts as (
select, a.dw_organization_id_c,, a.parent_id, a.is_deleted, a.owner_name_c
from salesforce_ft.account a
substring(c.account_id, 1, 15) as account_id, -- substring in redshift is 1 indexed, not 0
a_main.dw_organization_id_c as organization_id, as account_name,
a_main.owner_name_c as account_owner,
substring(c.cur_value, 1, 15) as current_value_parent_account_id, -- substring in redshift is 1 indexed, not 0 as current_value_parent_account, as new_value_parent_account,
substring(c.new_value, 1, 15) as new_value_parent_account_id, -- substring in redshift is 1 indexed, not 0
c.account_id as account_id_18_char,
c.cur_value as current_value_parent_id_18_char,
c.new_value as new_value_parent_id_18_char,
when lower(current_value_parent_account_id) = lower(new_value_parent_account_id) then 'Case Sensitive'
else ''
end as issue
from changed_data c
left outer join accounts a_main on c.account_id =
left outer join accounts a_cur on c.cur_value =
left outer join accounts a_new on c.new_value =
where nvl(a_main.is_deleted, false) = false
and nvl(a_cur.is_deleted, false) = false
and nvl(a_new.is_deleted, false) = false -- skip accounts where any have been deleted (just in case)
and a_main.parent_id = c.cur_value -- only keep rows that haven't changed since
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